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Her destiny is her greatest fear.

Seventeen-year-old Halen Windspeare will do anything to extinguish the flames that spark beneath her fingertips. But, returning to the place where she witnessed her father drown forces the fire to ignite. Refusing to release the rage that burns within her, Halen’s hell bent on fighting the fire.

But when she encounters a breathtaking stranger from the ocean depths, everything changes.

As Halen is thrust into Dax's underwater world, she discovers the hidden truth of her destiny. However, what is expected of her may be more than she can endure. Now, Halen's forced to fight the rage within her to control the magic that burns inside. But when a vindictive demon has other plans for her, Halen must determine who she can trust in this new and dangerous world. Can Halen sift through the web of lies and accept her fate before her enemies destroy them all?

Unknown Binding

First published June 30, 2014

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About the author

Tiffany Daune

8 books346 followers
Tiffany Daune writes dark fantasy filled with magic, epic love, and deadly creatures lurking in the shadows. When away from her keyboard, you can find her browsing local bookstores, stargazing, or dreaming up murderous villains for her next story. She lives in the rainy PNW and draws inspiration from her island home when crafting haunting new worlds.

Find Tiffany anywhere online @TiffanyDaune or visit www.tiffanydaune.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 193 reviews
Profile Image for Irena BookDustMagic.
699 reviews868 followers
December 20, 2014
I got this book for free from the author in an exchange for an honest review.

This is my first mermaid/siren book. I am glad it is because it is a very good book and because of that, now I have a good impression about under sea creatures themed stories which means I would like to read more books from this genre.

This book is written in third person and from the very begging it follows two perpectives: Halen's and Tage's.
Even though Halen's perspective is the main one I was more interested in Tage's.

I think author did a great job with the world building . I found the world very interesting and I had no questions about it's content because an author was good at describing.

Characters of the story were well developed and I cared about them. My favorite one was Ezra.

The only thing I am sorry about is the fact I didn't have more free time to devour this story sooner . I think if I did my reading experience would be even better.

Who would I recommend this book? To everyone who likes ya genre and would like to read something about undersea creatures .
I would also recommend it to people who liked The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare becuse (I can't honestly say based on what) I got the similar vibe I had while reading those books.

I am looking forward to read more from this author.
Profile Image for Alice-Elizabeth (Prolific Reader Alice).
1,162 reviews162 followers
February 27, 2018
I received a free digital copy of this book as part of the blog tour running for the second book in the series Curses and Ash. All thoughts shared are my own!

This is a YA Fantasy featuring mermaids and sirens, following a girl called Halen who ventures towards a beach and suddenly finds herself suck into this world that she never knew existed in the depths of the ocean. Her whole life as she has known it has been a solid lie. The story also follows another character called Tage who is also a part of this new world. I loved the adventure aspect and world-building but at times, I struggled to connect with Halen as a character. She was crying most of the time and struggling to control her emotions which even though there is a little bit of personal trauma within the storyline, I found this aspect to be a little bit distracting. It was easy to get into and had good pacing but the ending was a cliffhanger which was a good set-up for the start of the sequel.
Profile Image for Dana.
440 reviews301 followers
January 5, 2015

This book was a disappointment. Not a lot happened and I was bored for majority of the novel. I have yet to read a mermaid/siren book that I liked, I really wonder why it is so hard to write a good mermaid book.

Everything was just too convenient and too basic for me, it was difficult to feel invested in anything that happened as it hardly felt that even the author was invested! Honestly I can't even think of much anything else to say about this, I have been left with a feeling of indifference after finishing this book, don't like it but also don't care enough to hate it. 2/5

Buy, Borrow or Bin Verdict: Bin

Note: I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Elyssa.
2 reviews
July 2, 2014
I was initially drawn to Coral & Bone because of the intriguing cover art. Unsure of what I was getting into, I began chapter 1 and was instantly HOOKED. The story is a quick read, but not a simple one. As the plot unfolds you find you've been thrown into a web of deeply tangled connections between the characters, from which Daune leaves no loose ends. Her illustrative language depicts the tale of a curious teenager trying to find herself and make sense of what her magik means to her. The clever and thoughtful writing gives purpose to every character and twist encountered on your journey through land and water. While the story has moments of dark captivation, it's riddled with hints of humor and lightheartedness. Daune impressively paints a beautiful picture of the realms the characters live in. Often in fantasy stories the reader can lose sight of the author's vision when details are lost from mind to paper. I never once felt that way while reading Coral & Bone, I was in the journey from page 1 up until the end.

I would highly recommend this book to those even just dabbling in YA and fantasy stories
Profile Image for Maddie.
558 reviews1,131 followers
October 14, 2017
DNF'ed at 50%

The mythology behind everything and the world building was way too messy for me and I found it all quite hard to keep track of that I lost the plot. It's a shame as I really wanted to find another good mermaid book after like 'The Siren' by Keira Cass so much.
Profile Image for Dani ❤️ Perspective of a Writer.
1,512 reviews5 followers
December 25, 2017
Check out more reviews @ Perspective of a Writer...

Halen is back in Rockaway Beach where the sparks igniting from her fingertips started... And when she's attacked and thrust into the ocean she finds herself in a mysterious new world, the underwater realm of Elosia. There she meets the boy she's been dreaming about and learns the truth about what happened on the beach that day... And now she must choose to face the darkness or allow her powers to overwhelm her.

I can't say how much of a disappointment this book was... I have been DYING for a mermaid book and this one looked really good with a decent cover and title! As I read though I realized that the title tells me little and the cover even less. They were successful in drawing me in though... I think the problems arose when right away I noticed this read like an instruction manual for Chosen One characters... chosen one, uncontrollable powers, guy destiny, and already picked allies and a powerful demon. And they didn't stray from their designated tropes one millimeter!

So I didn't HATE this book. It's NOT bad. If you enjoy the Chosen One trope with all the accessories then you'll have fun with the ocean setting, the nature theme and the group of friends. The idea of what a siren is was pretty fun to me and was not poorly thought out if still conventional. There wasn't a ton of world building as most of the story happened in the contemporary world but what there was worked for the scenes there were. The plot was the same. It did its job and wasn't bad. There were moments I liked and that I thought were neat. The problem was I was NEVER WOWED!

Nothing took my breathe away. Nothing was so super cool I wondered how she thought of it. The setting did NOT come to life for me. I didn't want to be a siren or a shifter or a hunter or from Elosia. And I put that ALL at the feet of Halen!! More than any other element I HATED Halen.

The protagonist was flatly NOT believable. She had thoughts that made no sense together in the same person. Basically she thought whatever the story needed so that she would act how was needed to progress. We need a stupid mistake... Halen does it and for X reason. We need a save... Halen does it for Y reason that directly conflicts with X reason from earlier. There was ZERO consistency of character and I HATE that... The WORST was how she kept prattling on about NOT being the chosen one when she so clearly was...

The end was a forgone conclusion... I wasn't surprised by the twist because Halen is such a spoiled little princess whiner chick that there was NO OTHER WAY she could get it up to get the job done and the end, end was also NO SURPRISE because who else could be such a pompous ass and yet get that ending!! I won't ruin it and give ANY spoilers but the end was unsatisfying, ridiculously long winded and all run through a girl I could NOT respect!

If I HATED Halen so virulently why is the rating a 3 star?
Well like I said, everything else was pretty decent. I also really liked the LARGE CAST of secondary and minor characters that helped flesh out the idea of the world. There were shifters, hunters, humans and sirens galore! There were adults and teenagers and love interests and guardians. There was more than one group of villains. I mean there was an attempt at complexity that I have got to applaud!!

As a reader I toss aside series with horrible protagonists that I HATE. As a writer though it makes me so, so sad... We as writers invest ourselves in our characters! So as a writer for me to say I hate the character that another writer sunk their soul into makes my sick and queasy. I can't help my feelings as a reader but as a writer I can sympathize!

More than ANYTHING ELSE about a protagonist... THEY MUST, MUST be consistent to themselves. If it makes them sick to think of killing a butterfly let alone a human then killing should be CRIPPLING! You can't just have characters prattling on about feelings to make them sound a certain way and NOT BACK IT UP WITH ACTIONS! Actions can conflict but then the character CAN'T be self satisfied in how their feelings matched so well with their actions! It flat doesn't make sense and it breaks the contract a writer has with their readers!

⋆ ⋆ ⭐⭐⭐ Premise & World Building
⋆ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Cover & Title
⋆ ⋆ ⭐⭐⭐ Development & Storycraft
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⭐⭐ Writing & Narrative
⋆ ⋆ ⭐⭐⭐ Plot & Pacing
⋆ ⋆ ⭐⭐⭐ Relationships
⋆ ⋆ ⭐⭐⭐ Feelings

BOTTOM LINE: Exciting Siren World with a Crappy Siren Protagonist...

Thanks to Oftomes Publishing for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review. It has not influenced my opinions.

You can find this review and many others on my book blog @ Perspective of a Writer. See my special perspective at the bottom of my reviews under the typewriter...
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,144 reviews402 followers
October 7, 2014
It is rare when I come across a book about mermaids and truly enjoy it, a sad fact but a true one. So when I do find something that I love, that is unique and fun I feel like I need to tell everyone about it.

So this is me, telling you, all about Coral & Bone.

Right from the start I was intrigued with the story. About the secrets that Halen's family was keeping from her and her unique abilities that she knew nothing about. And who doesn't love a good tale where the mermaids aren't the good guys but the monsters instead?

It was easy to get sucked right into the storyline and into the character's lives. The plot line was original and smart and a lot of fun, not to mention well written.

This was a fabulous start to what can only be deemed a fun and original read that will keep you on your toes. I can't wait to see what the author comes up with next!
Profile Image for Sophia (Bookwyrming Thoughts).
681 reviews273 followers
December 19, 2014
Coral & Bone was a waste of my time. An absolute waste, because I could have spent 2 days reading other books that are so much more amazing (and obviously, worth my attention).

When reading the synopsis and first starting out the book, I thought Coral & Bone would be promising – Sirens! Mermaids are the bad guys! How cool is that!

Problem? Early on in the book, I could already tell – like I can with most books – this would not go very well. The writing feels a bit choppy.
She was going through bookstore withdrawals and losing her sanity at the same time. She would have to try and persuade her mom to take her to Portland— soon. If she could just nestle between the aisles of books, get lost for few hours, she might be able to harness some of these crazy new feelings she had been experiencing.

Think of a river, or any type of water source. If the water is choppy, it doesn't really bear a good sign. But if the water flows, it's pretty calm. It's precisely how I felt with Duane's writing. It just didn't seem to go really well and I felt as though I were reading a sample from a grammar book. "Sophia did this. Sophia did that. Sophia flipped. Sophia pouted. Sophia expressed her dislike."

BORING. Thing is, I'm not exactly one to give up on a book when it's just 4%. In fact, I personally thought I was a bit drained out... especially from Puritan readings (it's quite the brain exercise if you ask me). Except... it gets worse.

It's CONFUSING. If there's one thing I really dislike, it's people not giving me clarification. Please. If a math teacher doesn't teach you clearly how to do a problem, how do you pass a math class with a passable grade? But goody gumdrops, does Duane confuse me.
She discovered, through meditation, that she was able to speak to her mom. “Are you still there? Mom?”

If her mom's throat got slit and she's dead, how is Tage able to speak to her mom, even if it's through meditation? Is her mom a ghost? Is Tage just thinking about what her mother would say if she were still alive?
"They took the bait."

What bait? You would think that as Tage and Daspar are working together toward a common goal, Daspar would reveal what the bait would be. He doesn't. What the heck?
"After he consumed Pura’s soul he was different."

Eh? Whoa whoa whoa. When did we enter sucking your soul out zone? How does one do that exactly, and why did Daspar do it? Protection? Did Pura sacrifice herself?
“Remember I told you the Elosians didn’t like sirens?”

Wait a minute. Wait a minute. If Etlis is for shifters and humans stay on Earth, yet Elosians don't like Sirens, where do Sirens live? Are they immigrants? Migrants? The world building has a good start, but it's too confusing to be a fully developed world.
"When Natalie died…”
“Went missing,” Pepper chimed in.
“Died,” Catch said.
Halen looked to Dax. “Is she dead or alive?”
“We don’t know for sure. We haven’t found her body, but that doesn’t mean the hunters didn’t destroy it.”

Goodness, even the characters are confused. "Where's Natalie? Where's Natalie? Where's Natalie?" "Oh, let's just throw Halen in and see how she does and go from there because we're not sure if Natalie's alive or not!" What happens if Natalie really is alive? Ping, pong, let's have a sister fight!

And speaking of Halen, our main character, I have quite the complaint about her as a character.

For fun, I pretty much thought her name was Haden. Funny, because I actually read The Shadow Prince and what do you know? Haden's the main character (well, one of them).

It's probably even a coincidence they have similar personalities and are all mopey. "I can't do this! I give up! Blah blah blah!" It's all acceptable for the first book... usually. It becomes quite the problem if the character cries wolf quite loudly. Ahem... their bark is apparently bigger than their bite.

But here's one positive aspect: Halen isn't a quitter. Despite the fact she's completely frustrated all the time, she continues.

Unfortunately, it was pretty much the only thing about Coral & Bone I liked. When that happens, especially at around 60%, it pretty much means all hope is lost and I should move on.

With all that said, you don't really want to waste your time with Coral & Bone unless you're looking for a book that confuses you. Perhaps with major tweaks, Duane's latest work would certainly be one you wouldn't want to simply pass by. But no, that's not the case.
Review copy provided by the author originally for the blog tour
Original Rating: 1.5 out of 5
Original review posted at Bookwyrming Thoughts
Profile Image for Darque  Dreamer .
526 reviews70 followers
August 9, 2017
Coral and Bone is a highly original, re-imagining of mermaids, sirens, and magick. It is enchanting and captivating. This one is a tale of beauty, sorrow, friendship, and danger.

The Plot: Halen has always known she was different, dangerous even. But its not until she and her mother move back to the place where her father died that she learns just how different she really is. After a run in with a stranger, and a near drowning, Halen finds herself surrounded by a captivating world of magick and mythical creatures, as she learns of her innate abilities, the existence of different realms, and her destiny to destroy an evil that threatens the existence of all.

Coral and Bone was highly imaginative and really held me in its grips. It was fast paced, fun, magical, and creative. I’ve read stories about dark mermaids, and sirens, before, but never with such depth and intrigue as this one. What really differentiated this one from other stories though was the spin on the sirens. The sirens in this one had incredible abilities, like witches, that I’ve never seen a siren posses. They had an interesting backstory, and came from a beautiful world.

The world building done in this story was amazing. Tiffany Daune created the world of Elosia with such elegance, and the imagery used in the writing really allowed me to visualize each detail. The creation of the two realms, besides earth, was really incredible and lended beautiful intrigue to the story.

The story plot was very unique. I don’t think I have read a plot as intriguing as this one, in regards to sirens and mermaids. The twists were a tad bit predictable, but very entertaining and well written. The characters were fun and unique, and easy to relate to.

Halen was a typical, outcast teenage girl. She had to deal with a recent move with her mom, high school, and the feeling that she was different than those around her. She is quite relate-able as a teenage girl, and seems to grow as she learns to control her abilities.

I loved Tage’s character. I related to her as the high school “goth”, and I felt like she was strong and brave. She was a great supporting character, and added to the plot twist of the story.

Dax was our mystery guy. He is brave and caring, but also cautious and secretive. He adds a bit of intrigue to the entire book, and plays a major role in the story.

The book was quite entertaining. It had some humor mixed in, along with a little bit of teenage angst, and a lot of magic and adventure. I loved that there was not a love triangle in the mix, and that the “love interest” did not overtake the story, or the main character’s emotions! I cannot wait to read the next book!
Profile Image for Dianne.
6,803 reviews608 followers
November 9, 2023
The joy of finding a new take and a fresh voice in the YA paranormal genre is priceless! When is the last time you were taken into a world filled with mermaids and sirens with magical abilities? Coral & Bone by Tiffany Daune introduces us to Halen, a girl not quite comfortable in her own skin, literally. Coming back to the place where she watched her father drown opens the door to a world beyond anything she has known, that explains why she is different, why she has a previously unexplainable talent that no “normal” person has. Sadly, Halen also learns life as she knew it was a lie, and the secrets kept from her could easily crush both herself and those around her if she cannot learn to deal with them and accept that the deceit was well-intentioned.

Enter an underwater realm with Halen as she discovers the truth of her life and must decide if she can accept her fate or destroy those around her, as she must decide who can be trusted and who cannot.

Tiffany Daune has churned up an entirely new world, placed her main character in the midst of it and tossed in enough entanglements to set the reader’s mind into overdrive with all the various veins to follow. Using both land and water to create her world with wonderfully descriptive passages, not only do both worlds become real, but the journey is fascinating from the start. Ms. Daune has blended a dark feel with moments of humor and dialogue between characters that feels natural. By giving distinct and varied personalities to each character, from brooding to light-hearted, everyone comes alive! Each conflict becomes a chaotic kaleidoscope that only a skilled had could bring into focus and Ms. Daune does a wonderful job bringing this story “home.” Get ready to be frustrated, amazed and intrigued by Halen’s story and the pressures this teen is expected to “handle.”

Publication Date: June 30, 2014
Publisher: Jester Ink Press
Genre: YA Fantasy
Print Length: 308 pages
Available from: AmazonBarnes & Noble

Profile Image for Jennifer  Ricketts (Donnie Darko Girl).
449 reviews36 followers
September 19, 2014
I received a review copy of this book for my stop on the blog tour at Donnie Darko Girl.

I went through the full range of emotions while reading Coral & Bone, and instead of writing this review like I normally do with several paragraphs, I'd like to instead take you through those emotions and the thoughts I had while feeling different ways. First I'll give a little background so you can have some context for later on. And I'm sorrynotsorry for the many all caps you'll encounter. ;)

My favorite Disney movie growing up was The Little Mermaid. Had I ever imagined mermaids with razor sharp teeth and nails that can deliver a lethal dose of venom straight into your veins, I would have seriously rethought my wish to become one. In this book, mermaids are like demons straight from hell. Think Weeping Angels with fins, fellow Whovians. That's how I pictured them.

Halen has been lied to for her entire life, and when she finds this out, everything comes crashing down around her. And then all hell breaks loose.

Adoration - Just look at that cover! I could lovingly gaze at it all day, and doesn't the cover model remind you of Milla Jovovich?

Surprise - Elosia is much more than I thought it was going to be. Much more than an underwater realm, more than just mermaids, and more secrets coming out than a teenager's diary.

Curiosity - How did Halen's mom and dad meet? And what's up with Daspar and Tage? How do they fit into the picture?

Frustration - I wish they'd answer her questions instead of either ignoring her or telling her they'll answer them soon. I think she's gone long enough without knowing the truth. Take five seconds and fill her in!! XD

Anger - How could people who are supposed to love her deceive her on such a deep level? And behave towards her in such a way? She doesn't deserve any of this.

Shock - Full-out, unbridled OH MY GOD NO THEY DIDN'T!

Sadness - Is it really almost over???

Elation - Reading a book this fantastic is utterly blissful!

So there you have it - the complete picture of what Coral & Bone has done to me. I couldn't have asked for a more exciting experience, and this is EXACTLY why I love books.
Profile Image for Cassandra (Thebookishcrypt).
589 reviews55 followers
October 2, 2015
*Copy provided in exchange for an honest review*

The moment I found out this was about mermaids, I was intrigued! I have the most insane addiction with water and almost anything that has to do with it, mermaids included! This was the first book I have read by Tiffany and I had some mixed feelings about it.
To begin with, the characters were a lot younger than expected (Halen, the main character, is 15). At first I thought her to be a little bratty and immature but I didn't hold it too much against her because of her age. I couldn't expect her to be all grown-up so soon. In this book, Halen must overcome her emotions and go into a mission and a world, Elosia, that she had no knowledge of. She feels emotions to her core and after I saw her character developing a bit, I started to forget her age. Sometimes she surprised me with her quick words.
This book alternates POV's between Halen and Tage, her family member. At first, I was confused as to why this was necessary but by the end I understood perfectly. Some things were too rushed, impeding me from experiencing the shock factor I like so much and I saw a couple of things coming too.
My favorite character was Ezra. Oh, my goodness! That guy was hilarious! He's from Japan and he made this book pass by way too quickly for me. I was flipping the pages waiting for more of his dialogue. I just couldn't get enough.
There were some spelling errors that had me rereading sentences in order to understand what was trying to be said but even after my mixed emotions, the last half and that cliffhanger at the end made me almost give it 5 stars. I sort of saw it coming but not really since apparently I was left speechless and wanting more! I am dying for book two, I need to solve the mystery that is Asair. I am loving his character as much as Ezra's.
4.5 stars!
Profile Image for Eshadi Sharif.
115 reviews25 followers
September 5, 2016
*huge thanks to the author for letting me read this book in exchange for an honest review. however, this doesn't not effect my review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and 100% honest*

This. Book. Is. Everything.
Where do I begin?!
I love the world building and the characters so much. My favourite character would have to be Tage or maybe Ezra. Ezra is a hilarious character and Tage is just amazing. I LOVED her bond with Halen.
Speaking of their bond, there was a lot of character development as well. Where Halen and Tage started out as enemies (sort of) they practically became sisters. Where Halen started our as a conflicted character about her role in everything, she turned into someone determined to save everyone she loves. I really admire that about this book.
And gosh, my fists were literally clenched at every twist and turn in the plot.
The only down in this book is that Halen is pretty stubborn. But then again, I've read so many books with stubborn main characters it doesn't bother me anymore. And even though she was sort of stubborn, I could actually understand her actions. That's why it didn't bother me much, because her complaining about saving the world was actually reasonable. I mean, what would you do if you woke up and found out you had magic powers and had to fight some lunatic demon with charm just oozing out of him?
Me? I'd just go back to bed.
I haven't felt this way about a fantasy in a long time, to be honest. I was HOOKED! Along with the world building, the plot was on point. This book LITERALLY had my heart beating faster with the anxiety.
Are you contemplating on reading this book? Well here's a sign from the heavens, if you like fantasy, read this book NOW!

Now I'll be off crying in a corner because I need the second book. ;____;
Profile Image for Eccentric  Editions.
492 reviews16 followers
September 22, 2014
Okay! This story is AWESOME!!!! aAAHHAHAH!!!
This is have been on my phone for few weeks and have wanted to read it but somethings came here and there and I was just able to read first chapter and at that time to the story sucked me in. I started it again to finish and I devoured the whole story in eight hours, yeah I tend to count :P
The story was from Halen's and Tage's POV. From the beginning as told earlier the story hooked me. The details were vivid, and I was feeling it was me in place of Haelen and watching from outside too.The scene in 1st chap, where she could hear every single thing with super hearing. I felt every emotions, I was connected to Haelen and bound to her; her anger, the feeling of betrayal. I so wanted to hurl Huron against a wall, lol. I lived the whole story.
I loved all characters, they all were different and can't resist them. Dax(Water boy), Tage, Ezra, Catch (found him cute :D), Pepper, Nelia, Taeser (The big Teddy Bear) and Lina. They all were awesome!
From Tage's POV we got to know more secrets but not much was revealed. I shed some tear when she went into Trance.
This story was a whole roller coaster ride which I'm far from being off yet, I so want to read what happens next. It had suspense, mystery, thriller and curve balls that got me.
And the last scene was spooky and I'm scared for Haelen, which you gotta find out. It's a definitely a must read!!! and I'm craving to read second book in the series and the whole series!!!

Profile Image for BookLoversLife.
1,835 reviews9 followers
October 17, 2014
The blurb pretty much sums up the book so here it is from Goodreads : Halen knows the sparks igniting under her fingertips are dangerous. She has spent her entire life trying to quell the tingly feelings that make her destroy things, but now that she is back in Rockaway Beach, where she watched her father drown, the flames have become impossible to tame.

Halen is trying to hold on, but when she is thrust into a mysterious new world, the underwater realm of Elosia, she unravels the secrets of her past and can't help but ignite. As she explores Elosia, she realizes her life has been a lie. And when those who have deceived her come to her for help, Halen must choose—walk away or unleash the magick that could destroy them all.

The first thing to draw me to Coral & Bone was the cover, just look how eye-catching it is!!! Stunning :) Then I was hooked when I read the blurb, it has mermaids, magic and an underwater realm. It sounded awesome. Well from the very first page I was drawn into a fantastic realm that I didn't want to leave!! Its my first mermaid book and it definitely wont be my last.

I loved Halen. Her whole life she has spent thinking she is weird because of the things she can do until one day her life changes completely! She finds out what she is and what she can do and despite being lied to, she tries to do her best always! I loved her strength.

Dax was very much a mystery but I really liked his character. I wasn't sure what to make of him starting out but he grew on me! I loved seeing his relationship with Halen develop from hatred to being friends.

Plot wise I found a lot of it fascinating though I wanted to see more of the mermaids. I loved finding out about the different creators and realms of Coral & Bone and how they all fit together. I also loved the idea of the blue moon siren and her guardian balancing her. It was a refreshing story line.

All in all Tiffany Daune has created a unique and fantastical world. The start of the book deals with Halen learning who she is and in the second half we have all the action and twists happening that it was hard to put down. A truly magical and mesmerizing read!
Profile Image for Ashley Martinez (ilovebooksandstuffblog).
2,858 reviews81 followers
July 19, 2014
I received this book from the author and from Paranormal Romance and Authors That Rock.
Coral and Bone is a YA paranormal novel.
Halen is different. Her whole life she has been trying to stop the tingling fire she gets along her skin. Clearly something is going on. Her life has been built upon lies and she learns the truth of who she is when she is chased into the ocean. Half-truths and lies cloud her every step until she isn't sure what she believes anymore. She is thrust into a new world and called upon to do an impossible task. What will she choose and will she be strong enough to face her destiny?

A very unique and interesting story. I haven't seen many stories with sirens and mermaids. It was an exciting blend of different paranormal creatures. The concept was original and compelling. The characters each had their different personalities. I enjoyed Dax's character. I wanted to know more about him and his past. I could feel for Halen's situations and what she was thrust into. The only problem was there were too many secrets and lies that were all over the book that didn't need to be. It was still an enjoyable read and the ending left more to be desired.
I would rate this 4 fangs.
Fans of YA paranormal fantasy will enjoy this adventure.
Profile Image for Suze.
1,883 reviews1,302 followers
February 10, 2018
Halen's whole life is being turned upside down when she finds out she's part of a world she's never even heard of. Her true identity was kept from her to prepare her for a mission, a destiny only she can fulfill. Halen is a siren, which means she's half-human and half-Elosian. Elosia is an underwater realm, a place Halen has never heard of, but has to get to know quickly, so she'll be able to save herself and many others. Halen has Tage by her side to protect her and there's Dax, the boy who keeps being a mystery to her. Who is he and what does he want from her?

Halen is being prepared to do something that's inevitable, she has to fight Asair. He's locked away, because he's a danger to many different species and only her magic can release their world of his threat. Will she be able to do what's being asked of her and now that Halen has found out she has magic, will she be able to control and use it or will the costs be too great? What should she do and who can she trust?

Coral and Bone is a gripping story about a girl's struggles with a huge responsibility that's being foisted upon her. Halen doesn't know about sirens, shifters, hunters, Elosia and underwater creatures. She was kept in the dark about her magical abilities and her purpose in life. She has a twin sister she's never met and discovers that the life she used to live was one big lie. Now she has to adjust quickly and I admired her resilience. At first she has no idea where to start and who is with her or against her and she's reluctant to use magic and to do what's being asked of her, but she slowly finds her strength and learns how to listen to her own intuition. That makes her a powerful main character and I couldn't wait to find out if her mission would succeed or not and how she'd handle the scary situations she finds herself in over and over again.

Tiffany Daune's world building is amazing. I was instantly impressed by the different realms she's come up with. Elosia is a fascinating dark place with many dangers. The mystery around Halen's circumstances kept me on the edge of my seat. I was curious to find out who her enemies and friends really are and loved the unexpected and complex ending of this first part of The Siren Chronicles. It's a fascinating series. I love books about underwater worlds and I was definitely enchanted by this one.
Profile Image for Michelle .
2,096 reviews299 followers
August 24, 2014
**You can see this full review and more at Book Briefs: http://bookbriefs.net** 

Coral and Bone is the first book in the young adult fantasy series. I don't know the name of the series yet, but author Tiffany Daune has said that it will be a trilogy. I am excited that there is going to be more, because while I felt like it took me almost the whole novel to get my bearings in the rich multiple realm world that Tiffany has created, I now have a good understanding of the world and characters, and I am ready to see more Halen and Dax. And Tage.

Halen is thrown into the whole world basically blind. I really felt for her. I felt like the readers were just as blind as her. We only knew what she knew and no one would give her more than just bits and pieces of the answers she so badly wanted. About her sister, about her guardian, and about just what was expected of her. Even about what she was. She is a blue moon siren. I admired Halen's strength. I liked Dax but I don't feel like we got to know him enough in this book. I wish we saw a few more things from his point of view, so I could get a better idea of what was going on in his head. I bet Halen wishes that too.

Tiffany Daune created a really rich underwater world, filled with lots of interesting characters in a range of different creatures. I liked learning about the different creatures and how they made up this world. It was a little overwhelming at first shuffling between all the different species in the three different realms and how they all fit in with one another, but I eventually got the hang of it. I loved the two shifters that became Tage and Halen's friends, and I really liked the inkling of romance that was hinted at for Tage.

The whole storyline with the blue moon siren and Astair was fascinating as well. His little prison was pretty cool, and I was so interested in seeing the darkness and light exist within the blue moon sirens and the effects that their powers had on them. There were so many little twists and turns that I did not see coming at all, and that kept the reading fresh and interesting. By the second half of the story, Coral and Bone had completely drawn me in. I really enjoyed the story. I want more please! And I want more romance between Dax and Halen in the second book. I still have so many questions about Natalie that I want answered too. Please write the second book Tiffany! Please.

 This review was originally posted on Book Briefs
Profile Image for Michelle's Paranormal Vault of Books.
518 reviews143 followers
September 10, 2014
Check out the Giveaway for the Book Tour, there are some teasers and an excerpt too. Just click the banner below to go to my blog

I really enjoyed this book. Its seldom that I get to venture to the world of sirens and evil mermaids and other dimensions. We have all of this in this exciting fantasy book, that is unique. I really liked Dax in this, Taren was harder to grasp, but got to like her too, the main character Halen, she was a little harder to connect with, but as I read on I got the feel of her as well.

I didn't like the age of the main character, 14 almost 15 is just too young to have the very adult emotions and actions, she would have been better to be 17 at least. It just made that part more unrealistic to me, more so than the world that this was around, lol.

Other than that, I had no issues with this book, other than the ending, that is if this is not a series, I will be disappointed, if it is a series, then I need the next book soon.

I highly recommend this to those who enjoy fantasy, and do not mind the younger characters. Even though the whole feeling of them seems much older, 17 at least.

I give this 5 out of 5 stars, as I liked the story overall that I could overlook the few things I didn't like.

I was received this book from the author for my honest review.

The Cover: This cover is amazing, done so well, and the description in one part of the book seems just like this cover. Pretty awesome and well made. 5 out of 5 stars for the cover too.

Profile Image for Leigh.
265 reviews18 followers
May 11, 2015
I received this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoy a good mermaid story, and Coral & Bone was no exception. Don't expect Ariel from the Little Mermaid. The mermaids and sirens are more like Ursula with some serious dark powers.

Halen doesn't understand what is happening to her. What is this power that is coursing through her? How can she extinguish the fire inside that wants to destroy things? After watching her father drown, she has struggled to maintain control. Halen comes face to face with mermaids. How can they be real? What do they want from her? She discovers a whole new world and her place in it. Halen's life has been a lie. Can she come to terms with who she is and learn how to harness her powers?

Halen is a determined teenager, who has tried to rise above her tragic past. Who do you trust and what do you believe when everything changes? Halen will have to answer those questions when her life as she knew it is completely altered. Halen's tenacity and loving spirit is what helps to see her through. What an amazing adventure Tiffany Daune takes the reader on! If you enjoy an action packed mermaid fantasy that will keep you guessing until the end, then this is the book for you.
Profile Image for Cat.
1,339 reviews9 followers
December 3, 2014
Not only is this book written for pre-teens, it sounds like it was written by one too:

Example 1
"I am an Empath like my mom- remember." Tage's mom had been an Empath. She could read the emotions and true intentions of the soul, and Tage had this gift as well.

Example 2
"I didn't mean to," Halen said. She hadn't meant to at all."

Yes, the author has built multiple worlds with a (rather short) history, but that's about as far as it gets. The narration lacks creativity and there's just cliche after cliche. A girl grows up completely in the dark about her magical past, is more powerful than anyone thought, miraculously manages to save the world. Oh and she had a twin sister she never knew about. Actually, it's not so much the cliches that bother me, it's that the author doesn't bother to take it any further.

The story doesn't draw me in and the characters are even more lackluster. In fact, the only characters I was interested in barely had a role.

Anyhow, this bit of psychological damage really ticked me off:
"You told me every time I got angry a bird would lose its feathers and if I wasn't careful they would lose so many they would freeze and die."

So, between the poor storytelling and the lack of editing (mostly to do with punctuation), this just didn't do it for me.

Mermaids, sirens, magic, shapeshifters, along with absolutely nothing to make with the love story believable and the contrived friendship...read if you're bored.
Profile Image for Kayla Silverss.
Author 1 book124 followers
May 8, 2018
A lot of people were talking about this book and I'm extremely glad I picked it up!
Profile Image for Casey Williams.
89 reviews7 followers
December 3, 2017
Halen thinks she is just an ordinary girl with some problems, but when some chaotic events unravel Halen get thrust into a world she doesn't know or never believed in and learns about the lies of her past. She discovers that she is actually a very powerful blue moon siren and her destiny is to destroy Asair. When everyone Halen knew and loved betrayed her, she must decide to either walk away or help her new friends and loved ones save their homes.
Coral and Bone had a variety of interesting characters, I mostly like Tage and her dark and witty attitude and how sarcastic she was all the time. Halen is a great main protagonist, so strong willed even though everything she didn't know about her life was now suddenly thrown at her all at once. I couldn't quite invision the worlds that was being built in this book but I loved the character developments and also being able to learn about Halen's past.
A intriguing and thrilling story with evil mermaids, shifters and siren assassins that makes you want to devour more. I can't wait to read the second book in this trilogy and I think YA and adult reader will love it as well.
Profile Image for Paolo.
Author 12 books87 followers
June 10, 2017
Questo libro mi ha coinvolto al 100% lasciandomi stravolto, con la voglia di saperne di più e leggere molto altro di questo mondo contorto, oscuro e spaventoso che Tiffany Daune ha abilmente creato, unendo le sirene alla magia oscura e alla crescita interiore dei personaggi.
"Ossa e Corallo" non è il solito urban fantasy a cui siamo abituati. È un viaggio a 360° nella vita di Halen, una ragazza che non conosce sé stessa e che viene trascinata nel bel mezzo di una vicenda che continua da secoli, e che la vede protagonista diretta in quanto creatura più che rara e vera e propria arma per una guerra tra regni.
Halen è un'adolescente del tutto reale. Ha paura, fa i capricci, cerca di sentirsi normale e non capisce pienamente sé stessa, ferendo anche le poche persone che le stanno attorno. Il personaggio cresce in maniera sorprendente per tutto il libro, cadendo spesso nei soliti sbagli, ma facendosi coraggio e accettando finalmente quella parte di sé che prima non comprendeva. L'ho adorata, così come ho adorato la psicologia ben costruita dietro al personaggio, e la cura nel descriverne l'aspetto fisico e la particolare "voglia" che le segna gran parte del corpo.
Ma se c'è una cosa che batte i personaggi e lo stile dell'autrice, questa è di certo il world building.
Il mondo in cui si muove Halen è perfettamente ideato, a partire dalle basi storiche che si rifanno all'Impero Romano, finendo con la guerra in corso tra i Tre Regni e il demoniaco Asair. È stato tutto magistralmente e perfettamente descritto e intrecciato, e finire questo primo romanzo mi ha lasciato con l'amaro in bocca e la voglia di tornare nei posti che ho tanto amato.
A proposito di Asair e delle vicende che si intrecciano per tutta la trama, devo ammettere che sono super-sorpreso. Non mi aspettavo di potermi trovare davanti ad un libro così sconvolgente e sorprendente, in cui non tutti i personaggi sono buoni o cattivi, ma hanno sfumature particolari che riusciamo a capire poco a poco e tramite i dialoghi.
C'è molta psicologia in questo fantasy, più di quanto pensiate, e per questo non mi sono staccato dalle pagine e non vedevo l'ora di continuare a tradurre capitolo dopo capitolo.
Assolutamente da leggere, perché vi terrà col fiato sospeso fino alla fine!
Profile Image for Tiffany Holme.
196 reviews81 followers
August 17, 2014
Creative, Stunning and Compelling...

There is nothing unattractive about this book! The cover is stunning, and what lay beneath the cover was just as amazing. I was expecting the best and what I got what better. Tiffany Daune created a world in which the impossible is made real, and what you thought was fact is not what it seems. I was drawn into this book and enjoyed the twists that it took.

Daunes writing is simply beautiful and has almost a lyrical quality to it. Every realm was marvellously done and reading this book was like stepping into the worlds she had created. What was also wonderfully unique was she didn't just touch on one thing, she tired Mermaids, Sirens, Shifters and so much magick. What was wonderful is that all of these elements seemed to flow together seamlessly, and it was like they were meant to be and just no one noticed until this talented Indie. Basically the world building was simply delicious and made it so much easier to devour.

Halen was seriously kept in the dark her entire life... Not that she didn't recognize that there was something different about herself. You can't hear everything around you and unleash fire and other elements beyond your control and not notice. I felt for her and the fact that she was always only getting half truths and half stories, everyone claiming she would know when she needed to. What I also liked was that she grew. She was not a character that stood still, but she also had the sense to not jump into what everyone claimed she was meant to be. Heck, she was terrified and didn't feel that she could do it, but you don't find out that you have some epic fate that could kill you and those you care about without hesitation. However, when the other option was so much worse, she held her head high and prepared for what lay ahead of her.

I also loved the slew of quirky characters. Yes, Halen was the start but it was all of the little pieces that made things interesting. There was many elements at work, at any given time during this book and each moment carried someone that fit. Now these elements did meld and had a point to them but it was amazing to watch everything come together. My favourite of all of them was probably Tage. She was wonderfully snarky and even though she held things back, she didn't want to. I could also appreciate that she never pretended to be something she wasn't. She wasn't a warm cuddly person, but she did care deeply about what happened, even if it was for her own reasons.

For love Daune kept it to a minimum. There was for sure a connection with Halen and Dax bt it was very hot and cold. At first I was beyond frustrated, but then I started to put things together and a lot more made sense. This isn't to say that he did not irritate me, and I didn't want to yell at him at times. However, he was what he was and there was reasons for it. Dax was distant for most of the book when it came to Halen but as just a character I did enjoy him. He seems torn about so much and he has so many secrets that he has to keep in order to follow through with what he is supposed to do. I wish that things could have been more simple for him, but then it wuldn't have been the story that I fell in love with.

Coral & Bone is not like anything I have read before. It is a beautiful cross of fantasy, paranormal and its own unique mythology. Tiffany Daune nailed this book and I am excited to see what happens next! There is a bit of a cliff hanger at the end but it isn't the kind that makes you want to scream and hurl the books across the room while screaming and pulling on your hair. I highly suggest this book for lovers of any of the genres specified above or if you are looking for a diverse book, with writing that will draw you in until the last page!!
Profile Image for Bekah.
301 reviews10 followers
May 12, 2017
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

The Little Mermaid was always my favorite Disney princess movie growing up. There was something so magical about the mermaid who longed for something more. Considering how much I loved that movie, it’s strange that I haven’t found a mermaid story I’ve liked in all these years. I’m happy to say that this was the one I’ve been waiting for! However, don’t misunderstand. The mermaids in this book are nothing like the cute ones in the classic fairytale. In fact, they were downright scary. *shivers*

“Every day is filled with impossibility, until you have chosen to see the possible. Once you make the shift to see, life is a less frightening journey.”
-Tiffany Daune, Coral and Bone

This book is about a girl named Halen Windspeare (awesome name, right?!) who senses a dangerous flame ever-present beneath her fingertips. Halen feels every emotion deeply, making it difficult for her to stay under the radar, especially at her high school. When her mother decides to move her back to the town where Halen witnessed her father die, it pushes her over the edge. A high speed chase from a boy with a knife leads her into the water one fateful day, thus beginning the journey where Halen discovers her true heritage. She is a blue moon siren, a rare and powerful species, and she is the only one left who can defeat an evil siren by the name of Asair.

"Destiny has a way of finding you."
-Tiffany Daune, Coral and Bone

First of all, I have to mention that this cover is gorgeous. Insert heart eyes here! I’m glad it’s so pretty, because it definitely pulled me into reading the synopsis which was equally intriguing. There is just so much to like about this story. To start, the imaginative world-building. The author intricately describes every scene, drawing the reader right into this complex yet fascinating world. That brings me to the writing itself, which was amazing. I have so many quotes I highlighted from this book that, simply put, spoke to me. I loved the lyrical, almost poetic writing that somehow managed to be very real at the same time, like how the author managed to capture the drama and sass of a teenage girl. Speaking of Halen, she was definitely not a favorite because of said drama (and whining). This is one of the reasons why I couldn't give this novel a higher rating. While by the end of the book she and secondary characters who rubbed me wrong from the beginning did start to grow on me, it still took away enjoyment from an otherwise well-rounded story. Another thing that I didn't love as much was the fact that Tage, Halen’s friend, was spotlighted in the first half of the book with shifting perspectives. That being said, I’m definitely curious to see what happens with the secondary characters in the next book and, hopefully, see Halen evolve into the kick-butt heroine I know she can be.

“Forgiveness is as easy as love. Letting go is the hard part.”
-Tiffany Daune, Coral and Bone

Another thing to mention would be the romance. I pictured Dax so vividly (thanks to the author’s awesome descriptions) and definitely shipped him with Halen. I felt like we didn’t get a lot of “page-time” between the two though, but that could’ve just been me wanting more! Their “connection” was a little cliche, but I enjoyed it anyways being the romantic I am. And I can’t end this review without acknowledging the action! Cackling mermaids, fierce sirens, evil hunters, young love, and damaging secrets made this novel one exciting, twisty ride.

"If she looked hard enough, she would be able to see the truth. Beauty could not disguise the demon inside.”
-Tiffany Daune, Coral and Bone

I recommend to anyone looking for a fresh, thrilling take on YA fantasy!

*I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

Profile Image for Katarina.
264 reviews
December 14, 2017
This was a very good book. Most of all I enjoyed the imagination that went into the details of the sea world Elosia and all the plot twists at the end. The main character at first seemed a bit mainstream, but she quickly grew into her own with an independent mind. I liked the path of her character development. I will definitely be reading the sequel!
Profile Image for Angie.
2,361 reviews253 followers
August 23, 2015
I really need to stop reading mermaid books; I really do not like them. I was sucked into Coral & Bone because of that cover! It promised dark mermaids! I mean, she has a skeletal hand in her hair and her eyebrow is made of smoke! But my goodness, this was one frustrating read, because nothing makes any sense! None at all! I honestly have no clue what's going on here!

Coral & Bone starts off with Halen hearing voices and having electricity tingle her fingers. Then a boy shows up at her house with a knife, so she and her....friend? roommate? acquaintance? (I really don't know the nature of their relationship) run for it, straight into the ocean! Because...obviously they'll be safe in the ocean...with deadly mermaids...and where the strange boy can still follow them....but they have the added issue of deadly mermaids. Immediately, things make no sense. Of course, Halen is rescued, and she's taken to Elosia where things make even less sense.

The world building of Coral & Bone is the worst. I understand nothing. This is a mermaid book, but not really, but it is. Elosia is some other dimension where Elosians live. They hate mermaids. They also hate sirens, which are the half human children of Elosians. But they're also mermaids? I think? They can breathe in water and die if they stay on land too long. So what is the difference between Elosians and mermaids?! Are mermaids only in our realm, while Elosians are the mermaids of the alternate realm? I have no idea! I just know they hate their half human children and mermaids, and...that's about it.

Then the whole plot is centered about Halen being the chosen one to fight some evil siren name Asair. Well, okay, that's pretty typical. But...Halen didn't know she was a siren until they rescued her from the deadly mermaids and the boy with the knife. She has no clue about anything, but everyone is telling her that she's their only hope or everyone is going to die. Then she's told that her parents kept all of this a secret to protect her, and her mother wanted to keep her human longer, even though her magical powers were manifesting. Umm...you can't make her stay human just by telling her she's human, and then tell her she has to save the world with no training and no knowledge of her heritage. And instead of anyone teaching her anything, they just talk in circles and continue to withhold information, then get frustrated that she sucks at magic. Seriously people.

Let's talk about Asair a minute. He's like the most evil of evil, and only Halen can stop him because she's like him, but not evil (yet). But this dude is locked away in yet another dimension and can't get out. He's been in there for 100 years with no problem. So Halen has to LET HIM OUT. Like, she's the only one who can open the portal to his dimension. Why not just leave him there?! I get killing him is probably a more permanent solution, but Halen has no idea what she's doing and will probably die or screw up and everyone else will die. It's not like anyone else can mess with the portal to his prison, so LEAVE IT ALONE!

Coral & Bone also has a nonsense ending, which I do not even being to understand. Was that one of those twisty surprise endings? Or a cliffhanger? I don't have the slightest idea. Honestly, I don't actually care either way. This book just doesn't make any kind of sense no matter the conclusion.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.
Profile Image for Bee.
993 reviews210 followers
October 17, 2014

Istyria book blog ~ B's world of enchanted books

Coral & Bone really snuck up on me. I saw it by coincidence on Goodreads when a friend added it to her shelves. I was curious when I read the title. Then I saw the cover and I bought it. After that I read the blurb and I started reading. And I just didn't stop until I finished.

Coral & Bone is about Halen. She has spent her entire life trying to hide the dangerous powers under her fingertips from everyone. When she moves back to Rockaway Beach, where she watched her father drown, her world is turned upside down. Suddenly Halen is trust into a mysterious new world, an underwater realm called Elosia, where she learns what she is. The more she learns about Elosia and her past, the more it seems like everything she knew was a lie.

I'm not sure what to call this book. To call it a mermaid book would be wrong because it's too limited. Technically it's a mermaid book, but it is one of the most original ones I've come across so far. Tiffany has created such an interesting world! I was so fascinated by the realms and the mythology and the history that I didn't care about the little info dumps we got every now and then. They were done so well too. I was never bored throughout the story! Not too complicated but not too simple either. I got everything right away and I got just the right amount of info I needed.

I still want to know more about the other realms, I hope I'll learn more about them in the next book? I don't see anything about a sequel or if it's even a series and yeah, that worries me a bit? It's a very open ending, not a cliffhanger though. Just open. It's obvious the story isn't done yet. And I want more, I really do!

Next to the great world building, we have great writing and fantastic characters. I was hooked right away and I couldn't put the book down. I was with Halen and Tage the whole time. I loved those two! They each grew in this book and they had their flaws but I did really like them. I also loved Catch and Pepper and Nelia. Dax was fantastic! There were a few plot twist surrounding a few of the characters that I didn't really see coming! Also, Asair is one fascinating character. I really want to know more about him.

So why not five stars then? Well... the romance didn't really got to me. At this point, it's not love yet and I did like that, but it went a bit too fast. Just a bit. I didn't feel it as romance, just friendship for now. And while I was never bored, the story did go a bit too fast. A lot happens in a short time and sometimes that was a bit overwhelming. It was all a bit rushed.

Despite that I did really enjoy this book and I really do want to read the sequel when it comes out. If you like mermaid/siren books with a very original twist, you should try this book! The cover alone is enough to draw you in, isn't it?
Displaying 1 - 30 of 193 reviews

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