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“We’re here to assist with your transition to Featherstone Academy.”

Suddenly thrown into a world representing bloodlines I know nothing about, forcing my past I refuse to remember into the present, has my world turned upside down.

It doesn’t matter that I didn’t want to go to college, it doesn’t matter that I don’t want to be here.

I’ll follow the rules or risk my life. The organisation that runs the criminal underworld is no joke.

Apparently I’m an Ace now, but few are happy about my arrival.

Secrets have me wanting to run for the hills.

Boys have curly hair, skull tattoos, big mouths and gentle caresses.

A diamond has me wanting to make the world a better place.

For a lone ranger, my small world just got bigger.

What are you willing to do to survive?

My Bloodline is a 97,000 word novel, and the first book in the Featherstone Academy Series.

This book contains dark content that may be considered a trigger for some readers. With that in mind it is recommended for readers 17+

This is a full-length reverse harem college romance novel, meaning the main character has more than one love interest. It also contains M/M scenes.

576 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 21, 2020

3,128 people are currently reading
9,274 people want to read

About the author

K.C. Kean

39 books1,995 followers

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198 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 826 reviews
Profile Image for Al *the semi serial series skipper*.
1,659 reviews811 followers
October 20, 2020
I cannot believe this book has a good rating. These wanna be criminals instill enjoyment in people to get such a high rating.

The gist of this book is that the heroine is being forced to attend Featherstone Academy by her absentee mother. She obviously wants nothing to do with it, she likes her life as a tattoo artist and thievery on the side. She is told it is part of her bloodline and if she doesn't go she will get killed.

She goes to the school and is immediately the target of bullies. This is a school for the progeny of criminals so they are all learning things unlawful. There's a Burglary class, Seduction class, Fraud and Embezzlement 101 etc. You think your school is bougie? Featherstone is an acronym for ; Fraud, Embezzlement, Assault, Torture, Human Trafficking, Extortion, Racketeering, Sexual Exploitation, Theft, Obstruction of Justice, Narcotics and Espionage. The school is ranked like cards. Ace are the top dogs, then there are the Diamonds and space, etc. Our girl is an Ace, 0bviously. She has the bloodline of three families so she's the elite of the elite. There are five other Aces, four boys and one girl. If you've guessed where this going then score for you. All the four boys want her and the girl is jealous of her and wants her dead.

At first I thought this was a paranormal book, with all the talk of bloodlines which is absolutely nothing( her bloodline includes stealing, combat training and infiltration ability and also Luna's reaction. She enters a state of fugue when certain trigger words are used around her which immediately turns her into a killing machine. There is nothing paranormal about this book. Also why are those things bloodlines, it's just silly. The heroine was so happy that she got her thievery gene from her father. Henceforth, let it be know that K.C Kean discovered that stealing and any other criminal activity comes through your bloodline whether you have no idea or not. Your grandma stole a cookie and somehow that cookie stealing gene has been passed onto you. You Cookie Monster.

This book wants us to believe that these 18 year olds have been squirreled away to a school where they learn what it takes to be leaders in the criminal underworld. Some of them went to Featherstone High as well, I wonder if there was a Featherstone Kindergarten where they teach babies how to stab each others eyes out with the straws from their juice boxes .

They want us to believe that the old ass men in this book are somehow scared of Luna Moon that they are trying to take her out. She has no superpower but they are trying to take her out so she doesn't access her bloodline which is basically learning how to steal, fight and infiltrate. Give me a break.

My review is all over the place but the gist of it is, I didn't like the book, I read it all because I was trying to out-stupid the book by doing something stupid like continue reading it. I'm still not sure who won.
Profile Image for G.
503 reviews190 followers
August 10, 2023
Reread: 28/05/21
4.5 stars
This entire concept is AMAZING. K.C Kean has quickly become one of my favourite authors from this book alone. A school for the criminal underground, Featherstone Academy has to be by far my favourite RH series.
Luna 'Moon' Steele is a confident, strong FMC that does not take crap from anyone. The chemistry and passion between her and the guys are just of the charts. Red is such a quirky girl that really compliments Luna, resulting in the unlikeliest of friendships. Add in the drama and the 'Games' this series definitely needs to be read by everyone.
Profile Image for Jade.
212 reviews176 followers
January 30, 2023
Well that was a pleasant surprise. I tried reading this book last year and ended up DNFing at about the 25% mark. For some reason, I decided to give it a go again and I just flew through it and enjoyed everything this time round.

This book has a very strong, kick-ass FMC (Luna) with four love interests (Roman, Parker, Oscar and Kai), who are all very different and were easy to tell apart (always a box of mine to tick, which I do not compromise on). The steam in this was really well written and it's a RH with MM, yay. The writing was quite fast paced for the last half of the book and having the boys POVs throughout made this book amazing. Is it the best RH I've ever read? No. But I think it deserves the 5 stars.

Overall, this is a really unique mafia RH in academy settings. I found KC Keans writing really easy and enjoyable to read and I'm excited to read book two.
Profile Image for Camila.
325 reviews287 followers
February 1, 2021
Okay so you’ve got my attention, author.

I’m intrigued.

By this plot? Yes
By this FMC? Fuck no.

I’m sooo done with the tough girl act some of these authors are trying to write. Terribly I might add.

I do like this plot. And I’m interested to see where it goes.
I’m also a sucker for a fucking Academy trope. Ugh.

Anyway, we are introduced to an Academy for the underworld. And before you fantasy freaks (me, I’m fantasy freaks) get excited, it’s about like the bad guys on earth not the fantasy Underworld. So like.... no magic. *sigh*
The academy is split by houses named after the suites in cards. Jokers, diamonds, clubs, etc.
Ace being the most elite.

This girl is thrown into this world not knowing anything about it.

I’ll just cut this synopsis short by saying this book would have been a hell of a lot better if, and repeat after me authors,


Thank the heavens above the dudes haven’t said the L word BUT THEY ARE CALLING HER MY QUEEN AFTER BARELY THREE WEEKS OF KNOWING HER and just ugh.
Gag me with a fucking spoon.

I hate instalove.

But this book did prove that there is potential so let’s see what happens. I might add the first half of this book was much better than the second half in terms of character... introduction/development.

The harem men are okay. Nothing new here. The overprotective Neanderthal, the jokester, the tech nerd, the calm one. And then there’s West, the one from the past that has to win her back, maybe. I can’t tell if he’s gonna be in the group.

Then there’s the Insta-BFF.
Also annoying.
Jessica/Red’s character development had me cringing from the get-go.

Also who edited this book? We need to talk.

Don’t mind me, I’m happy with the plot but really just not digging the characters. But I’m feeling intrigued enough to try book 2.
Profile Image for Devon Rose.
621 reviews25 followers
December 22, 2020
Okay I think I made it three chapters in. What is happening to the world that this book came so highly recommended? Do we have no standards anymore? Is writing well becoming a thing of the past?

This book is riddled with grammatical errors (like “placing bet’s” instead of “placing bets”) and there wasn’t a single description of any character in the room with this girl....it’s just a constant stream of her thoughts and her thoughts are boring AF.

“I’m a badass. I’m so awesome. I can kick men’s asses and sleep with whoever I want. I have nipple rings and tattoos because did I mention how bad ass I am?”


And she just starts off out the gate talking about all these people around her and referring to them by name but who the hell are they? What do they look like? Who is she talking to? What does this place look like? Why is there so much fucking dialogue between her and these other talking heads?

So. Yeah. I’m sorry, but I expect more from authors and my IQ isn’t so low that a book that hasn’t even been edited properly can just be accepted as okay. I’m also not so bored with my life that I think this is “the greatest book” or whatever other garbage is being spouted about it.

To each their own, I guess.
Profile Image for tanvi ✧.
47 reviews12 followers
January 16, 2022
one and a half stars, rounded down to one.

why am i giving it a one star, you might ask?

because i am tired of encountering books with an interesting premise, somewhat functional plot, and terrible. characters. and. writing.

first sentence, and i quote:
"Leg up on the pedestal with his client now eye level with his dick, we're gonna be here all night at this rate."

it's a wonderful representation of how badly the rest of the book is written. at first, i thought it was just my copy, so i bought an ebook online from a separate website and found the same exact formatting. even a simple check through freaking grammarly would have picked up on half of the issues in this novel. there's the classic "whilst" (fifty three times by my count) and some other random british-english vernacular thrown into an explicitly american novel, and errors like "placing bet's" instead of "placing bets" in almost every third line. the writing is just a stream of consciousness and luna can't be bothered to give any character description because she's too busy flexing how much of a badass she is and how she can sleep with any man she wants and kick anyone's ass.

there's nothing wrong with being a strong woman. there's nothing wrong with sleeping with whomever you want, however you want, in whatever way you wish to pursue that relationship - that's all your decision. just stop writing half-assed mary sue characters that are so special and not like any of the other girls the heroes know and are so strong they never want/need anyone's help but end up getting saved ninety-eight percent of the time anyway.

i want to root for the character. i want to watch the characters grow was individuals, whether that be emotionally, physically, mentally, romantically - or even all of the above. i want to connect with the character and the obstacles they've faced in their lifetime, not just take a seat in the back, dissociate, and watch their lives pass by.

...which brings me to my next point. there's a fine line between fast-paced and sloppy, slapdash plots that are just thrown together for the sake of creating a plot line - and this book is riding that edge.

luna is thrown into a criminal academy where all that matters is who fathered/birthed you and your ability to be ruthless. fun. fine. unrealistic, but sure, whatever, sounds interesting enough that we'll roll with it. she goes to school and is immediately the target of bullies. instantly finds her happy-go-lucky best friend. she then starts characterizing and casting judgement all of these people like she's known them for more than thirty-six hours and only seen them twice in that time period. she goes to train at the gym at some point because of the badass fighter she is and ends up having hate-sex with one of the MMCs, who are so reverse-harem generic it's sickening. (supposedly they have some romantic backstory where this MMC fell in love at the age of six and decided he wanted no other woman??) then she throat-punches her weapons teaacher who's apparently another guy from her past who didn't tell her some shit and somehow gets ambushed in a hallway and has to miss school for a few days.

i can't even bring myself to summarize more than half of this book, but it doesn't matter because you get the gist. it's messy and i genuinely have no idea how i managed to sit through this with a straight face and not DNF. in all honesty, it's probably because even if i found the roles of the MMCs cliche as hell, i was rooting for Parker the entire time, who's coincendentally the only one with any character development at all (while not done well, at least it existed.)

if you like extreme insta-love and writing that has none of the substance that makes books "good" books, have fun with luna and her merry band of straight-out-of-the-packaging tofu flavored men. meaning so extraordinarily bland that they make C.L. Stone's character development and plotlines look like they actually exist.
Profile Image for Lissa.
150 reviews12 followers
November 14, 2020
Heavy with over the top edge and teen angst. Lots of unwarranted misogyny along with an MC whose main trait is "I'm not like other girls". This reads like a Wattpad book I might have liked in middle school.
Profile Image for Kaitlyn.
776 reviews722 followers
September 20, 2021

The mind fuck this book is...holy shit. So much happens and it’s so fast paced I just had to keep on reading.

Luna is such an amazing heroine. She’s a bad bitch that is strong as hell. Anytime she did something I just ended up loving her more. Her friendship with Red is my FAVORITE thing ever and her relationship with the guys was just great.

Oscar is funny as hell. Roman is def the alpha of the group and is just so fucking hot. Parker is my favorite because I genuinely just love his pure heart so much. Kai is the quiet one and y’all already know about those ones (; I thought they all compliment each other along with Luna so well and I can tell that I would never get bored of the 5 of them.

Profile Image for Alyrica.
555 reviews17 followers
November 18, 2022
Interesting Premise

The author did a great job with this debut novel. There were aspects I liked and some I didn't.

What I Liked:
* The premise. It wasn't a completely new idea but it definitely had a different "flavor" to books that I have read that are similar.
* The characters. Though several of them weren't consistent and had inexplicable personality changes, I liked them. I especially liked how strong the female lead was.
* The pacing. The book kept me interested for the most part and didn't seem to stagnate.

What I Didn't Like:
* Non-American vernacular from characters living in America. Some examples; Vests, carriages, joggers, learnt and 51 times the term whilst was used. There was also a couple of instances where the British centric phrasing "he was sat" "she was stood" was included.
* M/M inclusion without a warning in the blurb. This is extremely popular and it wouldn't have kept me from reading the book but I prefer the men to only have a romantic interest in the FMC. The same would be true if there was a female in the harem. It is a jealousy issue not an intolerance issue. (For anyone reading this review who also has trouble with this, the author did a great job making it feel like the FMC was the focus of all the guys and it didn't flip my jealousy switch. The M/M was pretty mild).

Overall, this was an entertaining read and I would be happy to read another book from this author.
Profile Image for DC.
83 reviews
September 28, 2020
Luna is easily one of my favorite female characters I have ever come across in a reverse harem book. She is actually a bad bitch, not a fake bad bitch like in 99.9% of the other bully to lover reverse harem books I’ve read. She don’t need no man, she can legit defend herself, she doesn’t whine and complain, she has a heart, she doesn’t talk about her looks 24/7 and she knows what she wants. I also liked that Roman didn’t spend the majority of the book bullying her and got over his issues early on, that was really refreshing. The other boys are such sweethearts, Parker 🥺, I want to give him a hug. Really enjoyed this book. My only issue with the book was that the names of most of the main characters are names from other pretty well known books, that have similar themes to this one. Luna, Oscar, Roman, Kai...I would have preferred a little more originality on that front but otherwise, good book. Can’t wait to read the next one.
Profile Image for BLuvsBooks.
650 reviews122 followers
April 28, 2021
A fun RH read with a unique characters and dark criminal world. I don’t read many RH books because the characters can seem repetitive however this new to me author proved that wrong. Each of the guys are different and allow the reader to see a different side of the h, Luna. She has been thrown into this college academy for the underworld and has to prove herself against several enemies.
The writing easily flowed as well as the plot and pace.
That ending was intense and am looking forward to finding out more in book two.

New Adult. Rh. Multi POV.
Profile Image for Madigan Likes to Read.
1,262 reviews104 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
October 2, 2023
DNF. I think I like it better in these Why Choose books when the FMC isn’t afraid to be vulnerable, even it’s just written into her own internal monologue. There’s a way to be tough and independent and still have emotions. I also like it better in these books when the MMCs have emotions without calling themselves a “girl” or a “bitch" bc of it. There’s a way to write a male character without presenting any emotions he might feel as emasculating. All of y’all that love your academia Why Choose are gonna love this one, but it’s just not measuring up to my favorites, so it’s a pass from me.
Profile Image for TheDailyKaylee.
358 reviews71 followers
January 13, 2021

-multiple POV
-criminal underworld
-little bit of M/M
-book 1 of 3, completed trilogy

Wooooww. I had high hopes for this book due to so many positive reviews and recommendations in a few book groups I’m in. This book EXCEEDED my expectations.

Let me start by saying that if you’re looking for a take no shite female lead, Luna is top notch. She literally will take on anyone who messes with her, consequences be damned. She’s not reckless, she’s extremely smart and knows how to handle herself.

This is book 1 of a trilogy and boy was it FUN. We have a girl with a past so traumatic that she has mentally blocked all memories from before she was 6 years old. The night of her 18th birthday, she finds herself forced to an academy for the descendants of all the criminals in the world. An academy that if you refuse to attend, you die. A heritage she had no clue about, but that definitely makes sense in regards to the way she likes to earn her money. The academy teaches all descendants the tricks of their families trade, preparing them for a life in the criminal world. While at the academy, she gains love interests, a friend and enemies. She also sees that there are many secrets that have been kept from her regarding the criminal world, her bloodlines, and who she is. She also learns that’s it’s kill or be killed in this world, and boy does she fight against it. She may be able to handle herself and give it as good as she gets, but that doesn’t mean she has an evil heart that is okay with murdering people for fun.

There’s so much going on in this book, from the relationship building to the secrets revolving around Luna, even the side characters are amazing and you can’t wait to find out what happens with them.

I’m excited to see Luna uncover the truths of her past and the truths of who these people are that she has grown to trust. I’m also excited to see her flip those middle fingers up at the “The Ring” and take them down one by one with her guys and best friend by her side. As well as find out why the event in her last happened in the first place, and how it happened.

Well done to the author on her first adventure into the RH world, you nailed it.

Forewarning: there is M/M in the harem. The guys are all extremely close, basically brothers. While their feelings for Luna are above all others, a couple of them don’t mind getting their rocks off with each other, but it definitely doesn’t take away from Luna. She is still the center of the relationship.
Profile Image for Christy Bailey.
657 reviews25 followers
October 22, 2020
Epic read!

Wow what did I get myself I to with this book? It was EVERYTHING!!! Holy crap I need more asap. I have read plenty of dark reads but this is something of a masterpiece. I was truly consumed into this one of a kind world! I can not wait to see what happens next. I have so many questions but this was an amazing opening to this series! Definitely worth all the stars and more!
Profile Image for BookmarkedbyKat.
360 reviews77 followers
July 13, 2021
Featherstone Academy by KC Kean
Books 1-3; Luna’s story.
15/10 recommend • 5/5 ⭐️ • 5/5 🔥

This is a contemporary reverse harem. Books 1-3 are Luna’s story, books 4&5 are Red’s story.

This review is of Luna’s story. I absolutely LOVE Luna’s character. She is such a badass and doesn’t bow down to anyone. She’s sassy, fierce, and protective of those she cares about.

If you have ever read Hannaford Prep, this gives me similar vibes. Luna is similar to Lips in the badass aspect. Featherstone isn’t bully or high school based, and is a faster burn. It isn’t instant-love but attraction is pretty instant.

She suffered loss at age 6 and her brain has shut off any memories she had from before. On her 18th birthday, she’s unexpectedly uprooted from her home & the only family she’s ever known to attend a college for criminals because of her bloodlines. She is thrown into a new place where she is an outsider & she is expected to sink or swim. Even with a target on her back, she stands tall and ready to face anything that comes her way. The college experiences give me Hunger Games vibes; but for criminals of the underworld. SO. GOOD.

The criminal aspect provides action and plot along side Luna & her guys character development. It’s descriptive, well-written, & hot, ahem. 😉 Such a good read!

🥵🌶 Contains MM.
Profile Image for Ana King.
324 reviews38 followers
January 31, 2021
DNF @ 71%

I was bored from page 1 till she gets to the academy, then I was more apathetic than done and thought I'd see this thing through but nope, I can't do it.

All of the characters start to get together way too quickly and I just can't find it within me to finish it. I don't care about the characters, their problems, and whatever it is the plot is trying to do.

Also, the whole premise takes some steel suspension of disbelief, and I can't muster up the effort.
Profile Image for Audrey O'Neil.
426 reviews8 followers
May 31, 2021
Blackmail, thievery, tech hacking, mma training, collusion, scamming awesomeness.
Profile Image for Stacha.
96 reviews
March 8, 2022
Umm okay, went into this blind and was NOT disappointed! The idea of this series is fucking brilliant. I love a strong and kind of crazy FMC and what’s better than one guy? FOUR GUYS! 🙌
Profile Image for Aplis.
573 reviews46 followers
February 6, 2021
I'm rating this book 3.5 stars.

The story was great but Luna was just not likable. I barely tolerated her and most of the time, I just wanted her to chill. It was ridiculous for her to be all upset over others keeping secrets from her when she, herself, knows that she goes through mental breakdowns whenever her past is mentioned. So for her to get annoyed at West and Roman for not telling her that they knew her before her dad died is just stupid. She is so hard-headed and annoyingly confrontational. If she hears even a hint of something she doesn't like or approve, her only response is "get out". She's doesn't take the time to understand what's said and done, which has only lead her to acting out emotionally. Her tendency to order people around was also getting on my nerves.

The guys were great! Each of them seemed to be special in their own ways and the sex scenes were hot! Jessica was a great friend too! But, the cringe!! Oh, the cringe!! Made me go "eww" a lot of times!

The writing was just not good. There were way too many grammatical errors which kept annoying me because this book is quite popular! Is no one noticing this? Ugh. But yes, I'm sucked into this vortex of a story since it's just too good. Damn.
Profile Image for Laura (lady_h_reads).
719 reviews295 followers
June 18, 2024
There is a reason this is such a popular RH. It has a strong FMC and a varied group of MMCs. Each relationship is unique and supportive in different ways. Plus, it is high steam with a great plot!

The series is high steam with MF, MM, MFM + content.

This is a reread and a favorite with multiple highlights and bookmarks. I have recommended it countless times, and will continue to do so.

Audiobook Review
The audiobook is dual-style narration, with the female narrator reading Luna's chapters (and doing the male voices in those chapters) and the male narrator doing all the male chapters (and doing the female voices in those chapters). Personally, I am not the biggest fan of the female narrator, as she does not match with how I think Luna would sound, but she does do a good job and has grown on me as I have listened to the trilogy. It is still worth the credit to hear a favorite story come to life.

Genre: Contemporary Academy Romance
Tropes/Features: Academy (College), Found Family, Touch Her and Die, Revenge Plot, Organized Crime
Narrator: Multiple 1st Person POV
Relationship Type: Why Choose w/MM
Book Type/Ending: 1st in Series w/ cliffhanger
TW/CW: Some dark content (on page death, beatings)
Profile Image for JJ.
459 reviews1 follower
January 10, 2022
I don't know where my rating went for this book because I was looking up the title and found my best rant review had vanished.

✔️ I was missold on this book to being about paranormals instead of criminals because of the heavy emphasis on bloodlines but no worries apparently the ability to commit crimes runs in peoples blood.
✔️Tokenisation from what I can tell is the only Asian character in this book to being the "smart" one who calls her "Sakura"
✔️ Unbelievable childhood romance plot (they met when they were 5, you can't expect my dispension of disbelief allows me to think he's still in love with her now that they haven't met in all their 13 highly development years)
✔️A horrible best friend caharcter that only serves to serve the main charcater
✔️Blatant misogyny like everywhere
✔️The "love interests" all being one dimensional and having a singular charcater trait.

And that's just what I remember it probably has worse stuff.
Profile Image for Dee . .
128 reviews11 followers
May 12, 2021
KC Kean really hit the ground running with My Bloodline. There wasn't a moment I found in this novel that was draggy, or dull. I was entertained with all of the suspense, action, hawtness, mystery, unusual friendships, awkwardness of the mc as she learned to function outside of her comfort zone, and push and pull between the characters. I am most definitely continuing this series as I found it to have knocked my proverbial socks off.

Spoilers below for MM inquiries.
Spoilers for those interested in the level of mm in book 1:

Kissing between 2 of the harem (1 chaste, and the other make out), and a non-graphic B to the J job while the other two main character males entertain the mfc as she watches. In my opinion, I did not find the B to the J job graphicly described as it occurred.
Profile Image for Traci Bookstagram.
949 reviews47 followers
June 14, 2022
I found KC Kean through her Alastair Series books & absolutely fell in love with them. Let me tell you THIS SERIES IS BETTER AND IT IS HER DEBUT! I am completely in love with Luna and her guys. I complete flew through this over 500 page book because I just could not put it down!

This book is not a bully romance, more of a dislike at first sight, plus a whole lot of sexual tension. Thank goodness that sexual tension definitely gets some relief in this one.

This story is so unique & I am completely hooked. Off to the next book!
Profile Image for Vero Exposito.
575 reviews5 followers
June 14, 2022
4.75 Stars

Amazing! This book was utterly amazing. I loved the FMC; she was freaking fabulous. Luna was so fierce, and powerful, and strong, and dominant and so freaking alpha. I loved her! I also loved all the guys.

I really enjoyed Luna's and Red's friendship and how Luna opened herself up to her slowly. This was a great start for the series.

I definitely recommend this book and I’m going to start the second one ASAP. Toodles!
Profile Image for Dirty Little Secret Book Blog.
445 reviews170 followers
January 23, 2021
There are no words to explain how captivating these characters were from start to finish. I almost wish I didn’t have to return to the real world and stay with them forever. This book has it all and I can not wait to keep going! I know there is so much more in store!
Profile Image for Book Dragon.
169 reviews2 followers
February 24, 2021
What an incredible story!

KC Kean holds no punches in this story!
By the Allfather I truly loved this book. I had so much enjoyment wondering what was going to happen next and which way the story was going to unfold. I was not ready for the ending!
Luna is one of those FMC who I liked a lot. Such a complex and deep character, I just felt she was perfect.
And the boys! Whoo mumma! All of them were incredible in their own unique way.
The plot and backstory were solid and the pace was fast heading to a jaw dropping conclusion.
Book 2 is already lined up so with that I say this, if you haven't read this work of art yet, do yourself a favour and get into it cos its one hell of a book
Profile Image for BOOKLOVER_81.
2,094 reviews66 followers
September 27, 2024
Luna's life took a sharp turn at the tender age of six, her brain playing its forgetful trick, erasing those early memories like they were yesterday's news. But on her 18th birthday, the universe decided to gift her the surprise of a lifetime—a one-way ticket straight into the ruthless embrace of Featherstone Academy. And let me tell you, Featherstone is no ordinary school; it's a breeding ground for the criminal elite. Here, power and bloodlines reign supreme. Each family boasts its unique criminal specialty, each bloodline representing a house—The Aces, Jokers, Hearts, Diamonds, and Spades.

Multiple POVs. Some MM. Violence. Kickbutt FMC. Sweet guys. Alpha guys. Nerdy guys. Funny guys. Sassy Bestie. A hidden past, intrigue, and criminal organization.

**4 guys
**Spiciness 🌶🌶
Displaying 1 - 30 of 826 reviews

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