Mags's Reviews > My Legendary Girlfriend

My Legendary Girlfriend by Mike Gayle
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** spoiler alert ** This book, it depressed me. It felt like I was being dragged through a very slow and painful death--Will Kelley's death. This novel is like a rubber band that's stretched too far and would most likely snap. Which would make it deserve at least 3 stars, but I gave it a 4 because I liked how I didn't expect the ending. I'm GLAD he got up, move on, and never returned to that Agnes girl who's probably going to end up with an idiot. Will is a lovable character, and my pity and sympathy were turned to him during the time I was reading his enlongated stories as his days of depression pass by.

I also love Mike Gayle's narration, and how there's a twist in every corner. There will be times that the story is boring--be warned. It made me think, "When will all this whining over a girl who doesn't deserve his 'great love' ever end?" But I don't want to go into the advice of "Move the fuck on and stop being a pussy" because we've all been through this not-over-it-yet phase. And Gayle sure has been through a LOT of real-life heartbreak stories (he's a relationship adviser of some sort), so he surely knows what he's talking about.

So, anyway, 4 stars, because I like Gayle for his realistic writing, and I love his website for advices for first-time writers.
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