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The Mediterranean Way of Eating: Evidence for Chronic Disease Prevention and Weight Management

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This book presents evidence-based research that validates the traditional Mediterranean way of eating with respect to health. It offers information about an enjoyable, healthy way of eating that has stood the test of time, along with practical suggestions for incorporating the Mediterranean diet into daily life. The book addresses nutrients found in Mediterranean foods, how they function in the body, and why they are essential for optimal health. It highlights the Mediterranean diet's effectiveness in weight management and prevention and treatment of various chronic diseases.

264 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 2014

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About the author

John J.B. Anderson

8 books1 follower
Professor Anderson has been on the faculty of the School of Public Health in the Department of Nutrition since 1972. Prior teaching positions were held at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and Bradford (MA) Junior College. He has a Bachelor’s degree in History from Williams College, a Master of Arts in Teaching degree from Harvard University, a Masters’degree in Biology from Boston University, and a Doctoral degree in Physical Biology (biochemistry) from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. His lifetime research has centered on the linkages among nutrients, hormones, lifestyle factors, and bone health. He has published several books and written more than 150 scientific articles. In addition, he has taught nutrition courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and advanced seminars in Nutrition Topics for doctoral students. Over the years, he has developed broad interests in healthy eating patterns and the prevention or delay of chronic diseases and co-wrote a book on the Mediterranean Way of Eating. He and his wife, Elizabeth, have lived in Chapel Hill for over 40 years. Their three sons live with their families in Gunnison, Colorado, Chapel Hill, and Arlington, Virginia.

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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 reviews
Profile Image for Andy Febrico Bintoro.
3,594 reviews29 followers
December 20, 2021
Medical based Mediterranean diet

A thoroughly research on Mediterranean diet applied on US. The chapters not only detailed on what, but why that things was good for our body. Its just the examples not existed on this book on how to applied these things day by day.
January 25, 2024
It is informative and not a light read.
It reads like a textbook and I find this to be a pretty accurate description, “The book addresses nutrients found in Mediterranean foods, how they function in the body, and why they are essential for optimal health.”
I was not expecting the book to break down the common foods in the diet to this level of detail. I think it’s a good book to go back and revisit and you can also jump around depending on what interests you.
76 reviews
January 25, 2022
lots of information

This book has a very good explanation of the Mediterranean diet. It breaks down types of food in the diet, and tells you what research has found about the group of foods. You learn how you benefit from the Mediterranean way of eating and what to eat. It was a very thorough, well footnoted, and put together and proofread wonderfully. Enjoyed the read.
Profile Image for Rose Helg.
2,696 reviews25 followers
December 3, 2022
Good Book

This was an Good , interesting book. Seen some recipes I would like to try. This was an interesting book.
Profile Image for Jesse Whitson.
9 reviews
August 17, 2023
Very detailed and informative. Several pages worth of cited sources organized by each chapter. The book was well written and educational.
Profile Image for Virginia.
11.3k reviews17 followers
February 29, 2024
I really enjoyed reading The Mediterranean Way of Eating, and I'd highly recommend checking it out!
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 reviews

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