Maxwell's Reviews > In the Woods

In the Woods by Tana French
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bookshelves: ireland

A very well-constructed and impressive debut novel. I had a bittersweet moment near the end when I realized that my theory from near the start of the book was correct; happy to be right, but also a bit bummed that I had figured it out. It wasn't much of a twist for me, but I honestly don't know how I solved it so early on. Don't let that keep you from reading this book. There were still quite a few surprising moments that didn't deal directly with the mystery, and those were incredibly satisfying. It really is a great novel—a mystery with many layers, characters with depth, and beautiful writing. 4.5 stars
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Reading Progress

July 14, 2016 – Shelved
July 14, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
August 15, 2016 – Started Reading
August 15, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
August 15, 2016 – Shelved as: ireland
August 15, 2016 –
page 1
0.17% "I'm soooo excited to read this for Uncovered Book Club!"
August 15, 2016 –
page 5
0.84% "That prologue!! Wowww"
August 15, 2016 –
page 83
14.02% "I haven't been this instantly hooked on a book in a while."
August 15, 2016 –
page 130
21.96% "I didn't realize how long this book is."
August 16, 2016 –
40.0% "I think I have a theory already, but I hope I'm wrong. It's always more fun to be surprised."
August 17, 2016 –
53.0% "Things are getting interesting"
August 18, 2016 –
64.0% "Ok now I'm in deep. I wish I could just keep reading until I finished. But alas, I have work"
August 18, 2016 –
79.0% "Well that wasn't what I expected"
August 19, 2016 –
84.0% "I just want to know how it all ties together!!"
August 19, 2016 –
95.0% "Are you kidding me!?!"
August 19, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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message 1: by booknuts_ (new)

booknuts_ I have this book and have GOT to read it! great review!

message 2: by Teresa (new)

Teresa Hildebrandt 4.5 stars? I must add it to my list.

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