Candi~Dirty Laundry Review's Reviews > After We Fall

After We Fall by Melanie Harlow
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it was amazing

After I finish a book by Melanie Harlow, I fall more and more in love with her. I didn't think that was even possible. But it is. And do you know why?? Because she is one of the most talented and brilliant writers that I know. She takes real life issues — sad and heartbreaking situations — and turns them into something beautiful and meaningful. While still adding her signature Harlow humor.

We have two characters, Jack and Margot. Two beautiful souls wanting to break free of their pasts. Jack has many demons, he's suffered loss and pain and tragedy. My heart broke for him. So many times. But he always made my heart race. Jack is a starved man, wanting love, affection, comfort. It's been too long for any human to go without any of these things.

Margot has also suffered loss. Not the same as Jack, but still feels broken and is trying to find her way back. She is a strong and feisty lady, tired of being told how to act and behave. Thurber women are proper. And Margot has a whole lot of bad wanting to come out. And Jack and Margot together . . . are so damn hot!!

What will happen when the farmer and the city girl collide?? Will these two be able to teach each other new ways of living? Will they be able to keep their hands off each other? The saying "opposites attract" has never been more true than in After We Fall.

Melanie Harlow is one of my absolute favorite authors. I know when I open a books of hers, it will make me feel every single emotion. It's a smorgasbord of feelings!!! And she makes me laugh like no other. This book deserves all the stars!! It's a definite MUST READ!!
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November 27, 2016 – Shelved

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message 1: by Mia (new) - added it

Mia Davids I must read it!!

message 2: by Diane (new) - added it

Diane Silvia Sounds fantastic

message 3: by Sandi (new) - added it

Sandi Thompson I've got to get this book!

message 4: by Aschallert (new) - added it

Aschallert On my list ;)

message 6: by Mary (new) - added it

Mary Snow Great review! Can't wait to read it

Susan Melanie can do no wrong....everything she writes is gold!!

message 8: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Ward Need to read this

message 9: by Christie (new) - added it

Christie Kovar Awesome book!! Just finished ready it. Couldn't put it down once I started it!!!!

message 10: by Kimberly (new) - added it

Kimberly Siemer West I want this book. Sounds right up my alley.

message 11: by Donna (new) - added it

Donna Owens Awesome review

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