Are Elven Vortexes Hierarchical? > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Calantirniel (new)

Calantirniel Interesting post! I had not encountered that work and will keep my eye out for it. After nearly 2 decades of running Tie eldalieva the Elven Spiritual Path (based on the Elven worldview of Tolkien's Legendarium), and even becoming a non-profit in 2020, we have had a lot of folks come and go - but I can say that we run things as a consensus similar to how Arthur viewed the Knights of the Round Table. While the roughly 5 of us now seem to agree on everything when discussing things, we realize this can't always be the case. Our non-profit formation is based on a majority vote, but with emphasis that we strive to come to a solution if possible that would make EVERY board member feel good about what is happening. We believe that not taking into account the minority position actually weakens the organization, and in time could have diminishing effects, which is not our goal. The fact that you have been around for many decades says that you are doing something right! <3

message 2: by The (new)

The Elves Calantirniel wrote: "Interesting post! I had not encountered that work and will keep my eye out for it. After nearly 2 decades of running Tie eldalieva the Elven Spiritual Path (based on the Elven worldview of Tolkien'..." Thank you dear Elven Sister and you always have our elven blessings for continued success and happiness.

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