Nnedi's Reviews > The Night Masquerade

The Night Masquerade by Nnedi Okorafor
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(Review from the author)
it was amazing

Oh, you'll see. ;-)
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Finished Reading
March 11, 2017 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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Christina What, no spoilers? :D Impatiently anticipating this book!

Melissa I can't wait that long! ;-)

Steph :) so excited!

message 4: by Heloísa (new)

Heloísa <3 so looking forward to it! you're wonderful, Nnedi!

Jouke Jong Looking forward! I wonder, how did Himba people who read your books respond?

Natalie I can't wait!!! 2018 isn't coming fast enough..

Byrdie *jitter*

D.J. Sylvis So absolutely amazing! I just finished it and I'm overwhelmed. :)

Katie Marsh A perfect ending.

Sheree Stubblefield Loved this book/series! So many emotions. So many thoughts. The whole story reminds me of part of the first sentences of Dust Tracks on a Road: “I have memories within that came out of the material that went to make me. Time and place have had their say.” Can’t wait to read more. <3

message 11: by Juli (new) - rated it 5 stars

Juli Please, please--more Binti and Okwu!

Stacy Please continue this series!!! Thank you!

message 13: by Amber of the (new) - added it

Amber of the Island Oh I do! Reading it so slowly to make it last and last :)

Dylan Palmer More Binti, please!!!

message 15: by Haley (new) - rated it 1 star

Haley This ain’t it

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