Purba Chakraborty's Reviews > A Walk in the Rain

A Walk in the Rain by Udai Yadla
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bookshelves: review-copy-2015

My rating is 3.5

I loved the prologue of the book. It ensured me that I am in for a great reading experience and I am in no way, disappointed.
There are some extremely heart touching moments in the book, which would make your eyes clammy if you are an emotional person. The childhood love and friendship between Sunny and Sandy is something that will stay with you even after you finish the book. There are also some incredible twists and turns that makes this book an absolute page turner.
These thought provoking words that Sandy told to Sunny touched my heart:
It's beyond your consciousness that your soul lingers with the person you love and hence your mood will affect the one you love. This is the reason why you sometimes sense your mood changing mysteriously with no reason.

Recommended to all who loves to read romance with a little thrill and adventure.

Read the complete review here: http://purbareviews.blogspot.in/2015/...
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Reading Progress

February 17, 2015 – Started Reading
February 17, 2015 – Shelved
March 3, 2015 –
page 160
March 6, 2015 – Shelved as: review-copy-2015
March 6, 2015 – Finished Reading

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