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Greta Samuelson's Reviews > Someone Knows My Name

Someone Knows My Name by Lawrence Hill
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: favorites

I read this book over 10 years ago.
It was perfect. The writing was stellar and the author did an amazing job making me FEEL everything he was trying to say.

Today in a FB group someone asked for a book recommendation that was historical fiction but not WWII. This is the first book I thought of.

I wish I could read it again for the first time.
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Started Reading
January 1, 2014 – Finished Reading
December 8, 2014 – Shelved
September 5, 2016 – Shelved as: favorites

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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message 1: by NZLisaM (new)

NZLisaM Terrific review, Greta. 💛

Ian M. Pyatt Outstanding review Greta.

message 3: by Laysee (new)

Laysee That you remember this piece of historical fiction after ten years tells me it is a worthwhile book to read. Thank you, Greta.

message 4: by Zaynab (new)

Zaynab Must indeed be a great book if you clearly remember it a decade later Greta 💜

Greta Samuelson Laysee wrote: "That you remember this piece of historical fiction after ten years tells me it is a worthwhile book to read. Thank you, Greta."

Yes! I recommend it!

Greta Samuelson Zaynab wrote: "Must indeed be a great book if you clearly remember it a decade later Greta 💜"

For sure!

Greta Samuelson NZLisaM wrote: "Terrific review, Greta. 💛"

Thank you!

Greta Samuelson Ian M. Pyatt wrote: "Outstanding review Greta."

Thank you Ian

message 9: by Cheryl (new)

Cheryl Great review, Greta!

Greta Samuelson Cheryl wrote: "Great review, Greta!"

Thank you

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