I would have finished this book today, but my copy is messed up and instead of the final pages, it repeats pages 325-356. I’ve reached out to BOTM andI would have finished this book today, but my copy is messed up and instead of the final pages, it repeats pages 325-356. I’ve reached out to BOTM and I’m sure they’ll make it right, but I’m dying to read those final pages! I need to be sure that Art and Alex and Nate live happily ever after!...more
This was so fun to read-read. I read it so many times when I was a kid. Hard to believe the author wrote this when she was in high school. Can’t wait This was so fun to read-read. I read it so many times when I was a kid. Hard to believe the author wrote this when she was in high school. Can’t wait to read-watch the movie too!...more
Whew! What a strange but ultimately lovely book. I struggled at the beginning. There is such a strong sense of foreboding. Learning Arthur’s back storWhew! What a strange but ultimately lovely book. I struggled at the beginning. There is such a strong sense of foreboding. Learning Arthur’s back story helped. And Emaleen is such a wonderful character. She keeps you turning pages, and the last section of the book, her section of the book, is a blessing. I keep thinking about children. How they are raised. What is the “right” way. Children need to be protected, but their sense of self, family, and belonging is even more important. This book is like the Jungle Book turned on its head. And it has a lot to say about what it means to be a strong woman, finding yourself, or maybe just not losing yourself. The challenging balance of motherhood and self. Oh, and the descriptions of Alaska, the land, the plants, the mountains, the wildlife. Priceless....more
Whew, this was a lot! Clytemnestra is a complicated woman. Fierce. The author makes her relatable. Clytemnestra suffers losses that would destroy mostWhew, this was a lot! Clytemnestra is a complicated woman. Fierce. The author makes her relatable. Clytemnestra suffers losses that would destroy most of us and those experiences inform how she chooses to respond. Brutally but justly. I hope this writer’s next book is about Electra....more
It’s hard to find the words to describe the experience of reading this story of the so often overlooked women who served in Vietnam. The stories of FrIt’s hard to find the words to describe the experience of reading this story of the so often overlooked women who served in Vietnam. The stories of Frankie and Barb and Ethel are so compelling and make the experience of serving and the challenges of returning home more real and understandable than I thought was possible. Brace yourself, as Hannah pulls no punches in her vivid descriptions and portrayal of the seemingly endless challenges these women (and men) experienced. This is an incredibly important book if only to remind or make us aware for the first time of the complicated tragedy that was the war in Vietnam....more
Kind of a strange book. No plot to speak of. Just an exploration of an unusual relationship between a young woman and older man who work together in pKind of a strange book. No plot to speak of. Just an exploration of an unusual relationship between a young woman and older man who work together in publishing. The first half of the book is her voice, and it starts when she is an intern at the publishing house and is entirely focused on her friendship with Gunnar. His mentorship seems to define her existence almost. The second half of the book is his voice, and I found it more interesting because he is telling the story of his life growing up, and the relationship with Sofie is only touched upon the last few pages of the book. Not my usual thing, but I’m not sorry I read it....more