Janet's Reviews > Just Kids

Just Kids by Patti Smith
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it was amazing

This book will be added to "The Art Spirit" as an essential volume on my writer's "behind the desk" bookshelf, the story of two baby artists and how they grew. There's an oddly innocent tone to this all--for instance, the sexual relationship between the two of them is never really discussed, only accepted--when Patti gets the clap, we understand it's from him, but this is not a kiss and tell memoir. It's an opportunity to walk a mile in Patti Smith's head, in a less coded and more factual way than in her music or poetry, but no less poetic for having been a lived life.

Patti Smith has always been my idea of an artist--that an artist is different from an intellectual. The artist's way of being in the world is not about mincing and dicing experience, but about allowing oneself to resonate with events, to be played by the texture of life, and seeing what one is naturally drawn to, and how that stimulates an artistic reaction. Her way and his way. I like the unselfconsciousness of this writing--in an odd way, unself-examining, a paradox in a memoir.

I have read the Patricia Morrisroe bio of Mapplethorpe--admittedly for the Patti Smith/Mapplethorpe material--and it's a revelation to read Patti's take on that time versus the reportage of people who had known them at the time. I love the layering of experience that way, as anyone who's read my work will know--the difference between the lived life and the way it looks from the outside. If it were someone else, I would even question the simplicity of the tale-tellling, the innocence portrayed, say, if it were Dylan or other more manipulative figures--but having listened to Patti Smith for 25 years, I believe this awkward innocent visionary quality. This is what we need, what I need, in our pathetic, overfacebooked, overstudied 2010s. More living, more art, more innocence, more faith, more poetry, more friendship, more acceptance.
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Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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message 1: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Edwards Such a beautiful review. Thank you.

message 2: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa Thanks for sharing!

message 3: by Christopher (new)

Christopher Janet, I love the introspection of your review, which dives into the differences the way artists and journalists write. It made me wonder how you and other writers, who are also artists, fit in. When you mentioned your novels as "the difference between the lived life and the way it looks from the outside," that made me ponder your novels and how writing from the first person forces the reader to see a life from the inside. POV is perhaps the biggest decision a novelist makes, and maybe that's why you select the first person, to channel you into living with the character from the inside. Your review also made me consider how we're all living life in "our pathetic, overfacebooked, overstudied 2010s." You've given me a lot to chew on when I wasn't expecting that from a short review. Thanks.

Charles Vinson Thanks for your insightful review. This just may be the best memoir I have read. I have always been aware of Patti, but she was someone on the peripheral of my musical and poetic awareness. After reading 'Just Kids' I went back and listened to her music and read her writings, and it is so great to discover her.

message 5: by Christopher (new)

Christopher Update: Janet, I bought the book and loved it. Although I'd read a positive review of it in the Los Angeles Times, I still didn't think I'd like a memoir by a musician that I didn't particularly know. It's as great as you said, and I've come to know and respect her.

message 6: by Darren (new) - added it

Darren Fantastic review. To say hearing "Horses" for the first time was a life changing experience, would be a vast understatement: it literally blew my mind. Never before had I heard a voice as visceral as hers, combined with the attitude, swagger and a healthy dose of irreverence for good measure. How modern music lacks a figure as courageous and unaffected as Patti. The poetess of rock, a true visionary, and an inspiration to all aspiring artists. Can't wait to read this.

Nancy I expected gritty, raw and uncomfortable content, but encountered refreshing innocence in this book. What a perfect conclusion to your review, " This is what we need, what I need, in our pathetic, overfacebooked, overstudied 2010s. More living, more art, more innocence, more faith, more poetry, more friendship, more acceptance."

message 8: by Jerry (new) - added it

Jerry Kendall what a fantastic review. Now I have to read this book. I wanted to read now I can't wait to to read this book.

message 9: by Siya (new)

Siya I like this book ok my name is Cecilia good bye and thank you again for your help today

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