Christina's Reviews > The Lazarus Vault: a pacy, heart-thumping, race-against time thriller guaranteed to have you hooked…

The Lazarus Vault by Tom Harper
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it was ok

This book has two parallel story lines in alternating chapters: one in the current time and one taking place in the 12th century (or whatever century, all the same ancient). I find the ancient story really boring and unnecessary. I did find it difficult to follow, but maybe it's because I wasn't interested in that part of the book in the first place. The current time story is interesting and enjoyable, though I can't say I was hooked to it. I was motivated to finish this book so I could see why the ancient story is included, and to see its relation to the current time story. Maybe then it'll answer some questions. It didn't.
I remember sighing in disappointment whenever new chapter starts and I had to read the ancient story. I wish this book was only all about the current time story and that's about it, and then it wouldn't be so bad... but no. While this parallel of stories may appeal to some readers, I kinda felt cheated. It felt like as if I was buying gold which claimed and looked like gold but turned out to be 50% gold and 50% copper.
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January 1, 2011 – Finished Reading
May 12, 2011 – Shelved

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