Marcelo's Reviews > Wizardborn

Wizardborn by David Farland
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really liked it

This book clears the bad taste the previous one, Brotherhood of the Wolf, left in my mouth. It actually manages to avoid the curse of epic almost entirely: when it seems the story will begin to drag, the narrative starts its climb towards the climax.

Another staple of this series is back: caring characters that become important to the reader so quickly that the heart aches when something bad happens to them. Not that this is a tragic story, it's very uplifting as a matter of fact, but the tragic moments indeed brought a tear to my dulled, hardened eyes.

The only downside that I can point out is the apparent changes in description that David Farland does. I might be mistaken, but it seems that he described the Reavers differently in the previous two books, as he did the Green Woman (I was sure she was eight or nine feet tall in Brotherhood of the Wolf).

Perhaps Wizardborn is not better than the first book, The Sum of All Men, but as it doesn't have to explain the world to the reader, it has more "goodness" packed in its pages. I can barely wait to read the next one, The Lair of Bones, and see how this story ends!
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Reading Progress

May 2, 2011 – Started Reading
May 2, 2011 – Shelved
May 2, 2011 –
15.0% "Another very well written book by Farland. It's only the beginning, so the narrative is still very lively, and interesting events unfold. But I fear that, as the book progresses, it'll share the fate of all epics and turn dull and boring up until the last 50 pages."
May 4, 2011 –
60.0% "And the curse of the epic book runs in earnest! This book, at least, has a stronger narrative than the previous one, «Brotherhood of the Wolf». So, it's less of a drag by the middle (as all epics are). Farland's writing is even more compelling this time."
May 6, 2011 –
78.0% "The dull, nothing happens part was surprisingly short this time! I'm feeling that this book could end better than the previous one."
May 13, 2011 – Finished Reading
May 16, 2011 –
100.0% "Nice ending. So good that I'm jumping to the next one in the series right away."

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