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Jughead (2015)

Jughead, Vol. 1

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In the grand tradition of comic book reboots like ARCHIE VOL. 1, Archie Comics proudly presents... JUGHEAD VOL. 1--from the comics dream team of Chip Zdarsky (HOWARD THE DUCK) and Erica Henderson (THE UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL)!

Riverdale High provides a quality education and quality hot lunches, but when one of those is tampered with, JUGHEAD JONES swears vengeance! Well, I mean, he doesn't "swear." This is still Archie Comics after all.

Collects JUGHEAD issues #1-6, plus bonus features.

168 pages, Paperback

First published July 26, 2016

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About the author

Chip Zdarsky

840 books788 followers
Chip Zdarsky is a Canadian comic book artist and journalist. He was born Steve Murray but is known by his fan base as Chip Zdarsky, and occasionally Todd Diamond. He writes and illustrates an advice column called Extremely Bad Advice for the Canadian national newspaper National Post's The Ampersand, their pop culture section's online edition. He is also the creator of Prison Funnies and Monster Cops.

Source: Wikipedia.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 400 reviews
Profile Image for Michael Finocchiaro.
Author 3 books6,063 followers
April 17, 2017
I love this new Jughead series! Following on the fantastic reboot of Archie by Mark Wade (and originally with Fiona Staples), Jughead follows my favorite (stoner) Archie character through his adventures and vivid dreams (superheros, pirates, etc) as he and the Archie gang hang out at Pop's and save Riverdale High from the evil new Principal Stenger! The artwork by Erica Henderson is fun and the storyline (complete with some funny editorial comments) by Chip Zdarsky is entertaining cover to cover. Can't wait to read Vol 2!
Profile Image for Zemira Warner.
1,569 reviews1,230 followers
June 1, 2016
Jughead Jones! Let me love you!

All of us be like


and he's


Jughead's what tumblr dreams are made of. He's Archie's best friend, he's charismatic, resourceful, has literature infused (day) dreams, which are always entertaining and he likes to eat, burgers mostly. To be completely honest, Jughead's so much more interesting than Archie. His personality (and his pointy nose) is shining through every panel.

I love Jughead Jones for representing the ace community. I'm praying his character on the Riverdale (tv show) will be connected to this exact version of our sweet prince and his sexuality won't be swept under a rug. I don't think I've seen an openly asexual character on television before.

Profile Image for Calista.
5,109 reviews31.3k followers
November 8, 2018
This is my favorite Archie character. I love his laid back smarts which are on display here in this story - his story of high school. I recently saw a few episodes of Riverdale and that is all cheese, all the time, but they totally messed up Jughead and got his character completely wrong. At least he gets to shine in this story.

It's a ridiculous story of a principal who is trying to turn everyone into super soldiers. Jughead figures all this out through his fun daydreams. It really is totally stupid, but it lets Jughead shine, so it works for me. All of our characters are in this volume. They let it be known that Jughead is Asexual. I haven't read all the Archie comics, so I don't know if he's ever dated anyone before, but I like that and it seems to work for his character.

These comics are a whole lot of fun and I can't wait to see what else they have in store for us.
Profile Image for maria.
601 reviews349 followers
March 5, 2017

I absolutely LOVE Jughead. I always have and I always will. He is honestly such a relatable character and I was so excited to finally pick this up.Each issue within this bind-up contains a little mini dream sequence. These moments were a little strange at first and slightly hard to get used to, but eventually I ended up really enjoying them. This was a really fun and fast paced read and I'm glad I finished right on time for volume 2!

P.S. I LOVE THAT THEY MENTION THAT JUGHEAD IS ASEXUAL. Hey CW/Netflix, take some notes because THIS is Jughead.
Profile Image for Peter Derk.
Author 30 books389 followers
December 31, 2016
I learned a thing!

There's a great joke in this book about Jughead's name, and it got me thinking. "What is a jug, anyway?"

I found out. It's not that exciting. It's a cup but different.

But THEN I found out how Jughead got his name!

Okay, here we go.

You know that crown he wears? Well, in the original comics, it wasn't a crown. It was a button beanie.

I read a great article about it (linked below), but basically, when a grown-up was done wearing a hat, like an old fedora or some crap, a kid would take it, flip it inside-out, and cut the brim off. The resulting hat looked kinda like a crown.

Kids decorated the hats with buttons, and there you go! Button beanie.

So how did this get to Jughead? The kids who wore these hats were called "jagheads," not because they were fans of the military/law show JAG, but because of the jagged pattern created on their hats. And the assumption is that the name morphed into Jughead, just like Jughead's hat morphed into a crown as time wore on, adults didn't wear hats anymore, and kids stopped busting up their dads' hats and putting a bunch of stupid buttons all over them.

Do I buy that theory? I dunno. Jaghead to Jughead? Why wouldn't he just be called Jaghead? Or Beanie? Or...anything other than Jughead, really.

In the new continuity, Jughead got his name because he was once rich, then his father made a terrible investment in some sort of jug-related business, and the kids on the playground started calling him "Jughead" as a result. Kids can be so cruel. Also, clever. Which makes the cruelty that much worse because sometimes you're like, "I gotta hand it to that kid, that was pretty good." You're mad, but the anger is tempered by a little bit of the realization that some slams are just too good to pass up.

Anyway, all I've really got are two theories about Jughead's name. The in-continuity theory and the real-world theory. But both are good enough. Frankly, I don't care a lot. I'm glad to be reading comics where a character is named Jughead.

Also, I'm told that there have been attempts to update Jughead's hat to be a baseball hat. You can just take that idea and cram it with walnuts.

Profile Image for Chad.
9,524 reviews1,017 followers
November 8, 2018
I couldn't really get into this. Erica Henderson's art does nothing for me. To me, it's really not at a good enough level for more than self-published books. Zdarsky tries really hard to make Jughead hip and cool, but the book was just meh. The plot makes zero sense and the dream interludes are just boring. Get on with the story!
Profile Image for Dan Schwent.
3,158 reviews10.7k followers
April 26, 2020
A new principal arrives at Riverdale, giving Mr. Weatherbee the boot and everyone else detention. Can Jughead figure out Principal Stanger's game before he gets expelled?

I'm kind of a sucker so I took advantage of Archie's 50% sale on no less than four orders. I picked this one up because I enjoyed Jughead's Time Police and Jughead: The Hunger so much.

I read a bunch of Archie digests as a kid but I wasn't really sure what to expect from the modern Archie line. It was a fun read. Chip Zdarsky crafted a tale that was true to the characters but much more developed than the old Archie at the malt shop plots. Students at Riverdale are seemingly getting brainwashed, but for what?

Zdarsky's Jughead character is a lot more fleshed out than the classic version, a lazy yet highly intelligent teen more interested in food and video games than any sort of sexual entanglements. The humor of the book in no way detracts from the plot, something that's hard to do in humor books but Zdarsky sticks the landing.

I've never read anything with Eric Henderson's art although I know she did Squirrel Girl. I follower her on Twitter but mostly because of her Star Trek fandom. Anyway, she did a great job on art. The gang's look is modernized but they still resemble their classic versions, complete with Jughead's nose and trademark Whoopie Cap.

I wound up liking this more than I thought I would by the end. Once I get caught up on the Archie Horror line, I'll be getting the next Jughead volume. Four out of five cheese burgers.

Profile Image for Sesana.
5,889 reviews332 followers
September 19, 2016
Silly almost to the point of stupidity. Which is, I guess, an appropriate enough tone for a Jughead book to take. I'm not entirely sure how I liked it. I guess I could have done without the extended fantasy segments, but the rest was kind of fun.
Profile Image for Shadowdenizen.
829 reviews41 followers
October 8, 2015
While not quite as mind-blowing as the recent "Archie" relaunch, a great creative team coupled with an interesting character and decent writing/story means a great start to the new Jughead series!

Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Ronyell.
989 reviews333 followers
December 19, 2016

4.5 stars


After I had finished reading “Archie Volume One: The New Riverdale,” I figured that Archie Comics was going to do a reboot on one of their most beloved characters “Jughead!” So of course, I was on board with picking up the reboot of everyone’s favorite crazy and food obsessed weirdo in Chip Zdarsky’s take on “Jughead Volume One!”

What is this story about?

It is an ordinary day in Riverdale until Mr. Weatherbee, the principal of Riverdale High, is suddenly being replaced by a new principal named Mr. Stanger without any warning. At first, Jughead is not bothered by this new development, but when his favorite meal lasagna is being replaced by a nasty nutritious meal, Jughead (of course, being Jughead) panics and starts trying to find ways to bend the new strict rules so he could still do whatever he wants without getting in trouble. Later on however, Jughead soon realizes that the new principal Mr. Stanger has a hidden agenda under his sleeves that might involve brainwashing the student body into becoming the perfect school for spies.

Can Jughead stop this new principal from going through with his plans or is all this speculation about the new principal all just a part of Jughead’s overactive imagination?

Read this book to find out!

What I loved about this story:

Chip Zdarsky’s writing: I must admit that when I first heard about Jughead getting his own book for the Archie reboot, I was bit hesitant in trying this graphic novel out since Jughead is my most favorite character from the Archie Comics and I was afraid that this graphic novel would have messed up his character. Luckily, it turns out that Chip Zdarsky has written the character’s eccentric nature extremely well as this graphic novel is much wackier and more humorous than Mark Waid’s run on the main “Archie” series. I loved the way that Chip Zdarsky wrote Jughead’s overactive imaginations as helping Jughead solve his problems in real life as it made Jughead into such a comical and unique character in this new “Archie” universe. Also, Jughead’s constant reliance on his imaginations to solve his real life problems reminds me a bit of Nickelodeon/Disney’s “Doug” (although a much wackier version of “Doug”). I also like the fact that Chip Zdarsky made Jughead into a more determined character in this story as Jughead is shown as not being afraid to speak his mind about what he likes or dislikes about the new school system and tries to make things better for himself and his friends.

Erica Henderson’s artwork: Erica Henderson’s artwork is extremely humorous and fits the tone of this series nicely as the scenes of Jughead’s imaginations are drawn in exaggerated and creative fashion. I especially loved the scenes where Jughead imagines himself to be a superhero or a time traveler as those scenes are drawn somewhat more dramatically as it portrays Jughead trying to save the day from evil.


What made me feel uncomfortable about this story:

The reason why I took off half a star from the rating was because even though I do think that Erica Henderson’s artwork is humorous, I felt that the artwork made the characters too goofy looking and it was hard for me to really take the characters seriously at times. I actually kind of wish that the artists from Mark Waid’s “Archie” series actually took over for this graphic novel as we would have still gotten the humorous edge for this series with the artwork from the main “Archie” series.

Final Thoughts:

Overall, “Jughead Volume One” is a truly entertaining read if you like reading fun loving and wacky comics and if you are a huge fan of Jughead Jones! I recommend this book for anyone who wants to read a wackier series spun off from Mark Waid’s “Archie” series!

Review is also on: Rabbit Ears Book Blog


Profile Image for BB.
317 reviews3 followers
December 6, 2017
An Eisner award for Best Humor? Really? Different strokes, I guess...

I wanted to like this. I did. I kept getting told I should read this because Jughead's asexual. That's nice, but representation doesn't equal quality, which this is sadly lacking.

The story moves along in fits. The main plot is constantly interrupted by Jughead's daydream sequences that go nowhere, last too long, and are frankly pretty boring. didn't find any of it funny, and I know Chip Zdarsky can write better than this because I enjoy Jughead #7-8 (but that's for a future review).

The art is atrocious. I've never been a fan of Erica Henderson's art and it made plowing through this that much more difficult. Henderson is competent at drawing bodies, but her faces are horrible. She's slightly better at drawing males than she is females, but that's really not saying much. I've nothing against her personally, I'm sure she's a nice person, but her art needs some major work.

I'm giving this 2 stars because while I didn't enjoy it, I didn't find it offensively bad -it's just boring and poorly drawn. I'd recommend picking up Jughead around issue 7 to skip the daydream sequences or issue 9 for a fresh start with a new creative team.
Profile Image for Sean McGuire.
37 reviews16 followers
February 6, 2017
I love Jughead.

And I could honestly stop this review right there and have this perfectly summed up in three words. And it's clear that the creative team (Chip Zdarsky and Erica Henderson, the latter being the artist of The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, Volume 1: Squirrel Power and its sequels) love this burger-loving, whoopee cap wearing teen just as much as I've come too. It's ridiculous how much I've come to love Jughead Jones in such a short time, but the writing sucked me in after the visual look of Jughead initially grabbed me.

There was so much in here that I loved. Many of the jokes (both written on the page, said in caption as an editorial note, or purely visual) had me laughing out loud, and there were so many things to see in the backgrounds and be amused by. And something even better? Chip Zdarsky writing two things into the Archie canon forever: 1) Dilton being an amazing dancer, and 2) Jughead being asexual. Particularly that second one (although Dilton's dance moves are quite boss).

I felt that it was so incredibly important that a facet of the LGBTQ+ spectrum that gets virtually no representation in media suddenly got a character with 75 years of story. Chip's decision to do this fits perfectly into the character's long history, and having Archie Comics' groundbreaking openly gay student Kevin Keller be the one to reveal this information to the reader in such a casual manner (as if it weren't a big deal, because it's not a big deal to him or their friends) was such a wonderful thing and it meant so much to see it be handled as perfectly as it was.

I cannot wait for Jughead, Vol. 2 to come out March 14th! Super excited to see Sabrina the Teenaged Witch interacting with this current incarnation of Jughead. In the mean time... on to Archie, Vol. 2!
Profile Image for Stewart Tame.
2,420 reviews108 followers
November 9, 2018
This was a fun take on Juggie. As with Mark Waid's Archie, this is not intended to replace the iconic character, just be an interesting reinvention. It definitely delivers on that.

Once you get over how different everyone looks, this is pretty fun. All the usual suspects are here: Archie, Betty, Reggie, Mr. Weatherbee, etc. A new principal arrives at Riverdale High and it's up to Juggie and the gang to restore the status quo. Zdarsky writes with wit and verve and his Jughead is every bit the lovable slacker we're familiar with from countless past Archie comics. Along the way, there are nods to some of the more fanciful past stories like "The Man from R.I.V.E.R.D.A.L.E." and the Archie superheroes and so on.

Having already read volume 1 of the re-imagined Archie, this book wasn't really too surprising or anything. Different art, but essentially more of the same thing. It's a fun take on a classic character, but it will never be mistaken for the original, not that that was its intent or anything.
Profile Image for Danielle Booey.
1,178 reviews13 followers
December 16, 2016
I wanted to like this book so bad. Zdarsky is fun and Henderson's art is amazing, but just no...every issue is just half Jughead zoning out into some weird dream or video game world. It's too bad really because the parts that actually take place in real life are fun and rather compelling.
February 6, 2021
This was really fun, I loved it! The writing was clever and the pacing was great. I know some people were annoyed by Jughead's dreams, but I thought they were really fun. I can't help but relate to Jughead, I too was once a high school student who hated high school, had crap grades, was really bizarre and off the wall, and hey! Asexual too.

Speaking of that, it should be noted that Jughead is Asexual AND Aromantic. Which is valid, and a very needed representation for the community! However if you are reading this and don't know that, please know that there are romantic asexuals and aromantic asexuals. Jughead is of the latter variety. It was nice to read something high school related that wasn't all about everyone discovering sex and relationships.

I deducted 1 star, because as small as a moment it was, I really didn't appreciate the little dig at veganism through Veronica at Pop's. I'm very tired of people talking about veganism like it's a rich hipster thing, when in reality most of the poor world is vegetarian and vegan because they can't afford meat. The only reason meat is affordable in the western world is because it's heavily subsidized by the government. Also, I'm tired of people making digs at me and other vegans because we care about animals and the environment. It's an animal rights and environmentalist movement, not a diet.

All in all, I loved it! Looking forward to reading more wacky adventures featuring a wacky asexual. That's all I want sometimes, really.

EDIT: I wanted to add that I wish this was around when I was in high school. I discovered the term asexual the year I graduated high school, but only after I graduated. I came upon the term by a fluke. Maybe, if there had been representation like this when I was in high school, it would've saved me a lot of heartache and tearful nights. I know it sounds dramatic, but I really think that. Anyway, I really recommend it.
Profile Image for Mike.
1,545 reviews143 followers
January 1, 2017
I have plenty of memories of reading Archie Comics Digest as a kid - mostly when I went to the cottage for the summer, I'd find stacks of those next to the Reader's Digest and dog-eared copies of Chatelaine. (It's a polite Canadian women's magazine you philistines. Look it up.)

So I don't have any memory of the paranoid delusional aspect of Jughead's personality. Which is a damned shame, because this dude I get *implicitly*. Don't like classes? Check. Sleeping at all hours? Check. Video games and pop culture? Check and double-check.

Erica Henderson doesn't skimp on the evocative facial expressions:

And Zdarsky has occasional flashes of truly weird:

But something feels kinda repetitive about the plot of every issue that does the “problem - Jughead daydream - inspired solution” pattern. I got bored reading this, and that’s a bad sign when something with this much personality and imagination feels like a chore.
Profile Image for Norman.
397 reviews20 followers
June 21, 2016
Wish I could rate this one higher, but it seemed to fall apart there at the end. Still amusing, and I absolutely love Erica Henderson's characters. Zdarsky is a bit of a hit or miss for me, and I felt the first half was stronger than the somewhat lackadaisical and overly ironic second half. Jughead is portrayed as a likeable hero-that-no-one-thinks-is-hero, and is almost a rebellious anti hero and not just a mischievous little troublemaker who gets into his own shenanigans. Other characters seemed like caricatures to me, but I suspect that's the intention -- to make Jughead the absolute center of his own title is to really personify his mind and his perspective on his place in this universe. Nonetheless, these Archie relaunched titles are quite entertaining.
Profile Image for Jasmine.
Author 1 book141 followers
December 9, 2017
Surprisingly excellent. Chip Zdarsky's irreverent, bizarre humour matches the Riverdale world well, and he's used the original comic format of lots of short stories to intersperse non-canon (probably) short arcs amid the longer arc. The longer arc in this one, btw, is that their high school has been taken over by a spy school, disrupting Jughead's very important nap and meal time.

Anyways it's hilarious, it's well done on a technical level that I wasn't quite expecting, and gotta appreciate that Jughead is openly ace, Betty is politically involved and circulating petitions, and Reggie is even more reggie than usual. (The brief bit where they met their dopplegangers in another town, and how Reggie reacted to his double, is so classic.)
Profile Image for mar.
179 reviews101 followers
May 18, 2017
I absolutely adored this. It was so freaking funny and clever. And all the pop culture references and spoofs were so spot on and creative. This was much needed as a break in the middle of my stressful week.

[image error]

Profile Image for rhea.
182 reviews14 followers
August 10, 2016
where did Jughead really find his hat? O_o

139 reviews2 followers
March 6, 2019
Bohužel o dost slabší než Archie, Jugheada jako postavu mám rád, ale asi bych řekl že mi nesedne Zdarskyho styl psaní. Co je na tom ale super je ze snad na kazdy druhy strane je nejaka reference na něco. Kresba je naprosto otřesná a je fakt škoda že si to nekreslí Zdarsky sám.. Snad bude druhej book lepší.
Profile Image for Chris Lemmerman.
Author 7 books111 followers
December 10, 2016
After the wildly successful Archie reboot, it was inevitable that there would be another book to go along side it. Enter Jughead, by Chip Zdarsky and Erica Henderson.

When a new principal upends everything in Jug's life, it's up to him to save the day...if he can be bothered. Maybe. Interspersed into Jughead's insane antics as he tries to dethrone new Principal Stanger are various dream sequences that have Jughead doing everything from rejoining the Time Police to suiting up as a superhero alongside Pureheart, so Archie purists will enjoy this, I expect. I personally felt like these side-stories, while entertaining, stalled the momentum of the main story, which is compelling enough to stand on its own.

How the hell Erica Henderson manages to draw two ongoing books and still finds time to draw an entire original graphic novel, I have no idea. Her work is very expressive and fun to look at, and her comedic timing and panel staging works wonders in this book.

There's a lot to like about Jughead (I'm all for the asexual representation, because there's certainly not enough of us in mainstream media), but I do feel like there's something not quite right about this book just yet. It's good, but it's not quite hitting its groove. A decent companion book, but not as good as the original Archie title.
Profile Image for Garrett.
1,731 reviews22 followers
September 22, 2017
This was awesome, unadulterated fun that you could hand to a 10-year-old or someone much older, and if they have a sense of humor at all, they will enjoy it. It's clever and funny and there's an actual story, and if you doubt that one of the people behind a comic called "Sex Criminals" should be trusted with America's favorite "whoopie cap" wearing slacker, well, a gentle hand has been employed, but so has a healthy dose of snark and brains.

Do not question the Jughead. READ the Jughead.
Profile Image for Gracie Danielson.
19 reviews
March 21, 2018
This was the first comic book I’ve read, and I’m really glad I did. At first I was interested in it because I watch the show riverdale, I love the characters and wanted more so I picked this up. And although the plot of the story and actions of the charters a completely different I still really enjoyed this. It was such a fun creative way to look at the charters I already know. And the illustrations are amazing!
Profile Image for Jesse Nicholas.
281 reviews71 followers
February 25, 2017
Finished in one sitting, as do most people who read graphic novels. It was a lot of fun, but not my absolute favorite. Jughead is a highlight character for me in the Archie Universe, but sadly, this take on him wasn't the best. He stay's true to character and all, but I'm just not liking the fantastical day dreams. And don't get me started on the art... some of the designs stink. Sorry no sorry.
Profile Image for Zai.
930 reviews26 followers
September 29, 2023
Me he leido este cómic para un reto, y no me ha terminado de convencer, la historia me ha parecido bastante infantil y las ilustraciones no me han gustado mucho tampoco.

En este cómic seguimos a Jughead y sus amigos, que con el cambio de director que tiene lugar en el instituto Riverdale, hay cambios en su día a día y éstos harán lo posible para que esto se revierta....
Profile Image for Emma.
71 reviews4 followers
October 26, 2015
"Teach a man to fish & he'll being home fish, which are gross. Teach a man to make burgers & he'll be the hero Gotham deserves or something." - Jughead.

Best. Looking forward to more of this series!
Profile Image for Kendra Mikols.
351 reviews7 followers
March 9, 2017
Really funny. I think I might have liked it more than the regular Archie comic. Much goofier
Displaying 1 - 30 of 400 reviews

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