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426 pages, Paperback
First published November 8, 2010
“You were here to see your uncle until you stepped into Fortnum’s and saw me and I saw you. You know it and I know it. You want me to convince you. I’m prepared to do that.”
“Belonging to me doesn’t mean I’ll make you do anything, it just means I consider you mine for as long as this lasts. It means I protect you, it means I take care of you. For another man, it might mean something different. Don’t confuse me with another man”
“For the record, I like Hank,” he told me. “Um…” I muttered, not knowing where he was leading with this and I still did not want to know. “I’m glad to hear it.” “Things don’t work out with you and Hank…” I waited while he paused, my eyes wide, my lips parted, my heart thumping. “You can erase my day.”
“They say, if you care about something, you have to set it free and if it comes back to you, it was meant to be.”
“They’re full of shit.”
Obviously, I failed spectacularly at being philosophical.”
“You’re not breakin’ up with me,” he said.
“I am.” I told him.
“You’re not.”
“Hank, I am.”
“Sunshine, you are not.”
“You can’t tell me I’m not breaking up with you when I’m breaking up with you!”
“I think I just did.”
“No, no, no. I’m gonna rip his dick off and shove it up his nose and parade him though the streets naked and dickless then cut his head off.”
“Belonging to me doesn’t mean I’ll make you do anything, it just means I consider you mine for as long as this lasts. It means I protect you, it means I take care of you. For another man, it might mean something different. Don’t confuse me with another man.”
“Son, let me tell you something. Even if you don't care, pretend you do. Honestly, it's the best way to go," Dad, the voice of experience, decided to wade in. "She talks about toss pillows. You don't care about toss pillows. You don't even know what toss pillows are. Pretend that toss pillows are your highest priority in life.”
When you fuck up, you have to admit it, deal with it, and move on.That is Roxie’s motto. And thats what she’s trying to do. After dealing with a loser boyfriend for the last seven years, Roxie is ready to start over. So she’s going to Denver temporarily to get away. She wants to meet her Uncle Tex, so what better place to go. She goes to Tex’s place of employment and she sees something you just don’t see every day... A plethora of hot men.
It looked like GQ was having a convention and all the best looking guys had decided to have a coffee at Fortnum's before going to seminars on how to cope with being really, unbelievably, fucking gorgeous.Among all the hot men, there is one that catches her eye right away. He has whisky colored eyes. Hank Nightingale. Hank is Lee Nightingale’s brother and a police officer. Once he see’s Roxie, he’s done. He knows he’s gotta have her. with all her trouble, Roxie doesn’t think she is good for Hank. Hank knows better. He wants to help Roxie deal with her problems. Once she’s with Hank, she is his wether she wants to be or not.
“I'm protecting what's mine."
"I'm not yours," I said.
"You're welcome to think that but it doesn't change the fact that you are.”
“You’re not breakin’ up with me,” he said.
“I am.” I told him.
“You’re not.”
“Hank, I am.”
“Sunshine, you are not.”
“You can’t tell me I’m not breaking up with you when I’m breaking up with you!”
“I think I just did.”
“I’m gonna have to ask you to stop kissing me,” I whispered, and even to myself I didn’t sound very convincing with my request.
He smiled. “I’m not gonna stop kissing you, but I’ll wait until tomorrow night to do it again.”
His hand fisted gently in my hair and his mouth went to my ear.
Then he said, “And, as soon as I can, I’m gonna taste more than your lips.”
“And no alligator tail,” I carried on. “Alligators are cute. I’m not a vegetarian, but I don’t eat cute animals. Like lamb. Lambs are cute. We can try the rattlesnake. I think I could eat snake because snakes freak me out.”
”No offense but you’re gonna run him through the mill, I can tell. And no doubt, we’ll all get ground up with him.”
I blinked. “I’m only in town for a couple of days,” I said.
“I can see it comin’,” Duke retorted.
“Hallelujah!” Uncle Tex boomed. “No lag this time. Keep ‘im hoppin’, darlin’ girl, that’s what I say.”
“Yo, bitch!” she answered on the second ring.
This was nothing to be alarmed about. This was how Annette answered the phone all the time.
“Hey,” I said, quietly. Then I burst into tears. Then I told her my story, all of my story.
“Holy fucking Jesus H. Christ,” she said when I was done.
“I know.”
“He hasn’t called?”
“Annette!” I cried.
“Billy kidnapped me and beat me up. This is not about Hank!”
“Roxanne, listen closely. One look at you and I knew trouble was on your heels. I’m willin’ to give it time for you to tell me. That doesn’t happen, I’m willin’ to wade in when that trouble catches up. Right now, I’d be doin’ it for Tex and out of curiosity about you. After tonight, I reckon I’ll be doing it for other reasons.”
‘I was done with men. Totally and completely. I was looking forward to a life as a cat lady. I was going to get a dozen cats and a fucking great vibrator, maybe one of those rabbits I heard about, and that was it.’![]()
“Son, let me tell you something. Even if you don't care, pretend you do. Honestly, it's the best way to go," Dad, the voice of experience, decided to wade in. "She talks about toss pillows. You don't care about toss pillows. You don't even know what toss pillows are. Pretend that toss pillows are your highest priority in life.”
‘I pulled out my cell, flipped it opened and said Hank’s name into the phone. It rang twice.
“You okay?” he asked in greeting.
“My life began when I met you,” I told him.
There was a beat of silence. Then, I heard him say, “Sunshine –”
“You can’t tell me I’m not breaking up with you when I’m breaking up with you!”
“The minute I saw you walk into Fortnum's I knew I'd do whatever it took to get you right where you are now. And I'm gonna do whatever it takes to keep you here for as long as both of us get something good out of it.”
I was done with men. Totally and completely. I was looking forward to a life as a cat lady. I was going to get a dozen cats and a fucking great vibrator, maybe one of those rabbits I heard about, and that was it.”