Chchchch's Reviews > The Intelligent Investor

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
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did not like it

To be honest, I have never seen such a terrible book. I just can't imagine that this book worth nearly $22. Actually, it is too expensive for me to afford this book because it cost me almost all my pocket money. But it doesn't worth such much money. When I am reading this book, I can't see anything about investing. I even don't believe the author can speak English. There are so many stupid mistakes like spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes. And through the articles that Benjamin Graham wrote, I can't imagine that he is the father if value investing. There is little doubt that this book is just rubbish. And nobody can invest well if they read this book. This book is just rubbish and the author is really stupid. I really want to throw this stupid book away and burn all the books that this author wrote.
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September 8, 2014 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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Jonathan "But it doesn't worth such much money. I even don't believe the author can speak English."

Umm.. What?

message 2: by Anthony (new)

Anthony Young "There are so many stupid mistakes like spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes."

Truly amazing!

message 3: by George (new)

George Nattrass You should check your own spelling and grammar, it's awful.

message 4: by George (new)

George Nattrass You should check your own spelling and grammar, it's awful.

Jason Kim This is pretty much the best review I've ever read

Alex How would you throw the book away if you can't afford to buy it?

message 7: by Chris (new)

Chris Topher I've never laughed such much in my life!

message 8: by Berkely (new)

Berkely Stulce Dead😂😂😂

message 9: by Nathan (new)

Nathan You can read it again after you graduate elementary school

message 10: by Kunal (new) - added it

Kunal Lad 😂😂😂😂

message 11: by Abdulslam (new) - added it

Abdulslam alaqeel That’s why you only have 22$

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

I hope that's a joke, he can't be serious lol

message 13: by Lyron (new) - added it

Lyron Trolling is just another way of using your right for free speech to express yourself.
Either a bad review or an average troll.

message 14: by Kugelblitz (new) - added it

Kugelblitz just read pdf dude

message 15: by Kunal (new) - added it

Kunal Lad This comments section is such much LIT 😂😂😂😂

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