We all heard about the terrible accident that took the lives of 8 people on the Taconic Parkway. This book was written by the sister in law of the driWe all heard about the terrible accident that took the lives of 8 people on the Taconic Parkway. This book was written by the sister in law of the driver, who lost her three little girls. Eight people in total were killed, including the driver, her daughter, and three men in a SUV that she hit head on. The only survivor was the drivers young son. There were intense investigations into the cause, but nothing was ever confirmed. The driver had alcohol and marijuana in her blood stream, but there were only suppositions as to why she would have drank or smoked with young children in her care. I was riveted to the story, and found it to be sad, but also inspirational. I realize this book isn’t for everyone, but I’m glad I read it....more
I have read some of Fiona Davis’s novels, and have liked some of them, particularly, The Dollhouse, which I loved. I also visited Radio City many timeI have read some of Fiona Davis’s novels, and have liked some of them, particularly, The Dollhouse, which I loved. I also visited Radio City many times as a kid, and particularly loved The Christmas Spectacular, which happened every holiday season. This one started out slowly for me. In fact, I lost some ground by putting the book down, but picking it back up, about a week later. Once I returned to the story, it flew. I was drawn in, and really caught up in the details, some harrowing, especially since this was loosely based on true events from the 1930’s. I gave it 4/5 stars, mainly because some of it was pretty implausible, perhaps the author used poetic license, to make the storyline more exciting. In any case, I am glad I read it....more
Before I add my comments to this review, I’d like to say that I’m a confirmed Sara Confino Goodman fan. This is my fourth book of hers, and I plan on Before I add my comments to this review, I’d like to say that I’m a confirmed Sara Confino Goodman fan. This is my fourth book of hers, and I plan on continuing my “ fandom” with each new title she produces. That being said however, this was not my favorite. It was hard to follow a lot of times, with new names being added, I felt like I needed a score card, or an anthology of “who’s who”, to keep everything, or everybody straight. I love family stories, sagas, if you will, but this just fell a little short for me. I don’t regret reading it, though....more
1st book of 2025! A bit difficult , part sluggish, part repetitive, but a worthy beginning point. Dinora ( Nora) Wjanski, is about to celebrate her 121st book of 2025! A bit difficult , part sluggish, part repetitive, but a worthy beginning point. Dinora ( Nora) Wjanski, is about to celebrate her 122 nd birthday, and thus be ushered into the Guinness Book of Records for being the oldest person ever to have lived. Her great granddaughter, Deborah, in charge of the celebration, is told that Nora has signed herself out of her care facility, ( where her elderly son is also a resident), and is holed up in the home of her caretaker, Afrifa. Everyone is trying to convince Nora to return to the facility, and enjoy her celebration, only to be thwarted by the old woman’s tenacity, and determination to play out her last days her way. What unfolds is Nora’s life, told by her, with triumphs and losses, tragedies, and ultimately, redemption. Heart wrenching in part, the end ties the loose ends together, neatly and conclusively....more
Wow! Difficult in many spots, definitely uncomfortable, riveting, mind blowing, incredible, and in many spots, truly unbelievable. What a story. Read iWow! Difficult in many spots, definitely uncomfortable, riveting, mind blowing, incredible, and in many spots, truly unbelievable. What a story. Read it!!...more
I can see how this book garnered all the accolades it had, but for me, I found it a bit sluggish. Slow moving, and although it was based loosely on thI can see how this book garnered all the accolades it had, but for me, I found it a bit sluggish. Slow moving, and although it was based loosely on the ADVENTURES of Huckleberry Finn, it didn’t feel very adventurous to me. Grueling was more like it. Difficult subject matter, important issue that’s been studied for centuries, that being the reason for the four stars....more
After reading the summary of this book, I couldn’t wait to read it. However, I had to wait about a month or borrow it from my library. Augusta Stern waAfter reading the summary of this book, I couldn’t wait to read it. However, I had to wait about a month or borrow it from my library. Augusta Stern was a young girl raised in Brooklyn during the 1920’s. Her father was a pharmacist who had his own store in Brownsville, where they lived above it. Her mother was a diabetic, who died at a young age from diabetes, before the advent of insulin, when Augusta was only 10. Augusta’s father tried to keep a decent home for Augusta and her sister Bess, but didn’t have the skills to run a household. He called for reinforcements in the name of Aunt Esther, his Grandmother’s unmarried sister, who brought her recipes for much more than just food to this lonely house. MY father was also a pharmacist, who ALSO lost his wife ( my mother) when I was 3 days old. We loved 3 blocks from the store, and I was raised by a nurse during the week, but was taken to BROOKLYN on the weekends, to spend time with my mothers parents, and my AUNT ESTHER ( who was also unmarried). How crazy are these coincidences?? It was these facts that drew me to the story, but the details made it so much more than just a mirror image of my life. I loved this story, from the first page to the last, and know in my heart, I was meant to read it!...more
This is a multi generational novel about reconnections, discoveries, and exploration. I found it a little confusing because there were too many names This is a multi generational novel about reconnections, discoveries, and exploration. I found it a little confusing because there were too many names to keep straight throughout the book. I will say, I became more engrossed in the story as it progressed. I also found it too predictable in spots. That being said, I’m glad the protagonists finally found their happy life in the end....more
I’m on vacation, and downloaded this book before we left. The primary reason was the author. I’ve loved her other books, and after finishing this one,I’m on vacation, and downloaded this book before we left. The primary reason was the author. I’ve loved her other books, and after finishing this one, I can say that I think I’d like to apply to be the president of her fan club! I LOVED the story, the characters, and the way the story flowed. I even saw a slight resemblance to the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, an Amazon Prime show I enjoyed for every season it as on. While Beverly was not Miriam Maisel, they had a lot of the same qualities. Drive, ambition, intelligence, warmth, when necessary, but most of all, moxie. I was so sad to get to the end of the book, and would be thrilled, if she decided to write a sequel! LOVED, LOVED, LOVED “Behind Every Good Man”!...more
Whenever I’m ready to start a new book, I download samples, read endless book reviews, and hound my friends for notable titles. After a lot of samples,Whenever I’m ready to start a new book, I download samples, read endless book reviews, and hound my friends for notable titles. After a lot of samples, I decided on The Lion Women of Tehran. It turned out to be an excellent choice. Told in Iran, it is the story of two little girls, Ellie and Homa, who began a friendship unexpectedly, and in doing so, created a lifetime of memories, some too horrible to say aloud, ending in full circle moments during the women’s golden years. An education for me, this book allowed the reader to get an inside view into Iran’s customs, food, extremist regimes, and political doctrines. it was jarring in parts, uplifting in others, but most of all, triumphant, in recognizing and paying homage to The Lion Women of Tehran....more
I don’t know why I have so much trouble finding new books to read. By the time I’ve read a dozen or more samples, I’m either too tired or too disappoiI don’t know why I have so much trouble finding new books to read. By the time I’ve read a dozen or more samples, I’m either too tired or too disappointed to commit to anything long term. But occasionally, I jump in feet first, no sample, just intuition, and believe it or not, it usually pays off. It did this time. A coming of age tale, beginning on the streets of an Orthodox Brooklyn neighborhood, and centered largely in the back woods of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Yosef Bamberger, was on the precipice of manhood, his Bar Mitzfah , and rebelling against all things Jewish, after moving with his family to Tennessee for his fathers’ new job. The story was part historical, part hysterical, and largely heartwarming. Full of twists, and turns, and slightly implausible adventures, I secretly rooted for the Bamberger “clan” to land right side up; maybe a little worse for wear, but ultimately in one piece..and basically, they did. Read for yourself”Oy, what a story”!
Merged review:
I don’t know why I have so much trouble finding new books to read. By the time I’ve read a dozen or more samples, I’m either too tired or too disappointed to commit to anything long term. But occasionally, I jump in feet first, no sample, just intuition, and believe it or not, it usually pays off. It did this time. A coming of age tale, beginning on the streets of an Orthodox Brooklyn neighborhood, and centered largely in the back woods of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Yosef Bamberger, was on the precipice of manhood, his Bar Mitzfah , and rebelling against all things Jewish, after moving with his family to Tennessee for his fathers’ new job. The story was part historical, part hysterical, and largely heartwarming. Full of twists, and turns, and slightly implausible adventures, I secretly rooted for the Bamberger “clan” to land right side up; maybe a little worse for wear, but ultimately in one piece..and basically, they did. Read for yourself”Oy, what a story”!...more
I really don’t know where to start with my review of this book. I’ve liked this author since reading, The Bird Hotel. I actually, loved that book. I haI really don’t know where to start with my review of this book. I’ve liked this author since reading, The Bird Hotel. I actually, loved that book. I had great expectations for this one. First off, there were 100 chapters to get through. Mind you, the chapters were a few pages each, but I think I would have preferred less interruptions caused by the end of one chapter, and the beginning of the next, if she had combined the details, and made each chapter a little longer. It might have helped with the flow. Secondly, I couldn’t help but think about how sad the main characters’ life was made out to be. Yes, life is tough, things happen, but every bad thing that happened to, or pertaining to Eleanor, were REALLY catastrophic. In the beginning of this story, I would have predicted giving it more than 3 stars, but like in life, things happened with story, that helped me see the book in a more realistic way....more
Powerful, riveting, amazing imagery, sad, strong, and deeply disturbing…yet, triumphant, and, dare I call ( this Holocaust story), celebratory? AMAZINGPowerful, riveting, amazing imagery, sad, strong, and deeply disturbing…yet, triumphant, and, dare I call ( this Holocaust story), celebratory? AMAZING STORY!...more
I started this book the first week of September, with very high expectations. It has taken me, almost three weeks, on and off, I must admit, to finishI started this book the first week of September, with very high expectations. It has taken me, almost three weeks, on and off, I must admit, to finish it. It’s not because I wanted to savor the story, or contemplate the details, it’s because I kept losing interest. I’m glad I did finish it, though, only to find out that the ending was sort of as disappointing as the beginning, but at least I had closure. It takes a lot of commitment to be a wedding participant, and this one wedding I wish I had sent back my “ regrets to attend” card....more
Knowing not much about this book, other than I couldn’t get it from my local library for many weeks, I decided to get it from Amazon( something I rareKnowing not much about this book, other than I couldn’t get it from my local library for many weeks, I decided to get it from Amazon( something I rarely do anymore), instead of waiting. I can’t remember the last time I was sad to reach the end of a book. I LOVED this book! And no, I didn’t want it to end. First time author for me, but now, not the last....more
I loved this book at the beginning.. I liked it in the middle; I didn’t like it towards the end; and finally, well you can guess the finale. I thought,I loved this book at the beginning.. I liked it in the middle; I didn’t like it towards the end; and finally, well you can guess the finale. I thought, pretty cute premise, catchy title, lively cast of characters. BUT, then came a long line of forgettable ones, dragging storylines, repetitive, nonsensical scenarios, and just plain RUBBISH( it was set in London). I really wanted to like it....more