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Dana's Reviews > Coral & Bone

Coral & Bone by Tiffany Daune
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: 2014, bin, childrens, fantasy, insta-love, le-fromage, meh, netgalley, young-adult, is-it-just-me

This book was a disappointment. Not a lot happened and I was bored for majority of the novel. I have yet to read a mermaid/siren book that I liked, I really wonder why it is so hard to write a good mermaid book.

Everything was just too convenient and too basic for me, it was difficult to feel invested in anything that happened as it hardly felt that even the author was invested! Honestly I can't even think of much anything else to say about this, I have been left with a feeling of indifference after finishing this book, don't like it but also don't care enough to hate it. 2/5

Buy, Borrow or Bin Verdict: Bin

Note: I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
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Reading Progress

September 2, 2014 – Shelved
December 21, 2014 – Started Reading
December 21, 2014 –
January 2, 2015 –
61.0% "Boring"
January 4, 2015 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Brigid (new)

Brigid THERE ARE NO GOOD MERMAID/SIREN BOOKS. It's so fucking sad. I really would like a good one, but apparently it's too much to ask for.

Dana I know right!? If you ever find one you will have to let me know. I suppose the search continues.

Dana also sorry for late reply, i suck.

Kaitlyn Sirena by Donna Jo Napoli and the Waterfire Saga by Jennifer Donnelly! Those are my two suggestions :)

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