Kelsey Burns's Reviews > The Alphabet Game. The Complete Serial: A to X, Y, Z.

The Alphabet Game. The Complete Serial by Andie M. Long
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The Alphabet Game

4 stars

This was such an unusual and unique read. Sexy, sassy and steamy! I actually found myself trying to guess the words as they worked their way through the alphabet in compromising positions.

There's lots of LOL moments. Lots of knicker wetting moments and then lo and behold, shock factors.

It was such an interesting plot and a breath of fresh air to read something out of the box with plenty of twists and turns. I loved Ronnie and her quirkiness. Everyone needs a friend like her.

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Reading Progress

July 27, 2015 – Started Reading
July 29, 2015 – Finished Reading
August 2, 2015 – Shelved

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