Julia Sarene's Reviews > Lost Dogs and Lonely Hearts

Lost Dogs and Lonely Hearts by Lucy Dillon
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: chic-lit-and-womens

Wonderful easy, but not "flat" chick lit that struck the perfect balance between some serious topics and easy entertainment for me.

Of course being a lover of dogs myself, that part of the story did no harm in my opinion of the story either.

IF you are looking for a nice love story, that is not just "easy to read", but will keep you well entertained all the way through, and still leave you with a smile at the end - you can't really go wrong with this one!
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
July 14, 2015 – Shelved
July 14, 2015 – Shelved as: chic-lit-and-womens

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