Fafa's Book Corner's Reviews > The Lie Tree

The Lie Tree by Frances Hardinge
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it was ok

Review posted on Fafa's Book Corner !

Beware spoilers ahead!


I heard about this book through a GR friend's review. It sounded interesting and I was happy to see that it was coming in my library. Unfortunately I didn't like.

The book begins with Faith's family traveling. Faith's little brother asks why they are traveling and their mother says that it's for their father's work. When her brother mentions that they never needed to come for their father's traveling. Their mother responds that this is a vacation for them.

Their mother then tells Faith that she's happy that Faith hasn't asked any questions. Faith is bursting with questions. She has the same questions as her brother and more. But as a Lady she is not supposed to ask any questions just do as she is told.

Faith claims that her stomach is hurting and goes for a walk. Faith then takes an about turn and listens in on a conversation with her uncle and father. Her father mentions that he is not happy that he had to come here. Her uncle then replies that they didn't have a choice. The public believe that her father is a fraud and they would've all suffered.

The reason I didn't finish this is because I didn't feel anything. I didn't care that Faith's father was supposedly a cheat. I had no interest in continuing further. I've rated it 2 stars because the premise sounds interesting and the writing style was well done.

Overall I had no interest in this book. I still recommend it to fans of murder mystery with a hint of paranormal.
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Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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message 1: by Jen (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jen Blanch How far did you get? I'm near the end right now and it's gotten so good.

Brooke Brooks I agree, I couldn't finish this. I got 150 pages in and had to put it down. I wanted to like it so much. I was apprehensive about it being a children's book but it came recommended from an adult friend who loved it. Maybe it's because I am 13 years older than the main character, but I could not connect with this. I didn't connect with faith or the family dynamics. I hate putting books down unread, it puts a knot in my stomach. I read for fun as a hobby and past time and can't Bring myself to read something that I'm just not that interested in it ends up feeling like a chore instead of fun. I just could not get lost in the world that was painted here and felt myself putting the book down often and not wanting to pick it back up.

Hannah In my opinion it got interesting only in the final chapters. It was hard to get into. But the ending was good, and the final 10 or so chapters went by quickly.

Hannah Greendale (Hello, Bookworm) Oh no. Sorry you didn't like this one, Fafa. :(

Kelly Olds Absolutely agreed. But it started off so brilliantly. Weird.

message 6: by Fran (new) - added it

Fran Whitaker Me too! I got 179 pages in and just did not care… but I don’t know why!

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