Kelly D.'s Reviews > A Single Shard

A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park
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it was ok
bookshelves: fiction, ya

I hate to be so harsh on this book, but I was forced to read this in class which means to me that the teacher thought it was so good that we writers could learn from it. Personally, under that context, it horribly failed. The title, the summary, and story offered no entertainment or thought-provoking ideas. There is a lot of exposition and the story is quite simple both in plot and execution. I pretty much predicted everything that would happen and emotionally did not do anything for me. It was pretty much a How-To Pottery in disguise as a story.
Now, I know you are probably thinking how harsh what I've said is. I know, I know, it's a middle grade book, not every book has to be super great or complex or interesting or whatever. I know, I know, I know. It's even won awards, I think. But I just couldn't get behind it. The main character is too perfect. I argued with my classmates about this, but Tree-ear is really too perfect. He's an orphan who doesn't do anything wrong throughout the novel. He breaks something. Well, someone startled him. He takes a detour. Well, the man who raised him told him too.
And this isn't really giving anything way, but I think this scene is a perfect example about how Tree-ear really can't do anything wrong. Remember he's an orphan and he lives outside in the cold. Someone gives him a coat. He, being extra super nice, angel child decides to give it to the man who raised him. Okay, so giving it the man that raised him is super nice. But what if he had kept it? He still wouldn't be in the wrong! He's a cold, hungry orphan. Who's going to blame him for keeping a coat that keeps him warm? See what I mean?
I know this whole review sounds really negative, but it's not a horrible book. I don't think it's a great book, but it's not horrible. Very simply, this book and I were just a very, very, very, bad match.
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Reading Progress

August 29, 2014 – Started Reading
August 29, 2014 – Shelved
August 29, 2014 –
page 50
26.04% "This book is just doing NOTHING for me..."
August 29, 2014 –
page 78
40.63% "It's like I accidentally picked up how to make pottery for dummies in the disguise of storytelling..."
August 30, 2014 – Finished Reading
April 14, 2018 – Shelved as: fiction
April 14, 2018 – Shelved as: ya

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Sheltie Lover I’m glad I wasn’t the only one that felt this way. There was no depth to any of the characters, it was basically just a thinly veiled How To on pottery. I’m reading all of the Newberry books and some of them have brought me to tears, like Slave Dancer. This one just didn’t do anything for me.

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