
January 2018 revisit the Shelf Reread Poll

Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak, 592 pages, 1951
  66 votes, 19.4%

  65 votes, 19.1%

  46 votes, 13.5%

A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess, 212 pages, 1962
  37 votes, 10.9%

Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, 608 pages, 1838
  30 votes, 8.8%

The Princess Bride by William Goldman, 298 pages, 1973
  29 votes, 8.5%

The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells, 192 pages, 1897
  24 votes, 7.1%

  21 votes, 6.2%

The Caine Mutiny by Herman Wouk, 560 pages, 1951
  13 votes, 3.8%

  9 votes, 2.6%

Poll added by: Bob

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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message 1: by Brina (new)

Brina I am pulling for Doctor Zhivago.

message 2: by Pink (new)

Pink Me too Brina :)

message 3: by Marilyn (new)

Marilyn Me three.

message 4: by Karen (new)

Karen Me four :)

message 5: by Brina (new)

Brina Here we go again with close voting...

message 6: by Loretta (new)

Loretta Yikes! Another tie!

message 7: by Bob (new)

Bob Mod
This one looks like it will come down to the final day. fingers crossed for Doctor Zhivago, last read in 2014. We read Remains of the Day in January 2017, I know that's the required year long wait for reread. A month for close votes, at least in 3 of 5 categories.

message 8: by Francisca (new)

Francisca Bob wrote: "This one looks like it will come down to the final day. fingers crossed for Doctor Zhivago, last read in 2014. We read Remains of the Day in January 2017, I know that's the required year long wait ..."

I think it’s the effect of the Nobel Prize...

message 9: by Katy (new)

Katy Mod
Still a tie at the moment. Several of our polls are close ones this time around.

message 10: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Doctor Zhivago down by 4 now...I was hoping this might finally be the month it won, but it isn’t looking good. :(

message 11: by Marilyn (new)

Marilyn Maybe the reread rule should be 2 years.

message 12: by Brina (new)

Brina Sarah, we are planning a buddy read regardless. Marilyn, I agree.

message 13: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Brina wrote: "Sarah, we are planning a buddy read regardless. Marilyn, I agree."

I hoping to read it sometime this winter, so I am up for a buddy read too.

message 14: by Brina (new)

Brina Let's see if it can make up the 4 votes in the next few hours. Otherwise I'm posting in the buddy read requests tomorrow.

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Sarah 64 books
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Doctor Zhiva

Ed 27 books
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Doctor Zhiva

Erik 56 books
12 friends
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A Clockwork

Fancy: 36 books
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The Remains

Patrick 179 books
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The Remains

Gayle 96 books
10 friends
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Doctor Zhiva

Noah 221 books
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A Clockwork

John 311 books
2 friends
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Ben-Hur: A T

Jamie 1022 books
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Doctor Zhiva

Maria 175 books
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The Invisibl

Paige 516 books
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Jamie 3052 books
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Jeremy 440 books
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angelireads 659 books
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Carol 91 books
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Doctor Zhiva

Madeleine 426 books
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Nadia 44 books
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Doctor Zhiva

Carlo 1099 books
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Doctor Zhiva

Andjela 168 books
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A Clockwork

Michael 1110 books
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Mitu 490 books
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The Remains

Danada 6714 books
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Ben-Hur: A T

Abby 14 books
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Doctor Zhiva

Jamie 1676 books
108 friends
voted for:
The Invisibl

rachid 2216 books
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Oliver Twist

Piyumi 465 books
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The Caine Mu

Rachael 976 books
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AnnaG 2832 books
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Flore 275 books
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