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Deborah Obida's Reviews > Assassin's Quest

Assassin's Quest by Robin Hobb
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: adult, fantasy

What was that? I can't believe it ended this miserably, it would have been better if he died, I hate this book with passion, 900+ pages for this? 😠

It took me nearly three months to finish this book, I started Dec, 27th and finished on March, 20th, I read a total number of 26 books between the time it took for me to finish this book, it was not because it was overly long, it was just too frustrating and I refused to dnf it, they are like so many reasons why I loathe this book, its the worst ending to a series that I've read in my life. What annoyed me most about this book is that it has so much potential to have been good, if only the author have made it half its size and ended it well.

World building and Writing
In the previous books I really enjoyed this parts of the book but here Miss Hobb ruined that, the world building is still okay but the unneccessary explicit descriptions of things that are not important made it boring and annoying, not to mention the internal monologue, it was so frustrating, the dialogues were still great but was very few.

My favourite is still FitzChilvary, his life is just filled with sacrifice, misery and trauma. He was almost never happy, Nighteyes and The Fool tried but he is so depressesd, its a wonder he is not even suicidal, okay he is a bit, His family are the worst ever, it still surprises how he still moves on with his life, well he is stronger than a lot of people and he also has a big heart.

Verity disappointed me here, he asked too mich of Fitz, I know he loves him and all but it still doesn't change the fact, I know he'll do the same himself, but he has a choice and Fitz doesn't, I hate when he doesn't give Fitz a chance to choose.

Same goes for Kettricken, Chade and Burrick, how could they do that to him.

Molly don't deserve Fitz, I know he kept secrets and all but when he told her in the previous book, she believed he was lying, she even still thinks he lied to her despite all that has happened and the secret she kept from him, she choose for him just like the others.

Starling tried but just like the Fool said she did it for a song and position, I like that they became friends but the foundation was rocky.

Only the Fool and Nighteyes were there for him, and never asked too much of him, they instead sacrificed for him which is the true meaning of friendship.

The book started just where Royal Assassin ended, with Fitz trying to adjust to his life after the ordeal, those first few pages were amazing then everything went downhill, it was like Miss Hobb wanted to torture us, all that happened for the next 400 or so pages was Fitz travelling with Nighteyes and for the most part alone and brooding and trying not to get himself killed, all the females he met suddenly want to have sex with him, I kid you not. I know Fitz is handsome and all but he admitted that after that ordeal in the previous book and him been just on a meat diet he looled like crap, sometimes people thought he was a begger, so how is it that they still want to have sex with him?

After that annoying section of the book with just Fitz and his thoughts, he finally had company, The Fool changed things for the better and other fun characters too, but that again was ruined by Miss Hobb with that horrendous ending, I refuse to accept that as the ending to this series, things worked out for everyone except Fitz, would it have killed her to make him a tiny bit happy?

To make matters worse, everyone was happy at his expense, his sacrifice made it worthwhile and it hurts that none of them even thought of him, Am sure none will do that for him, they just kept taking from him without thinking of what he was loosing.
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Reading Progress

July 25, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
July 25, 2017 – Shelved
December 27, 2017 – Started Reading
December 27, 2017 – Shelved as: adult
December 27, 2017 – Shelved as: fantasy
December 27, 2017 –
page 109
11.38% "Where can I get a wolf as cool as Nighteyes?"
December 29, 2017 –
page 164
17.12% "I hope Fitz is not making a mistake by not staying to learn from the Old Blood."
December 29, 2017 –
page 245
25.57% "Once again Verity gives me another reason to love him."
January 24, 2018 –
page 274
28.6% "Now I know why Molly left, it finally makes sense."
February 27, 2018 –
page 372
38.83% "Finally a girl that doesn't want to have sex with Fitz, for now."
March 2, 2018 –
page 483
50.42% "So glad Nighteyes is back, I miss him more than FitzChilvary."
March 19, 2018 –
page 512
53.44% "Fitz reunion with The Fool is even more heartbreaking than that of Nighteyes."
March 19, 2018 –
page 578
60.33% "Kettricken and Chade are worse than King Shrewd, in a way I prefer Regal to them."
March 20, 2018 –
page 771
80.48% "Now I get why Starling is the way she is."
March 20, 2018 –
page 825
86.12% "I had no idea of what I want the reunion with Verity to be but it certainly was not this."
March 20, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Happy reading, Deborah!

Deborah Obida Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ wrote: "Happy reading, Deborah!"

Thanks dear.

message 3: by Hannah (new) - added it

Hannah this was the book where i decided i hated fitzchivalry so i would recommend a break. hes such a whiny boyman

Deborah Obida Hannah wrote: "this was the book where i decided i hated fitzchivalry so i would recommend a break. hes such a whiny boyman"

IKR! I don't hate him, hopefully I won't, but damn he sure is annoying. What they did to him was horrible I know, but instead of waiting for Verity he made a stupid decision and went after Regal himself. Then more stupid decisions. Its been 3 weeks since I opened this book, I'll just be reading a few pages from it in a week so as to make progress and focus on the other books that am reading.

message 5: by Hannah (new) - added it

Hannah well it's more that I find more characters more compelling than FitzChivalry, and I just remember him wandering around feeling sorry for himself in that book heh.

Deborah Obida Hannah wrote: "well it's more that I find more characters more compelling than FitzChivalry, and I just remember him wandering around feeling sorry for himself in that book heh."

The journey sure was spent with him self wallowing, i have to admit.

message 7: by Theresa (new)

Theresa Ijachi Great review! Sorry you didn't enjoy the ending.

Deborah Obida Tessy wrote: "Great review! Sorry you didn't enjoy the ending."

Thanks, will you still read the series?

MikMurphy the Spinecreaser Oh man, I hope I don't hate this one. You're the second person I've seen that despised the story lol.
Will you continue on with the others in the spin off series? Based on a friend's review, I'm excited about The Liveship Traders!

Deborah Obida MikMurphy wrote: "Oh man, I hope I don't hate this one. You're the second person I've seen that despised the story lol.
Will you continue on with the others in the spin off series? Based on a friend's review, I'm e..."

IKR! 90% of my GR friends that have read this hate it as well.
Yes I will read the spin off series, heard they are great.

message 11: by Megan (new) - added it

Megan I got whiplash from how fast it would snap from "Fitz is so thin and messed up looking that his closest friends don't recognize him and honest people either pity him or turn away" to "all the girls want him SO bad"

Deborah Obida Megan wrote: "I got whiplash from how fast it would snap from "Fitz is so thin and messed up looking that his closest friends don't recognize him and honest people either pity him or turn away" to "all the girls..."

🤣🤣🤣 Ikr! It's crazy.

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