Lulai's Reviews > Shadow Run

Shadow Run by AdriAnne Strickland
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bookshelves: arc

--- I received this book through NetGalley against an honest review. ---

The book starts with a classical model of a science fiction book , the universe has been conquered by humans, the planets are more or less equal in resources, some are covered with ice, others with forest or stone. But what is interesting here is the story behind, we feel that there are centuries of History, that human specie has evolved. Speaking of society, this book is extremely modern on some points, the galaxy has a kind of emperor who is helped by advisers, these advisers share the planets and have well-defined boundaries. Each advisor has to prove it value and bring something or be forfeited, so we have a sort of Stock Exchange, with political and economic stakes such as our world today, the mix is ​​very successful and I liked it a lot.

In this book, we will follow Nev and Qole. They can not be more different, one grew in ease and wealth, the other fights every day to be profitable in her ship after losing her family. Their roads do not cross by chance, but in the presence of each other, they will realize the reality of things and that each person has his own problems. I liked them because they are honest and pure in some way aven if they know that live is not easy. Their interactions are also very fun to read, because my god both have sass.

For the plot, I liked it, I found that the background is a bit classic in the genre, but the universe offered many novelties. There is a lot of action overall no time to get bored. The only downside is that the heroine concentrated more on some of her emotions, whereas given the trouble situation she was in, the priority was not there. The end opens beautiful perspectives for our characters and seen the major extra plot offered by the authors, I look forward to reading the second tome to see where it goes. So it was a great reading for me and I'm sure the sequel will be as good or best.
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Reading Progress

December 13, 2016 – Shelved
December 13, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
December 13, 2016 – Shelved as: arc
February 7, 2017 – Started Reading
February 10, 2017 – Finished Reading

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