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Rock Chick #3

Rock Chick Redemption

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Roxie’s on the run from a bad boyfriend who will not catch the hint that it is o-v-e-r. She’s in no mood for love at first sight, but when her eyes fall on Hank, it’s trouble from the get-go. Roxie tries to hold Hank at arms length but Hank wants to be a closer (as in, a lot closer). Roxie’s trouble catches up with her and Hank wants to help but Roxie knows in her heart that she’s no good for a white hat guy. The problem is no one agrees with her, especially her crazy hippie best friend Annette or her parents; the even crazier small-Indiana-town Herb and Trish. Toss into the mix the gang from Rock Chick and Rock Chick Rescue and Roxie finds herself totally outnumbered.

Climb in for another Rock Chick wild ride through Rock Chick Redemption. As the odds stack up against Roxie, she has no choice but to hold on and just ride it out through the kidnappings, car chases, society parties, a riot at the strip club, Hank getting “Mom Bombed” and one crazy night at the Haunted House.

During all this Hank works at convincing her she really wants to stay and he, along with the Hot Bunch, go all out to make her safe. Hank also needs to work on showing Roxie that her past decisions don’t mean her future can’t include something as downright delicious as… normal.

426 pages, Paperback

First published November 8, 2010

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About the author

Kristen Ashley

128 books39.2k followers
Kristen Ashley was born in Gary, Indiana, USA. She nearly killed her mother and herself making it into the world, seeing as she had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck (already attempting to accessorise and she hadn't taken her first breath!).

Kristen grew up in Brownsburg, Indiana but has lived in Denver, Colorado and the West Country of England. Thus she has been blessed to have friends and family around the globe. Her posse is loopy (to say the least) but loopy is good when you want to write.

Kristen was raised in a house with a large and multi-generational family. They lived on a very small farm in a small town in the heartland and existed amongst the strains of Glenn Miller, The Everly Brothers, REO Speedwagon and Whitesnake (and the wardrobes that matched).

Needless to say, growing up in a house full of music, clothes and love was a good way to grow up.

And as she keeps growing up, it keeps getting better.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,966 reviews
Profile Image for Arini.
857 reviews2,091 followers
January 14, 2023
[2nd Read]

March 2021 — 5 Stars

#1 Rock Chick — 2.75 Stars
#2 Rock Chick Rescue — 2.5 Stars

Favorite book and favorite couple in the Rock Chick universe.

The best petnames, the best romance, the best side characters (the ones that don’t include regular casts from the Rock Chicks and the Hot Bunch), the best conflict that involves crazy psycho stalker ex-boyfriend whom I surprisingly felt some modicum of sympathy for, the best humor, the best gun shooting - kidnapping - car chasing action. The best EVERYTHING.

Favorite swoony thing that Hank does to Roxie: rubbing/nuzzling his nose against hers. Frequently used words or inside jokes that are particular to Hank and Roxie: a variation of “you’re a nut” or “you’re stubborn,” Hank and Roxie’s “conversation,” Roxie’s “sounding uppity,” and Roxie’s “my life began when I met you.” I just LOVE Whiskey and Sunshine. And Shamus.

Didn’t realize I have a type until Hank Nightingale (and Mitch Lawson).

(Read as an Audiobook)

[1st Read]

December 2020 — 4.5 Stars

Reading out of order, and this was the first one I picked, but . . .


“You were here to see your uncle until you stepped into Fortnum’s and saw me and I saw you. You know it and I know it. You want me to convince you. I’m prepared to do that.”

Sorry, the all caps is necessary. I put this off for so long because I didn’t like the title Rock Chick series and for some reason I was just very skeptical about it all. I know, I’m dumb and shallow. Shoot me. The fact that no one contradicted and pushed me to pick it up . . .

Anyhow, this was marvelous. Now I can’t help but wish I were a part of the Rock Chick team because dayyyum these bitches are slayin’. Roxie’s sense of style particularly is nothing to sneeze at. Meanwhile, their men are equally yummy and all kinds of awesome. Especially, Hank . . .

“Belonging to me doesn’t mean I’ll make you do anything, it just means I consider you mine for as long as this lasts. It means I protect you, it means I take care of you. For another man, it might mean something different. Don’t confuse me with another man”

But also, Luke . . .

“For the record, I like Hank,” he told me. “Um…” I muttered, not knowing where he was leading with this and I still did not want to know. “I’m glad to hear it.” “Things don’t work out with you and Hank…” I waited while he paused, my eyes wide, my lips parted, my heart thumping. “You can erase my day.”

and Vance. 😍

Let’s not forget Unlce Tex. He may not be as cute, but he’s the best unlce in history. Hank’s parents are warm and loving. Roxie’s are the same, but they’re also . . . humiliating—in a fun and affectionate sort of way. Basically everyone here is loud, a little nutty, and funny.

“They say, if you care about something, you have to set it free and if it comes back to you, it was meant to be.”
“They’re full of shit.”
Obviously, I failed spectacularly at being philosophical.”

The romance had me feeling all warm and fuzzy. Seriously, you should see when Hank nuzzles Roxie’s neck or her nose with his. 😂 It’s probably not as cute in real life, especially the nose rub thing. I have a sensitive nose and would likely sneeze if someone did that. But the way Hank did it just made me gooey inside. 🙈

“You’re not breakin’ up with me,” he said.
“I am.” I told him.
“You’re not.”
“Hank, I am.”
“Sunshine, you are not.”
“You can’t tell me I’m not breaking up with you when I’m breaking up with you!”
“I think I just did.”

The petnames Whiskey and Sunshine, yes ma’am I dig it. Ugh, can you die of sweetness?? Hank can be annoyingly domeneering and persistent, but Roxie is just as stubborn and never back down without her having a say in the matter too. Together they’re . . . ✧ explosive ✧.

Billy . . .

“No, no, no. I’m gonna rip his dick off and shove it up his nose and parade him though the streets naked and dickless then cut his head off.”

The psycho ex-boyfriend side story was splendid and full of bad guy action movie stuff. Poor Billy. He was awful, but I kinda sympathized with him. Fortnum’s, the coffeshop double bookstore aka the place they all hang out in, is cozy and aesthetic. I’m going to run my own Fortnum’s someday. 🤣

To conclude, it’s 4.5 stars for not having an epilogue. Originally, I planned to read book 3, 5, and 7. However, after meeting Vance in this book, there’s no way I’m not reading his too, which is book 4 in the series. By the way, this is my SIXTH KA book of the month, can you believe it?! I’m getting predictable. I need new reading materials (or not).

(Read as an Audiobook)
Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,135 followers
March 13, 2018
I knew it would happen...

Yep, I love Hank again. This time, he was sweet, loving and so patient with Roxie, I have no idea what I was thinking the last time I listened. Loved all the good bits, cried in all the bad bits.

Great to catch up with my Rock Chick family.

...and I saw Luke 😍😍😍😍


Time for another trip around the block with the Rock Chicks

I feel kind of let down with this re-read/listen of Hank and Roxie's story. To be honest, it was Hank that left me dissatisfied. I feel like we don't really get to know him. He's always off at work fighting bad guys or telling Roxie off. Now, take this with a grain of salt. The last time I read this one, Hank was the light of my life and his dedication and devotion had me swooning.

Do you know what I think the problem is? I'm having Luke Stark withdrawals. Getting a little glimpse of him, when he's gruff, hot, smart, hot, bossy, hot and funny...and HOT, just makes me want to skip the next block and head straight to Revenge. I may also be willing to head straight to Revenge because I don't want to "see" Luke meet with Renegade.

Re-reads/listenings of the Rock Chicks is serious work. You have to be with the one you love and, well, Luke will always be my one true Hot Bunch MAN.

I love the Rock Chicks and there is no way in bloody HELL I'm changing my rating. It was only a slight dissatisfaction with Hank, next time I see him, I'll love him again.


Another Rock Chick audio devoured.

I laughed, I cried (on the train...avoiding eye contact with fellow passengers) and I loved every minute of it. Is it freaky that my two favourite parts are -

1. When she is at her worst and needs saving.

2. When Hank loses it and yells at her for putting her life in danger. The fact that she stepped in front of danger to protect him and her loved ones made it even more epic in my mind.
I think it's the emotions portrayed that made them my favourite parts.

Even though Roxie feels so bad about herself (at that particular moment), seeing the care and protection she received made me feel tight in my chest. If I was in the same situation, I would want someone looking out for me when I'm at my worst.

Hank's reaction to screaming at Roxie seemed very real. I loved that someone so "in control" lost it so epically. I know that I'm guilty of screaming at my kids when they risk their health and wellbeing. I want my kids to be happy and safe at all times and I think this was why Hank yelled.

Hank is the serious one in the group. He seems to watch everything going on around him and observe the proceedings. When it's needed, he says what needs to be said. Sometimes, even he can't control his actions and reactions. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when he lost it. I'm pretty sure he would be EXTREMELY passionate.

Roxie's love for fashion and dressing up I can totally relate to. Her need to always present herself in the best light is something I (try to) do as well. I can't remember the last time I left my house without lipstick on and my hair not done.

Honestly, I do struggle a little with the way the Rock Chicks push away their men...for their man's benefit. Hello...if the hot bunch guy is up for the challenge, go with the flow.

Rock Chick Redemption is about finding the love of your life and finding the person who will put up with you through the good and the bad. No love is perfect and nobody is perfect.

As per usual...the Rock Chick gang makes Rock Chick Redemption fun and interesting. I want my own Rock Chick gang...and a Hot Bunch too.

For some reason, the odd numbers in this series are my favourite. (Rubbing my hands together in delight) Luke and Ava are up next.

To buy Rock Chick Redemption from Amazon - http://amzn.to/2dhfzDX

I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,553 reviews5,379 followers
January 5, 2016
3.5 “Whisky” STARS


In complete contrast to the prior book where I loved hero and didn’t care for heroine, this one is the complete opposite. I truly liked the heroine, Roxie and found the hero, Hank Nightingale drawing similar emotions to Mitch-The Lawman for me. Hank sadly was just okay, meh, in this story. Hey it happens.

”You were here to see your uncle until you stepped into Fortnum’s and saw me and I saw you. You know it and I kow it. You want me to convince you. I’m prepared to do that.” Yowza

Roxie, Tex’s niece is very relatable, funny and didn’t over do her freak outs. Thankfully, she wasn’t hard of hearing (Pardon? Excuse me?) She has her own friends, a great family and killer fashion style. She just has one problem an ex that refuses to be an ex. She has been trapped in a relationship that she has countless times tried to flee. I found the whole Billy the ex's story line interesting and exciting. Roxie’s family was fabulous, she was lovable and overall she made Hank’s story worth the read.

”My life began when I met you”
Profile Image for Blacky *Romance Addict*.
491 reviews6,536 followers
August 25, 2017
“Belonging to me doesn’t mean I’ll make you do anything, it just means I consider you mine for as long as this lasts. It means I protect you, it means I take care of you. For another man, it might mean something different. Don’t confuse me with another man.”

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Hank <3

I have to say I totally forgot just how swoony Hank is <3

I loved every bit of this book and it just went up in my fav book list, cause seriously, it was amazing <3

Btw, Roxie's parents were epic! OMG I loved every scene with them :D

Quote from her dad:

“Son, let me tell you something. Even if you don't care, pretend you do. Honestly, it's the best way to go," Dad, the voice of experience, decided to wade in. "She talks about toss pillows. You don't care about toss pillows. You don't even know what toss pillows are. Pretend that toss pillows are your highest priority in life.”

Profile Image for Christy.
4,347 reviews35.5k followers
February 3, 2015
5 Whisky Stars!
 photo db7f7d3a-b4cf-43c7-be54-7549771eddc2_zpsf88690f3.jpg
When you fuck up, you have to admit it, deal with it, and move on.

That is Roxie’s motto. And thats what she’s trying to do. After dealing with a loser boyfriend for the last seven years, Roxie is ready to start over. So she’s going to Denver temporarily to get away. She wants to meet her Uncle Tex, so what better place to go. She goes to Tex’s place of employment and she sees something you just don’t see every day... A plethora of hot men.
It looked like GQ was having a convention and all the best looking guys had decided to have a coffee at Fortnum's before going to seminars on how to cope with being really, unbelievably, fucking gorgeous.

Among all the hot men, there is one that catches her eye right away. He has whisky colored eyes. Hank Nightingale. Hank is Lee Nightingale’s brother and a police officer. Once he see’s Roxie, he’s done. He knows he’s gotta have her. with all her trouble, Roxie doesn’t think she is good for Hank. Hank knows better. He wants to help Roxie deal with her problems. Once she’s with Hank, she is his wether she wants to be or not.
“I'm protecting what's mine."
"I'm not yours," I said.
"You're welcome to think that but it doesn't change the fact that you are.”

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Poor Roxie goes through the ringer. Between her stalker ex-boyfriend being after her, kidnappings, shoot outs, car chases, there is never a dull moment. Through all this, Roxie just wants to be done with her ex, and get away from all the awesome people she has met in Denver. She doesn’t feel like she’s any good for them with all the trouble she’s brought around. Especially Hank. She could never be good enough for Hank. She tries to end things with him MANY times, but these badass hotties don’t take no for an answer. Hank just has to have a few ‘conversations’ with her and it’s all good.
“You’re not breakin’ up with me,” he said.
“I am.” I told him.
“You’re not.”

“Hank, I am.”

“Sunshine, you are not.”

“You can’t tell me I’m not breaking up with you when I’m breaking up with you!”

“I think I just did.”

Hank just has to convince Roxie that she her past mistakes don’t dictate her future. And he wants a future with her. As much as she tries to deny it, there is nothing Roxie would love more than a future with Hank.

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Roxie was the funniest heroine. I just adored her and her high maintenance self. She made me laugh more times than I could count. And she was pretty damn cute. Then there is Hank. I loved what little bit of Hank we got in the first two books, and I love him even more now. His protective nature and sweet, sexy self... Mmmm.

There were SO many parts of this book I just loved... There were some touching moments: First meet with Uncle Tex, ‘She’s the One’, and Roxie’s speech at the end. I can’t even tell you how many lol funny parts there were but some that are sticking out: The haunted house (OMG I almost peed myself reading about that- it’s so me!), Poor Hank getting mom bombed, and pretty much ANY scene with Roxie’s parents (They were a hoot!). I just loved the Sunshine/Whisky pet names. It made me melt a bit. Hank and Roxie has some hot chemistry. I loved ‘erasing the day’. We also get to really meet another member of Lee’s boys- Luke... Luke... Luke Stark. Need I say more? I think I’m in love with that one!

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Oh these Rock Chick books just get better and better! The first two were good, but this one was just fabulous! Loved Hank, loved Roxie, loved the story! Full of humor, fun, sex, love, suspense and more alpha males than you will know what to do with! I’m serious... I love my husband, but Kristen Ashley makes me want to go to Denver and scoop up one of these guys! A fabulous series I’m looking forward to continuing!!!
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,554 followers
January 9, 2016
Based on just the romance between Roxie and Hank, this would have been a one-star story for me. What saved it is all of the side characters, as usual, and the awesomeness that is Roxie's parents.

Plus Luke. Gimme, gimme, gimme

Okay, so what's my problem? It was too much. Too fast. Too pushy. Too creepily alpha-y.
See, there is a formula for these books: Boy alpha decides he wants girl, drags her back to his place, holds her captive while she tries to escape him, forces her to accept a relationship with him.

That worked out fine in the first book because Indy and Lee had known each other all of their lives and she had been in love with him forever. It was cute that he was being all forceful about the fact that it was time for them to get together. They knew each other better than anyone else, moving fast was fine.
Eddie and Jet were a little too fast, but they had a mutual attraction for about a month before things got intense.
But, this Hank and Roxie romance? It was just too much. Too much!!
He meets her, asks her out on a date for the next night and she says no. He grabs her and kisses her, without her consent. He then tells her that they ARE going on a date and that, as a cop, he will track her down if she tries to escape said date. Then!! Then, he takes her out on a date and refuses to take her home afterwards but informs her that she will be sleeping with him at his house. She says "no" several times, but he forces himself on her. But, all this is okay because she enjoyed the sex and he's hot. Hmmm...... I'm not so sure I like this message. She explicitly told this guy "no" over and over again, but he continued pursuing her, to the point of having non-consensual sex and not allowing her to leave his house after this sex either, all while threatening her if she tried to get away.
Let's say for a minute, that she was serious, and meant the words that came out of her mouth. She said "no" to the date, asked to be taken home after being bullied into the date, said "no" to the sex, tried to leave by calling a cab after the sex, and tried to not see him again or have any kind of relationship with him. These are the facts and the words that she used. His choosing to ignore them was the equivalent of date-rape. But, that's okay, because she was attracted to him and enjoyed herself. What if she wasn't? Put these actions on a man whom she wasn't interested in, and you have clear date-rape? But, why? If a woman says "no", is it really up to the man to decide whether he thinks she means it or not? I don't think they should be the ones deciding this. I think "no" means "no" - no matter what. If he doesn't like her answer, too bad. It's not his choice to take away her choices.

Okay, off my soapbox. I will take the book as a work of fiction and understand that these alpha-guys are just this book series' formula. If I can put that aside, I appreciate the cast of characters and the funny situations they find themselves in.

But, I'm taking a break to read Dark Lover with Karly and Jess anyway. There's no over-bearing alpha male in that book at all.

Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,723 followers
August 25, 2013

Re-read Review - August 23-25, 2013

What a great story! I enjoyed it even more during my re-read, picking up on things I'd missed before, intriguing insights into Hank that explain why so many people worship at his altar! Y'all need to move over and make room for me at said altar, too!

Roxie's growin' on me, but still not my favorite Rock Chick. That said, she is Tex's niece so that gets her some big time brownie points!

Aside from a laugh out loud haunted house scene, meeting Roxie's loopy parents, and all the hilarity that is Tex, my favorite part of Rock Chick Redemption is the kick-ass segue into the next book, Rock Chick Renegade, Jules and Vance's story! Yummmmm!

Bumping this from 4.5 to a full 5 stars!

Original Review -

Every time I read a Kristen Ashley book I think, ‘this is my favorite!’ and then I move on to the next book and end up thinking, ‘this is my favorite!’… and so it goes. What I’ve come to realize is that I’ll really never be able to pick a favorite because each book offers something different than the others, and I find that that’s what makes me love each one of the books the same "much" as the others.

And now that I’ve totally confused you, I’ll just say… I love Hank and Roxie, but for me, Tex really stole the show. I love that man and can’t get enough of his “shee-it.” :)

If you're a Kristen Ashley addict, or just interested in checking her books, be sure to stop by our Kristen Ashley Addict's Support Group here on Goodreads!

Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.1k followers
June 18, 2012
4.5 Stars

Another winner from Kristen Ashley!! You just can’t help but fall in LOVE with those Nightingale boys!!

I’ve been looking forward to Hank’s book since the beginning of this series and I was not dissapointed. I squeed, snorted, snickered and laughed my way through it – a perfect, fun action-romance read!

Hank Nightingale is basically the ultimate swoooony good guy – he’s a gorgeous, loving, straight-arrow, always-in-control cop with insane loyalty to his family and a huge heart. It was fun to see him come undone by this girl who just walked into his life :)

He meets Roxie when she comes into town to meet her uncle Tex (who we met as a delightful side character – ex-con turned artisan coffee creator – in the first 2 books of the series) who works at the coffee shop-bookstore run by Indy (the heroine from book 1). There, she runs into all the (uber-Alpha) boys from Nightingale Investigations…

“It looked like GQ was having a convention and all the best looking guys had decided to have coffee at Fornum’s before going to seminars on how to cope with being really, unbelievably, fucking gorgeous.”

… but she finds inexplicably drawn to Hank. Its love at first sight for both of them. Problem is, she’s in a bit of trouble trying to ditch her loser criminal ex-boyfriend. Lucky for her, Hanks is a cop and is more than happy to help her out… and take her out to dinner, woo her into his bed, protect her, claim her as his woman and other utterly swoon-worthy things that only a true Alpha can do best :P

“I’m having dinner with Hank but only because he’s persuasive-”
“I bet.”
“Its just dinner. Nothing more…”
“Dinner may be just dinner in Chicago but it ain’t in Denver. These boys don’t fuck around… Indy was livin’ with Lee after ’bout a day. Jet was with Eddie from my count, after less than a week. The way Hank’s lookin’ at you, I’m guessin’ less than 48 hours.”

And of course, it wouldn’t be a proper KA book without its fair share of car chases, kidnapping (s), hostage situations, shootouts, and crazy ex’s, now would it? lol

I seriously loved Hank! I loved how insanely sweet, thoughtful, caring and perceptive he was. He saw right through the emotional front that Roxie put up and into her heart and wouldn’t give up until she believed in them too. I love how he saw how much her previous relationship made her wary to put her heart out on the line again and he was willing to made every effort to show that he was worth it.

Roxie was also a great heroine. She had a fun voice and was stubborn and sassy enough to stand up for herself, but soft and lovable enough to be able to have some seriously heart-melting moments with Hank.

I loved that by this third book, you really feel like you KNOW all these characters personally – you get all their inside jokes and little gestures, and it just totally maximises the fun! I just loved the huge network of characters and all their inter-relations.

“…heard Ally say, “I’m gonna talk to Lee. The minute they find that asshole, I want my turn with him in the holding room.”
“Ally,” said Indy.
“Sugar, I’m talking to Marcus to-night.” Daisy broke in. “He’s gotta step his shit up. Ain’t gonna be no holding room for Billy fucking Flynn, not if I have anything to say about it.”

The dialogue in this book was awesome – so many laugh out loud moments! Also, we are introduced to new side characters – namely Luke Stark, the seriously HOT member of Nightingale Investigations who until now was recovering from a gunshot wound – I seriously cannot wait until his book! He is h.o.t. !!

And nobody writes family scenes like Ms. Ashley – I swear in all her books, the families just make me grin like an idiot.

“Son, let me tell you something. Even if you don’t care, pretend you do. Honestly, it’s the best way to go,” Dad, the voice of experience, decided to wade in. “She talks about toss pillows. You don’t care about toss pillows. You don’t even know what toss pillows are. Pretend that toss pillows are your highest priority in life.”

Really, if you just want a fun read full of Alpha males, swoony romance, and lots of action-packed craziness, this is a great series to start.

“This is crazy. You’re crazy. Denver’s crazy. All you boys skipped right over the last century, didn’t you? I think even the last million years. You’re cavemen”

I’m so looking forward to more from this series. I’ve really turned into quite the KA book addict!!

Here's how I see Hank and Roxie:

For more of my reviews, visit Aestas Book Blog

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Profile Image for Brandi.
666 reviews1,464 followers
March 13, 2024

I love this series. It's fun, full of action-packed silliness, alpha males, and romance. Lee.Eddie.Hank.Vance.♥Luke♥.Mace. It's a good thing Fortnum's is a fictional place, if not I'm pretty sure we would have a riot on our hands, all these men in one place *sigh* a girl can dream.

It looked like GQ was having a convention and all the best looking guys had decided to have a coffee at Fortnum's before going to seminars on how to cope with being really, unbelievably, fucking gorgeous.

Roxie is crazy ol' Tex's niece, and when she rolls into town, chaos isn't too far behind. Lee's brother, Hank 'Whisky' catches her eye and she catches his. Although Roxie tries to resist, as they all do, Hank is determined. Hank claims Roxie and does everything he can to protect her.

“I'm protecting what's mine."
"I'm not yours," I said.
"You're welcome to think that but it doesn't change the fact that you are.”

I enjoyed Roxie and Whisky's story, but this series just gets better. I've read all out of order - starting with 1 jumping to 5,6,7,4,2 now 3. Every now and then, you have to walk on the wildside ;) Luke, however is still my number one <3
Profile Image for D.L. Howe.
Author 24 books571 followers
April 7, 2021
3.5 stars

Thanks so much Lily for the recommendation! I suppose I do like cop H’s after all. 🤤

Oh honey, if it sounds too good to be true, it no doubt is. From my experience, the ones that promise the world are the ones who take everything away.

I should be totally turned off by Hank’s pushy insistence but for some reason that I can’t rightly explain it’s hot af.

This book is looney tunes. Like one part Dukes of Hazards, one part Animaniacs and one part In Living Color. Does anyone remember In Living Color? Or am I showing my age? 🤔

Here’s the thing about controlling men, there’s a fine line between alpha and abusive. This writer does a great job closely walking that tightrope. Plus she clenches that with the villain; Roxy’s abusive ex.

I really do like this, but it’s just a little too superficial for me. It’s fun but I would like a few more deeper, emotional moments. Plus it irks me every time Hank says he’ll put up with her only because she’s a hot fuck.

Hank is starting to prove me wrong, I just need to get past the bossy know it all. He’s very insightful, nurturing and wonderfully lusty. And the way he handled the ow situation was delightful.

This book is like mold, the longer your in it the more it grows on you. The same thing goes for Hank, I want to not like his pushy ways but in the end I freaking love it. Overall what a psychotic ride!
Profile Image for Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ .
1,290 reviews8,944 followers
March 11, 2016
1/15/16: Back to KA goodness with my peeps at BB&B. B/c HANK!

I love all the Rock Chicks but I can't decide if Indy or Roxie is my favorite. Right now I'm leaning towards Roxie, but that could be b/c I just finished her book. She is a NUT. She stomps her booted foot when she gets frustrated. She constantly goes off on tangents about ridiculous things when she gets stressed. She converses with dogs. She cracks me up. And then there's HANK. There is just something about those Nightingale boys. Eddie Chavez of Book 2 was pretty meh for me, but Lee or Hank Nightingale . . .

And then there are Roxie's parents. And Annette. The book has the best secondary characters by a friggin' mile.
Profile Image for SamJ ★Needs a HEA★.
609 reviews912 followers
April 24, 2019
★Book Basics★

Genre : - Cont. Romance
Series : - 3rd in the series
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Would I read more by this author/or in this series? - Yes
Rating - 5


Ah, poor poor Roxie! Mad as a box of frogs (well she is Tex's niece after all) but with an even worse opinion of herself than Jet in book 2!

Also, this book introduces my favourite of the hot bunch! Luke!

Loved Hank, you could see how he fell hard and quick, and just wanted to help Roxie. And Roxie, she does not fight this just for the sake of fighting. No, she fights it, as she thinks she needs to protect Hank and all his friends.

Loved her parents, loved the little view we get into Daisy and Marcus' life (I hope they get a book of their own at some point). Even the bad guy, you can sort of end up feeling sorry for. He is not a cartoonish bad guy, as can often happen in Romance books (not with KA though). He is clearly not nice, or does good things, but you can tell he had a terrible life, and felt like he needed Roxie as she was the only good thing in his life.

Again, another excellent book I can re read many times, and another great addition to the series.
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,835 reviews1,633 followers
May 14, 2020
Sale Alert Kindle Deal 14May20 $0.99

4.5 Whiskey Colored Stars

After a slightly disappointing second book in the series we are now back on track because I loved Hank and Roxie’s story.

We are back to cute and adorable pet names – Whiskey and Sunshine (It works)

We are back to alpha dialogue that makes my heart beat faster and my lady parts tingly
“I’m gonna have to ask you to stop kissing me,” I whispered, and even to myself I didn’t sound very convincing with my request.
He smiled. “I’m not gonna stop kissing you, but I’ll wait until tomorrow night to do it again.”
His hand fisted gently in my hair and his mouth went to my ear.
Then he said, “And, as soon as I can, I’m gonna taste more than your lips.”

We are back to crazy, cooky and hilarious talk in the book store. I am seriously thinking of packing up and taking a road trip to Denver to look for Fortmun’s. It has three things I love Books, Coffee and Alphas not necessarily in that order.

STUN GUNS!!!! – need I say more. I want to go out and get one after reading this series.

Roxie is Tex’s niece – As soon as I saw that I knew I was going to love her. She is sometimes just as crazy as Tex but in a slightly different way.
“And no alligator tail,” I carried on. “Alligators are cute. I’m not a vegetarian, but I don’t eat cute animals. Like lamb. Lambs are cute. We can try the rattlesnake. I think I could eat snake because snakes freak me out.”

No eating cute animals….like alligators. And why are they cute you might ask…well because they always look like they are smiling.

We are back to having so many great side characters that I don’t even know where to begin with who was the best. Tex almost always wins this contest. He is fantastic but I don’t think Duke gets enough credit either…
”No offense but you’re gonna run him through the mill, I can tell. And no doubt, we’ll all get ground up with him.”
I blinked. “I’m only in town for a couple of days,” I said.
“I can see it comin’,” Duke retorted.
“Hallelujah!” Uncle Tex boomed. “No lag this time. Keep ‘im hoppin’, darlin’ girl, that’s what I say.”

That is Tex always up for a little action or a lot as the case may be.

Her parents were hilarious. If they are your parents it isn’t funny but when it is someone else’s well you can’t help but laugh at all the embarrassing and inappropriate things they say in front of EVERYONE.

But Annette her BFF wins for best new character addition. She is hilarious, loud, slightly inappropriate but you could tell she was someone who once she decides she is your friend it is a life long bond.
“Yo, bitch!” she answered on the second ring.
This was nothing to be alarmed about. This was how Annette answered the phone all the time.
“Hey,” I said, quietly. Then I burst into tears. Then I told her my story, all of my story.
“Holy fucking Jesus H. Christ,” she said when I was done.
“I know.”
“He hasn’t called?”
“Annette!” I cried.
“Billy kidnapped me and beat me up. This is not about Hank!”

But your girl always knows what it is really about….that is why they are your girl. I loved Annette’s quirky granola wanderer ways they added a lot to the fun of the story.

Kidnappings – Yes I know but I love them.

ALL THE OTHER ALPHA MEN – wowzers Lee Nightingale has a whole stable of bad ass men that I want to get to know better. From the last book I was really interested in Mace but after this one I don’t know whose book I want to read more Vance, Mace or Luke’s. I might be half in love with Luke already.

The Story:

Roxie once upon a time was young and fell in love with the wrong man. She has spent the last year + trying to leave him but he won’t seem to let her go. She has a plan and is in the last stage of it but needs Tex’s help hence the trip to Denver.

Hank is a man that knows what he wants when he sees it and the first time he laid eyes on Roxie he knew he wanted her, even if she comes with some baggage. Just because Roxie is a little broken and reluctant doesn’t mean that Hank isn’t going to find a way to get in there.
“Roxanne, listen closely. One look at you and I knew trouble was on your heels. I’m willin’ to give it time for you to tell me. That doesn’t happen, I’m willin’ to wade in when that trouble catches up. Right now, I’d be doin’ it for Tex and out of curiosity about you. After tonight, I reckon I’ll be doing it for other reasons.”

But just as Roxie starts to think maybe she can do this her ex has to show up and ruin everything. Putting Roxie in a lot of danger and making her feel dirty like she doesn’t deserve a good man like Hank and he has a lot more work to do after that.

Even though there is an emotional aspect to this love story it is still a lot of fun with chaos at both a strip club and haunted house. The dialogue between characters is fantastic whether it be something funny or sorta serious. Just because you made one mistake in your youth and it took years from your life it doesn’t mean that you are only that choice. You deserve more and sometimes it takes some new friends, a crazy uncle and a badass Alpha to show you how to change your life for the better.

A Few Bonuses:

Seeing the couples from the previous books is always a special treat. I complained that in the last book I didn’t really feel closure on the Jet/Eddie relationship, but seeing them periodically in this you can see they are on the right track and still working on it. Indy and Lee on the other hand and completely there in the relationship department and I love the moments we get with the two of them in this.

The building and layering of this series has been a lot of fun and after that last chapter I can’t wait to get into the story of our next couple.
Profile Image for Belle.
580 reviews569 followers
June 4, 2019

This is still probably my favourite Rock Chick book. Roxie and Hank are next level adorable and I will never get enough of their story.

5/5 stars

PRAISE THE GOOD LORD did I love this book.

Roxie and Hank are my all time obsession, the absolute best Rock Chick novel I have read to date. Most of the Rock Chick books have a lot of attraction but not much cute romance, the lead males not usually into talking about feelings. But with this novel you hit the holy grail of men with Hank, the police detective who will do anything to keep the new girl, Roxie (with the best fashion sense) safe from the danger that is following her to Denver.

This has the cutest relationship with adorable nicknames (Whisky and Sunshine, I mean come on!) and the added factor that Roxie is related to an old series favourite Tex, makes everything better. This is full of KA's signature drama, action and angst all wrapped up in one pretty little parcel.


I find these books difficult to review because I feel like saying too much more would be ruining the surprise and rush of feelings these books give you. I would highly recommend jumping into this series (it doesn't need to be in order but I'd recommend reading the first book, Rock Chick, first to get the lay of the land) blind and just going along for the ride.


my reviews and ratings for Kristen Ashely's other books:
Rock Chick (Rock Chick, #1)— here
Rock Chick Renegade (Rock Chick, #4) — here
Rock Chick Revenge (Rock Chick, #5) — here
Sweet Dreams (Colorado Mountain, #2) — here
Lady Luck (Colorado Mountain, #3) — here
Breathe (Colorado Mountain, #4) — here
Mystery Man (Dream Man, #1) — here
Law Man (Dream Man #3) — here
Knight (Unfinished Hero, #1) — here
Raid (Unfinished Hero, #3) — here
Deacon (Unfinished Hero, #4) — here

I've read too many KA books to link so if you're curious about my ratings and reviews just check out my shelf dedicated to her genius!
Profile Image for Jonetta.
2,440 reviews1,232 followers
December 20, 2021
When Roxanne (Roxie) Logan met Billy Flynn seven years ago it was love at first sight. Despite everyone else who mattered to her despising him, Roxie was committed to her “misguided angel.” See, everyone else knew Billy was a criminal and it took Roxie three years into the relationship and four sudden relocations across the country to figure it out. But, it’s taken her four more years to successfully escape him, which is how she ended up in Denver, looking to stay with her Uncle Tex. However, when she lands at Fortnum’s bookstore, the first person she sees is Hank Nightingale and it’s her second go round with love at first sight. But, someone as honorable as Hank couldn’t possibly be interested in someone like her who’s been connected to someone as dishonorable as Billy…could he?

I knew I was in for a wild ride and this went far beyond my expectations. At first, Roxie’s escapades and attempts to elude Billy were humorous. Then it took a devastating turn I never saw coming but should have. This became a more complex story, one I actually preferred. Roxie was immediately embraced by the Rock Chick gang because in her heart she was one of them and they saw it, even if she couldn’t. I loved the fun but I also appreciated the emotional turmoil Roxie grappled with as she fought for her own self esteem. When it was suspenseful, it was downright scary.

Hank, of course, was everything I thought he’d be, though not as much the alpha as his brother and friends but just enough. I liked how he hung in there with Roxie, even when she was exasperating in her self doubt. I questioned whether the narrator would find a unique voice for her and surprisingly she did so. Her storytelling skills continue to be a highlight and helped make this a very satisfying listening experience.

Posted on Blue Mood Café
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,704 reviews4,757 followers
January 4, 2020
3.25 Stars

Overall Opinion: I realized after a few chapters that I had indeed read this one before, but for some reason, I never wrote a review. I enjoyed parts of it (mainly the crazy side characters) and I liked the h. I just didn't fully feel their connection past lust. I like to experience the development of feelings and I didn't get that here. Yes, there was a lot of craziness and stuff going around them to speed it all up -- but I wasn't feeling the romantic aspects. I'm just not sure I am a huge fan of the Rock Chick series tbh. I didn't get the amazing ending that I come to expect from KA and I realize that this is probably because we will see what happens with the couple in the later books (like I saw a glimpse of Jet and Eddie's situation), but I would've liked more of a HEA! I didn't hate it, but its not going on my mental list of KA books to re-read either -- a little bit better than 3 "just okay" stars @3.25.

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Roxi and Hank's story. Roxi is on the run from her ex that doesn't want to be an ex and she heads to Denver where her uncle Tex is. When she goes to the bookstore that Tex works in, she meets Hank. There is an instant and strong connection between the two and Hank instantly starts his strong pursuit of Roxi even though she is warning him off because of her ex drama. There are some suspenseful scenes, some sexy times, some laugh out loud moments...and they get a HFN ending.

POV: This was told in Roxi's POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Alright. I did skim some but it flowed well for the most part.

Instalove:Kind of. The h claims to have "love at first sight" and the H something similar, but I'm not even fully sure I remember them sharing "ILYs" with each other...

H rating: 3.5 stars. Hank. I liked him, but I felt like we didn't really get to know him as much as I would've liked.

h rating: 4 stars. Roxie. I liked her. She was sassy, strong, vulnerable at the right times, and a little crazy!

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Good. They have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.

Descriptive sex: Yes

OW/OM drama: Yes

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No

Separation: Not really

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This ended abruptly with what I would call an HFN ending

Safety: This one should be Safe with exception for most safety gang readers depending on personal preference
Profile Image for Baba  .
858 reviews3,976 followers
February 15, 2012
Hank said to Roxie:
"That's what love's all about, Roxanne. You love someone, you trust them always to tell you the truth."

3.5 stars.

I enjoyed Rock Chick Redemption, yet it was never as good as RC Revenge, RC Regret or RC Renegade.

Our heroine Roxie is a wild girl. She's finding trouble on a regular basis. Roxie's been on the run from her former boyfriend. Warning: this woman is really high maintenance.

I'm going to take a shower. You're going to be good, try not to be sexy or freak me out or anything like that. I've got to concentrate, preparing for a formal party is serious business. I don't need distractions."

But. Did you know that a lot of guys don't like a woman with make-up?

"Get dressed. I have to get to work but before that we have to walk Shamus, have breakfast and then you have to spend an hour doing whatever-it-is-you-do that in the end makes you look no more cute and sexy than you do right now."

Okey dokey, Hank, I think my boyfriend would really like you since he doesn't love make-up either.

I think the highlight was the interaction between Roxie and her parents. Boy, it was priceless and Roxie liked to give them a piece of her mind! Trish and Herb were truly hilarious as all get out. Jeez, they were giving lip to each other, and I really loved to see when they were locking horns! Well, Roxie's dad sure knows how to exchange niceties.

She can't wear that dress! It's indecent. Her ass is hangin' out." And then he was even so generous to advise Hank by saying: "Son, take my advice, you gotta get this girl in hand. You can't let her run around with her ass hangin' out. You allow it once, she'll do it again. Trust me. I know," Dad told Hank.

Oh, yeah, and Trish showed her true love when she cared for Hank's house:

I looked to Luke (oh, yeah, this badass hot guy was in his element). "Hank's house has been Mom Bombed," I told him.
Roxie even said…"I've changed my mind, I don't want you to shoot me, I want you to shoot her."

Let me enlighten you about the Hank kisses. There are the light kisses and the make-you-dizzy kisses. Further, there are the cuddling-with-Hank kisses; they are softer, sweeter, slower, still lots of tongue but mostly just-be-together-and-touch-while-you're-necking kisses. They made Roxie a different kind of dizzy. Oh, yes!

What didn't work for me:
Honestly, I didn't love the heroine. She was weepy all the time and her self-doubts of not being worthy of Hank seriously annoyed me. She did it all the time! Yes, please, Roxie you have to explain your Hank-deserves-better-than-you philosophy to me. Maybe I'm a bit slow but I couldn't understand your attitude.
I think the book was a bit too long and there were some parts of the plot that dragged a tad too much for me liking.

Overall Rock Chick Redemption is a good and fun ride. As long as you don't take this series too seriously and you can overlook quite a few TSTL moments as well as some OTT scenes you will enjoy the Rock Chicks!
Profile Image for Kellie Maddox-Ward.
750 reviews513 followers
August 7, 2013
August 2013...

AAGGGHHH I NEED ALLY'S BOOK NOW! I have just spent the past week re-reading all the rock chick books.. I NEED MORE!

May 2012...
“It looked like GQ was having a convention and all the best looking guys had decided to have a coffee at Fortnum's before going to seminars on how to cope with being really, unbelievably, fucking gorgeous”

How cute is this pic?! Get it.. They're "Rock Chicks."


Crazy runs in the family….

Enter Roxie MacMillan, a HIGH maintenance Rock Chick. She’s also Tex’s niece.
The moment she walks into Fortnum’s the whole gang is there and she catches the eye of Hank Nightingale. His “Whisky” eyes know what they want.

She’s on the run from her ex Billy who won’t believe they are over. She’s been planning a “Sleeping with the Enemy” escape for a while now.
Unfortunately he is looking for her and won’t stop. Double unfortunately there are people looking for Billy, so they use her to get to him.

So here we go again. The whole gang adopts Roxie and then the adventure begins, kidnappings, parties, car chases, etc , new characters are introduced including newcomer Luke (LOVE HIM! And not really new just all clear after the shooting from a few books ago) Roxie’s parents Herb and Trish. Lottie’s opening night as a stripper at Smithies.

I am seriously in love with these books! They make me LOL, cry do many many of Luke’s half grin’s!, smile, blush, pull “intense concentration face”, fully grin and LOL some more.
The ending was wonderfully written. I actually felt like I was there for the stand off.

I have serious Lady wood for Luke.. Big time! And Vance, Mace, Darius, even Marcus I love how much he loves Daisy! I’m just loving all these alpha’s and even the non alpha’s/secondary characters, Darius, Smithie, Duke, Tex.. especially Tex he is awesome!

What I would like to know is Ally getting her own book?!

Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,875 reviews2,844 followers
September 9, 2018
This one is one of my favorites in the Rock Chick series. I love Hank, love Roxie, and Roxie's parents make me snort laugh every time I read about them!

Re-Read January 2016 Still tied as my favorite of the series.

Re-Read September 9th, 2018 This one is still tied with Luke and Ava's book as one of my favorites. Hank is LUSH and Roxie's parents are HILARIOUS...*lol*



Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,240 followers
November 23, 2014
4,5 “Whisky Stars” !!


This third book in this awesome series, tell us the story of Roxie and Hank (Lee’s brother. Remember him? Of course you do! )
For all of you, who just started this series and want to read his story, well: you’ll not be disappointed.

Roxie is Tex’s niece (Crazy coffee master of Fortnum’s) and fell in love only twice in their life. The first time was with Billy, her asshole ex-boyfriend who ruined her to the point the years after she doesn’t feel worthy of anyone.
Much less of the guy who made her fell in love for the second time: Hank.
She just wants to run away, forget about the guy who is too good for her and start fresh somewhere else.
Yeah, her shithead ex-boyfriend totally deserves a high-five in the face. With a six-hundred pages book.


But… oh well, Hank’s having none of it.
He knew a lot of women in his life so he knows exactly what he wants and he wants Roxie in his life. And if she has problems, he is there for her even if she doesn’t want him there. (Or think she doesn’t, because everyone around knows that she wants.)
So when her, not only asshole but also sick and psychotic, ex-boyfriend comes after her, he is going to be there for her, whatever happens.
Even when she tries to run. Using the most sexiest ways to keep her around.


Although the first one is still my favorite, I’m pretty torn between all this guys because I just can’t decide which one of them is my favorite. They are all the most perfect hot bunch of alpha-males ever created.
This story is very good and sweeter than the previous ones. And as ever, Kristen Ashley’s heroines are almost as awesome as the heroes. (Almost!)
Boy, if you haven’t started these books by now… what the hell are you waiting for?
Profile Image for Ian.
1,408 reviews185 followers
September 10, 2014
A Generic Rock Chick review

[insert name of bad guys] are after [insert name of low life associated with heroine] and because of her association, [insert name of heroine] finds herself a target. Luckily [insert name of alpha hero] has decided she's his girlfriend and will protect her even though she's determined to not get involved with him.

I've figured out how KA manages to write so many books. All she does is change the names. Being totally honest, Rock Chick Redemption is pretty much exactly the same book as Rock Chick and Rock Chick Rescue. It was probably 150 pages too long but despite all that it was entertaining enough. I'm going to read the next in the series and I'll probably enjoy it but it's hard to see myself continuing much beyond that.
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,893 reviews767 followers
September 20, 2021
2nd review: I’m finding this series to still be fun and entertaining, doing a re-read hasn’t changed that for me. I am reminded how much I don’t like the constant resistance of the heroines. But…I do prefer to see the Hero do all the chasing and that’s what you get. I loved Hank!

1st read review: I’m pretty much repeating my review of book two since it all still applies with a minor adjustment.

This is a very fun series. I love that the same group of people are in each book. I love that the men are all the gruff, manly men who are dangerous but very protective of their women. The women are outrageously fun, crazy, quirky characters that are keeping the men on their toes. I love their antics and how much trouble they keep getting themselves in. And last but not least, I love the side characters who are adding to the overall chaos of the storyline.

I know I've already mentioned this but it's worth a second mention...I like that all the men are big hot and very alpha. I love that so far, it's the men chasing the women. Call me old fashioned but I want to see the man go after the woman. I even like that the women are resisting BUT I do wish it was toned down a bit. I enjoy some resistance by the heroine but throughout most of the book.

I'm looking forward to the next crazy adventure in book 4. Oh and I'm listening to the audio books and the narrator is fantastic! She is adding so much to the books with her interpretation. I highly recommend the audiobooks!
Profile Image for Choko.
1,400 reviews2,671 followers
January 16, 2016
*** 3.75 ***

A buddy read with the support group for Kristen Ashley Addicts hosted by BBB

I have been thinking about not writing reviews for the KA books, because I find myself repeating the same things over and over. KA is a very gifted storyteller who writes Contemporary Romance in a very simple, everyday prose, reaches into the reader's soul, and the unlikely stories with vibrant characters, her Happily ever afters are bitter sweet, always hopefully optimistic, and addictive as chocolate!!!

In this installment we meet Roxy, a mid-western Web designer who is on the run from an ex boyfriend, who is very bad news. She is to visit her uncle, who happens to be our wild and bigger than life friend, Tex!!! Thus she meets all the gang working or hanging out in Indy's café. The gang is as fun and rowdy as always, every member bringing their unique flavor of crazy, mixing and creating a laugh-out- loud entertainment for all of us.

The love interest is Hank, a cop, Lee's brother, whisky brown eyes, mind scrambling abs and chest, and as alpha as only KA can make him. Those guys are intimidating even for hot rock Chicks like the high octane, high maintenance, high passion ladies that inhabit KA's imagination. The attraction is instant, the relationship difficult, and the sex always sizzle! But the biggest attraction seems to always be family and friends, and this is what sneaks up on the reader and steals their hearts...

I don't want to say much about the plot, since if you are interested, you will find out. I don't want to write a deep dissection of the individual characters. I don't need to speak of the possibility of the plot. The only thing I feel I have to say is that by the power of charm KA infuses in the people, animals and places she writes about, the readers have no choice but come back for more! So, proceed with caution, because these seemingly harmless, unassuming books will get to you too, and soon you will need a support group for Kristen Ashley addiction like me and periodically crave another of her works. And the moment you are ready to admit your addiction, remember that GR has a cozy support group for you in the attic of BBB!!! You are welcome!
Profile Image for Lyndy Ann ♫.
672 reviews
June 14, 2022
I am loving this series each book take's you on a thrill ride.

I love Roxie & Hank together they are sexy and funny loved their banter. It's great as well having all the Rock Chick & Hot Guys coming along for the ride.

I found this story to be emotional at times and it made me laugh out loud and I could not put it down I had to know what was going to happen next for Roxie and Hank.

Moving on to Vance now :-)

After reading the eight books in the Rock Chick series and meeting every rock chick and hot bunch guy Hank Nightingale is my favourite guy I ❤️ Hank
Profile Image for Ingie.
1,439 reviews167 followers
August 27, 2016
Written August 4, 2014

4.3 "Oh Sweet God" Stars - They just get better and better... I'm now a big fan of these shameless girls and their sexy MEN

Book 3

This seems to be a great and more and more loved (audio) book series for me. I liked the first part #1 - Rock Chick (3.5 stars) about Indy & Lee and even more the second, #2 - Rock Chick Rescue (3.8 stars), about Jet & Eddie. ~ Will this third book be the best one so far?

Yippee, this was great. Do not let go before you've met Hank. ~ What a wonderful man!!

It was cozy, enjoyable and some giggly moments to listening to this sweet (quite KA long) love-story.
14-15 audio hours in this crazy 'chick world' and once more nicely narrated by Susannah Jones. This third installment felt a tiny bit better than the first and second book. - Even more less "chatter" and more focus on the story topic. Superb fun, hot and very romantic.


Rock Chick Redemption (#3) is about Roxie (Roxanne) who is on a run from an old "bad" looser boyfriend (Billy) who just doesn't catch the hint that it is o-v-e-r.
‘I was done with men. Totally and completely. I was looking forward to a life as a cat lady. I was going to get a dozen cats and a fucking great vibrator, maybe one of those rabbits I heard about, and that was it.’

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

It's another wild and funny Rock Chick romance and lovely romantic and hot in the midst of all these screaming crazy friends, kidnappings, car chases, society parties, strip club visits.

Here are Roxie's amusing uncle Tex and her hilarouis parents, the even crazier small-Indiana-town Herb & Trish. ~ Who doesn't recognize them? I'm just back from a week's big family vacation in a crowded summer-house (!!).
“Son, let me tell you something. Even if you don't care, pretend you do. Honestly, it's the best way to go," Dad, the voice of experience, decided to wade in. "She talks about toss pillows. You don't care about toss pillows. You don't even know what toss pillows are. Pretend that toss pillows are your highest priority in life.”


...And of course we meet the hottest cop in Denver Colorado, the gorgeous alpha-hunk Hank Nightingale (Lee's brother). The very best RC-Lover so far in my taste. Loved him and every word he said and all the nice stuff he did for Roxie. ~ She so much needed a good man like him.
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

As always, it is a lot of steamy love (well described - never too briefly - never too lengthy) —but a serpentine path to a glorious HEA, some "back & forth" and 'hard' fights. This time I fell hard for the two main characters. Both Roxie and Hank is interesting, exciting and so easy to love. And ...they loved. Yummy nice!!
‘I pulled out my cell, flipped it opened and said Hank’s name into the phone. It rang twice.
“You okay?” he asked in greeting.
“My life began when I met you,” I told him.
There was a beat of silence. Then, I heard him say, “Sunshine –”


I LISTENED, even this third time with this series, on yet a very well-done audiobook. Susannah Jones does this so good, her narration is just better and better with every book. Her witty and diverse voice, makes it believable and enjoyable at all times.

Higly recommended audiobooks —really affordable reasonably priced, you get a lot for your pennies ($2 or just $6 incl a kindle book).


It is so good to "be" with all these cool sweet, beautiful and very friendly Denver-Colorado-Rock-Chicks.
We read about (..and envy them) their nice clothes, sexy sandals, well shaped bodies and long unruly hair. We want to giggles, sighs, groans just like them and WANT to know more about their always so tough and sexy macho men.

Ohmygod, how I like them. Both the chicks, their men and all their friends. They are all irresistible despite all their screaming (or whispering). ~ Ms. Ashley is just an outstanding champion writer on describing these charming, so chaotic and messy, but always compassionate KA worlds.

I LIKE - just plain irresistibly charming

description The Rock Chick series by Kristen Ashley

Rock Chick (Rock Chick, #1) by Kristen Ashley Rock Chick Rescue (Rock Chick, #2) by Kristen Ashley Rock Chick Redemption (Rock Chick, #3) by Kristen Ashley ... and next up: Rock Chick Renegade (Rock Chick, #4) by Kristen Ashley .
Profile Image for Katie Utterly Unashamed.
804 reviews188 followers
February 25, 2021
I don't know how it is possible that I haven't reviewed this book yet.

Then again, if you love one Rock Chick book, you will love them all. So reviews are kind of pointless for this series.

This story is Roxie, Hank and of course Shamus. This series has the same amazing plot blueprint as the rest of the series...... Here is said blueprint.

Guy sees girls, guy claims girl without even talking to her, girl fights it even though she wants it, girl gets kidnapped, guy loses his mind, guy tries to tell girl what to do, girl ignores guy and gets herself into more trouble, guy saves the day, and HEA.
“You can’t tell me I’m not breaking up with you when I’m breaking up with you!”

“The minute I saw you walk into Fortnum's I knew I'd do whatever it took to get you right where you are now. And I'm gonna do whatever it takes to keep you here for as long as both of us get something good out of it.”

Just replace Battlefield 1 with Rock Chicks and this meme is on point!

Seriously, if you are expecting anything different with every book just move on.. If you don't like overly bossy, over protective alphas, skip anything that has Kristen Ashley's name on it. But if you are like me and all those things bring you a huge amount of joy - then you need to read this series.
I was done with men. Totally and completely. I was looking forward to a life as a cat lady. I was going to get a dozen cats and a fucking great vibrator, maybe one of those rabbits I heard about, and that was it.”

“You’re not safe to go back there,” he said.
“I’m going,” I returned.
“We’ll see.”
Jeez, there was just no shaking this guy.
“You do know that there’s this little thing called the Nineteenth Amendment giving women the right to vote?” I asked.
“I heard of that,” he said and there was a smile in his voice.
“And there’s this whole movement called fem… in… is…im.” I said it slowly, like he was a dim child. “Where women started working, demanding equal pay for equal work, raising their voices on issues of the day, taking back the night, stuff like that.”
He rolled into me, which made me roll onto my back.
“Sounds familiar.”
“Do you have an encyclopedia? Maybe we can look it up. If the words are too big for you to read, I’l read it out loud and explain as I go along.”
He got up on his elbow. “Only if you do it naked.” I slapped his shoulder.”

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Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,274 reviews1,561 followers
August 2, 2023
"I'm going to take a shower. You're going to be good, try not to be sexy or freak me out or anything like that. I've got to concentrate, preparing for a formal party is serious business. I don't need distractions."

And what's hilarious about that, other than the obvious, is that she wasn't talking to our hero, Hank, but another of the 'boy brigade.' Holy effing hotness. KA does it again. Each time I think that I find something wrong with one of these books, there's that giddy feeling that I get and a voice in the back of my head that says "WHO FREAKIN' CARES?"

Example: Every single one of the first three Rock Chicks have had one of the other super hot bad boys give them the half-lidded, sleepy eyed sexy stare and begin to fall in love with them. It serves no other purpose but to freak them out and make their hoo ha tingle. Like my mind says sometimes, "WHO FREAKIN' CARES"? It's a good enough situation to use over and over again. These women have insecurities. Well, hell, just bring them over to the Rock Chicks and let the boys have a go at them. A few tender touches, tons of sexy stares and dizzying moments, and BAM! Even I feel hot, and I'm just reading.

Hank is the first in the Rock Chick to feel a bit insecure himself, and it fit perfectly. It was enough to change up the story just a bit and hold off a tiny bit of the confidence that seems to roll off these men in huge, crashing waves. He's the good guy, the boy next door cop who finally decides that there are some shades of gray in life, and he's not afraid to finally explore them when his woman is threatened.

Roxanne is a high maintenance Rock Chick running from her past. Her long lost uncle is none other than TEX! Which lends quite a bit of hilarity to the situation. When Roxy (and isn't that a rock chick name?!) runs into Hank, it truly is love at first sight. But she's got the feeling that she's just not good enough for him. When her past follows her to Denver, its a darn good thing she's got the Nightingale boys behind her.

Aside from the other secondary characters that I already love, a few more are introduced. This one is just as lively as the first two, and the action starts even sooner. Great read! I'm blowing through these too fast to be believed.
Profile Image for Gretchen.
967 reviews146 followers
August 16, 2021
I can't get enough of this series. Seriously. Another amazing read. Exciting, entertaining, and sexy. Loved it!

I loved Hank and Roxie's story. It was chalked full of Rock Chick goodness. Hank is just so adorable and good and loving and even though he's got the sexy alpha male thing going on, he's is a bit softer but more sweet than commanding. I thought Roxie was a great character and so different than the other girls but she did have that awesome attitude. She seemed so much more vulnerable and and very relatable to me. I loved how she didn't go seeking out trouble.

Hank and Roxie had a sweet and entertaining relationship. I adore the nickname she gave him. Loved their hot times and Hank’s sexy ways. He might be my new favorite Rock Chick man to date.

This was full of drama and adventure and I loved the pacing and how it played out. In between there where lighters moments and they made laugh out loud. Roxie's parents provided so much entertainment, I was literally laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. They were priceless!

There was more of all the guys and their women and I think it's just a great cast of characters. These books can be read as stand alone but I'm glad I'm reading on order because knowing the back stories make some things even funnier. All the men are so sexy with distinct personalities, I cannot wait Vance, Mace and Luke's stories. The end of this pulls you into the next book, Rock Chick Renegade (it’s time for Vance, yeah!!!).

Excellent story with great characters and lots attention to detail. Kristen Ashley is officially a favorite. #rockchickforever.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews887 followers
January 4, 2017
Rock Chick Redemption is the story of Roxie and Hank. Can I just say that Hank was all sorts of swoony? And Luke? OMG. He gave me tingles. Although I did get a bit squirmy over the affection these badasses keep showing their friend’s women.

Roxie is gearing up to make the break from the bad news of her past and devises a plan that leads her to Denver and in the arms of her Uncle Tex, only her plan is shit and before she can say no, the whole gang has decided to take up her cause. Including Hank.

Especially Hank.

But with a bit of dirt left on her from her slime ball ex, Roxie isn’t sure someone as good as Hank should end up with the likes of her. Only Hank doesn’t quite agree and decides to show her this by laying it all hang out and not letting herself talk or think her way out of it.

When her ex comes for her before she can get her plan fully in order, it sets of a chain reaction where all the Rock Chicks and their men are called in for the rescue.

The story of Hank and Roxie is just as action packed as the prior stories, but it was a bit softer. There was just something about Hank that made me feel like he was just waiting for his woman to show up. Not that he was just smart enough to grab a good one once he saw one. Like he was sort of longing for that bit of sweet in his life. Needing it to combat and erase the ugly he had to see with his job.

And although Roxie took some convincing. I loved that she wasn’t too stubborn in that annoying way. And as much as I hate that I took so long to jump into this series, I am sort of happy that I waited and get to enjoy it now. I am looking forward to Vance’s story – but really am trying hard not to jump straight to Luke’s.
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