OutlawPoet's Reviews > The Painted Queen
The Painted Queen (Amelia Peabody, #20)

***ARC received via Amazon Vine***
The first Elizabeth Peters novel I read was The Seventh Sinner (highly recommended if you haven’t read it). After reading it, I immediately went and read every book of hers I could find. Then, when I discovered she also wrote under the name Barbara Michaels, I read those. In fact, my very first review on Amazon way back in 1999 was for an Elizabeth Peters book! I loved them all.
But most of all, I found I loved her Amelia Peabody series.
When Ms. Peters (Michaels/Mertz) passed away in 2013, I was so saddened. Her books brought (and still continue to bring) such joy.
When given the opportunity to read The Painted Queen, I was excited…and worried. I’ve never read Joan Hess. Would she do the book and our beloved characters justice?
Oh, I’m so happy to say that she did - this is an Elizabeth Peters book! Within a few pages, I forgot my worries and was thoroughly enmeshed in an Egyptian Adventure! Amelia and her cutting wit (and equally dangerous parasol). Handsome Emerson (sigh). Nefret and Ramses and David and, of course, murder and mayhem and tombs (oh my!). Oh, and wondrous secrets from Ancient Egypt.
Hess does Peters justice!
While I’m very sorry that this is the last book we’ll read from a favorite author, I felt like this book was a little gift to her fans. And I think Ms. Peters would have been absolutely delighted with the end result.
And a quick note: you may want to skip the introductions and get right to the treasure of the story. Take the time to read them. They are by people who knew Ms. Mertz (Peters/Michaels) well. They’re funny, touching (have Kleenex), and will give you a chance to get to know your favorite author a little better. Hint: there’s a lot of Amelia in her!
And a quick note to Ms. Hess: Thank you for doing our Amelia and her author justice. This fan appreciates it!
The first Elizabeth Peters novel I read was The Seventh Sinner (highly recommended if you haven’t read it). After reading it, I immediately went and read every book of hers I could find. Then, when I discovered she also wrote under the name Barbara Michaels, I read those. In fact, my very first review on Amazon way back in 1999 was for an Elizabeth Peters book! I loved them all.
But most of all, I found I loved her Amelia Peabody series.
When Ms. Peters (Michaels/Mertz) passed away in 2013, I was so saddened. Her books brought (and still continue to bring) such joy.
When given the opportunity to read The Painted Queen, I was excited…and worried. I’ve never read Joan Hess. Would she do the book and our beloved characters justice?
Oh, I’m so happy to say that she did - this is an Elizabeth Peters book! Within a few pages, I forgot my worries and was thoroughly enmeshed in an Egyptian Adventure! Amelia and her cutting wit (and equally dangerous parasol). Handsome Emerson (sigh). Nefret and Ramses and David and, of course, murder and mayhem and tombs (oh my!). Oh, and wondrous secrets from Ancient Egypt.
Hess does Peters justice!
While I’m very sorry that this is the last book we’ll read from a favorite author, I felt like this book was a little gift to her fans. And I think Ms. Peters would have been absolutely delighted with the end result.
And a quick note: you may want to skip the introductions and get right to the treasure of the story. Take the time to read them. They are by people who knew Ms. Mertz (Peters/Michaels) well. They’re funny, touching (have Kleenex), and will give you a chance to get to know your favorite author a little better. Hint: there’s a lot of Amelia in her!
And a quick note to Ms. Hess: Thank you for doing our Amelia and her author justice. This fan appreciates it!
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