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Oxford, 2006
: a young woman is found brutally murdered. Her heart has been removed and in its place lies an apparently ancient gold coin. Twenty-four hours later, another woman is found. This time her brain has been removed, and a silver coin lies glittering in the bowl of her skull.

The police are baffled but when police photographer Philip Bainbridge and his estranged lover Laura Niven become involved, they discover that these horrific, ritualistic murders are not confined to the here and now.

A shocking story begins to emerge which intertwines Sir Isaac Newton with a deadly conspiracy which echoes down the years to the present day, as lethal now as it was then.

Before long those closest to Laura are in danger, and she finds herself the one person who can rewrite history; the only person who can stop the killer from striking again...

424 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2006

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About the author

Michael White

46 books134 followers
Michael White was a British writer who was based in Perth, Australia. He studied at King's College London (1977–1982) and was a chemistry lecturer at d'Overbroeck's College, Oxford (1984–1991).
He was a science editor of British GQ, a columnist for the Sunday Express in London and, 'in a previous incarnation', he was a member of Colour Me Pop. Colour Me Pop featured on the "Europe in the Year Zero" EP in 1982 with Yazoo and Sudeten Creche and he was then a member of the group The Thompson Twins (1982). He moved to Australia in 2002 and was made an Honorary Research Fellow at Curtin University in 2005.
He was the author of thirty-five books: these include Stephen Hawking: A Life in Science; Leonardo: The First Scientist; Tolkien: A Biography; and C. S. Lewis: The Boy Who Chronicled Narnia. His first novel Equinox – thriller, an occult mystery reached the Top Ten in the bestseller list in the UK and has been translated into 35 languages. His non-fiction production included the biography Galileo: Antichrist. Novels following Equinox include The Medici Secret, The Borgia Ring and The Art of Murder.
White wrote under two further names, Tom West and Sam Fisher. He used the latter pseudonym to publish the E-Force trilogy, State of Emergency, Aftershock, and Nano.
A further novel by White, The Venetian Detective, features characters including Galileo and Elizabeth.
White wrote a biography of Isaac Newton, The Last Sorcerer. He was both short-listed and long-listed for the Aventis prize. Rivals was short-listed in 2002, and The Fruits of War long-listed in 2006. He was also nominated for the Ned Kelly Prize for First Novel (for Equinox in 2007).

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74 (4%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 110 reviews
Profile Image for Labijose.
1,083 reviews625 followers
October 8, 2017
A thriller set in two time periods, England at 17th century and present day. Very “Dan Brownish” plot, but with very weak characters and a, more often than not, boring plot. Very predictable. The Newton conspiracy was never believable. The only thing that I liked reading was the appendix at the end. Not worth my time.
Profile Image for Emma Jane.
234 reviews82 followers
February 16, 2018
3 and half stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

While I was really interested though out the novel, I was entertained in till reaching the first half of the book I found it lagged a little and picked back up right towards then end.
The mystery itself was super intriguing and I’d definitely read Michael white’s other books!
Profile Image for Luna.
868 reviews42 followers
September 21, 2010
Okay, look, this isn't a great book. White here is trying to emulate Dan Brown. It's a lot of nonsense, and at times it's just plain ridiculous. It was easy to spot the killer/people involved by the first third of the book. It's difficult to really get to know anyone in the book, and at times I was just plain bored with the characters.

It's enjoyable, yes, but it's not fantastic. I liked it a little bit. I might even recommend it to some people. I liked that non-fiction information at the end of the novel.

It's easy to tell that White is used to writing non-fiction. He delivers the historical information in a bulky manner. The chapter where Charlie basically gave a monologue on a DVD to tell Laura, Philip and the reader all about Newton and alchemy... I could have laughed at the poor delivery.

Look, it ain't great, but it's okay. Just okay, though.
Profile Image for Ana.
519 reviews354 followers
May 27, 2013
This book is a perfect example of a good idea ruined by poor execution.
After two unsuccessful attempts to finish this book, I finally did it! YAY, I'm so proud of myself!

Maybe reading this book after finishing The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown was not a good idea. I can't help but think Mr White is obviously influenced by Dan Brown's writing, but let's get something straight - Michael White is not Dan Brown. From the first few pages I knew the chances of me liking this book are slim, but as I approached the ending it became clear.

God, there are so many things that irritated me, like the million characters, neither one of them well developed. I honestly don't know WHY on earth someone would introduce so many characters in his work, and this is the main problem why all of them seemed so alike to me. That sucks! The only reason why I'm giving it two stars instead of one is the fact I enjoyed around 100 pages of it, the rest of the book was...blah!

The ending didn't surprise me and overall this was a very predictable book.

Would I read another of White's books? I don't think so, at least not in the near future. I'm gonna finish this review with a warning and sorry if I may sound harsh - I DON'T recommend Equinox! There are so many better mysteries/thrillers out there.
Profile Image for Belinda Vlasbaard.
3,364 reviews84 followers
June 12, 2022
3,75 sterren- Nederlandse paperback

De in Australië wonende schrijver verdiende zijn sporen in de literaire wereld vooral als biograaf.

Zo publiceerde hij al werken over onder andere Isaac Asimov, Machiavelli, Tolkien, Leonardo Da Vinci, Einstein, Stephen Hawkin, Darwin en Newton.
En vooral die laatste, Isaac Newton, moet indruk gemaakt hebben op de schrijver, want hij krijgt ook een hoofdrol toebedeeld in Equinox.

Het begint als een doorsnee thriller over seriemoordenaars: de politie van Oxford vindt de verminkte lijken van jonge vrouwen, en weinig of geen sporen van de dader. Maar al snel blijkt er meer aan de hand te zijn, want bij elk slachtoffer is een orgaan verwijderd en een muntstuk in de wond achtergelaten.

Laura Niven, een Amerikaanse misdaadjournaliste en thrillerauteur, die in Oxford research aan het doen is voor haar volgende roman, kan haar nieuwsgierigheid niet bedwingen en start ook een onderzoek naar de moorden. Zij ziet een verband tussen de de moorden en de astrologie, en vindt gegevens die erop wijzen dat in de loop van de geschiedenis al meermaals soortgelijke moorden gepleegd werden in en rond Oxford.

Bij een van de vroegere reeks moorden wordt Isaac Newton genoemd: de briljante wetenschapper, die blijkbaar ook een donkere kant had en zich in zijn vrije tijd toelegde op de alchemie, of de zoektocht naar absolute rijkdom, totale kennis en het eeuwige leven.

Het verhaal wordt verteld in twee verhaallijnen die veel parallellen met elkaar vertonen: in de belangrijkste van de twee, die zich in het heden afspeelt, gaat Laura op zoek naar het motief achter de recente moorden. In de andere volgen we, op het einde van de 17de eeuw, Newton in zijn zoektocht naar absolute kennis.

Alhoewel deze laatste het boek een extra dimensie en diepgang geeft, komt de plot mij toch zeer rechtlijnig over. Laura’s onderzoek vordert sneller dan iemand voor mogelijk had gehouden, en kent praktisch geen enkel doodlopend spoor of noemenswaardige tegenslag. Hierdoor wordt ze bijna een soort supervrouw.
Het komt de, over het algemeen hoge, geloofwaardigheid van het verhaal niet altijd ten goede.

Een rustpunt hier of daar had echter geen kwaad gekund, want het gemak waarmee het leest, gecombineerd met de rechtlijnigheid van de plot, maakt dat het verhaal soms te snel vooruit gaat.

Equinox is niet de thriller van het jaar geworden, zoals de uitgever ons wil laten geloven, maar toch een goed geschreven, spannend, verhaal dat boven de middelmaat uitstijgt en zijn plaats in de boekenkast op dependance groen licht verdient.

Profile Image for Ingrida Lisauskiene.
600 reviews16 followers
June 29, 2022
Izaoko Niutono biografiją parašęs autorius sukūrė ir gana įdomų istorinį detektyvą, kuriame senos alchemikų istorijos kartojasi šiomis dienomis. "Da Vinčio kodo" tipo knyga su Oksfordo dvasios elementais. Geras vasaros ir atostogų skaitinys
Profile Image for Oana Crâmpeie de suflet .
459 reviews36 followers
March 16, 2018
Un roman în care istoria trecută și cea prezentă se contopesc și devin una singură, secretele tenebroase apar la tot pasul, misterul irumpe din fiecare pagină prin prisma unor crime oribile ce se vor descifrate, limbajul criptic este la el acasă, manuscrisele străvechi și labirinturile vechi ies la suprafață, iar oamenii fără scrupule se află în căutarea Pietrei Filozofale și a nemuririi. O carte care te va ține cu sufletul la gură până la ultima pagină și care îți va oferi o mare doză de adrenalină și nelipsiții fiori pe șira spinării, un thriller de excepție pe care vă invit să îl descoperiți.
Profile Image for Julia.
69 reviews2 followers
April 18, 2014
This book was a pleasant read, but I was not swept away by its plot or the execution of it. What I did enjoy about this book was the later paragraphs on the themes included in the novel. This has happened before, namely in The Historian, where the book itself was quite vague, but the knowledge and effort of the author is enormous and presented as after-words. White explores the themes of occultism, alchemy and astrology, which are quite intriguing themes. It saddens me that with such great knowledge, the book does not present itself very well.
Profile Image for Charlotte Nash.
Author 26 books152 followers
February 10, 2017
A very disappointing book. Big hype that it utterly fails to meet. But I finished it.
Profile Image for Zoe Radley.
1,393 reviews20 followers
September 2, 2019
I found the mystery and murders intriguing and believable up to a point. The downsides are many the characters are written quite roughly and not thought out properly the villain of the piece acts more like a pantomime villain who is just evil because.... which I find REALLY annoying. I also find the main character annoying as she can sometimes come across as being young and yet has a student for a daughter and occasionally this parent will act like a teenager herself. Also it’s quite melodramatic and at best comes across as a poor da Vinci code.
Profile Image for Kacey.
201 reviews1 follower
July 8, 2019
This is a nicely-paced but very predictable attempt at the Dan Brown-style 'secret-society-ancient-mystery-thriller'. It's definitely easy-reading, as I'd figured out all but one of the plot twists less than halfway through.
The historical notes at the back were interesting...
Profile Image for Aileen.
85 reviews
October 28, 2009
This book is total nonsense a crime thriller with links back to 1690 & Issac Newton. I feel like I can't cope with anything taxing to read at the moment so this was perfect, I whizzed through it in 2 days, it has very short chapters a la James Paterson. The story is centred around a spate of murders at Oxford University, but there is a parrallel story from 1690 with Issac Newton at the helm running along side. Only Oxford alumni Laura & Philip can really solve the mystery as usual the police force are hopeless. The main characters are middle-aged ex lovers with a grown up child so I suppose that makes a change from the usual crime thriller heroes of damaged man who focuses on his work too much or hard nose bitch of a woman who focuses on her work too much. The story doesn't have any depth but who cares, if you take it for what it is, it's not a bad wee book.
Profile Image for Ari.
520 reviews4 followers
June 2, 2014
A combination of Raiders of the Lost Ark and Da Vinci code. More the latter. Not bad in that genre but a very standard issue. Codes, secret doors and chambers, ritual murders and an outstanding, unstoppable (almost) murderer. I would suspect that this was written a movie in mind... but the movies have already been made. This would be more or less just repetition.

Standard ingredients make a standard soup. If you want to read something light during the summer holidays this will be good enough.

Some credit must be given to the annexed "facts list". There was something new and interesting to be found. Plus also for the recap on Oxford.

I wonder why this novel is said to be so popular. Because it's so easy to read?

Luciferin liittolainen, Gummerus 2007
Profile Image for Hanna.
238 reviews9 followers
November 1, 2013
Kirjassa punoutuu toimivalla tavalla nykyinen ja mennyt maailma yhteen, kun tapahtumissa hypätään 2000-luvulta 1600-luvulle ja takaisin. Historiallisen viittauksen luo Isaac Newtonin ja muutaman muun henkilön käyttäminen yhtenä kirjan hahmoista. Kirjan lopussa oli lyhyehkö tiivistelmä alkemistien historiasta ja kirjassa esiintyneistä historiallisista henkilöistä.

“Luciferin liittolainen” puolestaan ei onnistu olemaan mitään muuta kuin mystisellä aiheella varustettu pettymys, joka jätti minut lukijana suorastaan tyhjäksi suljettuani kannen. Pettymystä lisäsi vielä enemmän miten tällaisesta ideasta saisi varmasti kirjoitettua paremman kirjan.
Profile Image for Iona.
192 reviews
September 25, 2013
I am sorry Michael White but I didn't even get pass page 66. Nothing about the story or it's telling captured me, and I struggled to get that far hoping for a turn in the events or a spark from a character would draw me in. I found the characters and their dialogue to be flat and contrived, and then when I felt it should only get better - enter Newton. I felt the same about him and that's when I knew it was time to give up.
I can tell you nothing about the plot except that thus far it was predictable and the author was trying too hard.
Definitely not for me!
Profile Image for iris.
13 reviews1 follower
September 15, 2021
(probably like 1.5 - 2 stars??)
that was- that was definitely something.. It felt like I was reading a knock-off dan brown book, which I didn't really like. There were waaay too many characters to keep track off, and most of them pretty underdeveloped. I did like the 'facts behind the fiction' part at the end, and the plot is definitely an interesting and original idea. Don't think I'll ever read this book again, but it was entertaining enough iguess.
December 27, 2012
Michael White tries to emulate some other authors as he tries to incorporate the use of occult in a murder series and does a decent job. The plot is pretty good. The book follows a good, uniform pace unlike some others and speeds up as it builds toward it's crescendo. Some events are not explained clearly and is left to the interpretation of the reader though...overall, a decent read...
Profile Image for David Baird.
542 reviews22 followers
November 18, 2023
The book starts strong with a brutal murder. This is will be the first of many.

We soon meet Philip and Laura, Philip is a police photographer, Laura is a writer and when Philip is called to a scene Laura can’t help but take a peak..

It’s clear from the start there’s something strange about these murders, there’s something ritualistic about them.

Laura has the gut instinct to follow the story and does her own digging.. helped by Philip who is a little naughty to say the least sharing the information he’s privy to... which they seem way to happy to share with others too.

As the puzzle pieces slot together a connection with alchemy and astrology are found along with a striking connection to the past.. and a well known figure Sir Isaac Newton no less!

What I really enjoyed was the changing perspective when you were transported back to the time of Newton.. when a similar killing spree occurred. It breaks the chapters up nicely, keeping you interested. It was also a major plus that the chapters are short. Don’t get me wrong… I love any chapter length but since I read while commuting I hate when I need to stop mid chapter to get off the bus ha.

Now Laura, ah Laura.. I just didn’t gel with her personality.. she was annoying at times ha but what's great about her is she doesn’t give up and will use all the tools at her disposal to figure this one out! Luckily those closest to her have the skills between them to unravel the past… to save the day now.. but will they make it in time?

Plot wise I really enjoyed the idea, quite Dan Brown style, but I just didn’t feel the characters at times.. things were a little too easy for them but overall, it was a decent read. I think the story might have flowed more if the author hadn’t tried to build the relationship between the characters, as it just distracted from what was a promising plot.
Profile Image for Jackspear217.
204 reviews7 followers
August 22, 2023
Ekwinokcjum okazało się być lekturą jakiej się spodziewałem. To połączenie thrillera z kryminałem, gdzie w tle są słynne osobistości z przeszłości, tajne stowarzyszenia, zbrodnia, a wszystko waży się w alchemicznym sosie. Oczekiwałem rozrywki na przyzwoitym poziomie i ją dostałem. Aż tyle, a może tylko tyle, ktoś mógłby zapytać. Mi wystarczy. Bawiłem się przednio i nie nudziłem. Miło spędziłem z tą książką dzisiejsze popołudnie. Czy ta historia zostanie ze mną na dłużej? Chyba nie, bo jest trochę podobnych książek na rynku, zwłaszcza od pojawienia się Dana Browna i jego epigonów. Jest tu temat na fabułę i skuteczne budowanie atmosfery. Nie wymagajmy od tego typu literatury nie wiadomo jakich fajerwerków, zbytniej oryginalności i psychologii postaci. Nie o to w tym wszystkim chodzi. Ekwinokcjum będzie doskonałym przerywnikiem między bardziej poważnymi, wymagającymi lekturami i w takiej roli sprawdzi się doskonale. Takich książek też potrzebujemy. Polecam, choć może bez nadmiernego entuzjazmu.
Za książkę dziękuję @takczytam.poznan
Profile Image for Entre Páginas Infinitas .
578 reviews21 followers
February 4, 2024
Me han gustado mucho los capítulos que siguen al policía, al asesino, incluso, un poco las escenas del pasado. Son muy interesantes y entretenidas. Pero cuando seguía a los personajes principales acababa de mal humor.
Laura es una mujer que se cree que tiene que estar en todo y que como fue reportera en Nueva York eso le da derecho a todo. La escena del principio en la que ella acompaña a Philip a la escena del crimen me pareció sacada de la manga, muy apropiada si no que quieres es meter una trama con calzador pirque realmente NO CABE. Si hubiera seguido al detective Monroe habría sido más feliz, seguro.
1 review
April 5, 2020
At the beginning the book starts like a detective story. But later in the story it got more cryptic and adventurous like the books of Dan Brown but only not that good. the story has a great concept but it lacked some depth. The end was to easy and it was a bit to much that the main character knew all those important persons in the story and that her daughter got involved too. It's not realistic, not even for a fiction story. But all by all it was fun to read and the book read easily what was quite nice.
Profile Image for Rogerio Lopes.
751 reviews16 followers
July 28, 2020
Histórico de leitura
100% (336 de 336)
62% (209 de 336)
51% (171 de 336)
"Leitura fácil e agradável,porém alguns fatos são muito óbvios e as duas histórias contadas em tempos diferentes, quebram um pouco o ritmo, acho legal essa construção mas o autor não a explorou legal aqui.. O clichê do amigo que sabe de algo e é morto também soou meio forçado.. apesar disso, é um livro gostoso de se ler.."
12% (41 de 336)
"A ideia não é nova.. mas vamos ver... o inicio é um pouquinho confuso...tenso."
Profile Image for Leila P.
259 reviews3 followers
November 10, 2017
No olipas melko epäuskottava juoni tässä, mutta kirja oli suht viihdyttävä omassa genressään. Positiivista oli se, että pahiksen oloinen tyyppi ei lopulta ollutkaan se pahis ja päinvastoin. Huvitti myös se, kuinka tarkkaan kirjailija kuvaa kirjassa tehtyjä Google-hakuja (hän kirjoitti hakukenttään näin ja näin, tuloksia tuli X määrä, hän tarkensi hakua näin ja sai tuloksia näin ja näin paljon). Mutta kirjan kirjoittamisen aikaan Google olikin vielä melko uusi juttu.
Profile Image for Jayal.
129 reviews
November 12, 2020
Keeping in mind I picked up Oscar Wilde right after finishing this, maybe I'm too harsh here, but here goes.
Absolutely disappointing 😐 A complete rip off of Angles and Demons by Dan Brown, with almost no attempts at originality
Character building is poor at the best, the plot is thinner than your 2020 toilet paper, and it keeps getting worse as you go on.
The grand finale scene reads like a imdb 2.5 rated Indiana Jones copy
Personal memo to avoid this guy in the future 😌
Profile Image for Phillip.
46 reviews3 followers
November 27, 2024
A very easy book to read if you have the stomach for it as the descriptions of some of the murders in it are quite gut-wrenching. I personally found it a real page-turner and hard to put down at times.

However, I felt the ending could have been a lot better and more thought out, and possibly a bit longer. A good book and well worth a read.
Profile Image for Andrew McClarnon.
395 reviews4 followers
August 3, 2018
This was in a pile of books my mum had said were entertaining enough, but not 'keepers'. Yes, here have Inspector Morse puzzling his way through the Da Vinci code, while Nancy Drew does a bit of Tomb Raider. Time sped by.
August 9, 2019
Un libro secondo me eccezionale! Purtroppo ci sono i flashback che confondono tantissimo. Come storia però è articolata molto bene e anche i personaggi sono ben caratterizzati. Peccato per la struttura dei flashback ma nel complesso davvero avvincente.
306 reviews1 follower
September 14, 2019
Adequate story in this genre of linking a historic story/conspiracy to the modern day. Based in Oxford the setting adds to the historic value, and a couple of twists towards the end, some telegraphed the others perhaps less predictable.
553 reviews
January 26, 2020
At one point I thought I would give up on this as the writing style was so clunky. Clearly not a natural writer of fiction. Fantastical plot, poorly drawn characters. Found the Newton flashbacks particularly annoying. Would not read another by this author.
Profile Image for Noor Bogaard.
27 reviews
March 7, 2022
I really enjoyed reading it! Loved the murder mystery combined with scientific details, and as a physics enthousiast myself it was quite fun to read about Isaac Newton (and others) being part of the story
Displaying 1 - 30 of 110 reviews

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