Mildred's Reviews > Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World

Make Your Bed by William H. McRaven
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it was amazing
Read 2 times. Last read April 4, 2017.

Straight talk from a former Navy SEAL

There are many "self-help" books on the market that contain solid information. However, General McRaven's Make Your Bed comes across as refreshingly different from those books by well known self-help gurus like Dr. Phil or Tony Robbins mainly because the anecdotes he uses to illustrate his ten key points are gleaned from his experiences as a Navy SEAL. I read this little book in one sitting and plan to buy copies for my children. In a nutshell, McRaven says that life is tough, but meeting challenges with discipline, determination, a positive attitude and the support of others will most often lead an individual to a meaningful life that will inspire others.
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message 1: by Buster (new)

Buster I haven't found the book yet, but I now make my bed every day, and that simple act gets me thinking the right way, ie what must I do today, what are my priorities and goals.

I saw the author on Fox, and took his words to heart.

Added bonus: when it's time for bed, there's a nice tidy bed to climb into.

message 2: by Cori (new) - added it

Cori You sold me. I definitely am adding this to my reading list. I loved the speech he gave!

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