Eyehavenofilter's Reviews > Baker's Magic

Baker's Magic by Diane Zahler
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really liked it
bookshelves: great-pretweens

Received this free from netgalley for a fair and honest review.
Again sped through this in one sitting.
A captivating tale in a land far away, for the young at heart and the adventurous of spirit. Cleverly written it keeps the reader entertained with enough twists and turns, and original characters, interwoven with some magic and Eco- lessons we all should take to heart.
Bee has set off on her own hungrier and dirtier than a junkyard dog, and gets snagged stealing from a talented Baker who decides to trade her cleaning skills for the stolen food. They partner up, he teaches her to bake, and they work their way up into the good graces of the royals, only to find out that all is not well with " the upper crust crowd."
Something unsettling is afoot within the musty old castle, and Busy Bee can't resist finding out what it is. With her new found friend Wil the apprentice blacksmith, she sets her sights on finding out why the only tree in this tiny kingdom is inside the castle walls and why when she gets angry, the nuffins she bakes puts everyone who eats them in a bad mood.
Magicians, kidnappings and Pirates, oh my? What's not to love?
What is really going on here?
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Reading Progress

January 27, 2016 – Started Reading
January 27, 2016 – Shelved
January 27, 2016 – Shelved as: great-pretweens
January 27, 2016 – Finished Reading

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