I’m reviewing all four parts of the Naughty Wishes series by Joey W. Hill in this one review, so please kReview for Naughty Wishes 1-4 by Joey W. Hill
I’m reviewing all four parts of the Naughty Wishes series by Joey W. Hill in this one review, so please keep that in mind. I will keep details vague to prevent any major spoilers.
Samantha, Geoff, and Chris are roommates. They’ve formed a close bond and have become a unit. The truth of things is that their is an attraction that runs deep between the three of them. This book follows their journey as they stumble through the growing pains of transforming their platonic friendships into lovers. The added complication is that they all love each other and have the desire to keep their unit whole.
I absolutely love this series. Samantha is so giving and loving. Tired of dropping subtle hints to Geoff and Chris, she took matters into her own hands and left Geoff no doubt what she wanted from him. It took a lot courage and I completely respect her for that. She’s a strong character, especially taking on the strong personalities of the two men she loves and helping them to not only claim their love for her, but also their need for each other.
Geoff, holy dominant Batman! Talk about hot, hot, hot. He’s a strong character and demands submission from Samantha — which she is more than happy to give. He understands what a gift it is and cherishes her like he should. The hiccup is that he also wants submission from Chris who has a desire to submit, but can’t get over the hang up that it’ll make him seem weak. Watching Geoff tread the rough waters of both parts of their triad and grow as not only a dominant, but a man and lover made it impossible not to fall in love with him.
Then we have Chris who is a bit of a question mark. Finding where he fit into their three-way love wasn’t as simple. He had a hard time wrapping his head around Samantha’s need for full submission to Geoff, not to mention wrapping his head around his own hidden desires to submit to Geoff’s will. I think watching him go through this journey was the most fulfilling. He had the most growing to do as a character and the author wrote his character in a way that you could feel every single emotion he had throughout the book.
The polyamorous relationship that these three characters share is beautiful. There is a perfect balance of push and pull during the story and each novella leaves you in a place where you can’t wait to dig into the next. Four Stars for storyline and Five Drenched Panties.
Reader Beware: This book may cause spontaneous combustion! The smut is phenomenal and you’ll be a melted puddle of lust with each one. Types of scenes: M/F, M/M, M/F/M, F/M/M.
ARC Review by Miranda at Mommy’s a Book Whore.
Merged review:
Review for Naughty Wishes 1-4 by Joey W. Hill
I’m reviewing all four parts of the Naughty Wishes series by Joey W. Hill in this one review, so please keep that in mind. I will keep details vague to prevent any major spoilers.
Samantha, Geoff, and Chris are roommates. They’ve formed a close bond and have become a unit. The truth of things is that their is an attraction that runs deep between the three of them. This book follows their journey as they stumble through the growing pains of transforming their platonic friendships into lovers. The added complication is that they all love each other and have the desire to keep their unit whole.
I absolutely love this series. Samantha is so giving and loving. Tired of dropping subtle hints to Geoff and Chris, she took matters into her own hands and left Geoff no doubt what she wanted from him. It took a lot courage and I completely respect her for that. She’s a strong character, especially taking on the strong personalities of the two men she loves and helping them to not only claim their love for her, but also their need for each other.
Geoff, holy dominant Batman! Talk about hot, hot, hot. He’s a strong character and demands submission from Samantha — which she is more than happy to give. He understands what a gift it is and cherishes her like he should. The hiccup is that he also wants submission from Chris who has a desire to submit, but can’t get over the hang up that it’ll make him seem weak. Watching Geoff tread the rough waters of both parts of their triad and grow as not only a dominant, but a man and lover made it impossible not to fall in love with him.
Then we have Chris who is a bit of a question mark. Finding where he fit into their three-way love wasn’t as simple. He had a hard time wrapping his head around Samantha’s need for full submission to Geoff, not to mention wrapping his head around his own hidden desires to submit to Geoff’s will. I think watching him go through this journey was the most fulfilling. He had the most growing to do as a character and the author wrote his character in a way that you could feel every single emotion he had throughout the book.
The polyamorous relationship that these three characters share is beautiful. There is a perfect balance of push and pull during the story and each novella leaves you in a place where you can’t wait to dig into the next. Four Stars for storyline and Five Drenched Panties.
Reader Beware: This book may cause spontaneous combustion! The smut is phenomenal and you’ll be a melted puddle of lust with each one. Types of scenes: M/F, M/M, M/F/M, F/M/M.
ARC Review by Miranda at Mommy’s a Book Whore....more
In His Corner is a sports romance featuring a boxer as the Hero and an uptight ‘snobby’ doctor for the heroine. IReview for In His Corner by Vina Arno
In His Corner is a sports romance featuring a boxer as the Hero and an uptight ‘snobby’ doctor for the heroine. I’m just going to lay it out there, this novella for me reads like a it’s an outline for a novel. It’s got all of the key elements, but it lacks build up and follow through to make the scenes feel genuine.
Dr. Siena Carr is a snob. She is Ivy League down to her bones and enjoys expensive things. I like that she is very giving of her time and that she feels connected to her patients. Helping people is important to her and making everyone she treats feel like they are a person verses just another number gives her character a depth that is completely necessary. With that said, I really don’t like Siena. She’s wishy washy to say the very, very least. I loathe the kind of characters who can’t make up their minds about the tiniest details. She constantly thought about Tommy being too young, immature even, yet I found her to be the immature one.
Tommy “The Juggernaut” Raines is a gold medal winning boxer, he’s the hottest talent since Ali. Everything about his character screams alpha male. He’s what I would actually consider a blue collar kind of guy. He keeps it real and isn’t out to impress anyone with his fame. He’d rather be Tommy than his moniker “Juggernaut”. His character was much more appealing to me than Siena, he knew what he wanted and went for it. As far as character development, his was definitely felt like there was more put into it than with hers.
Relationship development/growth? None. It was stilted and awkward. They do have chemistry when it comes to sex, but that’s about it. When she wasn’t downing him for being a regular guy, he was calling her a snob and picking on her for her high brow ways. It frustrated me to no end.
In His Corner is a two star read for me… if there had just been a little bit more in the way of relationship development or ANYTHING that gave me the sense that they could possibly work beyond sex, I could have forgiven my dislike for Siena’s character. This is an opposites attract romance with no follow through. The smutty scenes were decently hot when Siena wasn’t being a prude — three wet panties.
Review by Miranda at Mommy’s a Book Whore.
Merged review:
Review for In His Corner by Vina Arno
In His Corner is a sports romance featuring a boxer as the Hero and an uptight ‘snobby’ doctor for the heroine. I’m just going to lay it out there, this novella for me reads like a it’s an outline for a novel. It’s got all of the key elements, but it lacks build up and follow through to make the scenes feel genuine.
Dr. Siena Carr is a snob. She is Ivy League down to her bones and enjoys expensive things. I like that she is very giving of her time and that she feels connected to her patients. Helping people is important to her and making everyone she treats feel like they are a person verses just another number gives her character a depth that is completely necessary. With that said, I really don’t like Siena. She’s wishy washy to say the very, very least. I loathe the kind of characters who can’t make up their minds about the tiniest details. She constantly thought about Tommy being too young, immature even, yet I found her to be the immature one.
Tommy “The Juggernaut” Raines is a gold medal winning boxer, he’s the hottest talent since Ali. Everything about his character screams alpha male. He’s what I would actually consider a blue collar kind of guy. He keeps it real and isn’t out to impress anyone with his fame. He’d rather be Tommy than his moniker “Juggernaut”. His character was much more appealing to me than Siena, he knew what he wanted and went for it. As far as character development, his was definitely felt like there was more put into it than with hers.
Relationship development/growth? None. It was stilted and awkward. They do have chemistry when it comes to sex, but that’s about it. When she wasn’t downing him for being a regular guy, he was calling her a snob and picking on her for her high brow ways. It frustrated me to no end.
In His Corner is a two star read for me… if there had just been a little bit more in the way of relationship development or ANYTHING that gave me the sense that they could possibly work beyond sex, I could have forgiven my dislike for Siena’s character. This is an opposites attract romance with no follow through. The smutty scenes were decently hot when Siena wasn’t being a prude — three wet panties.
This is my first by J.C. Cliff, after the synopsis and the cover I was really excited to read this boReview for Quinn (Undaunted Men #1) by J.C. Cliff
This is my first by J.C. Cliff, after the synopsis and the cover I was really excited to read this book. I love military men and ex-military men who do dangerous and/or exciting things. In theory, I love female characters that need a little rescuing. So, Quinn should have been the perfect book for me, but it fell short so many times that I had to force myself to finish all the way to the cliffhanger end. (I'm not upset about the cliffy, I knew it was one before I started reading it.)
Purple prose isn't something I hate. It has a time and a place. It doesn't match Quinn's personality one bit and that man practically bled purple. I found myself rolling my eyes repeatedly. I thought for sure he was going to be one of those alpha jerks turned alpha possessive of his lady...instead he went from alpha jerk to syrupy sweet with a bit of deceptive alpha.
Alexis made me want to stab myself. Strange man finds you in the woods and he instantly makes you feel safe? After you've been sent on the run because bad guys have bad ideas about what they wish to do to you...really? And what is the problem that you're running from exactly? Your horse is your whole world? Your dad is a man to be feared and powerful, yet instead of going to him when you're in trouble you decide to run? Into the Appalachian Mountains, when you have no clue what you're doing or how to survive? At least you remembered to pack your vibrator. I mean, masturbation is definitely something you should be thinking about when you secret yourself away to save your life.
See where the desire to stab came into play?
Needless to say the characters left something to be desired. The plot could have been great, but it is full of holes. And even though I forced my way through it and it definitely ends in a cliffhanger, I have no desire to read the second book. So many people seemed to love the book, in this case I'm the exception not the rule.
Two Stars.
ARC Review by Miranda at Mommy's a Book Whore.
Merged review:
Review for Quinn (Undaunted Men #1) by J.C. Cliff
This is my first by J.C. Cliff, after the synopsis and the cover I was really excited to read this book. I love military men and ex-military men who do dangerous and/or exciting things. In theory, I love female characters that need a little rescuing. So, Quinn should have been the perfect book for me, but it fell short so many times that I had to force myself to finish all the way to the cliffhanger end. (I'm not upset about the cliffy, I knew it was one before I started reading it.)
Purple prose isn't something I hate. It has a time and a place. It doesn't match Quinn's personality one bit and that man practically bled purple. I found myself rolling my eyes repeatedly. I thought for sure he was going to be one of those alpha jerks turned alpha possessive of his lady...instead he went from alpha jerk to syrupy sweet with a bit of deceptive alpha.
Alexis made me want to stab myself. Strange man finds you in the woods and he instantly makes you feel safe? After you've been sent on the run because bad guys have bad ideas about what they wish to do to you...really? And what is the problem that you're running from exactly? Your horse is your whole world? Your dad is a man to be feared and powerful, yet instead of going to him when you're in trouble you decide to run? Into the Appalachian Mountains, when you have no clue what you're doing or how to survive? At least you remembered to pack your vibrator. I mean, masturbation is definitely something you should be thinking about when you secret yourself away to save your life.
See where the desire to stab came into play?
Needless to say the characters left something to be desired. The plot could have been great, but it is full of holes. And even though I forced my way through it and it definitely ends in a cliffhanger, I have no desire to read the second book. So many people seemed to love the book, in this case I'm the exception not the rule.
Two Stars.
ARC Review by Miranda at Mommy's a Book Whore....more
This review is going to be a smidgeon different than most. I'm not reading this anthology as a whole, more like pieces whenever I feel like a good quiThis review is going to be a smidgeon different than most. I'm not reading this anthology as a whole, more like pieces whenever I feel like a good quickie. I'll add individual reviews here as I read them!
First up is...
His First and Only by Alexa Riley
Oh, How do I love thee? Let me count the ways ... I have read all but 3 of Alexa's titles and I cannot get enough. (trust me the 3 are on my TBR and I'm feeling icky for not having read them already) This is a sweet, sexy short that takes us back to Vegas and gives us yet another over-the-top alpha casino owner. I love, love, love how Ethan has been looking for his Tiffany and that he never gave up. Soulmates are so swoon worthy and the fact that they both felt so lost without the other that they never gave into temptation -- hell were never even tempted -- made this amazingly sweet. Five Sexy Stars!!
Review by Miranda at Mommy's a Book Whore.
Merged review:
This review is going to be a smidgeon different than most. I'm not reading this anthology as a whole, more like pieces whenever I feel like a good quickie. I'll add individual reviews here as I read them!
First up is...
His First and Only by Alexa Riley
Oh, How do I love thee? Let me count the ways ... I have read all but 3 of Alexa's titles and I cannot get enough. (trust me the 3 are on my TBR and I'm feeling icky for not having read them already) This is a sweet, sexy short that takes us back to Vegas and gives us yet another over-the-top alpha casino owner. I love, love, love how Ethan has been looking for his Tiffany and that he never gave up. Soulmates are so swoon worthy and the fact that they both felt so lost without the other that they never gave into temptation -- hell were never even tempted -- made this amazingly sweet. Five Sexy Stars!!
To Know Her is an erotic novella with BDSM. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with this story. I honestly had no clue where it was going at firTo Know Her is an erotic novella with BDSM. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with this story. I honestly had no clue where it was going at first and was a tad concerned it would follow a direction that I wasn't into. However, after a bit I realized that the crazy serial killer that picked Sara up on the side of the road was in fact a white knight (even if his armor is a tad tarnished) and I was excited to see what happened next.
Considering for a majority of the story Sara has no clue who she is and has to depend on her natural instincts vs her experiences the character development for this novella is phenomenal. Derek is a sexy, alpha man who can dominate like no other. The sexual chemistry and tension between Sara and Derek is palpable from the first moment he picks her up. Which is insane, since she has no clue who she is let alone who he is!
I definitely recommend this book as a must read novella. It is one you can read quickly and not feel like you were shortchanged on storyline or smut for that matter. I give this 4 stars for storyline and 4 wet panties for smut factor!
To Know Her is an erotic novella with BDSM. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with this story. I honestly had no clue where it was going at first and was a tad concerned it would follow a direction that I wasn't into. However, after a bit I realized that the crazy serial killer that picked Sara up on the side of the road was in fact a white knight (even if his armor is a tad tarnished) and I was excited to see what happened next.
Considering for a majority of the story Sara has no clue who she is and has to depend on her natural instincts vs her experiences the character development for this novella is phenomenal. Derek is a sexy, alpha man who can dominate like no other. The sexual chemistry and tension between Sara and Derek is palpable from the first moment he picks her up. Which is insane, since she has no clue who she is let alone who he is!
I definitely recommend this book as a must read novella. It is one you can read quickly and not feel like you were shortchanged on storyline or smut for that matter. I give this 4 stars for storyline and 4 wet panties for smut factor!
I’m reviewing all four parts of the Naughty Wishes series by Joey W. Hill in this one review, so please kReview for Naughty Wishes 1-4 by Joey W. Hill
I’m reviewing all four parts of the Naughty Wishes series by Joey W. Hill in this one review, so please keep that in mind. I will keep details vague to prevent any major spoilers.
Samantha, Geoff, and Chris are roommates. They’ve formed a close bond and have become a unit. The truth of things is that their is an attraction that runs deep between the three of them. This book follows their journey as they stumble through the growing pains of transforming their platonic friendships into lovers. The added complication is that they all love each other and have the desire to keep their unit whole.
I absolutely love this series. Samantha is so giving and loving. Tired of dropping subtle hints to Geoff and Chris, she took matters into her own hands and left Geoff no doubt what she wanted from him. It took a lot courage and I completely respect her for that. She’s a strong character, especially taking on the strong personalities of the two men she loves and helping them to not only claim their love for her, but also their need for each other.
Geoff, holy dominant Batman! Talk about hot, hot, hot. He’s a strong character and demands submission from Samantha — which she is more than happy to give. He understands what a gift it is and cherishes her like he should. The hiccup is that he also wants submission from Chris who has a desire to submit, but can’t get over the hang up that it’ll make him seem weak. Watching Geoff tread the rough waters of both parts of their triad and grow as not only a dominant, but a man and lover made it impossible not to fall in love with him.
Then we have Chris who is a bit of a question mark. Finding where he fit into their three-way love wasn’t as simple. He had a hard time wrapping his head around Samantha’s need for full submission to Geoff, not to mention wrapping his head around his own hidden desires to submit to Geoff’s will. I think watching him go through this journey was the most fulfilling. He had the most growing to do as a character and the author wrote his character in a way that you could feel every single emotion he had throughout the book.
The polyamorous relationship that these three characters share is beautiful. There is a perfect balance of push and pull during the story and each novella leaves you in a place where you can’t wait to dig into the next. Four Stars for storyline and Five Drenched Panties.
Reader Beware: This book may cause spontaneous combustion! The smut is phenomenal and you’ll be a melted puddle of lust with each one. Types of scenes: M/F, M/M, M/F/M, F/M/M.
ARC Review by Miranda at Mommy’s a Book Whore.
Merged review:
Review for Naughty Wishes 1-4 by Joey W. Hill
I’m reviewing all four parts of the Naughty Wishes series by Joey W. Hill in this one review, so please keep that in mind. I will keep details vague to prevent any major spoilers.
Samantha, Geoff, and Chris are roommates. They’ve formed a close bond and have become a unit. The truth of things is that their is an attraction that runs deep between the three of them. This book follows their journey as they stumble through the growing pains of transforming their platonic friendships into lovers. The added complication is that they all love each other and have the desire to keep their unit whole.
I absolutely love this series. Samantha is so giving and loving. Tired of dropping subtle hints to Geoff and Chris, she took matters into her own hands and left Geoff no doubt what she wanted from him. It took a lot courage and I completely respect her for that. She’s a strong character, especially taking on the strong personalities of the two men she loves and helping them to not only claim their love for her, but also their need for each other.
Geoff, holy dominant Batman! Talk about hot, hot, hot. He’s a strong character and demands submission from Samantha — which she is more than happy to give. He understands what a gift it is and cherishes her like he should. The hiccup is that he also wants submission from Chris who has a desire to submit, but can’t get over the hang up that it’ll make him seem weak. Watching Geoff tread the rough waters of both parts of their triad and grow as not only a dominant, but a man and lover made it impossible not to fall in love with him.
Then we have Chris who is a bit of a question mark. Finding where he fit into their three-way love wasn’t as simple. He had a hard time wrapping his head around Samantha’s need for full submission to Geoff, not to mention wrapping his head around his own hidden desires to submit to Geoff’s will. I think watching him go through this journey was the most fulfilling. He had the most growing to do as a character and the author wrote his character in a way that you could feel every single emotion he had throughout the book.
The polyamorous relationship that these three characters share is beautiful. There is a perfect balance of push and pull during the story and each novella leaves you in a place where you can’t wait to dig into the next. Four Stars for storyline and Five Drenched Panties.
Reader Beware: This book may cause spontaneous combustion! The smut is phenomenal and you’ll be a melted puddle of lust with each one. Types of scenes: M/F, M/M, M/F/M, F/M/M.
ARC Review by Miranda at Mommy’s a Book Whore....more
Owned by Dominic is the first book in the Possessed series by KL Donn and is filled with insta-love! I’ve becomeReview for Owned by Dominic by KL Donn
Owned by Dominic is the first book in the Possessed series by KL Donn and is filled with insta-love! I’ve become a huge fan of the instant gratification of insta-love romance in recent months and this one hits that spot just right. KL Donn has a unique voice when it comes to spinning her stories and she packs a whole lot of punch into every chapter.
Dominic is a rough around the edges alpha man that will keep you swooning and maybe make you want to stomp your foot in annoyance at his overprotectiveness. Deidre is a firecracker. I was constantly surprised by her spunk, but she had such a soft heart it was almost painful at times. I have to mention Jax, he is a cutie patootie, Donn did a great job of working his character into the relationship between Dom and Deidre.
Overall, I enjoyed this book. It’s fast paced and kept me intrigued. I definitely wanted to know who the key players were and why they were connected. I wanted Dom and Deidre to have their happily ever after from the first chapter. Donn is definitely an author I’ll be reading in the future.
Three Stars and Three Wet Panties.
ARC Review by Miranda at Mommy’s a Book Whore.
Merged review:
Review for Owned by Dominic by KL Donn
Owned by Dominic is the first book in the Possessed series by KL Donn and is filled with insta-love! I’ve become a huge fan of the instant gratification of insta-love romance in recent months and this one hits that spot just right. KL Donn has a unique voice when it comes to spinning her stories and she packs a whole lot of punch into every chapter.
Dominic is a rough around the edges alpha man that will keep you swooning and maybe make you want to stomp your foot in annoyance at his overprotectiveness. Deidre is a firecracker. I was constantly surprised by her spunk, but she had such a soft heart it was almost painful at times. I have to mention Jax, he is a cutie patootie, Donn did a great job of working his character into the relationship between Dom and Deidre.
Overall, I enjoyed this book. It’s fast paced and kept me intrigued. I definitely wanted to know who the key players were and why they were connected. I wanted Dom and Deidre to have their happily ever after from the first chapter. Donn is definitely an author I’ll be reading in the future.
Three Stars and Three Wet Panties.
ARC Review by Miranda at Mommy’s a Book Whore....more
I have waited a long time for Rafael's book and FINALLY it's here. It was everything I hoped it would be and more. Laurell K. Hamilton nYes! Yes! Yes!
I have waited a long time for Rafael's book and FINALLY it's here. It was everything I hoped it would be and more. Laurell K. Hamilton never fails me when it comes to her Anita Blake series. I've reread it multiple times and Rafael fits right into the series perfectly for rereading.
Don't miss out on reading this book. If you're an Anita Blake fan it's not one to miss!