Yehia Nasser's Reviews > The Face of Another
The Face of Another
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“You don't need me. What you really need is a mirror. Because any stranger is for you simply a mirror in which to reflect yourself. I don't ever again want to return to such a desert of mirrors.”
― The Face of Another
― The Face of Another
“Still, the one who best understands the significance of light is not the electrician, not the painter, not the photographer, but the man who lost his sight in adulthood. There must be the wisdom of deficiency in deficiency, just as there is the wisdom of plenty in plenty.”
― The Face of Another
― The Face of Another
“Could having a face be such an important requirement? Was being seen the cost of the right to see?”
― The Face of Another
― The Face of Another
“No matter how many faces I have, there is no changing the fact that I am me.”
― The Face of Another
― The Face of Another
“If one clung too closely to reality, the result might well be far from realistic.”
― The Face of Another
― The Face of Another
“Basically, there is nothing new in the behavior of monsters, for the monster himself is nothing more than an invention of his victims.”
― The Face of Another
― The Face of Another
“A crowd isn't formed after people gather; people gather after the crowd forms.”
― The Face of Another
― The Face of Another
“Unable to suspect others, unable to believe in others, one would to live in a suspended state, a state of bankrupt human relations, as if one were looking into a mirror that reflects nothing.”
― The Face of Another
― The Face of Another