Tammy's Reviews > Evanescent Ink

Evanescent Ink by Sibylla Matilde
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it was amazing
bookshelves: beta-reads, arcs, 5-star

You’ve got the good life. You are in a band. You own your own tattoo shop. Your girlfriend brings other girls into your relationship. You are having the time of your life. Then, bam said girlfriend ends your relationship in the middle of your shop, in front of others and walks out.
Welcome to what just happened to Drew from Maggie.

A bottle of Tequila and a new phrase for life “Love Sucks” is now his new motto. Fortunately Raven finds him trying to tattoo his new phrase and steps in. After the tattoo gun is set down Raven helps him forget.

Raven, Drew’s employee and friend has had a secret crush on her employer since she moved into town several years ago. She is the black sheep of her family and knows what Drew is feeling as being cast aside for something new.

We start to see them become closer and closer but naturally you are just going to have to one-click this book so that you can see in detail what takes place.
There are many highs but several lows.

I loved these two and the exploration that they take in their new casual friendship. It was relaxed and just fitting. They did not have to try so hard to mesh together and enjoy themselves in anything that they were doing. It also helps that Drew’s bandmates and friends like Raven unlike Maggie. Maggie is very unlikable.

Each character brought something to the relationship whether a new experience (can we say Steampunk Irish Band) or a dark corner of their past. Through all of this you see their love for each other grow and grow. Sibylla did a wonderful read work with them. They were truly opposites in many ways but it just brought them together.

Tattoos, steampunk, history, tequila, out in public sex, dark family history, friends, connections, bit of drama, what happens next, friendship and more are in this read!

OH! Did I mention that there is a mention of Doctor Who? No, well there is and that made my Whovian heart love this book just a little more.


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Reading Progress

December 27, 2015 – Started Reading
December 27, 2015 – Shelved as: arcs
December 27, 2015 – Shelved as: beta-reads
December 27, 2015 – Shelved
December 30, 2015 – Shelved as: 5-star
December 30, 2015 – Finished Reading

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