Kris McClanahan's Reviews > The Hunt for Atlantis

The Hunt for Atlantis by Andy McDermott
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it was ok

Reviews Of Unusual Size

Re: Nina Wilde, a... researcher, or professor, or something, thinks she knows where Atlantis is! But her college says Poo-Poo. Lucky for her, trillionaire Frost is very interested in finding it too, and sends her off, accompanied by the supposedly charming and mysterious Brit, Eddie Chase and overly talented Kari Frost. But Atlantis is being pursued by another hardcore rich dude and there may be more to Frost's interest than just uncovering a long lost civilization...

Outstanding: Action, action, action! Non-stop and often creative. The buildings of the Atlanteans are vividly described.

Unacceptable: The witty comments and charming barbs here fall totally flat, with comments about Eddie not being able to talk about doing something supposedly daring getting old really fast. And making clever references to films, only to have the exact thing happen 3 minutes later is.... Well, it's stupid, that's what.

Summary: I was really hoping for a book reminiscent of early James Rollins here and got a pale imitation. It took me forever to slog through it - and McDermott's constant use of the dash - like for every paragraph - got on my nerves. I'll check out his later books because he does have a way with a creative action scene and I love a good adventure novel, but this was a disappointment.

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May 16, 2011 – Shelved

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