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Falling Stars Quotes

Quotes tagged as "falling-stars" Showing 1-16 of 16
Rainer Maria Rilke
“FALLING STARS: Do you remember still the falling stars
that like swift horses through the heavens raced
and suddenly leaped across the hurdles
of our wishes -- do you recall? And we
did make so many! For there were countless numbers
of stars: each time we looked above we were
astounded by the swiftness of their daring play,
while in our hearts we felt safe and secure
watching these brilliant bodies disintegrate,
knowing somehow we had survived their fall.”
Rainer Maria Rilke

Sarah J. Maas
“Another star crossed the sky, twirling and twisting over itself, as if it were revelling in its own sparkling beauty. It was chased by another, and another, until a brigade of them were unleashed from the edge of the horizon, like a thousand archers had loosed them from mighty bows.

The stars cascaded over us, filling the world with white and blue light. They were like living fireworks, and my breath lodged in my throat as the stars kept on falling and falling.

I'd never seen anything so beautiful.

And when the sky was full with them, when the stars raced and danced and flowed across the world, the music began.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Phen Weston
“What sanctuary is there in indulging the whims of falling stars?”
Phen Weston, Under the Rose

Sadie Grubor
“Sweet Lord of penises, his voice is sexy," Sid sighs over the phone.
"Jealous of what?" I pull the phone away from my mouth and tilt my head.
"I only want to hear ‘oh my God’ when it's followed by my name and you coming around my cock." His tongue flicks the lobe of my ear.
I shiver and tighten my crossed legs.
"That's it. I'm ruined," Sid cries dramatically. "No man will ever live up to this."
"Both of you stop." My words are breathy and it takes all my strength to lean away from his mouth.”
Sadie Grubor, Hidden in the Stars

Sadie Grubor
“That one is so hot," Elliott purrs. "I just have two questions. How can you stand some other dude having his hands on her tits? And how the fuck do I get that kind of job?"
Mia leans to the side and narrows her eyes on Elliott.
"What?" he shrugs. "I love your sister, but we are talking about a job where you hold boobs.”
Sadie Grubor, Hidden in the Stars

Sadie Grubor
“Did you even realize who was at that table?" The one with long, dark, wavy hair laughs. "I mean, let's just for a minute acknowledge that you just sang to two of the members from Corrosive Velocity and Jackson Shaw! Like, from The Forgotten, Jackson Shaw."
"Sid, keep it down." The other hisses so low, I'm almost unable to hear her.
Realizing this is my snake charmer, I slip into autopilot with the gathering fans: nod, smile, and sign.
"You've got to be more excited. I mean, the man is seven feet of lickable body graffiti. Whew! I'd climb his beanstalk any day.”
Sadie Grubor, Hidden in the Stars

Sadie Grubor
“Honestly, I didn't expect anything. I didn't plan on standing in your penthouse kitchen this morning."
A grin splits his face.
"But you are." Keeping the smile, he sticks his tongue through his teeth.
"Yeah, I am." I beam up at him.
"You stay'n in my kitchen?" he asks, his face moving closer.
"I thought we are seeing how things go?"
I press my hands to his chest, sliding my arms up to his shoulders.
"I'll just take that as a yes.”
Sadie Grubor, Hidden in the Stars

Sherrilyn Kenyon
“«Le stelle non dovrebbero piangere» sussurrò in modo che soltanto lei lo potesse sentire. «Devono ridere.»
«Come posso ridere se mi è stato strappato via il cuore?»
Zarek le prese una mano e le baciò ogni polpastrello. «Tu ce l'hai, un cuore.» Si posò le dita della donna sul petto. «Un cuore che batte solo per te, principessa.»”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dance with the Devil

Munia Khan
“Souls of love breathlessly sail
Towards our time when hours fail
To cope with longing here we are
Chasing the speed of a falling star
Miles and miles fleetly we go
Down to the ocean, deeper the flow
Waves now know their crushing tide
Splashing between joy and pride”
Munia Khan

“like god's stray eyelashes
the stars are falling—more light! more!
god has no time to make a wish
all he can do is cry out faster! faster!”
Valzhyna Mort, Factory of Tears: A Lannan Literary Selection

José N. Harris
“How do you catch a falling star?”
José N. Harris

“But that night in her dream she flew high above the earth in a moonless sky. Behind her, like a falling star, sailed a silver sled.”
Chris Kurtz, The Adventures of a South Pole Pig

Tamara Bach
“Und neben mir “Weißt du, wie viel Sternlein stehen, an dem blauen Himmelszelt“. Ich wünsch mir, dass ich mich an den Text erinnere, aber da fällt wohl grade keine Sternschnuppe, und er fällt mir nicht ein. Aber manchmal reicht es doch auch, wenn neben mir jemand ist, dem auch noch der Rest einfällt, wenn da jemand ist, der weitersingt.”
Tamara Bach, Was vom Sommer übrig ist

Ruth Boukhari
“I willed that star to fall
so you would swallow it
and I will recognise you
with your glowing belly
and declare that you are mine.”
Ruth Boukhari, Forlorn

Stewart Stafford
“Heavenly Fire by Stewart Stafford

The Stygian hole of abandon,
Overlaid with a sentry 's cloak,
Now unmasked eyes can see,
Perforations in astral ermine.

Stars crash to this plain,
In all their splintered finery,
As a missive of mortal status,
Decreeing fire is not of this earth.

Like the casting down of Lucifer,
Or Prometheus pirating Zeus's flame,
And when giant reptiles vanished,
Quiet gratitude for this deep shelter.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved”
Stewart Stafford

“Be more than a star. Even the stars fall.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov