CL's Reviews > Bobby Kennedy: The Making of a Liberal Icon

Bobby Kennedy by Larry Tye
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's review

it was amazing

Why are we obsessed with the Kennedy’s even all these years later and how is it that a family that has endured so much tragedy can still remain public figures even now. This book makes you wonder how much good Bobby Kennedy could have accomplished had he lived a long life and it shows how he became one of the people who tried to make a difference for those less fortunate and poverty stricken who could not always help themselves. He is one of those people I would love to see in politics today. The kind of person who would do what is needed for the greater good and not just for himself, at least that is the way I would see his life turning out had he been able to show the world what he was capable of. I would like to thank the Publisher and Net Galley for the chance to read this ARC.
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July 1, 2016 – Finished Reading

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