Tanya's Reviews > The Loving Cup

The Loving Cup by Winston Graham
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2015-26-book-challenge, poldark

Cue TV detective music--"Dun Dun Duuuun!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61L6h... That was this book! No mines caving in or fortunes lost, but plenty of surprises of a milder nature.

Why are Clement Pope's last words "Whore"? Will Jeremy, Stephen, and Paul fall into George's trap and be caught for their robbery? Is there a woman capable of capturing Valentine's heart? Will the bloody wars ever end? Which of her suitors will Clowance choose?

There is still plenty of Ross and Demelza mining, gardening, politicking and loving. Still plenty of Warleggan scheming. But there is also Music Thomas and his clumsy attempts to woo the love of his life, Stephen Carrington and his shipping, and a Poldark's return to Trenwith (Geoffrey Charles still holds his childhood dream of hiring Drake to oversee the house). Of the "second generation" portion of this series, this has been my favorite so far.
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Quotes Tanya Liked

Winston Graham
“Making money at gambling was like seeing ghosts: you never met someone who'd seen a ghost, only someone who knew someone who'd seen a ghost. You only met people who knew people who'd made a fortune at White's. Or on the racecourse.”
Winston Graham, The Loving Cup

Reading Progress

October 7, 2015 – Started Reading
October 7, 2015 – Shelved
October 7, 2015 – Shelved as: 2015-26-book-challenge
October 19, 2015 –
page 384
64.43% "Book 1, chapter 12, section III, p. 173 "Making money at gambling was like seeing ghosts: you never met someone who'd seen a ghost, only someone who knew someone who'd seen a ghost. You only met people who knew people who'd made at fortune...""
October 22, 2015 – Finished Reading
November 17, 2015 – Shelved as: poldark

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