Heather Belleguelle's Reviews > Cat Killed A Rat

Cat Killed A Rat by ReGina Welling
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There are so many cozy mysteries out there that authors wishing to make theirs stand out need to come up with something quite original, and that is just what ReGina Welling and Erin Lynn have done. The setting for the Ponderosa Pines series is quite unique in that the story takes place in an eco-community where members of the town work together for the good of the environment and those living in it. I found the concept that residents would, for example, all take it in turns to work in the town vegetable plots and then anyone could take home the produce, really interesting.

It might all look good and lovely on the surface, but underneath human nature is still at work though, and the town handyman turns up dead. The mystery of how and why he died isn’t especially complex and unusual, but the authors have created some intriguing characters, both in the sleuths, Chloe and EV, and in the townspeople.

Personally, I found the story a little slow moving and the writing style a little ponderous, but I still enjoyed the experience of reading a book set in a context completely outside my sphere of experience. I’m sure that the authors will continue to develop the setting as well as the characters as the series continues. There is also the added carrot of possible romantic relationships for both Chloe and EV, and readers will be interested to see how and if both these progress. I would recommend this book to fans of cozy mysteries.
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April 14, 2017 – Shelved

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