National Book Award finalist Laura Ruby returns with the middle chapter in her epic alternate-history adventure—a journey that will test Tess, Theo, and Jaime and change their lives forever.
It was only a few weeks ago that the Biedermann twins, Tess and Theo, along with their friend Jaime Cruz, followed the secrets of the Morningstarrs’ cipher further than anyone had in its century-and a-half history—and destroyed their beloved home in the process.
But the Old York Cipher still isn’t solved. The demolition of 354 W. 73rd Street only revealed the next clue in the greatest mystery of the modern world, and if Tess, Theo, and Jaime want to discover what lies at the end of the puzzle laid into the buildings of New York by its brilliant, enigmatic architects, they will need to press on.
But doing so could prove even more dangerous than they know. It is clear that the Morningstarr twins marshaled all the strange technology they had spent their lives creating in the construction of the Cipher, and that technology has its own plans for those who pursue it.
It's also clear that Tess, Theo, and Jaime are not the only ones on the trail of the treasure. As enemies both known and unknown close in on them from all sides and the very foundations of the city seem to crumble around them, they will have to ask themselves how far they will go to change the unchangeable—and whether the price of knowing the secrets of the Morningstarrs is one they are willing to pay.
Raised in the wilds of suburban New Jersey, Laura Ruby now lives in Chicago with her family. Her short fiction for adults has appeared in various literary magazines, including Other Voices, The Florida Review, Sycamore Review and Nimrod. A collection of these stories, I'M NOT JULIA ROBERTS, was published by Warner Books in January 2007. Called "hilarious and heart-wrenching" by People and "a knowing look at the costs and rewards of remaking a family," by the Hartford-Courant, the book was also featured in Redbook, Working Mother , and USA Today among others.
Ruby is also the author of the Edgar-nominated children's mystery LILY'S GHOSTS (8/03), the children's fantasy THE WALL AND THE WING (3/06) and a sequel, THE CHAOS KING (5/07) all from Harpercollins. She writes for older teens as well, and her debut young adult novel, GOOD GIRLS (9/06), also from Harpercollins, was a Book Sense Pick for fall 2006 and an ALA Quick Pick for 2007. A new young adult novel, PLAY ME, is slated for publication in fall of 2008. Her books have sold in England, Australia, Italy, France, Germany, Denmark, Serbia and Montenegro. THE WALL AND THE WING is currently in development with Laika Studios for release as an animated feature.
Ms. Ruby has been a featured speaker at BookExpo, the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) annual convention, the Miami Book Festival, the Florida Association of Media Educators (FAME) convention, the Midwest Literary Festival, the International Reading Association's annual convention, and Illinois Reading Council annual conference, among other venues, and she has presented programs and workshops for both adults and children at numerous schools and libraries.
Currently, she is working on several thousand projects, drinking way too much coffee, and searching for new tunes for her iPod.
I won this book through a Goodreads giveaway in exchange for an honest review a while back, but since it is the sequel to another book, I wanted to find and read #1 first. Now that I have finished both, I can definitely say that I will be reading the 3rd and final book that concludes the York Cipher trilogy! What a great read! I was a little worried because the title was listed under YA releases and I tend to prefer more “adult” books. However, even though this was considered young adult, there was enough poise, action, imagery, and suspense for it to be an awesome read for just about anybody! I can’t wait for book #3 to come out!!! Anyone know a release date yet? I’m assuming it will be a year or so considering the #2 book I just finished was an ARC. But one can hope, right?!
I have learned so much from reviewing these giveaway books! Not only have I branched out and read things that I otherwise wouldn’t look at twice, but I have also found new genres that I find I actually truly enjoy! It has been fun too! I am starting to notice how much I have really learned even in just my day to day conversations. Sometimes I find myself using words I didn’t know before reading them and having to look them up. Sometimes I find myself throwing out facts in a conversation and having people ask me how I knew them, only to tell them “it was in a book I just read!” Sorry for getting off topic, I’m just loving this! Gotta express it somewhere!
THIS WAS SO GOOD! Please tell me there's another book?
The Clockwork Ghost was, again, so freaking good! I don't know what it is about this series but it's a lot of fun to listen to. Maybe next time around, whenever I'm in the mood for a re-read, I will try out the physical or ebook version. Just like in the first book, the gang is still solving the cipher which honestly had me completely sucked in. I'm a terrible detective and an okay-ish problem solver.. so I was glad that I wasn't in this book because it would've been a complete shit show.
Now the whole solving per say didn't really go that quickly - which in a way, I liked. I felt like things weren't getting rushed and it gave my brain time to piece things together. Then there's getting random pov's - like candy. I STILL HAVE NO IDEA WHY THAT WAS IMPORTANT.. BUT I'M SURE IT WILL KICK ME IN THE ASS LATER.
Other than that, it made me laugh and smile. Definitely can't wait for the next book to come out because I just want the next adventure!
New characters: I ADORE that we get Karl's perspective. Ono was so charming and I love him and he needs to be protected at all costs. The blond ladies are great villains -- not as delightfully creepy as Stoop and Pinscher, but I find the implications of their existence more interesting. Can't wait to see more of Dr. Newt.
New story developments: Very creative twists and turns, a lot of events that I did not see coming at all, and the ending! THE ENDING!! This isn't a traditional mystery, and there are so many open plotlines at the end that I probably wouldn't give this to kids who like a solid whodunit, but there is so much to love here.
Other thoughts: not as immediately engaging as the first book, but I feel much more desparate to read Book 3 after finishing this book than I did to read Book 2 after finishing the first one.
Lange mussten wir auf die Fortsetzung der Chroniken von York warten. Mehrere Schicksalsschläge haben es der Autorin Laura Ruby nicht leicht gemacht, diese fantastische Reihe fortzuführen.
Die Suche nach dem Schattencode endete mit einem gewaltigen Cliffhanger – in diesem Falle einer Tür, die es zu erforschen gilt. Die Handlung von Band 2 setzt nur wenige Wochen danach ein.
Langsam wird der große Plan des Codes sichtbarer und geht in eine Richtung, die ich schon in Band 1 vermutet hatte. Aber auf diesem beschwerlichen Weg gilt es wieder allerlei verzwickter Rätsel zu lösen. Die Handlung wird aus den verschiedenen Perspektiven der Kinder Tess, Theo und Jamie erzählt – manchmal auch aus Sicht anderer Charaktere, das gefällt mir sehr gut, denn es steigert die Spannung. Allerdings muss ich gestehen, dass gerade die Spannung im ersten Band mehr war. Das Geheimnis der Morningstars hat doch einige Längen – zumindest kommt es mir verstärkt so vor, da die Kinder allgemein sehr frustriert sind, weil sich die Dinge nicht so rasch entwickeln, wie sie das gerne hätten und die äußeren Umstände auch alles andere als befriedigend sind. Das färbt auf den Leser ab.
Das Setting des fiktiven New York ist wieder wunderbar gelungen – man fühlt sich wie mittendrin. Ich mag diese Prise Steampunk sowie die Andeutung, dass dieses York evl. gar nicht soooo fiktiv sein könnte… Einen neuen Mitstreiter in der Code-Knacker-Truppe gibt es auch – den kleinen Roboter ONO. Eine tolle Bereicherung, wenn ich auch mit dem Namen nie warm geworden bin. Er leitet sich davon ab, dass er immer „Oh no!“ ruft- Und so witzig ich den kleinen Kerl finde, so kritisch muss ich dessen Fähigkeiten sehen… bisher schienen die Maschinen der Morningstars immer zwar futuristisch, aber im Bereich des Möglichen. Ono aber verwandelt sich meiner Meinung nach in zu viele Dinge, die so nicht sein können. So z.B. in eine sehr große Leiter – wo soll denn die Materie für so einen Zuwachs herkommen? Verändern ja – „wachsen“ nein. Hier hat es sich die Autorin eine Spur zu leicht gemacht. Der sprachliche Stil macht das allerdings wieder wett. Schlagfertig und humorvoll wird die Geschichte getragen und lässt die ernste Lage der Kinder leichter erscheinen. Kompliment hier auch an die Übersetzerin Jeannette Bauroth, die es wieder geschafft hat, diese Stimmung perfekt ins Deutsche umzusetzen – gar nicht so einfach bei Rätseln, die oft eng mit dem Originalwortlaut verknüpft sind.
Das Ende ist sehr offen mit einer großen Enthüllung, die ich aber schon wie erwähnt habe kommen sehen. Den ersten Teil habe ich als in sich geschlossener empfunden – trotz des Cliffhangers. Hier hört die Geschichte einfach auf. Schade. Natürlich will ich wissen, wie es weitergeht – trotzdem fühle ich mich etwas im Stich gelassen als Leser. Wenn ich meine eigenen Worte so lese, klingt das alles sehr kritisch… Seltsam, denn ich fand das Buch wirklich wirklich gut. Das Problem ist vermutlich, dass ich den ersten Band so überaus überragend fand! Und hohe Erwartungen führen eben oft zu Enttäuschungen. Hätte ich nur den zweiten Band gekannt, wäre ich wahrscheinlich aus dem Schwärmen nicht mehr raus gekommen… So aber hoffe ich, dass wir nicht wieder so lange auf eine Fortsetzung warten müssen und diese dann wieder so fantastisch wird wie der Auftakt. Ich vergebe gerne sehr gute 4 von 5 Lieblingslesesessel und freue mich auf die Auflösung des Schattencodes in Band 3!
Like its predecessor, Book # 2 in the York series is a wonderful combination of steampunk, mystery and alternate history. With their upper west side apartment building destroyed in the last book, the lead trio (twins Tess, Theo and friend Jaime) are separated: the twins live in Queens now with their parents, and Jaime with his grandmother in New Jersey.) They spend all of their time together to finish solving the Morningstarrs’ cipher, plenty of which is with surprising Aunt Esther. The disappearance of hybrid animal chimeras, including Tess's beloved cat (Nine) and Cricket's beloved raccoon (Karl), is one of the main plotlines as is Theo's mysterious gray-cloaked female superhero. And, who are the mysterious blondes with the red dresses and what is their deal? One of the best additions to the series is the tiny robot (called Ono) who alternately babbles "Land of Kings" or "Oh no", and is full of surprises. Kudos to Laura Ruby for keeping it fresh and exciting, with both new and development of existing characters.
York: The Clockwork Ghost, by Laura Ruby, picks up a couple of months after its predecessor, The Shadow Cipher ended. Theo, Tess, and Jamie are all settled into their new lives after their determination to learn the truth ended with the destruction of their former apartment building, and with a dead-end clue to the Old York Cipher. After some time, they are forced to explore the hidden secrets underneath the rubble of their old building, bringing back many painful memories. Their search is successful, and they are back on the trail of clues. However, their path to the Cipher sets off a chain of events that result in much emotional stress and physical danger. During a trip to a museum, a mysterious woman with a seemingly unknown motive fakes an injury. The moment goes viral, and Tess’s beloved service animal, a cat named Nine, is taken away until the incident is sorted out. However, Nine vanishes from the animal shelter without a trace. While still trying to solve the Cipher, Tess is forced to adapt to life without Nine. In the following days, there is more danger than ever before, when many motives are revealed, alliances formed, and timely betrayals executed. I think that this book is even better than the previous. This is a must-read for fans of the series.
-Ethan K., PWPL Teen Reader
Click here to find the book at the Prince William Public Libraries.
Love love love it! I understand this is middle-grade reading, but I must say, the plot is stronger, and the language better than most of the novels I've read.
We start off right where we leave off with Tess, Theo, and Jamie walking through the mysterious door. And from that point forward we're right back into the wild ride the Morningstars created for us.
While the start of the book is exciting, about 50% through the story it starts flying by. I wanted to find a good place to stop for the evening and there just wasn't one, every chapter left off more exciting than the last.
I enjoyed the chapter from Karls point of view, as well as the chapter from the view point of the Blonds, I definitely am looking forward to book 3, but also almost sad knowing the story will come to a close! I'm not ready to say good bye to these lovable characters.
A worthy successor to the first book in the series, which I devoured in two days. Every page stunningly twisty and turny, leading you on a merry chase through a steampunk utopian New York City.
With wonderfully age appropriate characters, and the right number of adults getting in their way, this code breaking romp is perfect for tween readers (and their parents), and for those people who prefer their books without any sex or swearing.
It reminds me of the Lemoncello Library series, but with more action and the risk of doom and destruction.
Can't wait to read the next book in the series. Well done to the author. It's not often that the second book in a series lives up to the first. x
Once again, middle grade mysteries rock! They're so much fun and not weighed down with too much dialogue and paced well. There is so much going on in this book and even when we get clues, there's more questions. I also loved that we got random points of view, like Rocket the raccoon and Candy the blonde woman lol. This book didn't have the urgency of the first, there's no deadline to solving the cipher and so it was a little slower. I still had fun listening to it and even laughed a couple times, especially at Oh No. I can't wait for the conclusion to see if my theories are correct and find out if they solve the cipher!
I thoroughly enjoyed this. I really like these characters, I love the writing and setting, and I'm obsessed with the plot. This is basically National Treasure but sci-fi (with kids) and I absolutely adore it. I don't know why it took me so long to finally pick up this sequel, but I'm excited to finish up the series!
Ok rewind, summarize. This book is a continuation of the first diving further into the Cipher of the Morningstarr twins. It follows the 3 preteens through discovering clues and the villains attempting to thwart their gain in the cipher.
I thought the clues in this book were way cooler and I even learned a few things. I must admit I skipped over the different letter clues because obviously it’s going to be solved in like a page or 2.
However, I felt like the author had a much more interesting way of telling this tale through different characters to give a more global story. Animals, villains and even the last chapter, all gave such great depth that wouldn’t have been fulfilled through the 3 kids’ POVs. Impatiently waiting 😄
An excellent sequel! I loved the character development, the many middle of the night escapades and the growing friendship between the three kids. And I most heartily approve of the librarian, robot, and disguises. Aunt Esther is the BEST!
The Jurassic Park thing in the middle there is a bit weird, and that new character there is a bit . . . impossible? Actually, the last 50 pages or so were all pretty much impossible. So I would recommend going into this one with an open mind, and if you get really confused just turn off the logical side of your brain until the book is done. You'll be okay. And if you are a mother, keep a REALLY open mind. Just saying.
In the end, though, this was just fantastic. I really appreciate how Laura Ruby can combine an edge-of-your-seat mystery adventure with a breathtaking world and crazy, real characters who ask tough questions and deal with actual problems and are coming awake to the world in which they live. Another favourite aspect of The Clockwork Ghost is the writing. It is clever, funny, insightful. It brings this whole world to life.
I have many (many, many) questions after this book, but this is the biggest: how in any world is Laura Ruby going to wrap this up in one more book?
Some favourite quotes: '"I see you and your cynical eyeballs, Theodore," Aunt Esther said, plunking a glass of lemonade in front of him. "They're going to get stuck that way."' (Like I said, Aunt Esther is the BEST)
'She smelled of something sweet, like jam, and also something woody, like oak. As if she had been cooking up a batch of marmalade while carving wands for wizards.'
'Every kid knew not to ask an adult any questions until that adult had had at least one cup of coffee.'
Ok this was surprisingly better than the first one. Maybe like 2.75 stars. The first half was still pretty boring and slow. Then the seconds half got quick paced but it felt like when a kid comes up with a story and keeps throwing all these random things in that totally weren't there in the beginning. We get some enemies in this one. We've got the animal perspective (weird). We might have time travel? Also, a creepy abandoned medical facility on an island. Honestly that's more scary than crime books I read. And we have many many more questions and no answers... so I guess I must read the third one.
I love Aunt Esther, she seems to have the answers to everything and be so extremely supportive. And Ono! He's basically Pickett in machine form. I love him.
I didn't like the racism (again) of pretty much only describing people by their skin color and the long digression of "evil white people colonizing America" that literally has nothing to do with the story. oh also the main character is constantly "cursing under her breath." If this author simply stuck to the actual storyline, she'd have a much better book.
I listened to this one on audiobook and really enjoyed it. It wasn't quite as good as book one and I felt it didn't answer as many questions as I was hoping it would. But I still love the characters and some new mystery elements are added in which make it even more intriguing. The ending though! I need the next book now! What a reveal cliffhanger!
I liked this one even better than the first. It's such a wonderful feeling to see even more representation amongst books for younger generations. These characters and the story is so full of life and mystery. Fabulous read. Can't wait to read the last book!
One has to admire a children's book that begins with a quote from Baudelaire about Paris - "What strange phenomena we find in a great city, all we need do is stroll about with our eyes open. Life swarms with innocent monsters." Fans of Ruby's previous book in the York series will know it is a perfect fit for the world of steampunk, mystery and alternate-history she created so skillfully in the The Shadow Cipher, the first book of the series. How good it is to see Tess and Theo Biedermann and their friend, Jamie Cruz, and Nine the chimera cat again! They are recovering from the loss of their beloved home, 354 W. 73rd Street, still intent on solving the riddle of the Morningstarr Twins' Cipher in the hopes of defeating the vile developer Darnell Slant's plans to remake New York and possibly run for electoral office. What could be worse? The book leaps into that continuing adventure, with the kids riding a metal carriage underground of NYC on their way to face down mad scientists, evil fembots, and even their own family members' desire to protect them. No matter what they discover by solving the Cipher, they are determined to thwart Slant, who may be almost the most loathsome real estate developer New York has ever faced, "...some rich man who doesn't care about anyone's history or future but his own?"
Ruby delivers another puzzle box of a book, but most of all it is a love letter to a New York that is changing too fast, where the past can be wiped out not just by a construction crane but by callousness, racism and wilful ignorance. Theo, Tess and Jaime must discover the answer "to make them all feel real again, whole again, impervious to everything and everyone, the people who meant to do ill and the ones who meant to do well, because, sometimes, the result was the same." This is a good old-fashioned yarn where baddies are baddies, monsters which take all shapes, and heroes do their best to ride to the rescue of an entire city. There are some real dangers that face them, including animal experimentation, mass environmental damage, and sinister adults straight out of SPECTRE who will do anything to stop them from solving the puzzle. There are villains who believe "in order to fix things, you had to break them." Fortunately there is a diverse cast of heroes ranged against them, including women, senior citizens, and of course, brave children. There are many nods to great scientists of the past, most notable Ada Lovelace and Thomas Jennings, as well as the fantastic influence of the Morningstarrs, whose mystery continues to grow.
Ruby is also masterful at portraying real relationships not just between her child protagonists, but also between them and other adults who may want to help, but also have their own agenda. Hers is the rare world where adults and children must negotiate and cooperate in order to solve not just the mystery, but the secrets of just plain getting along In the spirit of other great children's books such as The Westing Game, From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, Chasing Vermeer and When You Reach Me, The Clockwork Ghost is both a worthy successor, a ringing harbinger of the concluding book, and a terrific book in its own right. How else could you feel about a book that announces the children must go "where all the best mysteries are. The New York Public Library." Bring on the next book with bells on!
Grade: B+ An ARC was provided by HarperCollins in exchange for an honest review.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The York series is like The Mysterious Benedict Society for a modern audience, but I love it way more than I ever liked TMBS. With their apartment building demolished, the lead trio are separated by the entire island of Manhattan (the twins live in Queens now, and Jaime in New Jersey) but they're determined to spend time together and continue to solve the cipher. There are themes of trying to find your spot in a new place and standing up for what's right and not remaking everything. There are multiple plot threads to follow, but none of them get too confusing. I will say that the pacing is a little off for most of the book but that can be looked past. Also there are fun references to and appearances by real historical figures. I think a little disbelief has to be suspended with the stuff the trio do, especially without an adult present (reading middle grade books makes me feel so old sometimes), but most of it is par for the course for adventure stories.
Content warnings: some tense moments in a graveyard, threats of violence
Loved the second York novel, filled with mystery, crime-solving kids, missing chimera, code-cracking , intriguing settings and more mysteries to solve. Laura Ruby's world-building in a future New York, her intriguing characters and strong main characters make this an exciting novel for readers from 11+.
One of my favorite middle grade series, and hoping to give it some hype when it comes out - kids need to read it!! Ono is my new favorite friend, and I love the ending! Just dying for the next book now!
I LOVE books about puzzles and treasure hunts and this follow up to THE SHADOW CIPHER was just as entertaining and exciting at the first! Can't wait for book 3.
I think this slice of Laura Ruby’s story is even better than the first. Everything is getting more curious as more layers are revealed. Clever, adventurous storytelling that has you craving answers!
I am loving this series, the plot and the characters but I am still being hindered in the flow of my reading with yet more grammatical errors. Errors such as " You don't want to clear up ypu pimple?" said a third teenager, this one dark-haired with so skin so white it was almost blue." and "You needed to call yourself the least threatening name think you could think of.." No, I am not a grammar Nazi, although some would see it that way but it's so frustrating when you are reading a good story to be interrupted with something that doesn't make sense You are then forced to reread what you've just read to make sure you're not reading things incorrectly, which could then alter the meaning of that particular sentence, chapter or even the story itself. I am eager to read the the third and final book in this series, Tess, Theo and Jaime are amazing children and I am in awe of their resilience, passion and dedication in finishing what they have started.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
This series is 👌🏻 I don't know why it's not more popular. It's a middle grade book written far better and more thoughtfully, with great BIPOC and Mental Heath rep than most of the YA / NA stuff I read, I think readers of all ages will enjoy these books no end.
The characters are so well fleshed out, the world building is awesome, a sort of AU New York (Old York) where Taylor Swift, Nas and Mac and Cheese exists but with Clockwork creatures, Underway, Solar Glass, dirigible blimp things, Racoon cats called Karl who get their own POV chapter and unfortunately their own version of Donald Trump. Despite AU Donald Trump this book is still perfection and thankfully didn't suffer at all from second book syndrome which is my biggest fear when reading a trilogy where the first book was excellent. Cannot wait to read the last book now. I have complete faith in a good ending!!