Kristi 's Reviews > Redemption: A Story of Sisterhood, Survival, and Finding Freedom Behind Bars

Redemption by Stacey Lannert
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bookshelves: first-reads

I'm so glad I read this book all the way through. The first half was very hard to read because it's the story of Stacey's abuse. I couldn't get to sleep for hours the first night I read it because it was so sad.

After Stacey was in prison, she was happier for a while because she was finally safe from her father. Even though she was in prison for 18 years, Stacey made the most of it. Stacey came to know God and learned about forgiveness; she taught classes and did volunteer work; she trained dogs for handicapped people; and she spoke out against abuse.

Stacey was finally released from prison, and she continues to find every way that she can to point out the symptoms of abuse and make sure that it doesn't happen to other young people. Her story of not only survival but making good out of a bad situation is inspirational.
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Reading Progress

May 14, 2011 – Shelved
May 14, 2011 – Shelved as: first-reads
May 15, 2011 – Started Reading
May 17, 2011 – Finished Reading

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Jakky Your review is glowing. So why only one star?

Myrna I had the same question Jakky

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