174 books
7 voters

As some find picking on people a treasured entertainment, ‘recreational bullying’ has become their devious tool, to satisfy an exhibitionist urge to outdo themselves, by dredging up acerbic stories for score-settling and airing dirty laundry. ("On a doggy day")

My loathings are simple. stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music. My pleasures are the most intense known to man: writing and butterfly hunting.
― Strong Opinions
― Strong Opinions

5 members,
last active 6 years ago
This group is dedicated to a couple of lazy readers
2 members,
last active 5 years ago

1 member,
last active 7 years ago
Hey let's read, talk, challenge, debate, theorize, cry, and write together.…more
1 member,
last active 4 years ago