Stewart Tame's Reviews > Jughead, Vol. 1

Jughead, Vol. 1 by Chip Zdarsky
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This was a fun take on Juggie. As with Mark Waid's Archie, this is not intended to replace the iconic character, just be an interesting reinvention. It definitely delivers on that.

Once you get over how different everyone looks, this is pretty fun. All the usual suspects are here: Archie, Betty, Reggie, Mr. Weatherbee, etc. A new principal arrives at Riverdale High and it's up to Juggie and the gang to restore the status quo. Zdarsky writes with wit and verve and his Jughead is every bit the lovable slacker we're familiar with from countless past Archie comics. Along the way, there are nods to some of the more fanciful past stories like "The Man from R.I.V.E.R.D.A.L.E." and the Archie superheroes and so on.

Having already read volume 1 of the re-imagined Archie, this book wasn't really too surprising or anything. Different art, but essentially more of the same thing. It's a fun take on a classic character, but it will never be mistaken for the original, not that that was its intent or anything.
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