kris's Reviews > Where's My Hero?

Where's My Hero? by Lisa Kleypas
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it was ok

Against the Odds, Lisa Kleypas
Lydia Craven likes math and because numbers says she won't find True Love, she ends up engaged to Lord Wray. This Upsets Dr. Jake Linley because of his engorged boners. When 'locked' in a wine cellar, they 'hash it out' and end up 'super in love'.

This was inoffensive if slightly undercooked. Because they were both Interested when they first met but didn't say anything, they start sniping at one another because of UST. Or something. And it's love. And Sara coordinates it between bouts with her husband. IDK. 2.5 stars.

Midsummer's Knight, Kinley MacGregor
Simon of Ravenswood aka The Wraith inadvertently starts a correspondence with Lady Kenna, cousin to the Crown of Scotland. Except she thinks he's Lord Stryker because assholes can't be bothered to sign more than an initial. So then a joust to determine who gets to marry Kenna! And finally True Love.

This was--something. I liked it even while railing against the writing. There's something about these medieval books that just rankles: how the characters feel like puppets and there's a lot of telling in place of development. All that and I still was routing for these two idiots, so 2 stars.

A Tale of Two Sisters, Julia Quinn
Ned Blydon, Viscount of Somewhere, is engaged to Lydia Thornton when he meets Charlotte Thornton and realizes that he's willing to pull an old switch-a-roo.

Julia Quinn is so much more delightful to me in small sips: her humor can highlight rather than attempt to carry the story, and her characters fit the small space well. That said, I was a bit weirded out by how explicitly this story called out the switch. Like, at one point, Ned imagines Lydia pregnant with his child. And then imagines Charlotte pregnant with his child. And RIGHT THERE IN THE TEXT it states how similar their features were, how easy it was for him to shift right on over to Charlotte. AND I WAS LIKE HELL NO BRO. 2 stars.
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