Jessica's Reviews > Wildwood Dancing

Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier
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really liked it
bookshelves: fairytales

This was an amazing book. She weaves together several classical stories: the Twelve Dancing Princesses, Transylvanian vampire lore, and others (I wouldn't want to give any twists away by saying which ones), and does so seamlessly and without a feeling that she's cramming it all in. The characters were great, and I truly enjoyed seeing what twists and turns the story took. There were villains both in the "ordinary" world, and in the fairy kingdom, but also champions and sympathizers, often from unexpected places. I really liked that. The only reason why this doesn't get five stars is because I wanted a big showdown with the real world villain, and while he was confronted, I kept waiting for Jena to give him a piece of her mind and she never did. In fact, for a clever, opinionated girl, she was frustratingly lacking in good comebacks for this guy. I had a million and one things I wanted to shout at him, but she apparently didn't. Sigh. Still, the book was RIVETING.
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Finished Reading
February 7, 2008 – Shelved
March 2, 2008 – Shelved as: fairytales

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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Nikki I'm glad you enjoyed this. It's one of my favorite retellings.

Brooke I feel the same! I loved this book and as soon as I was finished suggested it to all of my friends and told the library at the school where I was working they HAD to have it in their collection. Nne of them have read it (as far as I know) yet, so it is lovely to hear someone else loved it as much as I did.

Stacey Just read this for book club and thought her mix of worlds was amazing. Thuroughly enjoyed it! I'm interested in reading the sequel.

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