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Lagom: The Swedish Art of Balanced Living

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Discover the Swedish ethos of balanced living with this little book of Lagom .

The Swedish concept of Lagom (pronounced "lah-gom") roughly translates to "not too little, not too much, just right." This charming book introduces readers to a new way of balanced living that promises happiness and sustainability in work and in life. Lagom provides simple solutions to juggle everyday priorities, reduce stress, eat well, and save money, with lessons on the importance of downtime, being outdoors, and Sweden's coffee break culture. Tips on removing clutter and creating a capsule wardrobe help readers achieve Sweden's famously clean and functional design aesthetic, while advice on going green and growing food gets their hands dirty.

With seemingly endless financial, emotional, and environmental benefits, Lagom presents an accessible and all-encompassing lifestyle that is sure to inspire mindfulness, wellbeing, and contentment.

160 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2017

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About the author

Linnea Dunne

5 books35 followers
Linnea Dunne was born and raised in Sweden, where she started her writing career as a columnist at the local newspaper. She left for Ireland a few years later and eventually moved to London, where she studied Creative Writing and Political Communications. She now lives in Dublin with her husband and two half-Swedish kids, trying to achieve that lagom balance against all odds.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 637 reviews
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,303 reviews147 followers
May 14, 2021
*** There are two recently published books on lagom with not only similar titles, but they are also similar in size and cover design. My review of Lagom: Not Too Little, Not Too Much: The Swedish Art of Living a Balanced, Happy Life can be found here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...

“Happiness in a sustainable sense is not about extremes.” (p 151)

Lagom is about balance, having not too little, not too much, but just enough. Linnea Dunne not only defines lagom, but captures the very essence of it in her writing on the subject. She offers up just enough information in this quick yet satisfying read. Dunne concisely conveys her thoughts and provides examples of applying the concept in your everyday life. Chapters cover work-life balance, food and drink, style, health and well-being, socializing, sustainable living, and attaining happiness. Nice references to lesser known Swedish cultural traditions, such as sportlov and lördagsgodis, are scattered throughout. Inspiring for those seeking a more balanced and contented lifestyle. Also recommended to those looking to learn more about Swedish culture and mindset.
Profile Image for Ash.
1,084 reviews124 followers
December 9, 2017
3.5 stars
This book isn’t as good as the Hygge book but still parts of it were interesting. I wanted to read this only to learn about Swedes and how they lead a happy life. Also because of the amazing IKEA from Sweden. I really want to move to Europe after reading books like these - the quality of life seems to be so much better compared to the rat race that we are part of.
Profile Image for Debbie Young.
Author 39 books231 followers
January 6, 2018
Interesting insights into Swedish society and values, expounding at length the philosophy of moderation in all things and citing many ways to embrace it in our own lives.

Like last winter's books on the Danish concept of Hygge, the basic concept is a valid antidote to our over-indulgent, consumerist age, promoting a more eco-friendly and considered lifestyle.

A few details struck me as oddly untraditional, e.g. the recommendation to make your main Friday night meal tacos and dips in front of the television (no, thank you).

Beautifully produced and presented in hardback, it makes a nice gift book/coffee table book (I had my copy for Christmas), but I preferred the less showy and more in-depth analysis demonstrated in books like the excellent "A Year of Living Danishly".

The production values were slightly marred by the unwise decision to print some pages in black text on a dark blue ground. People with less than perfect eyesight will struggle to read those sections. It was also a little repetitive, with multiple references to other pages throughout the book. The editor should have taken this as a clue to the need for a little further pruning. Not the author's fault, though.

I don't know how old the author is, but the book read as if she were very young and didn't have a lot of life experience herself. Her enthusiasm for Swedish living was undermined by her confession that she'd emigrated to Dublin at the age of 19 and married an Irishman. Perhaps it is a case of absence making the heart grow fonder for her native land and more nostalgic - otherwise one wonders why she left what she paints as an idyll.

Even so, worth a read - it's at a good price (much reduced on Amazon post-Xmas) and a quick read, and undemanding of time and brain-power.
Profile Image for Irmak.
399 reviews907 followers
July 16, 2018
Hayatı sadeleştirerek mutluluğu yakalamak üzerine kurulu akımları son zamanlarda daha sık duymaya başladık. Pegasus Yayınları da bu akımlara dair seri niteliğinde kitaplar çıkarttı. Hyyge, Lykke ve en son da Lagom. Dekorasyona ağırlık veriyormuş gibi gözüken bu akımlar temelinde bir yaşam tarzını yansıtmakta. Lagom İsveçliler için dengeyi temsil eden bir kavram ve genel olarak 'bir şeyin tam kıvamında' olması anlamına geliyor. Bir şeyi yaparken abartma ama kendini sevdiğin şeylerin dışında da bırakma diyor İsveçliler bir bakıma ve bunu hayatlarının her alanında benimseyip uyguluyorlar. İş yaşam dengesi, az eşyaya sahip olmak, insan ilişkilerine önem vermek, ne yediğine ne kadar yediğine dikkat etmek gibi.

Bu kitapta da lagom anlayışını kendi hayatımıza nasıl uyarlayabileceğimiz hakkında öneriler yer alıyor diyebillirim sanırım. Bu seride ilk olarak Hygge'yi okumuş ve onu oldukça sevmiştim. Lagom'da da zaman zaman Hygge esintilerini gördüm. Ve bu yüzden de aynı şeyleri okuyor gibi hissettiğim anlar oldu. Elbette ki ikisi farklı kavramlar. Ama bana göre ikisi de insana mutluluk, huzur ve denge sağlamayı amaçladığı için birbirine çok benzeyen kavramlar.

Ben kitabın bana çok bir şey kattığını söyleyemeyeceğim ne yazık ki. Hygge'yi okurken hayatıma uygulamayı isteyip kısmen başarmış olsam da Lagom'da bu olmadı. Yine Hygge'de olduğu gibi Lagom'da da farkında olmadan hayatımıza uyguladığımız şeyler var tabii ki. Örneğin kırmızı ruj sürdüğümüzde makyajımızın geri kalanını hafif yaparak dengeyi sağlamak da lagom. Yani demek istediğim lagom olan şeylerin bir kısmını zaten hayatımıza denge kurmak için katmış bulunuyoruz, bu yüzden de kitaptan ekstra bir şey alamadım ben. Ama kitabın kime ne katacağını önceden kestiremeyeceğimiz için bir göz atmanızı tavsiye ederim.
Profile Image for Pelin.
89 reviews47 followers
February 9, 2018
A bit overrated? The only thing that added value was the definition of the word lagom itself. All of the other information can be found in the brochures given in Swedish tourist information offices (which I remember doing). Recipe for cinnamon buns? Seriously (and that was in those brochures too). I would appreciate more research done on Swedish people than just WHO and UN facts.
Profile Image for Evi.
81 reviews35 followers
December 15, 2019
Lagom, η σουηδική τέχνη της ισορροπημένης ζωής από την Linnea Dunne κυκλοφορεί στα ελληνικά από τις εκδόσεις Μίνωας.

Ένα ιδιαίτερο βιβλίο που πρεσβεύει το αρχαιοελληνικό Παν μέτρον άριστον. Ούτε λιγότερο, ούτε περισσότερο, μα όσο ακριβώς πρέπει. Εκεί έγκειται η ευτυχία της ζωής, ούτε στην υπερβολή, μα ούτε και στην απραξία.

Πώς μεταμορφώνουμε τη ζωή μας με θετικό τρόπο; Πώς η καθημερινότητα γίνεται λιγότερο περίπλοκη; Πώς η ζωή μας αντανακλά χαρά και ισορροπία;

Και τελικά τι τρέχει μ' αυτούς τους Σκανδιναβούς; Πώς τα καταφέρνουν να δείχνουν τόσο ευτυχισμένοι; Τι είναι αυτό που φέρνει σταθερότητα και ισορροπία στη ζωή τους;

Εμείς άραγε που δεν είμαστε Σκανδιναβοί μπορούμε να το επιτύχουμε; Μπορούμε να έχουμε λίγο Lagom όπως αυτοί;

Τι μυστικά κρύβονται πίσω από την επιτυχία των Σκανδιναβών; Τι συμβουλές εχουννα μας δώσουν; Σωματική άσκηση, μαγειρική, ισορροπημένη επαγγελματική και προσωπική ζωή, μείωση άγχους, οριοθετημένη κατανάλωση, μινιμαλισμός. Πράγματα που νομίζουμε ότι τα κάνουμε, αλλά τελικά κάτι μας διαφεύγει..

Fika, kanelbullar, loppis..

Μα τι είναι όλα αυτά, θα αναρωτηθεί κανείς!

Αχ διαβάστε το και θα με θυμηθείτε!!
Profile Image for Suzan.
611 reviews
February 23, 2021
Felsefi düşünce olarak ve kitabın kapağını çok beğensemde beni tatmin etmedi malesef 😑
Profile Image for Megan.
168 reviews16 followers
February 5, 2018
Not a “profound” book by any means, but a clean-cut, tidy little book about happiness and healthy, mindful living that was a great pick-me-up in the middle of winter. I love a lot of the Swedish ideology this book promotes: taking time to be in nature, avoidance of consumerism and wastefulness, taking more time to be with friends and just BE with others...sounds like the Swedes might be doing some things right that ‘Merica’s got wrong if this book is any indication.

Illustrations: I’m a sucker for cheery illustrations and I love how the whole thing is filled with outdoor/food photography, folksy drawings and infographic-style formatting.
Profile Image for Myrthe.
170 reviews9 followers
June 3, 2019
It was fun to read about the Swedish culture, but this book didn't really tell me anything I did not already know or do in real life. So, I'd recommend it for a story about life in Sweden (with horrible overgeneralisations - "the Swedish" do this) but not for teaching you something new about lifestyle.
Profile Image for Ipek.
76 reviews
August 14, 2019
I found it too quick of a read with too much brand name dropping and no substance. I get that the suggestions are not viable for everyone everywhere but the tone of the book implies that the writer is unaware of that fact. Cute design and lovely illustrations. Maybe I would have enjoyed it more as a beach read where I am less likely to be cranky about basic lifestyle books.
Profile Image for Ivo Stoyanov.
237 reviews
December 14, 2018
Книжлето искренно ме зарадва, изглежда като извадена брошура за задължително щастие само ако го пожелаете , показа , защо шведите са най-щастливата нация на света( не заради шведската тройка или маса ) а в своята практичност, социални придобивки за които ние българите можем само да мечтаем и разбира се заради храната, природата и още куп други неща , които ние също имаме , но използваме енергията си в нещо отрицатено и негативно и затова не се получава.
Profile Image for Metin Yılmaz.
1,063 reviews133 followers
November 24, 2019
Daha önce bir çok kez bu hisse kapılmıştım. Alışkınım açıkcası. Ama yine de her seferinde biraz daha rahatsız ediyor. Ne mi bu his? Zamanımı çöpe attığım hissi. Bu kitaba zaman ayırarak zamanımı çar çur ettiğim hissi. Peki neden mi iki yıldız? Çünkü baskısı ve cildi çok iyi yapılmış. Bunun haricinde kağıt israfından başka bir şey değil ne yazık ki... Reklamları anlayabiliyorum fakat, bir reklamın bu kadar uzatılmasını anlayamıyorum.
Profile Image for Oksana.
42 reviews20 followers
October 21, 2021
В цій книзі ви знайдете все про шведські традиції, особливості шведського менталітету і побуту. Ця нація підкорила моє серце, like no other.

"Lagom is all about making the good life less complicated."

"...a country that celebrates balance and puts fairness on a pedestal, where consensus is king and everyone mucks in."
Profile Image for Renee Roberts.
287 reviews31 followers
July 28, 2022
Overall, I'm happy I read this and learned about Lagom and the Swedish culture. It boils down to balance. Kind of a Goldilocks mentality, in that people should want the proper amount of something--not too little, not too much, but the "just right" portion. Strive for happiness, but realize you can't have elation 24-7 and learn to appreciate being contented. They work to live instead of living to work, and they take their breaks and leave on time. Value your friends, but also have some time alone. Choose pot luck dinner and a movie with good friends instead of bar hopping or going to a fancy restaurant. Buy good quality items, and then don't spend money on needless excesses; instead, refurbish, reuse, recycle, and make do. They have a very eco-friendly society, and focus on the outdoors and growing their own produce as much as possible. While at work or in the community, democracy rules, meaning everyone involved in a project is in on the planning and they continue planning until they all agree on how to proceed, because then there can be no complaining. One of the best parts is how their philosophy applies to parenting. They feel you should impart your values and lessons, then stand back and let your child succeed or fail on his own, because both those outcomes teach life lessons that all humans should learn to deal with. In many ways, because of their goal of balance in all areas of life, I think they must be much stronger and more well-adjusted than Americans.

But, OMG, I've been reading it for TWO YEARS. It's written in little snippets, making it easy to put down and revisit without really losing continuity, so I figured it would be a quick and easy read. Instead, it's just too long, too repetitive, and it's sometimes contradictory--or maybe I just didn't get it completely, especially in the section on style. The pages are quite colorful, but sometimes the background color is too dark to provide contrast for the print, and that was wearing on the eyes. I read roughly a quarter of the book before it became a bathroom book, after which I just didn't visit it often.
Profile Image for Kathy Peterman.
31 reviews4 followers
April 21, 2018
A charming look at what the Swedes do to create balanced, happy life. Lagom translates to "everything in moderation" and the book is divided into three sections - personal life, family & relationships and the wider world. I believe we learn the most by going outside our own culture as it gives us a wider range for what's possible.

Swedish homes are simple, clutter-free yet have a personal touch via plants, lights, handmade or secondhand items. Shoes off in the house keeps things sanitary and cozy. Sleep is fostered by subdued colors in the bedroom, layers of comfy linens, blinds that darken the room and a nice wind-down routine in the evening. A morning dip, saunas and time in nature make up the Swedish lifestyle. They also like to make exercise a part of their everyday life as compared to going to the gym. Many ride bikes or walk. A minimalistic wardrobe of eco-friendly fabrics and allowing imperfection to be okay is part of the balanced lifestyle.

Work-Life balance begins with rising early and allowing breaks to be time away to connect with others. Niki compares her life in London where everyone stayed late to fit in at the office, whereas in Sweden they are productive but leave on time to make family a priority and down-time is valued.

The Swedes are not quick to form relationships, they take their time to listen and get to know someone first. They value relationship equality, gender neutrality and simple ways to entertain guests in one's home or in nature.

Parental leave offers 480 days to be shared amongst both parents and used up until the child is twelve. How cool is that? They aim to not have too many toys, to allow kids to be bored as a way to develop life skills that include imagination, forming relationships and understanding emotions.

Thinking of others is common and demonstrated via volunteering, being kind, respecting nature and being eco-conscious.

The Swedes eat in moderation and have some of the least amount of food-waste. Eating what you have on hand by making pyttipanna - "small pieces in a pan" a hodgepodge of leftovers including diced potatoes, meat scraps, onions and leftover veggies which are tossed together and then fried. Composting, gardening and growing veggies from scraps are additional ways to not waste.

For me this book was a nice combination of many practices I see in Portland, Oregon. It's a good way to learn from the Swedes and enrich your own life!
Profile Image for S.
714 reviews
March 5, 2018
In line with the hygge trend, now we have: Lagom!

This book is hard to review.

There were some things I liked - it had some good advice, and some interesting asides about Swedes. And really, who can argue with the idea that balance in all things is a good idea (except the occasional big bag of candy [lördagsgodis!]). I could only wish that recycling was so easy here. And that I could afford a caravan!

There were some things I didn't like - there was some silly advice, and some sweeping generalizations. She defined many terms, but not all the ones you needed (alottment?). And it was so annoying how she constantly referenced other sections in what is not that big of a book (really, this is more like a bunch of magazine articles than a proper book).
And in the hardcover edition I read, the background color of some sections made it hard to read (note to publisher: use white text instead of black on dark olive and stormy blue backgrounds!)

The most annoying part to me was that she talks about the Law of Jante and how it has 10 parts, but then she never says what it actually states! So, just in case you felt the same way, here is the complete concept:
The 10 rules of Jante Law
1. You’re not to think you are anything special.
2. You’re not to think you are as good as we are.
3. You’re not to think you are smarter than we are.
4. You’re not to convince yourself that you are better than we are.
5. You’re not to think you know more than we do.
6. You’re not to think you are more important than we are.
7. You’re not to think you are good at anything.
8. You’re not to laugh at us.
9. You’re not to think anyone cares about you.
10. You’re not to think you can teach us anything.
Not quite what I expected.
But ha! So funny to look this up - I guess that all these books about hygge and lagom are breaking that last rule.
Still, there is no denying it would be good if the rest of us could pick up some of this stuff... and I have to give the author props: she does acknowledge all the generalizing at the end, and that we need to be lagom about lagom. Point taken.
Profile Image for Tori.
373 reviews13 followers
March 7, 2018
Overall, 3.5.

Physical aesthetics of the book: 5 stars, absolutely. A great, minimalist feel while the embossing and matte, sturdy cover give it weight in hand. Really love it.

At the end, the author admits it’s a lightweight skimming of a deep concept and offers only a wee bit of practical advice for incorporating Lagom into the hectic, insatiable, and omnivorous melee that is American-style living... And while I loved it on the whole, it was all just too brief and almost terse (perhaps that is the point? I feel like that is the point and yet I just don’t work that way!) If brevity is the soul of Lagom, I am already failing.

Very sweet book though.
Profile Image for Minh Huong.
103 reviews28 followers
November 23, 2018
LAGOM, phong cách sống Vừa đủ của người Thuỵ Điển.
Ở-rê-ka, tìm ra rồi. Sau một hồi dài thì cuối cùng mình cũng đã tìm ra cuốn sách chỉ đúng lối sống mà mình mong muốn và thuộc về. Nó ko phải keo kiệt, bủn xịn mà là sống biết đủ: làm việc vừa đủ- để có thời gian cho gia đình, bạn bè và thưởng thức cuộc sống; ăn uống vừa đủ (ko ăn quá no, quá nhiều, quá thừa), tiêu dùng vừa đủ (dùng lại đồ cũ...) , đồ đạc vừa đúng chức năng (ko rườm rà, cầu kỳ, dư ra) , giao tiếp Lagom: ý thức cộng đồng xung quanh, suy nghĩ Lagom: ko quá emotional cũng ko quá logic cứng nhắc, bình yên, mindfulness để ý thức mọi việc trong tỉnh thức.
Thấy quá hay và phù hợp để áp dụng, để có cuộc sống xanh và giá trị hơn!
Profile Image for Paraskevi Parissi.
122 reviews16 followers
February 27, 2020

Η Σουηδική τέχνη της ισορροπίας της ζωής.
Μετά από το HYGGE Ο Δανέζικος τρόπος να ζεις καλά και το LYKKE Ο Δανέζικος τρόπος για την κατάκτηση της ευτυχίας έρχεται το LAGOM που πρεσβεύει το Αρχαιοελληνικό Παν Μέτρο Άριστον ,ούτε λιγότερο, ούτε περισσότερο, ακριβώς όσο πρέπει!

Διαβάζοντας το Lagom δεν σας κρύβω ότι ένιωσα πάρα πολλές φορές ότι, υιοθετώ τον Σουηδικό τρόπο σκέψης, αφού άπειρες φορές βρήκα μέσα στα κείμενα σκέψεις μου και τρόπους συμπεριφοράς μου και αυτό με ευχαρίστησε πάρα πολύ. Ουσιαστικά είναι ένα συμβουλευτικό βιβλίο για το πώς θα μεταμορφώσεις την ζωή σου για να είναι χαρούμενη και ισορροπημένη. Το βιβλίο δεν γράφει κάτι εξωπραγματικό, αντιθέτως σημειώνει με ένα ιδιαίτερο τρόπο απλά καθημερινά πράγματα που μπορούμε να κάνουμε όλοι μας, με σκοπό η ζωή μας να είναι πιο εύκολη, πράγματα που μπορείς να κάνεις εσύ και εγώ αρκεί να έχουμε θέληση.

Το Lagom δεν μπορείς να το μεταφράσεις, αλλά μπορείς να το κατανοήσεις και να προσθέσεις σιγά σιγά το λιθαράκι σου για να το χτίσεις. Στην απλούστερη εκδοχή του περιγράφει αυτό που είναι αρκετό ή σωστό και θα σας δώσω ένα παράδειγμα για να το καταλάβετε. Μπορείτε να φορέσετε ένα έντονο κόκκινο κραγιόν , ωστόσο , το υπόλοιπο μακιγιάζ πρέπει να είναι απόλυτα διακριτικό. Έτσι αν γνωρίζεις τι σημαίνει ΄΄ ακριβώς όσο πρέπει ΄΄ , τότε ποιος ο λόγος να υπερβάλεις? Συμφωνείται με αυτό?

Θέστε ως πρωταρχικό στόχο την απλότητα στην ζωή σας και είμαι σίγουρη ότι θα βρείτε την ηρεμία σας. Μπορείτε να αφιερώσετε λίγο χρόνο στον αυτό σας και να περάσετε όμορφες στιγμές στην φύση , είμαι σίγουρη ότι θα συμβάλει στην ενίσχυση του αισθήματος ευτυχίας που θα σας κατακλύσει και θα ξαναφορτίσετε τις μπαταρίες σας. Αρκεί να υπάρχει θέληση και να μην λέτε δεν μπορώ…… μπορείς! Ζούμε μία εποχή που κατακλυζόμαστε από άπειρες πληροφορίες και ζούμε μέσα στο άγχος, προσπάθησε να κάνεις ένα διάλειμμα και να έρθεις σε επαφή με αγαπημένα πρόσωπα , να πιείς ένα καφέ , να δεις την αισιόδοξη πλευρά της ζωής, γιατί υπάρχει.

Δεν υπάρχει κακός καιρός, αλλά ακατάλληλα ρούχα αναφέρει μια παλιά Σουηδική παροιμία!
Αφιερώστε δυο λεπτά για να το σκεφτείτε….

Πάρα πολλοί άνθρωποί καλλιεργούν τα δικά τους λαχανικά ,έρχονται σε επαφή με το χώμα, τον αέρα, το νερό …..όλα αυτά είναι μία μορφή Lagom. Το να ανανεώσεις την γκαρνταρόμπα σου, να δώσεις ότι δεν χρησιμοποιείς είναι Lagom. Το να περπατήσεις στο πάρκο είναι Lagom.Απλά καθημερινά πράγματα που μπορούμε να τα κάνουμε όλοι και να βελτιώσουμε την ζωή μας. Το Lagom σχετίζεται με μικρές στιγμές ηρεμίας και ευδαιμονίας στην καθημερινότητα μας.
Η λειτουργικότητα και η οικονομία είναι αρετές.

Το να είσαι καλός ακροατής σε μία συζήτηση , είναι μία ικανότητα που είμαι σίγουρη ότι θα επωφεληθείς και είναι Lagom.

Θα σας δώσω ακόμα ένα παράδειγμα, ξέρετε ότι αγαπάω την λογοτεχνία, στην πόλη μου έχω δημιουργήσει με αγαπημένα πρόσωπα Λέσχη ανάγνωσης που έρχονται αναγνώστες για να συζητήσουμε και να πιούμε καφέ…. και πιστέψτε με είναι μία μορφή Lagom , αυτή η πετυχημένη συνάθροιση φίλων, που με χαροποιεί πάρα πολύ! Η Συμμετοχή σε οποιαδήποτε λέσχη σας δίνει την δυνατότητα να βγείτε από το σπίτι και να έρθετε σε επαφή με ανθρώπους με τις ίδιες ιδέες… τι πιο όμορφο!

Όλα μπορούν να γίνουν αρκεί να αλλάξει η νοοτροπία μας και ο τρόπος σκέψης μας, υιοθετώντας καινούργιες ιδέες που θα μας κάνουν πιο εύκολη την ζωή. Έτσι και αλλιώς η ευτυχία δεν σχετίζεται με την υπερβολή, σχετίζεται με το να κάνουμε τις σημαντικές στιγμές να διαρκούν πιο πολύ!
Το Lagom είναι ένα ευκολοδιάβαστο βιβλίο που μόνο κερδισμένος θα είσαι αν το διαβάσεις και αν κερδίσεις κάποια πράγματα εσύ, τότε έχει κερδίσει και το κοινωνικό σύνολο.
Το βιβλίο περιλαμβάνει όμορφες συνταγές για να κάνεις και να απολαύσεις με την οικογένεια σου και τους φίλου σου, σε συνδυασμό με όμορφο φωτογραφικό υλικό.
Profile Image for Baaska Baaska.
275 reviews10 followers
May 2, 2020
Их биш бага биш яг тунгаар нь гэж орчуулах юмуу кк. Гарчиг шигээ л Шведүүдийн тэнцвэртэй амьдрах хэв маягийг хуваалцсан. Доторх зураг, дүрслэлүүд нь их хөөрхөн болохоор өөр номнууд уншиж байх завсраа уншихад их хөнгөн агуулгатай, нүд баясгаад гоё байлаа. Ажил, амьдралын тэнцвэр, бие махбодь, сэтгэлийн эрүүл мэнд, баясал, хоолны жор, байгальдаа ээлтэй байх гээд л олон хөөрхөн зөвөлгөө байна аа. Гэхдээ цоо шинэ гэхээр зүйл олж хараагүй ч бас нэг сануулга болоод зүгээр л юм байна.
Profile Image for gigi_booksworld.
142 reviews17 followers
January 21, 2020
Πάρα πολύ χαριτωμένο βιβλίο, με ωραία χρώματα, ελαφρύ σε βάρος, αλλά με μικρή γραμματοσειρά που με κούραζε όταν κάποιοι παράγραφοι είχαν σκούρο φόντο. Χαλαρό βιβλίο που διαβάζεται ευχάριστα και μάλιστα μπορεί να σε εμπνεύσει και εσένα σε διάφορους τομείς της ζωής σου. Από την καθημερινότητα σου με τους συναδέλφους, τις χαλαρές Παρασκευές σου μετά τη δουλειά, τη διαρρύθμισή σπιτιού κλπ. Επίσης έχει και αρκετές συνταγές φαγητών/γλυκών ακόμα και κρασιού! Διαβάζοντας το συνειδητοποιείς πόσο ξένα είναι κάποια πράγματα που κάνουν οι Σουηδοί σε σχέση με εσένα αλλά και στο γύρω σύνολο. Κάποιες συμπεριφορές τις ζήλεψα, μακάρι να τις εφαρμόζαμε οι περισσότεροι μας, όχι μόνο στην Ελλάδα αλλά και γενικά. Π.χ η φροντίδα και η αγάπη για το περιβάλλον, την ανακύκλωση που κάνουν κλπ.
Profile Image for Nga Pham.
34 reviews
December 30, 2018
Cuốn sách mang tới cái nhìn tổng quát và rất lagom về phong cách sống của người Thụy Điển (mình không hề thích từ “đẳng cấp” trong tên sách xíu nào).

Sự hài lòng trong phong cách sống của người Thụy Điển không phải là vì họ đã có tất cả mọi thứ, mà đơn giản đó là một trạng thái thỏa mãn với những gì mình đang có. Lagom chính là việc thoát ra khỏi những bộn bề và cân đo đong đếm một cách thái quá.

Phong cách lagom của người Thụy Điển mà tác giả đề cập cuốn sách mang lại một cảm giác bình yên, thoải mái nhưng cũng rất hiện đại. Tinh thần lagom được thể hiện trong mọi mặt của cuộc sống người Thụy Điển: làm việc vừa đủ, ăn uống không quá cầu kỳ, không gian ngôi nhà thoáng đãng với những đồ đạc cần thiết, quần áo phù hợp thời tiết, cân bằng giữa thời gian dành cho gia đình và cho bản thân… Tất nhiên cuốn sách chỉ đề cập tới những mặt tích cực trong phong cách sống của người Thụy Điển và cụ thể là về lagom, vì vậy không thể nói là “nên sống theo phong cách người Thụy Điển”, nhưng trong sách có rất nhiều quan điểm đáng học hỏi, đặc biệt là về trách nhiệm chăm sóc con cái trong gia đình và ý thức sống vì môi trường.

Cuốn sách được trình bày bắt mắt, hài hòa với nhiều hình minh họa và cả hình chụp. Màu sắc được sử dụng trong sách góp phần mang lại cảm giác chậm rãi, nhẹ nhàng về cách sống của người Thụy Điển. Cách thiết kế mỗi trang một màu chủ đạo đẹp nhưng lại khiến một số trang khó đọc được nội dung (chữ màu đen trên nền xanh lá đậm).

Một điểm trừ về mặt nội dung là những công thức món ăn của người Thụy Điển hơi thừa. Theo mình thì sách chỉ cần nêu tên các món ăn là đủ, không cần hướng dẫn cả cách làm vì có thể tìm kiếm trên internet, và một số hướng dẫn cũng hơi mơ hồ, khái quát quá. Ngoài ra, trong sách có nhắc tới Bộ quy tắc ứng xử Jante vài lần nhưng không hề có giải thích, và sách cũng không có bảng tra thuật ngữ. Những thuật ngữ ngắn và được nhắc tới nhiều lần như lagom, fika, fredagsmys thì dễ nhớ nhưng nhiều thuật ngữ dài thì tác giả chỉ *mở ngoặc* xem lại phần trước *đóng ngoặc* (trong khi việc nhớ lại từ đó xuất hiện ở phần nào cũng khá khó khăn).
Profile Image for Karen.
515 reviews4 followers
February 7, 2019
Lagom, the name for Swedish balanced living can be described as aiming for "not too Little, not too much, just right" The emphasis in all parts of life, from consuming goods, preparing food, enjoying the outdoors, communing with nature and friends is on the good of the collective rather than on any one person or group. Sweden is known to be one of the top ten countries in the world with contented, happy people. The author Linnea Dunne answers the question, why would one adopt Lagom with the answer, that with most people under stress from staring at screens, feeling overloaded with toxins and missing out on communing with friends and family, that the planet itself is screaming for balance. The most enjoyable and educational feature of this books is her presentation of terms for Swedish activities. Example include "Fredagsmys' or honoring downtime with loved ones, enjoying a "Fika" culture or sharing coffee and "Kanelbullar" or cinnamon buns; and "Pyttipanna" or creating a meal with all the leftovers in the fridge! This book is a delightful excursion to another culture where less is more!
Profile Image for Jackie.
521 reviews66 followers
January 1, 2019
I've been a bit obsessive this year with Swedish/Danish living having read The Little Book of Hygge, The Little Book of Fika and now Lagom: The Swedish Art of Balanced Living. This one was a bit more robust than the latter two.

According to Dunne, lagom roughly translates into "just enough". It's striking the balance of life and basically, enjoying things in moderation. It's really not rocket science- working enough to live not living to work, spending time with family and friends, sustainability, choosing quality over quantity, choosing practicality and functionality, etc. but it is a nice reminder. Dunne covers everything from work-life balance to socializing to food to fashion and home decoration. Even though she admits that the book is based off generalizations, she does back up with statistics. I'm not sure if it's because she comes off more matter of fact and gives more plausible ways everyone can include a little lagom in their lives, but the narration comes off as less pretentious than The Little Book of Hygge did. Hoping to incorporate some of the ideas she gives in my own life.
Profile Image for Lobo.
933 reviews
October 7, 2017
Linnea Dunne, aki összeszedte kis könyvében, hogy mi is az ami a svédeket kiegyensúlyozottá teszi évekig élt távol szülőhazájától és ezalatt jött rá, hogy mennyi minden van, ami hiányzik neki onnan. S milyen sok dolgot lehet a Lagom-ból bárhol a világon hasznosítani és elérni, hogy nyugodtabb legyen az ember élete és megtanulja élvezni azt, ami van neki. Sokan azt szokták felhozni a Lagom-mal szemben, hogy a középszerűséget isteníti, pedig igazából nem, hanem arra akar rávezetni, hogy legyünk elégedettek azzal, amink van és élvezzük a környezetünket ki a legapróbb részletig is a meglévő lehetőseinket kihasználva. Dunne rávilágít arra, hogy már a felgyorsult világba beköszöntő lassú élet mozgalom előtt is a svédek a Lagom szerint igyekeztek élni, mert rájöttek, hogy az “éppen elég”-re hajtással nem csak a saját testi-lelki-szellemi egyensúlyukat teremthetik meg, de még a társadalomra is jó hatással lehet az ilyen életvitel.
Részletesen: http://olvasonaplo.net/olvasonaplo/20...
Profile Image for Christa Van.
1,606 reviews2 followers
March 26, 2018
Another example from the countries of how to live your best life. This from Sweden, lagom roughly translates into "just the right amount." In other words don't overdo things or under do things to achieve a balance that will make you happier in the long term. This book advocates for balance, simplicity and moderation. Topics covered in this book include work-life balance, food and drink, health, friends, the planet and the management of "things." Swedish design is well know for simple lines and not exactly "minimalism" but less is more. I like the idea of Friday night relaxation. I like the idea of keeping it all together and doing what you can but not more than you can. I see that there are at least 2 other new books about this same topic. Not sure that I need to read another one but the ideas here seem reasonable.
Profile Image for Phuong Linh.
62 reviews5 followers
August 29, 2018
Ok đây đích thị là cuốn sách giới thiệu cho chúng ta biết cách làm thế nào để có một cuộc sống hạnh phúc. Và thật sự thì mọi thứ được trình bày trong cuốn sách này hoàn toàn hợp lý, logic và đáng để chúng ta làm theo. “Lagom là từ dùng để chỉ sự vừa phải”, quả thật đúng như vậy. Ngẫm mà xem, người Thuỵ Điển đã đúng ở chỗ họ đã sớm nhận ra “Hạnh phúc bền vững không phải nằm ở những thứ cực đỉnh”. Tất cả chỉ cần ở mức độ “vừa đủ” để thong thả thưởng thức mà không sợ tụt cảm xúc nếu như ta đang ở trên sự tột đỉnh của niềm vui sướng.
Cách sống được đưa ra trong cuốn này trùng hợp là rất giống với cách sống của nhân vật chính trong bộ Manga “Little Forest”. Cho nên tốt nhất là nhâm nhi bộ Mâng đó trước và bạn sẽ hiểu hạnh phúc kiểu “lagom” là như thế nào...
Profile Image for Hulyacln.
980 reviews528 followers
May 8, 2018
Yarım yağlı inek sütü ülkesi İsveç inceleniyor Lagom’da..kısaca “denge”nin hayatlarımızı ne denli değiştirebileceğinden bahsediliyor.Oturmuş bir sosyal düzeni hemen yarın kendi ülkenizde uygulamaya sokmak tabii ki imkansız..Ancak herkesin kendi evinde ve sosyal çevresinde uygulanabilecek güzel yollar da yok değil.Şöyle bir alıntı da yapılabilir:
“Bütün mesele çizgileri nasıl birleştirdiğimiz,mecburiyetleri nasıl hafiflettiğimiz ve anlamlı anların kalıcı olmasını nasıl sağladığımız.”
Kendi adıma kuzenlerimi arayıp “hadi fika’layalım” diyerek başlayabilirim bu ufak çarkı kurma işlemine..
Displaying 1 - 30 of 637 reviews

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