Liam's Reviews > The Scorch Trials

The Scorch Trials by James Dashner
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's review

it was amazing

re-reading this book was tHE BEST DECISION!!

I read this book for the first time a couple of years ago and I honestly could barely remember anything that happens... So when the trailer came out and it looked amazing I felt a re-read was needed!

This book was so fast paced and I just couldn't put it down!! Nearly every little chapter ends in a cliff hanger so I found myself saying "just one more chapter" at the end of every chapter...

The bromance and sass between the gladers in what stood out to me because it's just so great and I feel like the maze runner movie didn't quite grasp it.

The twists in the story get my every time and I really don't know how to feel! James Dashner literally keeps you gripped until the very last page where I was wishing for more pages!

At times I was actually quite scared when reading this because the cranks really creep me out!! The description and action sequences are really well written, making it easier to follow and understand.

I am sO EXCITED for the movie now!! And if any of you are thinking "I might re-read it before the movie comes out" then I recommend you do it because I assure you that you'll not regret it!!
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Reading Progress

August 24, 2014 – Shelved
May 19, 2015 – Started Reading
May 19, 2015 –
page 8
2.23% "giving this a reread because I can't really remember it and the trailer has got me sO EXCITED!!!"
May 20, 2015 –
page 92
25.63% "there's so much more bromance and sass between the gladers in this than there was in the movie!!"
May 24, 2015 –
page 178
49.58% "this is getting very tense I can't cope"
May 24, 2015 –
page 190
52.92% "the cranks are really creeping me out, I'm scared.."
May 26, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

SO, I Saw The Scorch Trials

I Absolutely LOVED it!

Some Differences

2 Years To Wait For The Third Movie!!!!!!!!!!!! o.0

*§~Ollie~§* I loved the scorch trials it was soooo good I can't get over how good it was! peace out :p

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

I totally agree! However the movie was disappointing after reading the story. Book wise, I thought the scorch trials was even better than the maze runner.

CHS09 This book was pretty awesome…CCharlotte High strudent_

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