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Aus dem Käfig: Ein gefangener Geist kann sich auf ungewöhnliche Weise manifestieren.

Nachdem er gefangen genommen und gefoltert wurde, um Informationen über einen Freund zu verraten, erholte sich Viktor Minsky monatelang. Auch wenn er noch Narben hat, ist er stolz darauf, dass er nicht nachgegeben hat, egal wie sehr er geschlagen wurde und hungern musste. Nachdem Viktor sich einer Gruppe von Vampiren und Wandlern anschließt, um gefangene Wandler zu befreien, soll er einige der Anbieter ausfindig machen, die die Einrichtung mit Vorräten beliefern. Als Viktor die Straußenfarm besucht, die Fleisch an die Wissenschaftler liefert, trifft er den Besitzer, Finn O’Riley. Viktor ist nicht nur überrascht, als er erkennt, dass der Mann ein Wandler ist, der Geruch von Finns Blut lässt ihm auch das Wasser im Mund zusammenlaufen. Er vermutet, dass der Wandler sein Geliebter ist, die andere Hälfte seiner Seele, aber Finns Reaktion auf sein Äußeres zeigt sehr deutlich, dass er nichts mit ihm zu tun haben will. Kann Viktor herausfinden, ob Finns Feindseligkeit darauf zurückzuführen ist, dass er mit den Wissenschaftlern zu tun hat, oder steckt etwas völlig anderes dahinter?

Ein homoerotischer Liebesroman für Erwachsene mit explizitem Inhalt. Jeder Band dieser Reihe geht auf die romantische Beziehung eines anderen Paares ein. Um die gesamte Handlung sowie die Geschichte aller Figuren zu erfahren, empfiehlt es sich, alle Bände in der Reihenfolge ihres Erscheinens zu lesen.

Länge: rund 36.000 Wörter

129 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 20, 2017

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Charlie Richards

343 books836 followers

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Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews
Profile Image for Hc.
2,345 reviews34 followers
February 7, 2017
What kind of coincidence that Viktor's tormentor has the same name as his beloved?

With this statement some will wonder why I bother and the answer is I don't know and I can't help myself... All of these are blending together, none of them stand out now. I have a few favorites in this series that I do actually go back and read again when I'm bored or in the mood.
Finding Balance
Goading the Enforcer
The Vampire's Special Lover

As far as Viktor goes... not much to say about him. Didn't get a lot of detail on his scars. Admittedly at first when brought up, I had a vague thought that the torture made him realize he liked bondage and was ashamed: leather wrist bands like bondage stuff.....

Finn... oh Finnie....I kind of find it disturbing that he's selling and even eating his animal counterparts. Plus I had the impression at first meet with Viktor that he was in the dark about his own 'kind' (paranormals in general) and he didn't recognize that he was his mate. Viktor more or less seemed to tell him and then he started accepting it as truth. Oh, and I thought I was going to have to say, Why didn't we find out WHY he's living on his own away from all other paranormals.... but FINALLY near the end get an answer.
Profile Image for Morgan  Skye.
2,776 reviews28 followers
February 10, 2017
This has to be one of the strangest books I’ve read by this author. I’m a GIANT fan of Charlie Richards. I’ve read almost every single book she’s written and some several times over and over! Wolves of Stone Ridge is one of my favorite series and I jump at the chance to read these as they come hot off the presses! But… lately… the series is now on book 39. The spinoffs number to 50 more books with cross-over characters but similar story/plot lines. That’s nearly 100 books. So, of course, Charlie Richards has to dig and dig deep to come up with unique twists or she’s simply re-writing the same book over and over.

So, I give a big allowance for that issue, when I say, that this book didn’t work for me. I was so squicked out by some of the relatively mundane things that I couldn’t get into the romance. I’m not spoiling anything when I tell you that Finn is an Ostrich shifter and he runs an Ostrich farm where he raises and then harvests the meat and feathers to export. Hmmmm. He justifies this by telling himself he’s a Shifter, not an actual Ostrich so it’s different. Ok… sure. Then he goes on to detail how he eats the Ostrich burgers. He even comments on how he has thoughts that this might be cannibalism because he’s an Ostrich himself sometimes, but since he’s eating it as a human it doesn’t really count or if it does he doesn’t care because they taste so good! (That bothered me A LOT!) Then he goes on to describe how he hunts rabbits in Ostrich form and snaps their necks then skins them so he can feed them to his Ostriches. By this point I kinda wanted to vomit. While I found the stuff about Ostriches being top predators and how they defend themselves and hunt to be interesting – it was a little to “Wild Kingdom” for me and I wasn’t sure why it was included in a romance and why I had to read it.

I don’t know why Finn had to raise Ostriches over any other animal and why he had to eat them. It made me incredibly uncomfortable and I couldn’t get past this. It made it hard for me to appreciate the romance.

Then there’s the whole “Finn/Finnegan” thing – I’m not sure why that was the approach taken either. There was a lot of “information” in this – about Ostriches and farming and not much time with our Mates together.

While I adore this series, this was a miss for me. Probably just personal preference, but I couldn’t get over the whole eating Ostrich thing.

2 of 5 stars
Profile Image for Sadonna.
2,656 reviews47 followers
March 10, 2017
3.5 stars

This and much more can be found at The Novel Approach

Viktor Minsky is a vampire from the coven that is mostly populated by the Kuznetsov family and their partners—there are vamps and shifters and humans, and they all get along OK. They have worked closely with the Alpha Declan and the local pack to search for the scientists and facilities where shifters have been taken prisoner, tortured and experimented on. Viktor himself has been kidnapped, tortured and abused in the past, and rescued by the Kuznetsovs. He still deals with some of the aftermath, but for the most part has recovered. He hates his scars and hides them, though.

In this episode, Viktor and some of the pack go after a new facility. Viktor is teamed with Jared (YEA, still my favorite series character) and some other shifters to break in and rescue the captive shifters and to catch more of the crew to find the men behind the operation. While they do rescue some shifters and get more information, there is a lot to follow up on.

Viktor is tasked with visiting the suppliers of the facility and one of those is an ostrich farmer named Finnegan O’Riley, or Finn, much to Viktor’s chagrin. When Viktor visits and realizes Finn is a shifter, he’s appalled. If Finn willfully supplied the cruel facility with meat, he’s not sure how to handle it, but he knows that Finn is not lying when he tells him he didn’t know.

The other thing that Viktor can tell is that Finn is his beloved, but Finn has zero desire to be around vampires or any other paranormal. It turns out that Finn has spent decades by himself, and he likes it that way. His past experience with other paranormals has not been good and he has no intention of involving himself with any every again. Ah, best laid plans!

Finn has a lot of trouble fighting his attraction to Viktor, though, and Viktor certainly isn’t going to give him the chance to ignore him. Vaguely stalkerish, Viktor sets out to “bump into” Finn in town. In his bid to woo Finn, Viktor also gets involved helping a young gay guy in town who is constantly being bashed. When Viktor interrupts their latest assault, and gets rid of the guys, he is unaware that he has started something that might get ugly.

As Viktor breaks down Finn’s reluctance and they go out together, Finn begins to relax a little bit, but he is having a hard time resisting what he is realizing is his mate. Of course, that doesn’t last too terribly long, which is good because there is trouble for Viktor, and he really need Finn’s help.

I really liked this latest book in the series. First of all, Jared is in it, so that always makes a book better for me. Viktor is a good guy and so is Finn. There is some tension for both of them that has to be overcome, but their communication was good. Yes, it’s a formulaic series, but I especially enjoyed the chemistry of this couple and their journey together. I hope we get to see a story for Drako in the future.
Profile Image for The Novel Approach.
3,090 reviews136 followers
March 10, 2017
3.5 Stars ~ Viktor Minsky is a vampire from the coven that is mostly populated by the Kuznetsov family and their partners—there are vamps and shifters and humans, and they all get along OK. They have worked closely with the Alpha Declan and the local pack to search for the scientists and facilities where shifters have been taken prisoner, tortured and experimented on. Viktor himself has been kidnapped, tortured and abused in the past, and rescued by the Kuznetsovs. He still deals with some of the aftermath, but for the most part has recovered. He hates his scars and hides them, though.

In this episode, Viktor and some of the pack go after a new facility. Viktor is teamed with Jared (YEA, still my favorite series character) and some other shifters to break in and rescue the captive shifters and to catch more of the crew to find the men behind the operation. While they do rescue some shifters and get more information, there is a lot to follow up on.

Viktor is tasked with visiting the suppliers of the facility and one of those is an ostrich farmer named Finnegan O’Riley, or Finn, much to Viktor’s chagrin. When Viktor visits and realizes Finn is a shifter, he’s appalled. If Finn willfully supplied the cruel facility with meat, he’s not sure how to handle it, but he knows that Finn is not lying when he tells him he didn’t know.

The other thing that Viktor can tell is that Finn is his beloved, but Finn has zero desire to be around vampires or any other paranormal. It turns out that Finn has spent decades by himself, and he likes it that way. His past experience with other paranormals has not been good and he has no intention of involving himself with any every again. Ah, best laid plans!

Finn has a lot of trouble fighting his attraction to Viktor, though, and Viktor certainly isn’t going to give him the chance to ignore him. Vaguely stalkerish, Viktor sets out to “bump into” Finn in town. In his bid to woo Finn, Viktor also gets involved helping a young gay guy in town who is constantly being bashed. When Viktor interrupts their latest assault, and gets rid of the guys, he is unaware that he has started something that might get ugly.

As Viktor breaks down Finn’s reluctance and they go out together, Finn begins to relax a little bit, but he is having a hard time resisting what he is realizing is his mate. Of course, that doesn’t last too terribly long, which is good because there is trouble for Viktor, and he really need Finn’s help.

I really liked this latest book in the series. First of all, Jared is in it, so that always makes a book better for me.
Profile Image for Jude.
1,029 reviews3 followers
June 26, 2024
better than usual
On a major re-re-read of the Stone Ridge world. I usually enjoy Charlies' short stories and novellas (the occasional one is a clunkier) but I have found that the best way to read them is to series binge and read them in the recommended reading order for the 'world' instead of by series. This gives a much more satisfying read with a more consistent plot line and world. Even the clunkers become acceptable as a small part of the whole. The characters are still good, and as usual Charlie uses stereo types with skill and develops characters indirectly. The only characters that develop depth are those who appear and then reappear frequently.
As individual reads? 2 or 3 - though 3 is more common.
Profile Image for MyzanM.
1,337 reviews8 followers
January 11, 2020
Nothing spectacular or substantial, but relaxing and quick enough to read.

I think I’ve reached my quota of Stone Ridge stories for a while.... so I think it’s good that I didn’t break off after reading one of the less stellar installments.

Finishing off all of Charlie Richards mastodont series is one of my goals for 2020. Not because these are the best, but because I’m a bit OCD about not finishing off series and they have been nagging at my conscious for a while now. So, whenever I feel like reading some relaxing (but rather mindless) stories I’ll dig in to my Charlie Richards pile.... I’m guessing there will be some more before I get back to work on the 8th....
Profile Image for Nessa.
1,858 reviews19 followers
July 4, 2019
I loved this, except for the, cruel homophobics, part of the story. Finn is an ostrich shifter (which I found to be totally creative) who lived alone and stayed away from all shifters until Viktor walked into his life and realized that Finn was his beloved. The plot held my attention and I really liked Drako, the little fella who was harassed by bigots and became friends with Viktor and Finn. Overall, it was a very sweet and sexy read. =)
Profile Image for Tammy.
646 reviews8 followers
January 15, 2018
I loved the story of Viktor and Finn. I love the series and hope to keep reading more of them. Finn eating ostrich, when he is a shifter one was like wow. I think the story has a nice steady pace and the chemistry between them was great. I love how the stories been playing out and can’t wait to read the next one. Hope to keep reading more of your books.

Thank you for sharing your book with us.
Profile Image for Gerald Sessions.
1,158 reviews6 followers
March 23, 2018
No more head in the sand

An ostrich shifter raising ostriches for meat. Selling meat unknowingly to the scientist experimenting on shifters. This brought Viktor to his ranch. A lot happens in the small town near the ranch worth reading about.
Profile Image for  ☔️ Stormy Day Reader .
1,175 reviews42 followers
June 23, 2021
I liked this book more than I thought I would. I could have done without the graphic descriptions of meat processing though. Being mostly vegetarian it kinda grossed me out. And I’m sorry but I feel like an ostrich shifter eating ostrich meat is indeed cannibalism. Yuck.
71 reviews
September 1, 2021
Great read

Loved this one about Finn and his vampire!One of Charlie’s better stories. You definitely need to begin with Stone Ridge book 1 though as it is not really a stand alone book. Recommended
Profile Image for Amy Hatton.
17 reviews
August 31, 2018
Another yay!

Ah yes another adventure, possible leads for more stories, and an ostrich farm to relocate. Gotta love it! Next please.
Profile Image for Alma Pagan.
Author 2 books9 followers
April 1, 2022
Feathers and Fangs

I enjoyed this story. I was interested in the vampire character and enjoyed his storyline. Finn is grumpy and set in his ways it was fun seeing him evolve.
248 reviews
February 21, 2017
My Boys

Its one of the best books in a great series. Always going to be my favorites to read over and over again. Some of the best reading I've ever done.
1,414 reviews4 followers
February 17, 2017
The Hated Finn (Wolves of Stone Ridge Book 39)

This was great can't wait to read more of this series and I will be watching for the next one too I hope it's soon ......
Profile Image for Mae Hanley.
Author 2 books7 followers
February 13, 2017
The title for me doesn't work with the story.

The story is a quick read with an obvious set up for a future story.
There were some typos (Viktor call's Drako Emily's sister as an example) but they weren't too jarring for me.
796 reviews
November 12, 2020
Another good read

Enjoyed how you got to know the characters in this story. Otherwise, Charlie's typical fast paced, sweet, spicy HEA. Hope we get Drako's story some day.
Profile Image for Amber.
1,584 reviews6 followers
April 15, 2017
Full review available at: https://optimummblog.wordpress.com/20...

Rating 4.5*s

I really liked The Hated Finn by Charlie Richards.

This is the 39th book in the Wolves of Stone Ridge series, but it’s the first book that I’ve read. Aside from being bombarded by a ton of names and their positions during the first chapter which was kind of overwhelming since I didn’t know any of them, the author did a great job of filling in all of the blanks, so I wasn’t lost for long.

This book’s about Finn who’s an Ostrich shifter and Viktor who’s a vampire who has joined a group of vampires and shifters that are planning to raid the Crystal Lake Pharmaceuticals because they were doing illegal testing on the paranormal community and they wanted to free all of the captive shifters. Afterward, Viktor’s charged with checking their suppliers to find out if they had been helping Crystal Lake Pharmaceuticals. While investigating one of the meat suppliers, Viktor stumbles across Finn who might be his beloved. However, Finn has a deep fear of vampires and wolves. I loved how persistent Viktor was in pursuing Finn when he realized that Finn might be his beloved.
I did like how Finn rationalized being an Ostrich shifter that likes to eat Ostrich meat and how it wasn’t cannibalization because he’s just a shifter whose animal to call is an Ostrich. It makes me chuckle just thinking about it.

The hated Finn was well written. It had a great plot and was nicely edited, and it had plenty of steamy hot scenes to go with it. Definitely my kind of story.

4.5 OptimuMM's

**** The ARC was provided by eXtasy Books. My review is an honest opinion of the book ****
Profile Image for Karen.
2,631 reviews
April 19, 2017
I always enjoy this series. Well written with well developed characters.
Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews

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