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Robert Langdon #3

The Lost Symbol

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What was lost will be found...

In this stunning follow-up to the global phenomenon The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown demonstrates once again why he is the world's most popular thriller writer. The Lost Symbol is a masterstroke of storytelling - a deadly race through a real-world labyrinth of codes, secrets, and unseen truths...all under the watchful eye of Brown's most terrifying villain to date. Set within the hidden chambers, tunnels, and temples of Washington, DC., The Lost Symbol accelerates through a startling landscape toward an unthinkable finale.

As the story opens, Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is summoned unexpectedly to deliver an evening lecture in the U.S. Capitol Building. Within minutes of his arrival, however, the night takes a bizarre turn. A disturbing object - artfully encoded with five symbols - is discovered in the Capitol Building. Langdon recognizes the object as an ancient invitation...one meant to usher its recipient into a long-lost world of esoteric wisdom.

When Langdon's beloved mentor, Peter Solomon - a prominent Mason and philanthropist - is brutally kidnapped, Langdon realizes his only hope of saving Peter is to accept this mystical invitation and follow wherever it leads him. Langdon is instantly into a clandestine world of Masonic secrets, hidden history, and never-before-seen locations - all of which seem to be dragging him toward a single, inconceivable truth.

As the world discovered in The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons, Dan Brown's novels are brilliant tapestries of veiled histories, arcane symbols, and enigmatic codes. In this new novel, he again challenges readers with an intelligent, lightning-paced story that offers surprises at every turn. The Lost Symbol is exactly what Brown's fans have been waiting for...his most thrilling novel yet.

509 pages, Hardcover

First published September 15, 2009

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About the author

Dan Brown

82 books104k followers
Dan Brown is the author of numerous #1 bestselling novels, including The Da Vinci Code, which has become one of the best selling novels of all time as well as the subject of intellectual debate among readers and scholars. Brown’s novels are published in 56 languages around the world with over 200 million copies in print.

In 2005, Brown was named one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World by TIME Magazine, whose editors credited him with “keeping the publishing industry afloat; renewed interest in Leonardo da Vinci and early Christian history; spiking tourism to Paris and Rome; a growing membership in secret societies; the ire of Cardinals in Rome; eight books denying the claims of the novel and seven guides to read along with it; a flood of historical thrillers; and a major motion picture franchise.”

The son of a mathematics teacher and a church organist, Brown was raised on a prep school campus where he developed a fascination with the paradoxical interplay between science and religion. These themes eventually formed the backdrop for his books. He is a graduate of Amherst College and Phillips Exeter Academy, where he later returned to teach English before focusing his attention full time to writing. He lives in New England with his yellow lab, Winston.

Brown’s latest novel, Origin, explores two of the fundamental questions of humankind: Where do we come from? Where are we going?

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 30,326 reviews
Profile Image for Grumpus.
498 reviews277 followers
November 24, 2024
I don’t get all the haters of the Dan Brown books. Are you really going in with the expectation that these books are going to be award-winning, works of art? If so, do you critique every book you read with that same expectation? It would be a pity if you did.

Like movies, I don’t expect every one I watch to be an Academy Award winner. If I did, that would certainly narrow the number of films I’d see. No, I go to be entertained (whatever that may mean on any particular day). That’s the way I look at the books I read, particularly fiction, and I think Dan Brown’s books are very entertaining. They are a fictional escape.

We’ve all seen the stats that show how few books Americans are reading these days (present company excluded) and I think these types of books are an excellent way to get the masses to pick up, read, listen and get back involved in books. That’s what it is all about…like starting children with books from an early age, once they’re in, who knows where it can lead them. I want more of my friends to read books and if this is the hook, then I’m happy to bait it and reel them in.

My personal opinion of the Lost Key Symbol was that I liked it, but after reading all his other books I found this one more predictable. Still it was entertaining and I recommend it. I think many others will enjoy it as well.
Profile Image for Becky.
762 reviews116 followers
September 19, 2009
This book is both poorly written and impossible to put down.

I think that about sums it up.
Profile Image for Megan.
Author 1 book63 followers
September 22, 2009
I have such issues rating Dan Brown books... I want 1.5 stars, I think. Snark ahead.

Here's the deal: the man can't write. He's a name-brand & url spewing, Wikipedia-like fountain of knowledge, who CAN'T HANDLE VERB TENSES. He also likes really short sentences. That aren't sentences at all. Really. Expect iPhone, Twitter, and Google shout-outs, too. I'm almost surprised he didn't mention the inevitable hash #thelostsymbol and tell us to use it when we tweet about what we just learned.

On the flip side, who doesn't love a good romp around a famous city solving mysteries with art and science and religion? You know the drill, and the formula hasn't changed here in the slightest.

As a former DC resident of 7 years, I have to admit, I was expecting slightly more from the location, but Langdon and his companion du jour keep getting trapped in random places, so it's a bit disappointing on that front. He does get 10 points for a hilarious caper including the Blue Line out to the King Street station though and the Red Line to Tenleytown (yeah, Tenleytown shout-out, what up!)

This book's wacky science theme is Noetics, and the quasi-religious thing at hand is the Masons. Since the first thing that comes to mind re: Noetics is Fringe, I sort of expected a Pacey Witter guest appearance, but alas, it was not meant to be. I know absolutely zip about the Masons, but who wants to bet their membership applications go through the roof this month?

So my final verdict: did I hate it as much as Catcher in the Rye? No. (Will I ever hate any book as much as I hate Catcher in the Rye? Unlikely. BUT THERE'S TIME.) Is it the best Robert Langdon book? Not by a long shot. Angels & Demons still is the best of the trilogy. Is it still vaguely enjoyable in the way only a Dan Brown book can be? Yes. Does Dan Brown's copy editor need to be publicly humiliated? YES AND HIS NAME IS APPARENTLY JASON KAUFMAN (according to the Acknowledgements, so I'm not like, stalking anyone here) AND GOOD LORD MAN, ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT FOREST FIRES CAUSED BY PEOPLE BURNING THIS BOOK EDIT THIS INTO SOMETHING ENJOYABLE. EVERY TIME DAN BROWN DOESN'T KNOW HOW A VERB WORKS, KITTENS DIE.

Also, if I ever have to read the words "neutered sex organ" again, I will be forced to remove my eyeballs and then pour bleach directly onto my brain.

One more P.S., since I tweeted this and then forgot to include this here: Most unbelievable part of the plot? The Redskins are in the playoffs AND score on their opening possession. PLEASE TRY AGAIN, YOU FAIL AT HAVING SPORTS KNOWLEDGE.
Profile Image for Nayra.Hassan.
1,259 reviews6,273 followers
October 23, 2022
اهنيء نفسي على نهاية الرمز المفقود..بعد ان تم فقداني بداخلها لاكثر من شهرين
لماذا؟ حسنا
الرواية هرم متكامل براق لتمجيد الماسونيين الكيوت الاخيار الطيبين
ا"لو تم نشر هذه الطقوس ستتم الاطاحة بالحكومة
..سيمتلىءالشارع بالمناهضين للماسونية و الاصوليين..
.سيتم تشويه الحقيقة ..كما يحصل دائما مع الماسونيين "؟!!؟ا
هكذا هتف لانجدون بتلك الكلمات مذعورا..و هو ليس ماسونيا"على الاطلاق"و

اعلم جيدا ان امريكا دولة ماسونية منذ نشاتها..و انا اقرأ رواية امريكية..و يجب ان اخضع لشروطها..و لكنك كلما تقدمت في السن..ازددت تمسكا بقناعاتك و نحن كعرب و مسلمين تربينا بالطبع على المؤمراة الماسونية الكبرى
لذا كان من الصعب التعاطف مع بيتر الثري المحسن المخطوف..مبتور اليد..و محاولات لانجدون المحمومة لاعادته سليما

السبب الثاني انني كشفت"سر الخاطف "مبكرا جدا مما قتل التشويق نوعا. .و كان هناك جو من الملل و الرتابة غير مألوف بالمرة في روايات براون الضخمة

و لكن هناك ايجابيات
انا من كبار عشاق الالغاز و الرموز..و كم كان ممتعا الوقت الذي قضيته مع المكعب الحجري و الهرم الذهبي. .كم هو مبهر ان يحتوي شيئا صغيرا على كل هذه الطبقات من الاسرار القديمة المعقدة
الفصل الواحد لا يزيد عن 3صفحات والمعلومات خرافية متكدسة في 480 صفحة و 133فصلا..و كانت اكثر مما يجب احيانا مما يمنح الرواية طابع الموسوعة او القاموس..💫

اول مرة طبعا اسمع عن حوض التجريد الحسي..و عن الااااف المعلومات المدهشه عن واشنطون ..كاني زرتها
وكان هذا يقتل التشويق احيانا ..و يفصلك عن المغامرة التي استغرقت يوم واحد كالعادة

احببت جدا شخصية العالمة الذكية العقل والروح "كاثرين"و بعيدا عن فك الرموز احسست ان لانجدون كان مفعولا به في اغلب الاوقات..و
موقف الغرق كان من افضل ما قرات في حياتي

ما زال موقفي من الماسونية كما هو.. رغم هذه الجرعة المكثفة من الكيوتنس ..ولا اقدر فيهم الا الشق الهندسي..فهم في النهاية "البناؤن الاحرار,,و كان دور المهندس بيلامي مميزا حقا

هناك شيء مفقود من روح دان براون في هذه الرواية ..اسلوبه مهتز كانه غير مقتنع تماما بالموضوع ..و لكن تظل المعلومات تجذبك لانهاءها
Profile Image for John.
42 reviews46 followers
October 12, 2009
I liked Angels and Demons and I really liked The DaVinci Code but this latest of Dan Browns thrillers was barely worth the time, and definitely not worth the money.

The Lost Symbol follows the familiar Dan Brown formula - an ominous conspiracy, a threat to end the world as we know it, a relentless villain, and a search for hidden secrets which require the decoding of obscure clues. This formula has given us a couple of fine thrillers, and has taken advantage of the authors familiarity with arcane history, philology, symbolism, art and architecture. But even this intriguing texture would not be terribly interesting without the intrepid symbologist Robert Langdon to lead us through the perilous labyrinth at high speed. This time, Langdon must find the Freemason’s grand secret hidden in Washington, D.C. and evade both the CIA and a brilliant but scary villain, while rescuing a kidnapped friend and his sister.

The DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons were both intriguing and thrilling enough to overcome Mr. Brown's weak writing. But because The Lost Symbol’s plot is so much weaker, Brown’s sophomoric writing becomes much more obvious and ever more bothersome as the work progresses. For example, the formulaic mini-cliffhangers at the end of nearly every chapter became trite and annoying manipulations. Brown also employed several set-pieces of lecture and discovery that annoyingly repeat themselves. This book is full of Brownian cliches.

I think that the credibility of this work is further undermined by using characters who are simultaneously brilliant and clueless. For instance, the intrepid and brilliant professor Langdon, who by now should be rather wary of mysterious invitations, flies to Washington D.C. at a moment's notice supposedly at a friend's request but without actually speaking to his friend. And even less credible, is that without direct confirmation, he brings with him a top-secret package that he swore to keep hidden at all costs.

Similarly, the brilliant scientist Katherine doesn’t think to back up her life’s work of scientific research, and she allows a man she's met only once into her "top secret" laboratory because she receives a TEXT message purportedly from her brother who she admits doesn’t even know how to text. And these are not the only naive, and clueless people who should know better. The police and security guards are all hapless,and even the CIA director fails to question whether a suspect is lying when he says "I'll be there in 20 minutes."

More disappointing still is that the main character of Robert Langdon seems to have been dumbed down in this book. He repeatedly is adamant about thus and such only to be subsequently shocked when the true meaning is revealed. He always requires two attempts to decipher the true meaning of clues - the first one which is obvious and turns out to be wrong, followed by the shocking epiphany. One would think that a Harvard professor would eventually learn that things are not always what they seem. In this work Robert Langdon spends more time being lectured than he does solving mysteries or puzzles. My recollection is that he figured out absolutely nothing critical in the last third of the book.

Even more troubling than Brown’s weak and cliched characterization is that as the thriller reaches its climax, it becomes clear that the pieces do not fit together well. For instance, for most of the story, both the villain, and the CIA insist the stakes couldn't be higher, but in the end we learn that the potential danger is merely some bad public relations for a few powerful Masons. Why then is the CIA involved in this extortion plot - especially since it is legally barred from domestic law enforcement? The author simply fails to provide justification for all the black opps of the CIA counter- conspiracy despite their central role in the story.

There are lots of problems with this book, but perhaps the its greatest flaw is Dan Brown’s failure to ever explain the main premise for the book, something he calls the Ancient Mysteries. The primary force that propels the plot is the implicit promise that in the end, a tangible secret will be uncovered. While the protagonist keeps asking if this grand secret is merely metaphorical, he is assured by friends, enemies and even the CIA that the secret is literal and potentially dangerous. But, in the end we learn that the grand secret for which people are willing to sacrifice their lives and fortunes doesn’t really exist. What exactly is the point of the pyramid and the secret codes and symbols if the grand mystery is already found in every church, in nearly every home, and in even in all the hotel rooms in the country? Doesn't that make the entire plot pointless to begin with?

OK, if it’s not clear yet, HERE IS THE BIG SPOILER: The great Masonic secret is the most widely published and read book in history - it is the Bible. Brown’s thesis is that the Bible is loaded with hidden wisdom, and once these biblical secrets are pointed out, people are going to be shocked that they didn't see them before. And then they are going to be transformed because they now know that they're one with God, or they're the same as God, or they are made of God, or some such new age mumbo-jumbo. So in the end the whole purpose of all the elaborate secrecy is that a few people think mankind may not be ready for a new age when human potential will be finally unleashed. So for centuries the inner circle of Masons have concocted elaborate means to hide this enlightenment from a world not ready for apotheosis. And so despite all the symbols and codes, the grand secret is really kept hidden in plain sight. So pay no attention to the coded mysteries behind the curtain.

The ending of this story is an embarrassment. It may be the most anti-climactic, unsatisfying ending I have ever read. While the story kept claiming that earth shattering secrets were soon to be revealed, in the end all the paintings, pyramids, talismans, and other clues turned out to lead to nothing. They resolved nothing, they didn’t even leave us with a mystery yet unsolved. The mystery was solved, and it was an inconsequential whimper instead of a revelatory bang. It is my opinion that the author could not pull together the novel in the last chapters simply because there was nothing to pull together. There was no sweeping statement to be made and no grand secret to be revealed. This left me very unsatisfied at the story’s end.

Theological addendum:
Many Christians are offended by the idea of apotheosis which seems to be a core premise of Brown’s Masonic heroes. Though the idea of human deification has a long and ancient history in Christian thought, these critics have disowned the notion that Man can become like God, and consequently are offended when Brown places this mystery at the apex of his new-age amalgam of Masonry, religion and pseudo-science.

As a Latter-day Saint (Mormon), I believe that having been literally created in God’s image, we each have the innate potential to become glorified and exalted through obedience to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My belief that man can become like god, is akin to the belief of Christian writers through the ages from Irenaus to C.S. Lewis. So deification doesn’t offend me at all. Ironically, however, I find myself in strong agreement with Christian critics who accuse Brown of idolatry for claiming that this apotheosis can occur merely through our own mystical consciousness raising efforts.

The central message of the Bible, and most especially the New Testament is that such a dramatic transformation can only occur on God’s terms and by means of his power and grace. In contrast, Brown attempts to “spiritualize” or metaphorize all particularity and literal meaning out of the biblical text. To Brown’s heroes, the real meaning of the text is whatever the true mystic wants to find hidden within. His new-age hodge podge of religion is very convenient,non-demanding, self-asserting and self-serving. It is the opposite of God’s revealed truth which requires self-less obedience and devotion to God and our fellow men. The Bible’s central message of obedience and faith is not found in Brown’s mystical amalgam, nor in any other brand of humanism.

Brown ironically attempts to bolster his view of an impersonal God and a godless salvation by selectively quoting the Bible, a book which persistently and powerfully testifies of a personal God - a Father in Heaven who knows us individually, and cares about helping us overcome our sins more than developing our mental, or psycho-kinetic capacities. I agree with those critics who claim that the God described, or implied by Brown is an idolatrous invention of man as surely as that of Odin, Zeus, Baal, or the God of the Greek philosophers whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.

In my view, Brown’s mishmash of new age nonsense intending to avoid dogma and doctrine, has very little point except to highlight that humans have enormous untapped potential. I don’t see anything revealing or revolutionary about this truism. I cannot conceive of such a benign observation creating any paradigm shift, nor can I imagine it unleashing pent-up human capacity. On the contrary, I think it is mankind’s persistent attempts to ignore the substantive teachings of the Bible that have bound us to telestial mediocrity.

Even so, I suspect this theological critique is probably a bit over-the-top when you consider that this book is just a work of adventure fantasy. The Lost Symbol ought not to be taken too seriously. I don’t imagine that it will shape many people’s views of God, the Bible, or even religion in general. I don’t see The Lost symbol as much of a threat to my sacred beliefs, even though I thought I might as well throw in my two bits on the matter.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Anna.
99 reviews
December 6, 2009
I really enjoy Dan Brown's stories. I have read Angels and Demon and The Da Vinci Code, I am currently reading Deception Point and plan on reading Digitial Fortress. I absolutely love his story telling. I have read mixed reviews and I think the negative reviews are just really people who are too serious in life. For goodness sake it is a book for entertainment, not a non-fiction story. Though I have read some non-fiction stories that are more fiction then Dan Brown's book. Brown's books are entertaining and make you look at thing in different ways which is good. Everytime I pick up Brown's book, I am totally immersed in the story and at the edge of my seat wanting to know what happens next. I can't wait until the next book.

It took me a bit longer to finish this book then I expected, but I am so glad that I read it. Again, Dan Brown delivers a thought provoking story in his unique style. I know others really dislike Brown's style of writing saying that it follows a formula of the ultra dramatic and the never ending cliff hanger chapters, but I just don't tire of that at all. A great thrilling read. I can't wait to read the next Dan Brown book!
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews565 followers
August 27, 2021
The Lost Symbol (Robert Langdon, #3), Dan Brown

The Lost Symbol is a 2009 novel written by American writer Dan Brown.

It is a thriller set in Washington, D.C., after the events of The Da Vinci Code, and relies on Freemasonry for both its recurring theme and its major characters.

It is the third Brown novel to involve the character of Harvard University symbologist Robert Langdon, following 2000's Angels & Demons and 2003's The Da Vinci Code.

Renowned Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is invited to give a lecture at the United States Capitol, at the invitation apparently from his mentor, a 33rd degree Mason named Peter Solomon, who is the head of the Smithsonian Institution.

Solomon has also asked him to bring a small, sealed package which he had entrusted to Langdon years earlier.

When Langdon arrives at the Capitol, however, he learns that the invitation he received was not from Solomon, but from Solomon's kidnapper, Mal'akh posing as Solomon's assistant, who has left Solomon's severed right hand in the middle of the Capitol Rotunda in a recreation of the Hand of Mysteries.

Mal'akh then contacts Langdon, charging him with finding both the Mason's Pyramid, which Masons believe is hidden somewhere in Washington, D.C., and the Lost Word, lest Solomon be murdered.

Langdon meets Trent Anderson, head of the Capitol police, and Inoue Sato, the head of the CIA's Office of Security.

Sato claims that Mal'akh poses a threat to the national security of the U.S. and that his capture is more important than Peter's rescue, although she refuses to elaborate.

Examining Solomon's hand, they discover a clue leading them to Solomon's Masonic altar in a room in the Capitol's sub-basement, where they find a small pyramid lacking a capstone, with an inscription carved into it. ...

عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «نماد گمشده»؛ «طلسم گمشده»؛ «نشان گم شده»؛ «نشانه ی گمشده»؛ »هزارتوی اسرار»؛ «رمز گمشده»؛ نویسنده: دن براون؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز بیست و پنجم ماه دسامبر سال 2009میلادی

عنوان: نماد گمشده؛ نویسنده: دن براون؛ مترجم: نوشین ریشهری؛تهران، نگارینه، 1388؛ در 672ص؛ شابک 9789642300068؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 21م

عنوان: نماد گمشده؛ نویسنده: دن براون؛ مترجم: شبنم سعادت؛تهران، افراز، 1388؛ در 718ص؛ شابک 9789642431632؛ چاپ سوم 1389؛

عنوان: نماد گمشده؛ نویسنده: دن براون؛ مترجم: کیان رضوی نعمت اللهی؛ تهران؛ نوح نبی (ع)؛ 1388؛ در 800ص؛ شابک 9786009143702؛

عنوان: نماد گمشده؛ نویسنده: دن براون؛ مترجم: مهراوه فیروز؛تهران، البرز، 1388؛ در 585ص؛ شابک 9789644426810؛

عنوان: نشانه ی گمشده؛ نویسنده: دن براون؛ مترجم: لیلا فراهانی؛ تهران، مضمون، 1388، در 512ص؛ شابک 9786009057399؛

عنوان: نشان گمشده؛ نویسنده: دن براون؛ مترجم: بهمن رحیمیان؛ تهران، بهنام، 1388، در 775ص؛ شابک 9789645668592؛

عنوان: نشان گمشده؛ نویسنده: دن براون؛ مترجم: یاسمن بهمن آبادی؛ آرمین عمادی؛ تهران، بازتاب اندیشه، 1388، در 571ص؛ شابک9789649980324؛

عنوان: طلسم گمشده؛ نویسنده: دن براون؛ مترجم: مهرداد وثوقی؛ تهران، گل آذین، 1389، در 588ص؛ شابک 9789647703673؛

عنوان: نماد گمشده؛ نویسنده: دن براون؛ مترجم: حسین شهرابی؛ تهران، افق، 1389؛ در 925ص؛ شابک 9789643696498؛

عنوان: رمز گمشده؛ نویسنده: دن براون؛ مترجم: اسماعیل قهرمانی پور؛ تهران، روزگار، 1389، در 726ص؛ شابک 9789643742270؛

عنوان: هزارتوی اسرار؛ نویسنده: دن براون؛ مترجم: امیرعباس حدادمنش؛ تهران، تمدن علمی، 1394؛ در 700ص؛ شابک 9786009517756؛

زیستن بدون درک راستین هستی، همان گام زدن در کتابخانه ای بزرگ، بدون لمس گنجینه ی کتابهای آن؛ که آموزه های پنهان همگی دورانها هستند؛ زمان همچون رود؛ و کتابها همانند قایقها هستند؛ بسیاری از کتابهایی که در این مسیر روان میشوند؛ درهم میشکنند، در شنهای کف رود فرورفته، و به دست فراموشی سپرده میشوند؛ تنها اندکی، تعداد بسیار اندکی، در گذر زمان، ارزش خود را پایدار میکنند، و میمانند؛ تا نسلهای روزگاران آینده را نیز، از موهبت وجود خویش، بهره مند سازند؛ این داستان یکی از ماندگاران خواهد بود؛ داستان در یک بازه ی زمانی دوازده ساعته در «واشینگتن دی سی» رخ می‌دهد؛ داستان درباره ی «فراماسونری» است؛ «رابرت لانگدون»، ظاهراً به دعوت یکی از دوستان «فراماسون» خود، به نام «پیتر سولومون»، برای یک سخنرانی، در ساختمان «کنگره ایالات متحده (که به آن ساختمان کاپیتول نیز گفته می‌شود)» وارد «واشینگتن دی سی» می‌شود؛ «سولومون» همچنین از وی درخواست کرده، که بسته ی کوچکی را، که سال‌ها پیش به او امانت داده بود، با خود به همراه بیاورد؛ پس از ورود به ساختمان کنگره، «رابرت لانگدون» با دست راست قطع شده ی «پیتر سولومون» مواجه می‌شود، که در وسط سالن، به سویی اشاره می‌کند؛ دست «سولومون»، با خالکوبی‌های ویژه‌ ای تزئین شده است، که نمادی موسوم به «دست رازها» است؛ با توجه به شواهد، «رابرت لانگدون» درمی‌یابد، که «پیتر سولومون» ربوده شده، و رباینده، بدینوسیله از وی می‌خواهد، که برای او، هرم مخفی «فراماسونها» را، که گفته می‌شود، در جایی در شهر «واشینگتن دی سی»، پنهان است، و همچنین واژه ی گمشده، که گفته می‌شود کلید دستیابی به قدرت و دانش مخفی گذشتگان است را، پیدا کند

در ادامه ی داستان، مسئول نگهداری از ساختمان «کاپیتول»، و رئیس دفتر امنیت سازمان سیا «اینو ساتو» وارد داستان می‌شوند؛ با پیگیری مسیر اشاره شده، توسط دست «پیتر سولومون»، این سه نفر به محراب «ماسونی» «پیتر سولومون» واقع در اتاقی کوچک، در زیر زمین ساختمان «کاپیتول»، هدایت می‌شوند؛ «فراماسونها» معمولاً چنین محرابی را، به جهت یادآوری فلسفه ی زندگی، در خانه ی خود می‌سازند؛ یک جمجمه ی انسان، و برخی اشیاء نمادین دیگر، تزئین کننده ی محراب بودند؛ اعضای گروه، متوجه لرزش یکی از دیواره‌ های اتاق، در نور شمع میشوند؛ دیواره‌ ای که در حقیقت یک پرده بود، کنار میرود، و هرمی ناقص پدیدار میشود، که بر روی آن کلمه‌ ای حک شده، که «رابرت لانگدون» را، به سوی گام بعدی برای نجات دوست ربوده شده‌ اش، هدایت میکند

همزمان «ساتو»، که از مأمورین حراست ساختمان «کاپیتول» خواسته بود، تصویر اشعه ی ایکس گرفته شده از «رابرت لانگدون» را، در هنگام ورود به ساختمان «کاپیتول»، بازنگری کنند، متوجه وجود یک هرم کوچک، در کیف همراه «رابرت لنگدان» می‌شود...؛ او از «رابرت لانگدون» در رابطه با هرم پرسش می‌کند، و «رابرت لانگدون» که از محتویات بسته ی امانی، «پیتر سولومون» بی اطلاع بود، متوجه منظور «ساتو» نمی‌شود؛ «ساتو» تصمیم می‌گیرد، که «رابرت لانگدون» و هرم‌ها را برای پژوهش بیشتر، و بازجویی، به مقر سازمان «سیا» انتقال دهد؛ در همین زمان «وارن بلامی»، سرمعمار ساختمان «کاپیتول»، و یکی از دوستان «فراماسونِ» «پیتر سولومون»، وارد اتاق زیرزمینی می‌شود، و با مضروب کردن «ساتو»، و رئیس حراست ساختمان، «رابرت لانگدون» را آزاد کرده، و به همراه خود به طبقه همکف ساختمان «کاپیتول» می‌برد، و ادامه ی داستان

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 16/07/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 04/06/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Tharindu Dissanayake.
300 reviews808 followers
February 23, 2022
"Have you seen a bald man with a sling on his arm?"

" 'Google' is not a synonym for 'research' "

Once again, it's the same set of complements and criticisms here. Pace, suspense, mystery, humor and characters all good but everything feels just too repetitive. At this point, I'm starting to think that the problem partly lies with me since I'm reading the entire series in one go, as opposed to the average reader having at least a year between consecutive releases. So, I'm going to keep this one short without making the review a rant. If you're looking for sheer entertainment, this could work quite well for most, but that's pretty much all the good I could say. I'm convinced more and more that reading RL books back to back is a bad idea as this series unfolds.

"To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books."
Profile Image for Mohammed Arabey.
709 reviews6,306 followers
February 20, 2017
"انا مش ماسون..بس بحترمهم"
روبرت لانجدون

"للأسف الناس فهماني غلط..يمكن عشان المؤلفين حصروني في ادوار الشر..لكن انا في الحقيقة طيب..زي كمال ابو ريا..ومحمود الجندي"
-غسان مطر

ده المختصر المفيد للرواية، الجمل دي اتكرر معناها كتير بالأحداث ولكن قبل البدء وزي ماقلت في ريفيو
شفرة دافنشي و ملائكة وشياطين
الرواية دي لو حابب تتم��ع وانت بتقراها بجد ليها حل من الاتنين
1- تقرأ النسخة الإنجليزية المصورة Illustrated Edition

2- وقت القراءة تفتح جوجل صور وتكتب اسم كل مكان بيزوره روبرت لانجدون وكل قاعة بمبني العاصمة بواشنطن

و القاعات المختلفة ولوحاتها او معالم واشنطون وتشوف صورها الحقيقيه علي الانترنت

لأن الرحلة هنا رمزية..أثرية...فنية وتاريخية
ولكن بعكس أثار روما العتيقة و أسرار الفاتيكان في ملائكة وشياطين
او أثار فرنسا العريقة وفنونها في شفرة دافنشي
هنا اثار العالم الجديد...أمريكا

عالم مزج بين حضارات أوروبا علي مر العصور ومزجها كلها مع الحضارة المصرية الاعرق والاقدم والاغرب
كل هذا في واشنطون "دي سي"...واسرارها الرهيبة..الماسونية

بالنسبة للاحداث
كالعادة منذ اللحظة الاولي سيهوي قلبك رعبا مع مرشح "أخوية" الماسون في بيت المعبد اثناء تأديته مراسم تنصيبه لاعلي درجات الماسون..الدرجه 33 وهو يضمر في نفسه ان يكشف ويفضح اسرار الماسون

بالطبع ستفرح...هذا البطل هو بطلك، هو من سيفضح أسرار الماسون

ولكن مرة واحدة ستجد "تويست" او قلب للاحداث قد يسبب لك "فقدان توازن" .. فستكتشف ان ذلك المرشح هو الشرير و الماسون هم الاخيار

وينفتح روبرت لانجدون في بوق دعايه للماسون بالرغم من انه "ليس منهم" ولم يحاول ان ينضم اليهم ولكنه "يحترمهم" فحسب

بل ويبدأ في وصف أسرارهم كأسرار شركه كوكاكولا مثلا ، او خلطة كنتاكي السرية..هي اسرار سلمية لا ضرر منها ولاضرار
ولا يوجد تحكم اعلامي كما نظن ولا حب سيطرة علي الحكم والعالم!؟

***ايموشن كريم عبد العزيز "وانا اللي كنت فاكر ، ان بعض الظن اثم"-الباشا تلميذ ***

بصراحه تمالكت اعصابي بالاخص في معاملة لانجدون لمديرة السي أي أيه بنفاذ صبر لتشككها في الماسون وكأنها طفلة غبية

المهم ستشعر انها رواية مدفوعة الأجر لتلميع الماسون بشكل كبير ، ولكن اسلوب دان براون المثير مستمر في "اجبارك" علي استكمال متابعه الاحداث بكل تشويق
فتستمر الاحداث بتورط لانجدون "كالعاده" في مهمه البحث عن خاطف صديقه "بيتر سولومان" ..وبالطبع ايضا مشاكل مع السلطات لتعقد مهمة لانجدون أكثر

الاحداث تتسارع شيئا فشيئا بطريقه مشوقة وكالعادة تمتزج الرحله اللاهثه بمعلومات وان كانت المعلومات اكثر هذه المره بكثير مما ابطأ نوعا ما في الاحداث بعكس الروايتين السابقتين

وكعاده ايام روبرت لانجدون...ستلهث وراء الاحداث التي تدور في خلال 12 ساعه فقط..وهي ابرع مايقوم به دان بروان في جعل الاحداث لها سياق زمني قصير ولكن يمكنه -في نفس الوقت- سرد كل المعلومات وخلفيه شخصيات الروايه بطريقه مميزه

اماكن ستردادها -كالعاده العظيمه- لاول مره مع لانجدون..أماكن حقيقيه ربما لم تعلم باسرارها من قبل
ستزور مبني الكابيتول وحتي مكتبه الكونجرس والاقبيه العتيقه المليئه بالاسرار

حقائق ستعرفها عن الماسون -حذار كما قلت هي الاسرار المسالمه فقط لا غير- وحقائق ستعرفها عن اشياء اخري عن نشأه العاصمه الامريكيه واشنطون..ومؤسسيها

بل والغريب ستجد بعض التعاويذ والطقوس تذكرك بتعاويذ تحضير الجان

المطاردات والهروب من موت محقق سيحدث هنا بطرق لا تتخيلها وتفوق حتي طرق "رجل المستحيل" للدكتور نبيل فاروق
ستجد وصف المؤلف للموت لثلاث من الشخصيات اكثر من رائع وتقريبا واقعي جدا حتي وان لم يكن موتا فانه مناسب جدا للتشويق في الاحداث

ثم تأتي للنهايه في نفس مكان البدايه ومفاجأت وصدمات دان براون تتهاوي علينا بطرق مختلفه نوعا ما عن الروايتين السابقتين فلن تتصور ابدا ان تكون هذه هي قطعه البازل المفقوده لتكون الاحداث متماسكه

ولكن بالرغم من التشويق لا اخفي ان اصابني في بعض الاحداث نوعا من
"بـس كده؟ That's it?!!"
هذا التعبير كنت اقوله لنفسي كثيرا بالاخص في الفيديو "والذي كنت اتمني نشره"-ساديه معاديه للساميه- وايضا في اخر الصفحات

حيث ان اخر 40 او 50 صفحه تأتي كاكبر اطفاء لنقطه ذروه الروايه
ولكن ان فكرت في الامر ستجد انه لا مكان لها الا اخر الروايه -وان كنت اتمني تخفيف كم المعلومات بها ومزجها في الاحداث السابقه باي طريقه-

وهنا ينبغي ان اذكر ان هذه الصفحات وكثير من معلوماتها حول "العلوم العقليه " اذا ربطتها بالمعلومات في بدايه الكتاب التي ظننت انها ابطأت الكثير في بدايه الاحداث اعادت لي الثقه لكي ابدأ في كتاب اخر وهو
فجزء كبير من الكتاب يربط بين قوه العقل والعلوم العقليه وبين اسرار القدماء بشكل مذهل
وقوه الافكار والقوه الهائله من توحيدها
وحتي استخدام السي أي أيه لاساليب عقليه غريبه والسعي لتطويرها كاداه لهم

وبصراحه وبالرغم من اعجابي بالفكره اول ماسمعت عنها في 2009 عن كتاب "السر" الا ان وبعد شراء الكتاب اصبت بخيبه امل من كثره التعليقات في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي من نوعيه "واذا كان كل مايفكر فيه العقل ويريده بشده يجذبه..لماذا لا يجذب الجميع الاموال ؟" ولكني اعدك انك ستعرف الرد بابسط الطرق في نهايه هذا الكتاب

من المعلومات الصادمه ايضا هو ان "للمفاجأه" تمجيد الماسون للاديان كلها..وكيف ان الماسونيه قد تضم مسلمين كما تضم باقي الاديان
"وهنا اتشكك مره اخري في ماقاله الشيخ الغزالي ونقله ثروت الخرباوي مؤخرا حول جماعه الاخوان"

خلاصه القول ان في الروايه جوانب كثيره عن الماسونيه بشكل مختلف تماما عن حلقات مسلسل
Arrival والذي قد يصيب في بعض ويخطئ في بعض
ولا اقل لك انه تافهه بل المسلسل لديه فكره..والكتاب لديه فكره واعتقد انه من الافضل الاطلاع علي كلا منهما

ولكن لاكون صريحا لم يمنعني تصوري "بل ويقيني" بالمؤامرات التي ينسجها الماسون للسيطره علي العالم من رؤيه الجانب المنير في بعض افكارهم

ولكن وحتي ان جاء ذكر "تمجيد" الماسون للقرأن الا انه لم يذكر منه اي امثال او احداث كما حدث بالنسبه لانجيل العهد القديم
فلذلك بعض الاحداث مازلت اري انه من الافضل ان ابحث عنها اكثر

شخصيات قويه تقريبا ستشعر بالقرب منهم منذ بدايه ظهورهم

ساتو ...من شخصيات دان براون المعقده كالعاده

مالاخ..ربما فعلا شعرت بحيره شديده جدا وكنت طوال الاحداث اشعر بان جزء من البازل مفقود...ولكن العبقري براون لن يسمح لك باكتشاف الغازه او ادعاء ان بها اي جزء مفقود

عبقري كعادته في التنقل بين وجهات نظر الشخصيات في الفصل الواحد والمشهد الواحد...درس ادبي ممتاز لكل من يفكر في كتابه روايه متعدده الشخصيات

كما قلت تأثر استمتاعي شيئا ما بعدم تصديق بعض الاجزاء او تشككي في درجه صدقها..التشكك عاما كان صفه غالبه في بطل الروايه ولكن الامر هنا كان اصعب شيئا ما

الاحداث كما قلت متميزه ومليئه بالمعلومات وان كان توزيعها لم يكن بقوه الاجزاء السابقه

وطبعا ان تحضر الي واشنطون في اول الاحداث قبل الغروب بقليل..لتقف في نهايه الكتاب لتشاهد شروق الشمس في اليوم التالي علي تلك المدينه الغامضه ذات الاسرار الدفينه..لهو امر "مرهق" في الكتابه ولكن هذا ما اعتدناه من العبقري دان براون

ارشح وبقوه اذا اعجبتك تلك الروايه بالطبع غير كتاب السر تلك القصه الكوميكس الرائعه
Guardians of the Lost Library
لعبقري اخر يدعي دون روزا اعتقد انه ثاني اقوي رسام كوميكس عرفته ديزني
-ستعرف لماذا ارشح تلك القصه اذا ما اطلعت علي فكرتها ولكن لهذا ريفيو اخر-

مش قادر استني النسخه المصوره من
ومش متخيل ان ممكن استني كذا سنه لغايه مايصدر روايه جديده لروبرت لانجدون
رحلتي معاه بدأت بعد معرض الكتاب السنه دي بـ
ملائكه وشياطين
وللاسف انجزت باقي الكتب خلال سنه واحده

Dan Brown
عبقري..حتي لو مش ماسون...بس بيحترمهم

محمد العربي
من 16 سبتمبر 2013
الي 27 سبتمبر 2013


الريفيو المبدئي
18 June.
لم اتخيل اني ساترك الكتاب ولن استك��له بعد 10 صفحات فقط..الطقوس..اقوي منظمه "اخوان"-تعتبر ترجمه صحيحه- في العالم..المرشح الخائن مستقبلا -كما عرفنا من افكاره-..اوشاكه علي الموت الذي جعلني اشهق -اتقتل من سنعلم منه كل شئ من اول فصل,بل في المقدمه يا مستر دان- الا انها احد الاعيبه الرائعه..في بيت المعبد بواشنطن
المشكله اني فعلا حسيت لان رمضان قرب وفاضل 20 يوم بس, وغير الجرد السنوي في العمل ..والثوره..اعتقد ان هذه الروايه لا تحتمل قراءه متسرعه بكل المعلومات والاحداث المثيره التي -ولحسن ا��حظ- لم اري فيلما لها كسابقتيها
Never thought I'd abandon the book after just 10 pages only ...The ritual..The most powerful brotherhood ever..the future traitor -as we know from his thoughts-.. and his -almost- death that made me gasp.
This events that take place in the House of the Temple
is what made me abandon the book.
It's only 20 days till Ramadan, which is a dead line for me to finish all the novels and just read the holy book.
I don't think with the work,upcoming Revolution and next weekend trip to the IMAX for Superman new movie will finish this HUGE book with what's seem -for me- more interesting plot- at least didn't saw its movie yet :)-So I don't want to get hasty finishing it..It must be read very well and perfectly..

The reason I start it late is a bit stupid..I waited to buy another illustrated edition ,The UK one as the ones I got for the other 2...Although I bought the US ones later even the Lost Symbol..But I guess it's my stupid Book Collecting Addiction :) and it's just arrived yesterday
So till Aug.... :(


21 April :The Lost Symbol Illustrated Edition finally here directly from Amazon..The US Edition
Profile Image for Will Byrnes.
1,344 reviews121k followers
September 17, 2021
Dan Brown - image from AARP - photo by Drew Gurion

When one picks up a Dan Brown book there are certain expectations. First one can look forward to a fast-based adventure pitting the intellect of Robert Langdon against dark forces intent on creating mayhem of one sort or another. One expects that religion or religious institutions will play a central role in the story. One can expect that there will be puzzles to be solved and mysteries within mysteries. One can expect murderous sociopaths and police of questionable loyalty. One can expect that there will be a considerable quantity of payload in the form of interesting, arcane information. One can expect that once begun it will be a difficult book to put down. And Brown delivers on all of the above. If you are looking for great literature, look elsewhere. That is not Brown’s beat. Be prepared for some eye-rolling, as hyper-intelligent people make glaringly stupid decisions, all in the service of moving the plot along. And there are some notions at the end of the book that may be a bit much to swallow. But it is all in fun. It is what it is. Enjoy.

The TV min-series based on the novel premiered on September 16, 2021 on Peacock
Sumalee Montano as Agent Sato, Ashley Zukerman as Robert Langdon, Rick Gonzalez as Nunez - image and text from The Hollywood Reporter - image from Peacock

=============================EXTRA STUFF

Links to the author’s personal, Twitter, GR and FB pages

A few other DBs for your consideration
-----Angels & Demons
-----The Da Vinci Code
Profile Image for Mario the lone bookwolf.
805 reviews5,154 followers
May 3, 2020
I enjoyed reading Angels & Demons and The Da Vince Code, but Brown wasted a plot, wrote poorly and with less suspense, inner logic, and momentum. A reason might be that it´s hard to write series in the genre of epic, eyeopening, world shattering blockbuster epiphany hybrid thrillers, but at least the editors could truly have tried to make this better, it was disappointing to be left with such a facepalmy ending and a general meh feeling.

The worst thing about such literary fails is that one is waiting for the action, the logic, the conclusion towards the end and then nothing, just lol rofl facepalm. Believe me, if you read (don´t do it) it, you will feel this immense disappointment when realizing that this is the explanation, the reason why you invested hours of time to be Brown pranked, browned, whatever.

The reason might be that there is not just the stupid premise, but the missing good, well written and credible metaplot, the action, and the sheer freshness of the mentioned works and that it seems to me like a failed approach of producing the next mind penetrating revolution in the thriller market without using the working recipe for whatever reason. There would be so many conspiracy theories in different cultures that could be used to write series about, but this is a no go. I don´t understand why neither Brown nor the proofreaders saw this coming, so it remains the only interesting mystery surrounding this concoction.

Tropes show how literature is conceptualized and created and which mixture of elements makes works and genres unique:
Profile Image for Dr. Appu Sasidharan (Dasfill).
1,358 reviews3,448 followers
November 12, 2022
This is one of my least favorite books by Dan Brown in the Robert Langdon series. There are indeed some thrilling elements that are usually seen in Dan Brown’s books, like clues, secrets, conspiracies, and history. The narration and plot were also engaging in the initial part.

The kidnapping of Langdon’s mentor Peter Solomon and Langdon’s attempt to save him will initially take us on a roller coaster ride. But after some time, the readers will lose interest in the book as we have read so many similar stories. The ending was the most disappointing part. These might be the reasons why the people in Tinsel town discarded the option of making the silver-screen version of it.

If you are a fan of the Robert Langdon series and have read all other books, you can opt for this book. Please go into this book without much expectation, as there is a high chance that you will be disappointed otherwise.
Profile Image for Janet Wilcox.
208 reviews11 followers
March 26, 2013
I liked this novel actually better than DV Code and A & D, which is ironic as it wasn't quite the page turner as those were, but the plot and ideas were more believeable. I was very interested in The Masons, as they were so much a part of the early patriotic/revolutionary era of the US. As usual there is a gruesome evil person, with superhuman like skills and power. The whole story covers just 24 hours...wow, what a day!
Interesting insight from Brown on the Masons or Noetic Science?: "a temple of God" refers to the "temple" of the brain; how "the created,...becomes the Creator"; when the eye is single, your body fills with light". For me the last part of the book added to my personal confirmation of what faith is, and that "our minds can generate energy capable of transforming physical matter." I believe as Katherine stated, "As soon as we humans begin to harness our true power, we will have enormous control over our world..and be able to design reality, rather than merely react to it."
How about this idea: God created us in his image, but not just our physical bodies resemble him, but our minds! Now that's a a great idea, and correlates with my LDS belief that we were all intelligences first, even before our spirits were created. Because of this, we have God-like potential power, and indeed can become like him. We just haven't learned all that is necessary ...yet. Interestingly, he refers to the Hebrew meaning of God, Elohim, which is plural. Hmmm, gives lots to think about, especially if you don't believe in God, or if your belief in God is limited.
Love this idea also on p. 563, There are those who create, and those who tear down. The dynamic has existed for all time.
Another perspective of atonement...."gathering what is scattered...to bring order from chaos, to find "at-one-ment", from this vantage point, His characters discuss the inherent power of prayer groups, healing circles, singing in unison, worshipping en mass... unfortunately, no mention of Christ in that view, but there is still much truth there. "We have barely scratched the surface of our mental and spiritual capabilities." Can you believe a popular fiction novel promoting such eternal truths? I'd love to talk to others about this, but my husband disliked the book. I thought it was great.
Profile Image for Steven Medina.
233 reviews1,195 followers
January 12, 2022
Libro controversial sobre la religión y la ciencia, aunque a mí, me ha encantado.

El tiempo es un rio... y los libros son barcos. Muchos volúmenes parten por esa corriente, pero encallan y se pierden en sus arenas. Solo unos pocos, muy pocos, resisten la prueba del tiempo y viven para bendecir los siglos sucesivos.

Desde que leí el primer libro de Dan Brown, que fue Ángeles y Demonios, mentalmente lo he catalogado como un autor talentoso y muy valiente. Talentoso porque escribe muy bien sus novelas, y mantiene al lector enganchado todo el tiempo con sus conspiraciones y con las aventuras de Robert Langdon, su protagonista; valiente, porque escribir sobre Dios siempre, pero siempre, crea polémica en cualquier rincón del mundo sin importar nuestras creencias. Si declaras tú fe por Dios, te caerá una lluvia de burlas de parte de miles de escépticos; si declaras que eres ateo, los más religiosos empezarán a despreciarte por tus ideales. Y sí, con lo que acabo de escribir se puede llegar a la conclusión de que el problema no es la fe, ni Dios, sino el problema es la falta de tolerancia y respeto que tenemos hacia los demás porque no piensan igual que nosotros. Pero, volviendo al tema del autor, atreverse a escribir una saga en la que sus libros exponen diferentes teorías sobre Dios, es igual de osado que lanzarse desde un gran trampolín, con los ojos cerrados, y sin saber si en la parte de abajo la piscina tendrá agua: Atrevido, pero interesante; atrevido, pero original. No sé si es confianza excesiva, simple osadía, o si no le importan las críticas, pero su intrepidez lo hace un autor muy especial. Dan Brown, es un autor el cual puede ser fuertemente criticado, pero también puede ser muy elogiado, todo dependiendo de la disposición del lector. La única forma de saber si nos gustarán los libros de Dan Brown es arriesgándonos y leyéndolos. Es la única forma porque no es recomendable crear una imagen de él, confiando en el criterio de las demás personas cuando la fe, y las creencias, están de por medio.

Es más, puede volverse aún más complicado. ¿Por qué? Porque según mi opinión, el segundo libro, llamado El código da Vinci, no es recomendable para los lectores que son muy fieles a Dios, y que les molesta que «inventen» historias sobre los santos, la Virgen María, Jesucristo, y demás. Pero, este tercer volumen, siento que no está orientado para las personas que no creen en Dios. Es más, a algunos creyentes también les molestará. Irónico, ¿verdad? Pues sí, y mucho. Pero esa es la conclusión a la que he llegado, después de leer un texto el cual presenta una teoría muy radical sobre la ciencia y su vínculo con la religión, la biblia, capacidades extrasensoriales del ser humano, etc. Es un texto que propone una teoría sobre el mundo y la humanidad tan diferente de todo lo que había conocido, que me ha dejado pensando mucho durante varias noches sobre la posibilidad de que algo así fuera realidad. Y lo he pensado porque la verdad me encantaría que fuera realidad. Y sí, sé que es ficción, pero es que el autor presenta la información de tal manera que todo empieza a tener sentido. Si la vida fuera tal y como se describe en susodicha teoría, encontraríamos miles de respuestas a miles de acontecimientos que no tienen sentido en nuestra historia: Sería fantástico. Pero naturalmente, esto solo es una conspiración, y como toda conspiración siempre se presentan los datos de forma apropiada para que la teoría parezca realidad. El problema es que amo las conspiraciones, y por ello, esta en especial me ha dejado completamente maravillado. Como se pueden dar cuenta es muy complicado dar una opinión personal sobre el tema principal de esta novela, teniendo en cuenta que puedes perder la imparcialidad dependiendo de que tanto crees en la conspiración que presenta Dan Brown.

Ahora bien, retirando de por medio el tema religioso que es tan importante aquí, se puede describir esta novela como un thriller muy trepidante. Me molestó al inicio que presentaran demasiados flashbacks porque se alteró mucho el ritmo del argumento, y también que repitieran algunas informaciones ya que los personajes estaban descubriendo datos que como lectores ya conocíamos, pero después de una parte el libro toma un ritmo frenético de aventura, peligros, muchísima acción, secretos, criptología, etc. Es demasiado adictiva esta lectura, y más teniendo en cuenta el uso de capítulos cortos. Les juro que no quería parar de leer. Fueron 622 páginas que devoré con un hambre voraz. No sentí cansancio, no me aburrí nunca, el argumento me pareció súper interesante, e incluso quedé con ganas de leer La Biblia. Con eso lo digo todo.

Los personajes han estado bien desarrollados, no en exceso, pero sí con la suficiente información para que cada uno cumpla su rol. No obstante, si tuviera que pensar en un personaje para destacar, naturalmente me inclinaría por el antagonista. Podría decirse que está sugestionado por tantas creencias, ritos y demás, pero en verdad es un personaje muy malvado. Además, es muy inteligente, por lo que sus planes son brillantes y da gusto conocerlos. También posee un pasado muy, pero muy bien pensado, y aunque al principio sentí pereza por conocer su historia ya que interrumpía el ritmo de la novela, a medida que fui avanzando dejé de sentir eso porque el autor nos presenta más trozos de su historia, y cada vez su vida se va tornando más, y más interesante. Un gran villano que le aportó a la historia crímenes, violencia, brutalidad, y mucha, pero mucha maldad. El mejor personaje del libro ha sido el antagonista.

En resumen, una historia que jamás tendrá película porque es demasiado controversial y puede ser criticada fuertemente tanto por los religiosos, como los apasionados por la ciencia. No comprendía la razón por la que muchas personas detestan esta historia, pero después de reflexionar creo entender que se debe a las «creencias» que mencioné anteriormente. Naturalmente, si yo encontrara un libro donde ofendieran, o contaran una historia diferente de mi familia, que es lo más sagrado para mí, pues lo más normal sería odiar aquel libro con toda la fuerza de mi corazón. Por ello, comprendo a quienes no les gusta este libro, su opinión es muy respetable.

Prosa genial, ritmo genial (no al inicio), adrenalina, crimen, violencia, secretos, etc. Un libro muy adictivo, perfecto para quienes sufren un bloqueo lector, y necesitan una lectura ligera para volver a tomar confianza. Además, es un libro independiente, por lo que no se necesita haber leído anteriormente Ángeles y Demonios, ni tampoco El código Da Vinci. Mi calificación es de cinco estrellas porque he quedado muy satisfecho con el contenido, porque la teoría conspirativa me ha encantado, y porque tiene muchas frases interesantes que destacar en la parte final (para quienes leen el libro con mente abierta). Próximo destino, Inferno. ¿Libro recomendado?
Profile Image for James.
Author 20 books4,165 followers
April 21, 2017
Dan Brown is one of my favorite authors. I know there are several of my online and in-person (sounds so weird!) friends who disagree, but ultimately... you have to acknowledge the amount of time and dedication he puts into his story, the vast eccentric cast of characters, the intrigue and suspense, the unexpected connections and the fast-paced thrill of turning the pages more quickly than you can actually read each one. People love books for different reasons. It's not always the "beautiful and lyrical prose" or the "emotional gut punch you feel from its reality."

These books are meant to keep your heart racing, your mind guessing and your eyes unable to blink for a few minutes at a time. At the time I'm writing this review, it's been about five years since I read the book, and I still haven't seen the movie... but I am excited to watch it, though I haven't heard great things from those who have.

Of the four Robert Langdon books in the series, this was my least favorite. Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code had such complex and shocking story lines, I couldn't help but be amazed. Inferno was so intense and ripe with "what if" scenarios, my mind was non-stop going. With this book, it's still a huge and complex puzzle, but it felt a little weaker than the other ones. There was a different type of emotional connection given Langdon's friendship with the kidnapped mentor.

I liked the puzzle, but were pictures necessary?

It was a little too easy to solve this time.

It felt a bit repetitive at times.

But you still flip the pages faster than a normal read.

I'd push you to read his other books. I'd be OK if you skipped this one.

But I am still super excited about Origin, the fifth in the series, which will debut later this year.

About Me
For those new to me or my reviews... here's the scoop: I read A LOT. I write A LOT. And now I blog A LOT. First the book review goes on Goodreads, and then I send it on over to my WordPress blog at https://thisismytruthnow.com, where you'll also find TV & Film reviews, the revealing and introspective 365 Daily Challenge and lots of blogging about places I've visited all over the world. And you can find all my social media profiles to get the details on the who/what/when/where and my pictures. Leave a comment and let me know what you think. Vote in the poll and ratings. Thanks for stopping by.

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Profile Image for Malcolm.
Author 46 books87 followers
September 18, 2009
Now boarding on track 33, the Symbolism Express departing for the Freemasons, the Invisible College, the Office of Security, the SMSC, the Institute of Noetic Sciences and multiple points around the cryptic compass.

Your temporal destination, not Paris and London, but Washington, D.C.

Your conductor, Harvard symbiologist Robert Langdon, the Indiana Jones of the new age.

Tied to the tracks in the gathering darkness ahead and facing certain death, if not embarrassment, another keeper of the ancient mysteries including the wisdom of Solomon, not a man of the Louvre, but a man of the Smithsonian.

Traveling alone, an attractive female relative of the man lashed to the tracks, not agent and cryptologist Sophie Neveu, but Noetic scientist Dr Katherine Solomon.

Sitting in the engineer's seat with a small stone pyramid rather than a chalice holding down the deadman's pedal, a rogue and tattooed Mason in search of apotheosis replaces Silas, "The Da Vinci Code's" rogue and scourged monk as our antagonist for the evening.

Hold on. It's going to be another bumpy ride.

Dreams of déjà vu remind you what the journey will be like: short chapters, multiple points of view, conflicting agendas with something very large (yet unknown) at stake, the thrill of the chase, the almost-sexual tension of near-satisfaction again and again as answers appear and disappear, multiple station stops for arcane wisdom instruction, and a desperate-save-humanity-hunt for secrets you've stared at your entire life without comprehending.

By the end of the novel, you won't be a 33rd Degree Mason and you won't be like unto a god in any way you can quite wrap your mind around, but you will have experienced a high-adrenaline ride. This thrill is what the journey is all about. Perhaps reality lurks around the edge of the plot and theme and perhaps sacred messages lurk within the vast white spaces between the lines of black type, but that's not why we're turning the pages from 1 to 509.

Dan Brown has done it again, and upon reflection at the dawn's first light, you'll see that he knows how to pull the right strings and push the right buttons and sprinkle the right esoteric seasonings across his smorgasbord of mysteries from around the world to keep readers addicted for the trip. On the last page, you may well hope, along with Robert Langdon and Katherine Solomon that men and women will follow the ancient maps toward their true potential; but seriously, the novel's destination really doesn't matter, does it, because the ride was the peak experience you were seeking when you picked up "The Lost Symbol."

All aboard.
110 reviews
February 18, 2010
well, that's several hours of my life i'll never get back.

you know, it's not so much that the writing is bad -- i expect it to be bad. it's laughably bad. (to enjoy some truly great bad, relish the self-consciously lascivious descriptions of the bad guy's naked body, they are made of awesome.) it's not so much that the plot is shaky -- i expect it to be shaky, and if this plot could be drawn, it would have to be drawn by dr. seuss. it's that i would expect, at least, that the book actually END SOMEWHERE.

as i recall of the da vinci code, the details of which don't stick in my mind, there WAS a conclusion of sorts, the Big Secret did actually turn out to be something -- that whole Jesus Got Laid revelation that everyone got their panties in a wad about. in this one, i was so confused by the end that i lost track of what The Big Secret was supposed to be, and i don't think one was ever actually given. it started as a Place that contained a Thing ... then it was a Place that contained a Word ... then there was no Place but there was a Word ... then there WAS a Place and a Word which was perhaps a Thing after all ... after that, i fuzz out, i have no idea what the conclusion was.

dan brown just sort of rambles about some ideas he must have found interesting after watching a lot of The Learning Channel and reading some Joseph Campbell. a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, dan. a very little.

but you know what? that's ok. it's a supermarket book. it's an airplane read, and sometimes i like an airplane read, just like sometimes i eat a donut for dinner. but if you're going to drag me through a book that starts and stops and lurches and jerks like a teenager in driver's ed, for god's sake dan, GIVE IT AN ENDING.

anything can be forgiven with a decent ending. you obviously didn't have anything in mind when you started and i'm sorry, kiddo, but your talents are not great enough to take you to unexpected places. leave that to the big boys. you go steal another interesting conclusion about a historical/religious/mythological item and work backwards. you are not good enough to ruminate randomly and have it come together as something meaningful.

watch that petard, brother, after it hoists you high, it'll drop you hard.
Profile Image for Ellen.
90 reviews11 followers
October 20, 2009
Ugghhhhhh. I've been trying to figure out where to start with this one for the past couple days and still haven't been able to decide. So I guess I'll start with my point.

This book F*CKING BLOWS. F*ck you, Dan Brown, you smug bastard, for insulting my intelligence like nobody's business. I really liked Angels and Demons, was entertained by The Da Vinci Code, and this book had half the content (not to mention a sixteenth of the climax) of the latter in almost twice the number of pages.

Do you get paid by the modifier? Or the number of hits of the term "secret wisdom"? BUY A GODDAMN THESAURUS. LEARN SOME NEW F*CKING VERBS. Do you ever get sick of writing the following dialogue?

"But that can't possibly be true!"
"Why not Robert?"
"My sharp intellect and well-toned physique just won't let me believe it!"

Seriously, every other f*cking chapter has that conversation, but with way more modifiers and whining, not to mention that it usually takes up a whole f*cking page.

And the shit of it is, it's not even f*cking suspenseful. He literally just keeps you waiting. He doesn't even hide it anymore. The f*cker knows you're going to keep reading anyway, so why even bother to be creative with the cliffhangers?

And the puzzles are even straightforward! Even though I don't hold a degree in Symbollogy (Yeah f*cking right. I still contend that he made that word up. Watch the f*cking Boondock Saints, Dan Brown.), a handful of them are completely obvious, and I swear he recycled at least one from Angels and Demons.

And only one revelation in the whole book is remotely shocking. And I did see it coming. The rest of them are just inane letdowns. When I hear, "issue of national security," I think nukes-- not the pussy shit this guy is threatening.

Deep breath.

Moral of the story, please don't feed the author. And moral number two: if the back cover of a book contains solely "Critical Raves for Another Book," I should know better.
Profile Image for Elena Traduzioni Oceano Mare.
553 reviews41 followers
November 3, 2009
I think I finally figured out why I hate Dan Brown. He writes very average thriller/ mystery books, just like many others do, and the thing is that I don't have a problem with the other writers. Sometimes their books are entertaining, sometimes they are not, sometimes they are poorly written, sometimes they are not so bad, and I'm perfectly fine with it. The thing I can't stand about Dan Brown is his attitude. He truly believes he has been invested with the power of 'omniscience', and he looks down at the reader as if he were talking to a bunch of retarded individuals (which we actually probably are just by virtue of the fact that we are reading his books). But this is still ok, it doesn't upset me all that much.
What I think is unacceptable is the fact that in his 'all encompassing knowledge', all we find is an endless bunch of lies, lies about the most obvious evidence anybody can prove. Angels and Demons, which takes place in Rome, is filled with sentences in Italian, except that Mr. Brown didn't even bother looking up the spelling of the words and, as if that were not enough, he invented words to look cool in the eyes of his readers which, come on, wouldn't be able to pick all the bull I'm trying to sell them in a million years!
In the Italian version of The Lost Symbol, I noticed that the translators skipped more than one passage because what DB had written not only wasn't accurate, it was blatantly WRONG! So, I don't know if they didn't want to look stupid themselves or did it to try and give Mr. Brown a better image abroad. Just one tiny detail out of many: Classical Greek 101 - Apo is a preposition, with different meanings but still and only a preposition, for sure not a verb. No!!! not in the Lost Key. Dan Brown has to show us he knows the ethimology of the word apotheosis, and so Apo, for him, turns into a verb, and he lectures us as if he were revealing this great truth. I read on a review that his books are an insult to human intelligence. I agree, and not because they are necessarily awful books, but because taking reality and twisting it so that it can fit the story line and, on top of that, selling it as if it were some kind or revelation we can only obtain through Dan Brown's grace, to me is unacceptable.
Profile Image for Heather.
123 reviews1 follower
September 19, 2009
I'm a fan of Dan Brown. I've read all his books - not just The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons, but also Deception Point and Digital Fortress. I like his writing style, how his books are layered with codes and mysteries, and how they're so fast-paced they make my heart beat faster because I feel pulled into the stories and into the lives of his characters.

The Lost Symbol is the third book in the Robert Langdon series, and I was glad to see that Brown brought this dynamic and entertaining character back to the United States from Europe and the UK in his previous books. The book starts with a bang, pulling me in within the first few paragraphs, though I didn't feel quite as captivated by this story as I had with his previous two.

As with numbers 1 and 2 in the series, there's a format to the story: Robert Langdon, Harvard professor and expert on symbology and religious iconography find himself embroiled in the middle of a high-stakes religious mystery, where a long-debated and highly protected secret is on the verge of being exposed to the masses and ruined for those who have long stood to protect it. There is, of course, the supporting female character, a smart and capable woman who helps fill in the gaps where Langdon's knowledge leaves off. As was true to the past two books, there is physical and emotional danger, as well as a deranged villain who is at once brilliant, physically superior, and acting in what he believes to be the best interest of the world.

Despite the true-to-form shape of this book, though, it stands well on its own as a book. Although I enjoyed the reading of this book from beginning to end, it wasn't until the final chapters that I felt a strong connection with it, and that is because the view of religion that Brown describes here - as in both of his previous books in the series - falls directly in line with my own personal beliefs of religion and the concept of God. Readers who criticized his previous explanations of such topics will likely find much to refute and criticize here as well, but for me it's like a breath of fresh air, to know that I'm not the only one who sees the universe in greater terms than just a church and its congregants.

This was an entertaining read, as always, and I'm glad to add it to my collections with his other works. I'm sure I'll enjoy reading this particular book more in the future.
Profile Image for Feyre.
102 reviews264 followers
July 23, 2018
“Open your minds, my friends. We all fear what we do not understand.”
― Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol

I know that a lot of readers do not find Dan Brown's writing style appealing, but in my opinion, l think he writes very captivating novels. I won't go into details of the plot line or the action that takes place, but I will say that if you are a fan of action, drama, conspiracy theories, and history then you probably should give this one a shot. Brown uses point of view brilliantly to increase suspense. His books are fairly quick easy reads, but they are full of excitement and surprises. It is hard to have a novel keep you guessing until the end like this one does.
Profile Image for Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽.
1,880 reviews23.1k followers
December 6, 2019
It’s bloated and lame. After all the buildup and intricate clues, the final resolution is underwhelming, and that’s what I have the hardest time forgiving.
Profile Image for Tara Lynn.
537 reviews26 followers
September 22, 2009
I am so disappointed. I found Brown's other books to be captivating, if a little formulaic. This is just a blatant rewrite of his own material in a different setting. Angels and Demons set a bar for Brown, and he just hasn't been able to match it since. It reads just like The DaVinci Code, with its plot changed to Washington, D.C. It's a completely improbable plot mixed with even more improbable character developments and plot twists.

So disappointed. If I'd known, I never would have bought the book in the first place, and certainly not in hardcover.
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,479 reviews214 followers
April 25, 2021
An excellent read! I think this is probably my fave Dan Brown book so far.

I got so into it I didn't want to go to work. Interesting, gripping and fast moving are the words I would use to describe this book.
Profile Image for Luís.
2,203 reviews1,069 followers
June 17, 2024
Advised and loaned by a neighbor who knows that I like historical enigmas, the Lost Symbol did not captivate me.
Madly racing through Washington and some famous landmarks in search of ancient symbols and mysteries held by Freemasons, this novel puts Robert Langdon at odds with an annoying character.
Eager for supernatural power, he tries to appropriate an object of symbolic value and, to do so, uses violence and threats of all kinds.
When we approach themes such as mysticism, esotericism, and others, there is a reason for assumptions and theories, which Dan Brown does not deny.
Honestly, I got utterly lost in the information about sects, secret congregations, symbols, and codes.
Religious and philosophical reflection is interesting, supported by this new science of noetics.
A branch of metaphysical philosophy concerning intellect and thought, this science studies, particularly, the links between human intelligence and the divine brain through the research carried out by Katherine Solomon.
I got a few hard-hitting, sobering phrases out of it, but again, they've drowned in a lot of otherwise confusing information.
I was also stunned by the enormity and the improbability of certain developments.
The stubbornness of Americans to see global conspiracies everywhere makes me smile and gives their works an air of "too much."
The Da Vinci Code did not leave me with lasting memories; it will not stay in my mind for long. But I will at least have made my neighbor happy ;-)
Profile Image for Mohammed Orabi.
207 reviews624 followers
October 1, 2016
" فكر في العلم ، في الإيمان ، وفي الإنسان .. فكر كيف أن كل ثقافة ، في كل مكان وفي كل زمان ، كان لديها دوما قاسم مشترك .. لدينا جميعا خالق ، استخدمنا أسماء مختلفة ، وصلوات مختلفة ، ولكن الله هو الثابت الكوني بالنسبة إلى الإنسان ، الله هو الرمز الذي تشاركناه كلنا .. رمز جميع أسرار الحياة التى لم نفهمها ..لقد مجد القدماء الله كرمز للقدرة اللامحدودة ، ولكن البشر أضاعوا ذلك الرمز مع الزمن .. حتى اليوم "

دائما يتركنى ذلك الكاتب عقب الانتهاء من اى عمل له فى حالة من الذهول والانبهار ، يمتلك قدرة فريدة على عرض المعلومات العلمية والتاريخية فى سياق ادبى مميز فيخرج لنا تحفة فنية رائعة وفريدة للغاية ، لو كنت من محبى رواياته فان تلك الرواية لم تختلف كثيرا عن مغامرات روبرت لانغدون السابقة .. بنفس الصراعات حول حقيقة ما والتغيرات المفاجئة فىةسلوك أبطاله ونفس الكم الهائل من المعلومات والاماكن والالغاز التى يحرص دائما الكاتب على اشراك القارى فيها .. لن تكتفى مع دان براون بدور المتلقى فقط بل سيفتح امامك الكثير من الابواب والمجالات والتى كانت بعيد عن ذهنك او حتى كانت معرفتك بها لا تتعدى القشور السطحية .. اما لو لم تقرا له قط فعليك أن تتدارك ذلك سريعا لانه ومن وجهة نظري قد فاتك الكثير ..
Profile Image for Tahani Shihab.
592 reviews1,113 followers
December 17, 2020
رواية جميلة ومشوقة وعميقة، بها كم من المعلومات التاريخية والدينية وتفسير لبعض الطقوس والرموز الماسونية وغيرها. حاول الكاتب جاهدًا أن يجمّل صورة الماسونية وطقوسها الرهيبة بأنّ قلّل من أهمية صيت طقوسها المرعب. يدّعي الكاتب أن الماسونية منظمة تهدف إلى نشر الحكمة والنور في العالم. وبأنها تخفي أسرارًا خوفًا من وقوع الجهلة أو العامة عليها واستعمالها استعمالًا سيئًا. بينما في الحقيقة كما أراها؛ أو حسب ما قرأت ��نها، تعتبر الماسونية منظمة خبيثة تخفي الكثير من الأسرار الباطنية والطقوس الرهيبة، ولا تتوانى عن استعمال الترهيب والقتل لكل من يخالف تعاليمها غير السوية، أو يفضح الأسرار الذي أؤتمن عليها.

الكاتب يعلم أن لكلّ الديانات المعتنقة في العالم كتاب مقدّس، وأن في كلّ كتاب أسرار مخفيّة عن العامة. فهو يشجّع بطريقة غير مباشرة أيًا من استطاع أن يصل إلى بعض من الأسرار الانضمام للمحفل الماسوني ليشارك علمه مع الأعضاء المتنورين الطيبين!.

كما أنّ هناك رموز للماسونية، هناك رموز وشفرات أيضًا في تراثنا الإسلامي. فأيّ واحد اطّلع على كتب السابقين سيرى بعض من هذه الرموز موجودة في تلك الكتب. ويدّعون أن تلك العلوم لا يجب أن تقع بيد العامة أو الجهلة كي لا يُساء استخدامها!.

رواية عميقة جدًا، أعمق من الماسونية ومن رموزها وطقوسها الخفية. فالرواية تحثّ القارئ أيًّا كانت ديانته على الرجوع إلى كتابهِ اَلْمُقَدَّس، لاستنباط العلم المخفي والحكمة الأزلية من بين سطوره.


“الملائكة والشياطين متشابهة. ـ نماذج متبادلة ـ وأنّ المسألة كلّها تتلخّص بالقطبية: فالملاك الحامي الذي ينتصر على عدوّك في المعركة يراه عدوّك شيطانًا مدمّرًا”.

“أفضل الأسرار هي تلك المخبّأة أمام العيان”.

“كلّما تعلّم الإنسان أكثر، أدرك أنّه لا يعلم”.

“إن كان التاريخ قد علمنا شيئًا، فهو أن الأفكار الغريبة التي نرفضها اليوم ستكون يومًا ما أهم حقائقنا”.

“للحقيقة القوية جاذبيتها الخاصة بها، ولا بدّ من أن تشدّ الناس إليها مجدّدًا. وسيأتي يوم يبدأ العلم الحديث بدراسة حكمة القدماء.. وسيكون ذلك هو اليوم الذي يبدأ الجنس البشري بإيجاد أجوبة عن الأسئلة الكبيرة التي لا تزال تفلت منه”.

“المعرفة أداة، وكغيرها من الأدوات، فإنّ تأثيرها يكمن بين يدي المستخدم”.

“لقد فُقِد القدر الذي كان مرسومًا لاميركا عبر التاريخ”.

“المعرفة قوّة، والمعرفة الصحيحة تجعل الإنسان يؤدّي أعمالًا خارقة”.

“الجسد البشري مذهل. إن حرمته من إحدى حواسّه، تقوم الحواس الأخرى على الفور بملء الفراغ”.

“إساءة فهم رموز ثقافة ما هو سبب شائع لإطلاق أحكام مسبقة ضدّها”.

“تعلّمت ألّا أغلق ذهني أبدًا أمام فكرة ما لمجرّد أنّها تبدو خارقة”.

“يقوم الناس بأمور لا تخطر على بال حين يُدفعون إلى الهاوية”.

“الثروة هي أمر عادي، ولكن الحكمة نادرة. الثروة من دون حكمة غالبًا ما تنتهي بكارثة”.

“ثمة أسرار في هذا العالم تتجاوز الفهم البشري”.

“العقول العظيمة غالبًا ما تخيف العقول الضعيفة”.

“إن كان التاريخ قد علّمنا شيئً��، فهو أنّ الأفكار الغريبة التي نرفضها اليوم ستكون يومًا ما أهمّ حقائقنا”.

“أصحاب النفوذ يهتمّون دائمًا بإمكانية اكتساب نفوذ أعظم”.

“في زمن بيتاغور، أيّ قبل ستّة قرون قبل ولادة المسيح، كان علم الأعداد يعتبر العدد 33 أعلى الأعداد مرتبة. كان العدد الأكثر تبجيلًا، ويرمز إلى الحقيقة الإلهية. انتقلت تلك العادة إلى الماسونيين.. وغيرهم أيضًا”.

“العدد ثلاثة وثلاثون هو عدد مبجّل في كثير من التقاليد الباطنية”.

“كل شيء يكشف عند الدرجة الثالثة والثلاثون”.

“حين هتف المصلّون: آمين!. صحّح لهم، آمون. مصر هي مهد ديانتكم. آمون هو النموذج الأصلي لزيوس.. جوبيتر.. وغيرهما. وحتّى يومنا هذا، لا يزال الناس يهتفون بأحد أشكال اسمه”.

“مقولة السرّ مخبّأ فيك كانت تشكّل لبّ معتقد الأسرار، وتحثّ الإنسان على إيجاد الله، ليس في الأعلى.. بل في داخله. السرّ مخبّأ. فيكم. كانت تلك رسالة جميع المعلمين الباطنيين العظماء. مملكة الله في داخلكم، هكذا قال يسوع المسيح. كما قال بيتاغور، اعرف نفسك. وتتواصل اللائحة بلا نهاية. فقد حاول جميع المعلمين الباطنيين عبر العصور نقل هذه الفكرة. السرّ مخبّأ فيك. مع ذلك، واصل الإنسان النظر إلى السماء بحثًا عن الله”.

“ثمّة عالم خفيّ خلف العالم الذي نراه كلّنا. بالنسبة إلينا جميعًا”.

“تُستخدم أكثر اختراعات الإنسان تطوّرًا لدراسة أقدم أفكاره. فالعلوم العقلية قد تكون جديدة، ولكنها في الواقع أقدم. العلوم على وجه الأرض؛ دراسة الفكر البشري. ونكتشف أنّ القدماء قد فهموا الفكر على نحو أعمق بكثير ممّا فعلنا اليوم”.

“من شأن أدمغتنا، إن هي استُعملت بشكل صحيح، أن تستحضر قوىً خارقة بالفعل”.

“في جميع أنحاء العالم، ننظر إلى السماء بحثًا عن الله.. من دون أن ندرك أبدًا أنّ الله ينتظرنا في داخلنا. حين نفهم هذا الأمر، ستُفتح الأبواب على مصراعيها أمام القدرة البشرية”.

“لو أنّ المطلق لم يشأ للإنسان أن يكون حكيمًا، لما منحه المعرفة” ـ مالي بي. هول.

“ثمّة تطوّر مثير للاهتمام هنا. فما يثير السخرية، هو أن كلّ الديانات في العالم ظلّت لقرون تحثّ أتباعها على اعتناق مفهوم الإيمان. والعلم الذي ظلّ لقرون يعتبر الدين خرافة، يقرّ اليوم أنّ الحاجز التالي الذي يقف أمامه هو علم الإيمان. العلم نفسه الذي رفض إيماننا بالمعجزات يقوم الآن ببناء جسر فوق تلك الهوّة التي أحدثها”.

“فكّر في العلم، في الإيمان، وفي الإنسان. فكّر كيف أنّ كلّ. ثقافة، في كلّ مكان وفي كلّ زمان، كان لديها دومًا قاسم مشترك. لدينا جميعًا خالق. استخدمنا أسماء مختلفة، وصلوات مختلفة، ولكنّ الله هو الثابت الكوني بالنسبة إلى الإنسان. الله هو الرمز الذي تشاركناه كلّنا. رمز جميع أسرار الحياة التي لم نفهمها. لقد مجّد القدماء الله كرمز للقدرة اللامحدودة، ولكنّ البشر أضاعوا ذلك الرمز مع الزمن. حتّى اليوم”.
Profile Image for Kat.
Author 12 books568 followers
July 27, 2023
This was another neat thriller by symbolism and thriller author Dan Brown. In this latest edition to the Robert Langdon books, our favorite Mickey Mouse watch carrying college professor is invited to give a talk in DC by an old friend. When the friend goes missing (or rather, is kidnapped in a rather gruesome way), and old masonic symbols provide a path leading to his whereabouts, Langdon is forced to go on the hunt. Robert Langdon may be the king of mansplaining, but I find it so darn interesting every time he does it.

This book had lots of cool stuff on masonic lore, Washington DC symbolism, the Founding Fathers, and more. At first, the level of detail slowed the storytelling and things took a little while to get going (unlike some of Brown’s other books that I thought started with a bang), however by about 30% in, things were rocking right along and the backstories once explained, made sense and really added to things. And oh, the twists. Dan Brown, you always surprise me!
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