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Stark Security #2

Broken With You

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True love never fades...

After surviving a troubled childhood, Denise can’t believe that she’s blissfully married to her partner and soulmate. She’s confident that not even Mason’s long-term, deep-cover assignment will shake their bond. And she certainly doesn’t anticipate that when he finally walks back through her door that he’ll have no memory of her, himself, or their time together…

When Mason is pulled out of an operation gone bad, all he knows is what he’s told — that he was a covert agent, that he has information vital to national security somewhere in his head, and that they can tell him no more for fear of burying those hard-fought secrets even further. They tell him nothing else; not even that the beautiful woman who makes his heart beat faster is not just his partner, but also his wife.

The secret she must keep wrecks Denise, who wants only to return to Mason’s arms. But despite the desire that still burns hot between them, she can’t tell him who she is—or that she’s carrying his child.

But when dark forces threaten both their lives in order to retrieve the information trapped in Mason’s mind, it’s not their past that will be tested, but the tenuous new love now burning hot between them.

You don't want to miss this sexy, suspenseful amnesia romance!

225 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 18, 2019

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About the author

J. Kenner

169 books10.3k followers
J. Kenner (aka Julie Kenner) is the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, Wall Street Journal and #1 International bestselling author of over one hundred novels, novellas and short stories in a variety of genres.

Though known primarily for her award-winning and international bestselling erotic romances (including the Stark and Most Wanted series) that have reached as high as #2 on the New York Times bestseller list, JK has been writing full time for over a decade in a variety of genres including paranormal and contemporary romance, “chicklit” suspense, urban fantasy, and paranormal mommy lit.

JK has been praised by Publishers Weekly as an author with a “flair for dialogue and eccentric characterizations” and by RT Bookclub for having “cornered the market on sinfully attractive, dominant antiheroes and the women who swoon for them.” A six time finalist for Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA award, JK took home the first RITA trophy awarded in the category of erotic romance in 2014 for her novel, Claim Me (book 2 of her Stark Trilogy) and in 2017 for Wicked Dirty in the same category. Her Demon Hunting Soccer Mom series (as Julie Kenner) is currently in development as a television show.

Her books have sold over three million copies and are published in over twenty languages.

In her previous career as an attorney, JK worked as a clerk on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and practiced primarily civil, entertainment and First Amendment litigation in Los Angeles and Irvine, California, as well as in Austin, Texas. She currently lives in Central Texas, with her husband, two daughters, and two rather spastic cats.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 246 reviews
Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,710 reviews1,394 followers
July 2, 2019
Stories about amnesiacs have always intrigued me. I've always wondered (not that I want to go through it, mind you) what it would be like to forget everything. To wake up to a world that was strange to you and inhabit the body of a stranger. To see these people around you that you're supposed to know, have a connection with, and feel and remember nothing at all. Broken With You did far more than intrigue me. It was sexy and intense and grabbed me by the guts, holding me in its thrall until the very end. My heart went out to these characters and I was crossing my fingers and toes that they would get a happy ending.

So what was it about?
❥ Denise's husband has been on a covert job and she hasn't seen him for two years. She's lonely and misses him. She's worried and her former employer won't give her much in the way of comfort. Until one day, her prayers are answered... or are they?
❥ After going deep on his last job, Mason wakes up not knowing who he is, where he is, or how he got to this point. However, he's still got his wits about him and is able to get in contact with the right people. A threat to national security is stuck in his mind and the memory cannot be forced. So although he is introduced to his wife, he can't be told she's his wife, that they're married, or anything else about his past.
❥ Mason can't help his attraction to Denise, but he tries very hard to fight it. Denise does everything she can to help him and fight against her instincts when it comes to the man she loves.
❥ The threat Mason is supposed to remember hits close to home and it's a race against time to save the world!

I loved how Mason was still drawn to Denise without remembering who she was to him. The author did an incredible job of describing the confusion associated with amnesia and how it effects the people who love the person who doesn't remember them. I felt Denise's pain and disappointment and I loved that although she was suffering, her love for Mason was so strong that she was there for him regardless. I loved getting insight into Mason's feelings and his struggles. Nothing beats dual perspectives. Getting to meet the people who make up Stark Security only makes me want to know more about them and I'll definitely be staying tuned for their stories!

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Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,255 reviews1,310 followers
June 18, 2019


Finally Denise and Mason's story. We heard a bit about them in the previous book and in the little shorty that's available for free.

Denise is working for Damien Stark's Security agency. Her husband is working as an agent too - but he's been deep undercover for over two years. Denise doesn't know if he's alive or dead.
But suddenly he's back. But he's also not. He can't remember a thing.
The only thing he knows is that he's extremely attracted to the woman they tell him was his partner. But of course we all know she's his wife. Poor Mason!
And poor Denise. She finally got him back, but he's not Mason anymore - or at least not yet.
And she's not allowed to tell him anything - they're afraid he'll lose his mind and whatever he found out while undercover!

What will happen with Denise & Mason?
Will they get their 2nd happily ever after?




This was the perfect romantic suspense!

I adored Mason and Denise and all the others!

We have mystery. Suspense. Love. Romance. Amnesia. Fear. Hope. And so much more.
We so hope that Mason will get his memory back asap and that they can live happily ever after. But of course it's not that easy. Lots of exciting and suspensy and adorable moments until we get that happy end...
And we - the reader - love every single moment of their journey!

Great Book! Nuff said! ☺

Can't wait to get my hands on Liam's story next!

BROKEN WITH YOU was a very exciting & sexy & heartbreaking romantic suspense! Run to your nearest amazon for your own Mason - this one is MINE! ☺


Smokin Hot Book Blog Email
Profile Image for Geo Just Reading My Books.
1,383 reviews328 followers
September 1, 2021
“Din nou a mea” de J. Kenner este o carte care îmbină într-un mod magistral suspansul cu pericolul, elementele de thriller dar și mult romantism. O poveste care te prinde în mreje și care-ți taie respirația!
Denise Marshall, partenera lui Quince la Stark Security are soțul plecat într-o misiune ca agent sub acoperire, de peste doi ani de zile. Și nu știe mai nimic despre el. Doar suferă și speră.
Brusc, viața îi este dată peste cap de un apel telefonic: soțul ei, Mason, a reapărut. Dar, și-a pierdut memoria… Situația este cu mult mai complicată, deoarece acesta nu își amintește de ea, iar tânăra nu îi poate divulga cine este.
Asistăm la un carusel al emoțiilor, citim fiecare pagină cu inima-n gât, sperând că Mason Walker își va reveni și suntem dezamăgiți că nu o face.
Dar, J. Kenner ne poartă într-o aventură care oferă o mulțime de răsturnări de situație ce demonstrează că sufletele pereche se regăsesc chiar și pe tărâmul amneziei.
Astfel, Denise și Mason au parte de viața de cuplu căsătorit , cu toate că bărbatului îi lipsesc amintirile.
Brusc, trecutul lui Mason ca agent sub acoperire afectează viața reală și chiar pe Denise însăși. Ba mai mult, aceasta fiind însărcinată, riscă nu doar să își piardă viața, ci și micuța ființă încă nenăscută.
O situație pe muchie de cuțit, care ne oferă o misiune contra cronometru unde observăm cum pregătirea și inteligența trec de amnezie și pot da o șansă viitorului.
Povestea se încheie pe o notă de pozitivitate, chiar dacă Mason pare a nu-și recăpăta memoria…
O lectură intensă și emoționantă!
Profile Image for Jessica Morales.
724 reviews56 followers
June 23, 2019
This book is part of a series. If you didn't read the 2 prior you will not get lost. It goes over a bit what has happened. I was lucky to get the two prior books through J. Kenner arc team. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get this one which broke my heart. Until i found it on Netgalley i requested it asap. I'm so happy I was approved to continue this great series.

I so wanted to see if Denise will get her happy ending. Denise husband has been away for two years on a secret government mission. She has been surrounded by friends and family. But her life wasn't the same without her husband Mason. This book had drama, suspense, sexual angst and betrayal. Love J. Kenner and this series as well.
Profile Image for Literary Temptations .
591 reviews52 followers
June 18, 2019
MY RATING: 2.5 Stars
TITLE: Broken With you
AUTHOR: J. Kenner
SERIES: Stark Security #2
RELEASE DATE: 18 June 2019

ARC Kindly Provided for an Honest Review

Contains themes that may be considered spoilers


You know that awkward feeling when everybody loves a book that to you’re just like description

Yep that’s me right now. I don’t know if it’s because I didn’t read the previous book in the series and that’s my bad. So take that into consideration when reading my review. But I just didn’t connect at all with the story. Writing this review is killing me because I love J Kenner. So when I saw that she has another book coming, and I read the blurb, I couldn’t wait to get my paws on it. Naturally, when it dropped into my kindle I was all over it like a rash. I mean having read the Most Wanted Series, I expect nothing but deliciousness from her.
I read
And read
And read some more description

I kept thinking it’ll get better or eventually I’m going to catch up to what the fuck is going on. I mean this is J Kenner. So I don’t think I’m crazy to expect it that it would.
We meet Mason Walker, an undercover military operative who’s lost his memory while working on an deep cover assignment. He finds himself in the middle of nowhere in a shitty motel with no memory of who he is, what he does or how he came to be where he is now. But there is a number that keeps flashing in his mind and dreams that he later learns is a phone number. When he finally makes contact, with help from the person on the other side of the phone and others, he embarks on a journey to piece his life back together. He finds out that recovery of his memory is not only important for self-identify but for the safety of the nation.

To help jog his memory, he enlists the help of Denise Marshall to which he feels an unexplained pull. Unbeknownst to him; she’s his wife. Having been in the military herself, Denis fully understands the importance and sensitivity of the information retained in Mason’s head. But Mason is her husband. She’s mourned and longed for him for months and all she wants is to be in his arms. Now that he’s back, he’s got no memory of her or their life together. Her heart and head are warring; she wants him to remember her but cannot compromise her professional obligations.


This is where it starts to go a bit left for me. The military and medical professionals emphasise the importance of Mason getting his memory without being prompted. And Denise seems to be on board with this because she doesn’t want her man hurt and she could be sent to jail for disobeying an order. But apparently she can’t keep her hands of her husband for long. Before you know it she just strips and serves herself up to him on a silver platter. As soon as he enters her…alas…memories come flooding back; suddenly he remembers his name and that he’s her husband. Because…magic pussy.


I’m not having that. This is not the J Kenner from Ignited. What the hell? I mean I still love her and will read her other books when she releases them. But this one?


I’ll leave it there.
Profile Image for Siobhan.
4,809 reviews592 followers
June 19, 2019
J. Kenner hooked me with her Man of the Month series, and since then I’ve been meaning to read more of her work. With so many of her books being connected, I was unsure where to start. When a new series started, I decided to take the leap. Thus, I jumped into the Stark Security books. The first book, Shattered With You, hooked me, and I was left desperate for book two. Unfortunately, I wasn’t as crazy about Broken With You as I’d hoped to be.

There is no doubt in my mind that the second book in the Stark Security series is an addictive read, as I happily devoured it in no time at all. Although I devoured it, I did not love it. It had me hooked, I was curious to see how things played out, but it felt like something was missing. I was never shocked in the ways I expected, the action never reached the point I’d hoped for, and the emotion failed to hit the right spots. It had the potential to be a great read, but it missed the mark in the end.

Therefore, as much as I wanted to round this three-point-five-star rating up, I couldn’t bring myself to do so. I had to round my rating down, as it wasn’t quite all I’d hoped it would be. Time that could have been spent sucking me deeper into the story were spent on references – and as curious as it has made me about other J. Kenner books, it meant this one was lacking.

Overall, Broken With You was an addictive read but it didn’t quite do all I had been hoping of it.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,449 reviews83 followers
July 4, 2019
ARC received for review

Hi! It's me again. I haven't read the first book in this series, but no worries. It's written as a stand alone and I wasn't lost for having missed the first one.

My heart broke for Denise when her husband, Mason/Jack, came back from his undercover mission with no memories of anything. Mean old Admiral wouldn't let her tell him anything. Of course, true love conquers all. The bad guys, and what they planned is the stuff nightmares are made of.
Profile Image for Vanessa (bookfairy95).
1,112 reviews133 followers
May 5, 2020
Ich habe jetzt die ganze Zeit darüber nachgedacht ob es an diesem Buch etwas gibt, dass ich NICHT mag. Und ich muss erfreut feststellen, dass es nichts gibt!

Den ersten Band mochte ich schon unglaublich gerne, aber Band 2 hat mir sogar noch besser gefallen. Die Storyline mit dem Gedächtnisverlust und dem sich-neu-verlieben fand ich großartig. Ich mochte die beiden Perspektiven total gerne. Fand den inneren Zwiespalt von beiden – Denise und Mason – super interessant und fand es war generell wieder eine schöne leichte Lektüre mit ein paar spannenden Faktoren und einer Prise Ernsthaftigkeit.

Natürlich darf man nicht vergessen, dass dies ein Romance Buch ist. Das heißt, obwohl wir hier auch die Geheimagenten Thematik haben und es sich um eine gefährliche verdeckte Mission handelt, steht die Liebesgeschichte stark im Vordergrund. Wenn man aber weiß worauf man sich einlässt, wird einem das mit Sicherheit eine super Unterhaltung bieten. Bei mir war es auf jeden Fall so!

Die erste Hälfte hat sich im Prinzip lediglich um das neu verlieben gekümmert. Im zweiten Teil gab es dann auch ein paar mehr Agenten-Dinge um die man sich kümmern musste. Das Mysterium und die Thematik rund um den Code (ich bin hier absichtlich vage um Spoiler zu vermeiden) fand ich gut gemacht und auch wenn es am Ende wieder etwas schneller ging, hat mich das nicht so sehr gestört wie in Band 1. Dadurch, dass es sich um verborgene Erinnerungen handelte fand ich die Auflösung sogar recht gut gemacht.

Schön fand ich auch, dass wir die Protagonisten aus Band 1 am Rande wieder angetroffen haben. Denise war mir aber um ein vielfaches sympathischer als Eliza!

Die einzige Stelle, die das Buch besser gemacht hätte (jedoch in meinen Augen nicht unbedingt einen negativen Punkt darstellt) war die Situation rund um die Identität des Verantwortlichen. Ich finde die Identität hat nicht wirklich einen Unterschied gemacht – es hätte jeder sein können. Deswegen hätte ich es besser gefunden, wenn es von vorneherein ein paar mehr Hinweise gegeben hätte. Das hätte die Situation etwas dramatischer gemacht und in meinen Augen etwas besser.

Wie gesagt stellt das für mich aber nicht unbedingt etwas Negatives dar. Deswegen gibt es für diesen leichten Guilty-Pleasure-Read mit hohem Entertainment-Faktor von mir 5/5 Sterne!
Profile Image for The Romantic Bosnian.
1,272 reviews326 followers
June 15, 2019

Not my first read by author, happens to be a very top favorite of mine. Now some review's I fully post here and some where I really try and go beyond because it's either a top 2019 must read list for me or I really want to share the full love of the book. THIS IS ONE OF THOSE. My full review includes teasers & more... CLICK HERE FOR FULL REVIEW & MORE
Profile Image for Maureen.
760 reviews2 followers
June 7, 2024
Kobo+ Contemporary Romance Challenge 2024. Stark Security #2. 346 pages.The first book in the series was the beginning of this story .05 a novella about Mason and Denise at a hook up at a hotel that Nicky Stark arranged for Denise. A mysterious masseuse who she can't see (blindfolded) gives her a massage and more. She believes it is Mason under deepcover.
MC's Mason and Denise both agents and married but now Mason's memory is erased and he doesn't remember Denise or being married. He works for a underground unit for the US intelligence community which Denise was also a part of but went to work for Damien Stark under Ryan Hunter at Stark Security. Her current partner is Quince from book one " Shattered with You".

Review I liked:A view years back I read two books in the Stark Saga series by J. Kenner. And I absolutely adored those books. Somehow I never got to reading the third book in the series. But it has been on my TBR for a long time. So when I saw a sign up for ‘Broken With You’, the second book in the Stark Security series, I knew I wanted to read this book. And I was super excited to hear I got approved for an ARC shortly after.

Although ‘Broken With You’ is the second book in a series, but it can be read as a standalone. There are some characters that apparently where in the other book, but I never felt like I missed something important while reading this book. And I loved ‘Broken With You’ from the beginning till the very end.

In ‘Broken With You’ we meet Denise. Denise is married to her true love Mason, and she is really happy. But Mason has been on a secret assignment for almost two years, and Denise is afraid he is never coming back to her. But then one day, Mason returns. Unfortunately he doesn’t remember anything.. Not his name and certainly not who Denise is. And now Denise can’t even tell him who she really is.

The romance in this book was just so good. I loved reading about Denise and Mason. The chemistry between them was flying off the pages. It was both heartbreaking and toe – curling good to read about these two. And the thing I liked the most about this read was the fact that the romance was good, but there was also a lot of suspense.

Denise’s character was fun to read about. But Mason’s was my absolute favorite. He woke up without any memory of who he was and what he was doing. And instead of freaking out he kept on trying to find out more. And although he felt an instant connection with Denise, he kept trying to want to do the good thing because he just felt he was a person who didn’t take another guys woman. I loved that about him.

After finishing ‘Broken With You’ I definitely can’t wait to read more by J. Kenner.
Profile Image for Kari Hansen.
11k reviews95 followers
June 18, 2019
Mason is an undercover operative who was assignment for the last two years when contact was lost. He wakes up in an unknown hotel room with no memory of his past and the only thing he does remember is a telephone number. He now finds himself back home with no memory of anyone around him and the only person he feels drawn to is Denise.

This should be the happiest time of Denise’s life as the husband she thought she may have lost has returned. The only problem is he doesn’t remember her or their life together and she can’t tell him as the information that he holds in his head must be released when he is ready.

The emotional tightrope that both Mason and Denise are walking as they both want his memory to return will not leave you unaffected. The connection and chemistry between them is stronger than ever, which is complicated by them working together to uncover what really happened, but will the information prepare them for what is to come or have them caught in the crossfire?
Profile Image for Gretchen.
952 reviews148 followers
June 18, 2019
This. Was. So. EXCITING! I picked it up and could not put it down. I think I might have held my breath through those first chapters, I was riveted! I was pulled into all the turmoil and heartache, passion and love, and had to know how it would all play out. Loved it!

Mason and Denise were awesome characters. I could feel their pain, love, and need. I loved the conflict that they’re married but he doesn’t remember and the tension and turmoil it created. I felt bad for them and loved watching them reconnect. I loved Mason and Denise's chemistry, that pull they had one another, it was intense. I loved their heat and passion as well as all of the emotion, it was consuming.

The writing was great and I love how the storyline was crafted, I thought it had an amazing build. Wonderful details and development. There's a great cast of characters as well, if you've read anything in the Stark world before you'll see some familiar faces. If not, you'll be intrigued and want to read their stories too.

From start to finish I flew through this, a seriously awesome read. Amnesia stories aren’t normally something I read so I was slightly nervous going in. J. Kenner totally made me a fan of this trope because I was just so into the drama and excitement from the start. Another great story in the Stark Security series!

Complimentary copy received for honest review.
Profile Image for TinaNoir.
1,832 reviews328 followers
July 16, 2020
2.5 stars

I got this book by this completely unknown to me author because I have recently developed a fascination with amnesia in romance novels. Always interested in how it gets deployed etc. and how well I think the author handles the concept.

This was ok.

Mason is an agent with some government agency where he goes under deep cover. His most recent recent mission has taken him deep for two years.

His wife Denise was also a member of the same agency and worked as his partner. But now she is with a private security company and is despondent because she misses him so.

As the book begins, Mason was been tortured and thrown out of a truck with no memory of who he is or his past. But he is still a spy with a spy's instincts. He doesn't know his own name so he takes the name of Jack. And he somehow intuits how to make contact with is handlers.

Fearing he has been compromised or made into some kind of sleeper agent a la The Manchurian Candidate, he is swooped up by the agency, head shrunk and placed on constant surveillance. And Denise is called in to meet with him. She is thrilled to know her husband is back but terrified and sad that he doesn't recognize her at all.

Jack/Mason knows what is happening as doesn't care. He wants to interact with people and try to gt his memory back. But it is obvious there was something critical his mind hiding that even the torture couldn't break out. And then he meets Denise. His ex-partner and, as he is told, a married woman. He doesn't recognize her, but he is immediately attracted to her. Even though their closeness could be chalked up to their being partners in a dangerous business, he wonders if they were ever more? But he shies away from that thought, since it is obvious she is a happily married woman whose husband is currently on a mission (snerk).

So yeah, the set up is interesting and the conundrum the author sets for Denise and Mason is also very interesting. She knows he is her husband and understands the attraction they feel but can't act upon it or tell him anything. Jack/Mason feels something for her but refuses to mess around with a married woman.

There is a medical hoo-hoo hand-wavy conceit behind why they just don't tell him who he is. Apparently if they try to prod his memory he'll have a completely psychotic break and lose his mind and they'll lose whatever important intel his mind has shut down to protect.

Yeah. That's what I said.

Anyway, the rest of the book is Denise being sad that he didn't magically remember her while they spend more time together and she can barely keep herself from jumping him. Jack/Mason is tortured because he thinks he is lusting after a married woman. Also there is a lot of background spy stuf going on.

I like that Jack/Mason finally does figure out who is he so he and Denise can get to boning. And not because he suddenly remembers but because for a group of spies, Denise and all the rest can't lie for shit. And Jack/Mason puts two and two together plus he get tiny little deja vu type memories.

In the end the big villainous scheme was kinda ludicrous honestly and I couldn't help but laugh a bit. All of this for that Wile E. Coyote scheme?

And finally, this is a second book in a series but read like a 5th or 6th given all the names, back info and established relationships of all the supporting characters that are thrown at us immediately. I felt like I was already supposed to know all these people and their situations.

Anyway, a pleasant way to spend some time but not the best rom suspense and felt a little try hard with all the dangerous rich men littering the landscape.
Profile Image for Rose  Puls .
1,867 reviews322 followers
August 29, 2019
"I can't kiss him back to reality as if I'm a fairy tale princess and he's a prince trapped in a hundred year sleep.

I'm a lover of romantic suspense and broken characters and the Stark Security series is so addictive. The elite team members are carefully vetted based on their skills and that something extra special that makes them fit in well with the others. It's like they have this unspoken understanding of the hell they survived to make it to this point in their lives. They go beyond just being co-workers, they are a family of sorts and have each other's backs.

I met Denise previously and was troubled by her sadness, very curious to know what was going on in her life. Well, now that I do, I like her even more. She's the perfect balance of sweet and badass. My heart broke for her when she learned that her man was alive but didn't know who she was. How devastating that must be, right? After not seeing him for so long and she can't even tackle hug him? I have to say, the anticipation of waiting for him to learn she was his wife was delicious. On one hand I couldn't wait for it to happen, but on the other hand, it was exciting to watch him fall for her like he'd never met her...sigh.

The story is told in dual POV so it's very interesting to be inside of Mason's head when he doesn't know he's Mason. I was so curious about the events that brought him to his current state, but he didn't even know. It was very stressful when danger came calling and there were so many missing pieces to the puzzle, making it hard to solve the mystery. Not that I'm complaining, I totally dig the suspense and enjoy taking a dangerous ride at high speeds with no safety belt on my recliner. I'm a daredevil like that. I devoured every page and can't wait for more from that sexy security team. The line forms here...
Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,409 reviews1,042 followers
March 30, 2023

This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

Broken With You is the second installment in the "Stark Security" series. I absolutely loved this one here, it was so delightful and man me heart. This book had me all in my feels and all over the place. This is a story that if you love J.Kenner's writing style, then it will definitely work for you. I really have loved seeing her explore more into the romantic suspense sub genre and this series is most definitely romantic suspense. I have truly loved the way in which she developed this story and the set up was really heart wrenching, but J.Kenner really handled these aspects so well here. I was so drawn into this one here and just didn't want to put it down once I started it. I do think if you like stories that feature married couples, then you definitely should pick this one up.

Denise hasn't seen her husband Mason, in months. Where he went deep undercover and he has been reported as missing for months. Now he is back, but not fully. He has no memory of their marriage or his time with the Stark Security force, only glimspes of being taken and escaping. He has no clue who he is or what has happened to him. Denise is told by his psychologists that tell him that they are married could be detrimental to his healing. Denise is being torn apart not being able to tell the man she loves, their history or what connection they have or why there is glimpses of that connection and she can't tell him why. Mason knows that there is something vital between him and Denise but he can't figure out why. But when he learns the truth about them, then the risks seem even more real and only him and Denise working together will they be able to bring down their enemies fully...

My Outlook
Broken With You was such a deeply riveting story and I had my heart fully entrenched into this one. J.Kenner really wrote a gem of a read because I couldn't put this one down here. I was so hooked into their story and seeing them work through some serious issues here. My heart was aching for Denise, because she was in such a horrible position. You see her emotional struggle learning her husband is alive, but scarred and with no memory. You just feel her heartbreak over that and knowing that she can't tell him the truth, he has to figure it out on his own. But I have to say when he does learn the truth it was EPIC! That moment was the most memorable moment of the story for me other than the climax of the ending. We also see how they are faced with some great challenges in the second half of the story and it will take some creative risks for them to overcome them. I really love how this author kept me on my toes with this one and I couldn't seem to put it down. I was so all in for this couple and cheering them on all the way in. They will definitely stay in my mind for quite some time here.

Overall View
Broken With You was a captivating story that brings together such deep brilliant emotion to the front of the reader's mind and cultivates a rich love story that delivers fully!

Rating Evaluation:
Plot: 5
World Building: 5
Cover: 4
Hero: 4.5
Heroine: 4.5
Steam: 4
Heart & Feels:5
Overall View: 4.5

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Profile Image for Tonisbooks.
263 reviews27 followers
March 11, 2020
3-3.5/5 ⭐️

Nachdem ich Band 1 der Reihe „Sexy Security - Betörendes Feuer“ gelesen habe, hat mich Denises Geschichte bereits sehr interessiert. Ihr Mann Mason ist seit knapp 2 Jahren auf einer Auslandsmission & darf als Undercover-Agent nicht mit Denny in Kontakt treten. Als Mason dann zurückkehrt, kann er sich an nichts mehr erinnern & nennt sich von nun an Jack. Für Denise ist es die absolute Hölle, denn von Masons Therapeutin wird empfohlen, ihn nicht an seine Vergangenheit zu erinnern, weil zu viele Erinnerungen das Gehirn schädigen würden - Klingt das nicht spannend?

Insgesamt finde ich die Storyline rund um Masons Erinnerungslücke sehr gut gemacht und auch spannend aufgebaut. Nach und nach erfährt man immer mehr und man ist bei Masons Entwicklung als Leser stets dabei. Ob er am Ende seine Erinnerungen zurück bekommt oder nicht, verrate ich nicht - dafür müsst ihr es schon selbst lesen 🤪 Generell ist das Buch auch sehr gut strukturiert. Es hat einen schlüssigen Aufbau mit einem spannenden Mittelteil & das hat mir das Lesen sehr erleuchtet.

Mason und Denny haben mir als Charaktere sehr gut gefallen. Denise ist eine mutige und schöne Protagonistin, die mitfühlend und klug ist. Mason ist trotz seines Gedächtnisverlusts extrem freundlich, respektvoll und klug. Seine Gedankengänge werden nachvollziehbar erklärt und haben mir gut gefallen! Zusammen sind die beiden spannend, witzig und man merkt total, dass sie einander lieben. Dennoch werden sie mir leider zu oberflächlich abgearbeitet, besonders Mason. Er verliert sein komplettes Gedächtnis und ich hätte dann einfach mehr Tiefe und viele Emotionen erwartet.

Der Schreibstil liest sich sehr leicht & flüssig & man fliegt nur so durch die Seiten. Leider bleibt mein Problem, wie in Band 1, die Anzahl der Personen. Es gibt so viele verschiedene Charaktere & Namen, dass ich nicht durchblicke. Ich glaube um wirklich alles zu verstehen, müsste ich all ihre auf Deutsch übersetzten Bücher lesen. Ein weiterer Kritikpunkt ist für mich ein Plottwist, der im Buch sehr spannend aufgebaut wird und dann nach und nach aufgelöst wird, der aber leider bereits am Klappentext steht - nämlich, dass Denise von Mason schwanger ist. Im Buch werden immer wieder Andeutungen dazu gemacht, aber richtig benannt wird es erst sehr spät im Buch. Und dann so eine Information auf den Klappentext zu schreiben, finde ich dann doch etwas kritisch & hat mich enttäuscht.

In diesem Band fand ich den Ausgleich zwischen Sex, Geschichte & Titel viel besser & war auch positiv überrascht, denn im ersten Band fehlte es mir für den Titel „Betörendes Feuer“ definitiv an Erotik.

Insgesamt hat mir das Buch aber gut gefallen und ich finde es perfekt für Zwischendurch. Außerdem kann ich das Buch jedem empfehlen, der gerne Krimis und Liebesgeschichten liest, denn dafür ist das Buch perfekt ❤️
Profile Image for Laura.
2,483 reviews112 followers
July 1, 2019
***ARC Provided by NetGalley***

I read the short story setting this up and I was really excited to read this title. I loved the idea of the woman who hadn't seen her husband for years, because he is undercover, and then getting to see him again. I thought this was a really interesting story to tell.

Unfortunately, it fell flat for me and I was never really all that engaged with the story or the characters. It wasn't what I was expecting, which wasn't the issue, as I understand that not all stories will play out as I want...but, unfortunately, while the way this story was told was interesting, it didn't really work for me.

I am not able to recommend this title.
Profile Image for Moony (Captain Mischief) MeowPoff.
1,663 reviews148 followers
June 4, 2020
I was pleasently suprised!
at first, i disliked the book, up til around 17%. Then it actually started to get interesting and i liked the two main characters Mason & Denise alot. The Author did an amazing job describing and holding me there to continue the story. Normally i don`t enjoy cover agent-stories but this one i really liked! Because it wasn`t always about it, and it wasn`t boring. I kind of needed to know what was going to happen between the two main characters, and really loved the pace. That said, it felt a bit, short? it could have been longer to explore Mason`s memory loss, that it would come slowly back and we`d see more of that. But oh well!
Profile Image for Francoise.
762 reviews34 followers
June 28, 2019
“Broken with You” is the perfect quick read filled with action, angst and romance. The story rolls along at a fast pace, with action scenes that are well written and likeable characters. This the kind of book where once you start, you won’t be able to stop, the storyline was pretty interesting.
I enjoyed the intense connection between the quiet, emotionally battered hero Mason and his wife Denise, both working in the investigative field.

Denise hasn’t seen her husband Mason since he left for a deep cover intelligence assignment.
In reality, Mason is back but doesn’t know who he is anymore. He suffers from amnesia and remembers nothing about his life with Denise. His troubles were a heavy weight on his shoulders. He is a really likable character. His emotions, the confusion and his love for Denise felt real. I also liked Denise a lot. She is caring, smart and strong. I enjoyed that she managed to turn the tables on the villain of this story. She was right in the heart of all the action and I loved that!

There were some pretty intense situations. The underlying mystery actually surprised me. And there were so much feels going on with Mason and Denise angsty relationship, I liked it. This book is the second installment in the Stark Security series but can be read as a standalone.

My honest review is based on an advanced reader copy of this book.
Profile Image for Victoria.
309 reviews24 followers
April 24, 2020

Der Anfang des Buches war nicht wirklich spannend und hat sich etwas gezogen. Im Gegensatz zu Quincys und Elizas Buch in dem es gleich am Anfang sehr rasant losging, ist hier der Anfang eher ruhig gehalten.

Wir lernen Mason kennen, welcher sich an nichts mehr erinnern kann und seich aufgrund dessen Jack Sawyer nennt. Daraufhin bemüht er sich Kontakt zu jemanden aus seiner Vergangenheit aufzubauen und ihm gelingt dies auch relativ schnell. Sein Vorteil ist, dass er zwar sein Gedächtnis verloren hat, aber nicht seinen Ehrgeiz und seine Intelligenz.
Ich mochte es wie schlau Mason bzw. Jack war und immer weiter Fragen gestellt hat.

Denise lernen wir ja schon im ersten Band kennen. Sie lebt schon 2 Jahre lang ohne ihren Ehemann, da Mason auf einer wirklich streng geheimen Undercover Mission ist. Trotzdem bleibt sie sehr stark und versucht ihr Leben weiter zu leben. Als sie jedoch erfährt, dass ihr Ehemann aufgetaucht ist und sich nicht mal mehr an sie erinnert, versinkt sie in Selbstmitleid. Aber dies auch nur für eine kurze zeit, da sie versucht sich zusammen zu reißen und stark zu sein.
Denise hat bei mir einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen, aber manchmal hat sie mich mit ihrer großen Sorge um ihren Mann etwas aufgeregt.

Was dem Buch nicht gemangelt hat, war Drama. Ich meine für mich dürfen diese Bücher gerne eine Portion Drama haben, aber hier war es an manchen Stellen einfach zu viel. Besonders zum Ende hin wurde alles etwas unglaubwürdig und ich hab öfters mal mit dem Kopf geschüttelt.

Wo ich mir auch nicht so sicher war, ob hier nicht ein bisschen geflunkert wurde, sind die Medizinischen Fakten. Ich bin auf gar keinen Fall ein Experte (hab nur Greys Anatomy geschaut...) aber ich bin mir nicht sicher ob alles was ich in diesem Buch gelesen habe eine gewisse Logik beinhaltet hat.
Trotzdem kann ich darüber hinweg sehen, da das Buch mich ja nicht in dieser Sache belehren soll.

Ich mochte die Spannung am Ende und auch die eine Sache die passiert war gut platziert. Auch wenn es wie gesagt ziemliches Drama war, konnte ich dennoch gut abschalten und habe mich unterhalten gefühlt.

J. Kenners Schreibstil ist sehr angenehm und man kann ihre Bücher sehr schnell lesen. Auch ihre Erotikszenen sind nicht zu viel und dominieren nicht das Buch.
Am Ende gibt es natürlich wieder einen kleinen Cliffhanger, der Lust auf das nächste Buch macht.


Wie schon Band 1 ist auch dieser Teil sehr unterhaltsam und ich werde definitiv auch den nächsten Band lesen. Ich kann aber verstehen wenn diese Bücher nicht von jedem gemocht werden, da Geschmäcker ja bekanntlich verschieden sind.
Von mir gibt es 3 Sterne, da Band 1 etwas stärker war.

Danke an den Diana Verlag für dieses Rezensionsexemplar.

Bis bald ihr Lieben
und denkt dran hamstert Bücher statt Klopapier und unterstützt den lokalen Buchhandel!
eure Vici
Profile Image for lesehase_ (Maike).
574 reviews9 followers
March 26, 2020
Das schwarz-rote Cover gefällt mir sehr gut und zeigt auch schon direkt, dass hier Romance auf Krimi trifft. Diese Kombination ist J. Kenner gut gelungen, die einen lockeren und leicht verständlichen Schreibstil hat.

Das Buch wird zum einen aus der Ich-Perspektive von Denise und zum anderen aus der Er-Perspektive von Mason geschrieben. Letzteres passt sehr gut zur Geschichte, weil Mason eben nicht weiß, wer er ist und sich selbst sogar den Namen „Jack Sawyer“ gibt. So hat man auch als Leser ein gewisses Abstandsgefühl. Doch gleichzeitig schafft die Autorin seine Unsicherheit und Existenzfragen perfekt rüber bringen. Ich hätte echt Mitleid mit Mason, der herausfinden möchte, wer er ist. Dabei bleibt er seinen tiefwurzelnden Prinzipien treu und bleibt trotzdem immer so ruhig wie es überhaupt in seiner Situation ist. Es ist aber auch sehr realistisch, dass alle Ereignisse ihn auch verändert haben. Das einzigste an was er sich noch erinnern kann sind die grünen Augen von Denise. Sie ist auch eine sehr sympathische und starke Protagonistin. Als eine von wenigen Frauen arbeitet sie früher für den Geheimdienst und nun für die Sicherheitsfirma der Familie Stark. So ist sie tough und für Extremsituationen trainiert. Aber verständlicherweise nimmt die ganze Situation rund um ihren Ehemann sie sehr mit. Ich habe mit ihr mitgelitten, als sie ihm nichts von ihrer Ehe und Vergangenheit erzählen durfte. Es war beeindruckend, wie sie sich Mason und seiner Gesundheit zuliebe zurücknimmt.

Die Liebesgeschichte der beiden ist sehr besonders, weil sie sich eigentlich schon kennen und gleichzeitig neu kennenlernen müssen. Ich konnte Denises tiefe Liebe für Mason immer spüren und auch er fühlt sich mit ihr verbunden, obwohl er sich nicht erinnert. So konnte ich in diesem Fall verstehen, dass alles zwischen ihnen eher schnell geht. Die beiden sind einfach ein wahres Powerpaar, das zusammen durch dick und dünn geht und für den anderen alles tun würde. Besonders spannend war, ob sich Mason je an die Vergangenheit erinnern wird. Und wer es wissen will, muss das Buch selbst lesen.

Im ersten Teil der Geschichte geht es um Masons Rückkehr vom Einsicht und wie er und Denise mit dieser Situation umgehen. Dies hat mich sehr berührt, sodass ich auch ein paar Tränen verdrücken muss. Auch konnte ich die Handlungen der beiden immer gut nachvollziehen. Leider hat der Klappentext bereits die Schwangerschaft verraten, von der Denise erst langsam erfährt. Das nimmt etwas von der Spannung raus, die trotzdem durchgehend vorhanden ist. Dabei geht es nicht nur um Masons Gedächtnisverlust an sich, sondern auch um den Grund für diesen, denn er hat ihn sich auf einem wichtigen Undercover-Operation für den Geheimdienst zugezogen. Ab dem zweiten Teil dreht es sich vermehrt um diese Operation und die Spannung erreicht ein neues Level. Ich habe so mitgefiebert, sodass ich das Buch nicht aus der Hand legen konnte. Insgesamt wird es im Buch nie langweilig, wobei ich mir im Schlussteil mehr Seiten mehr Seiten gewünscht hätte.

Dieses Buch ist der zweite Band der Reihe und ein Buch aus dem großen „Stark“-Universum, aber das erste, das ich gelesen habe. Man trifft viele Charaktere und obwohl ich sie alle noch nicht kannten, kam ich gut zurecht. Trotzdem wird das Buch sicher mehr Spaß machen, wenn man sie alle kennt. Ich möchte auf jeden Fall noch weitere Bücher aus diesem Universum lesen.

FAZIT: 4/5⭐️
Mir hat die Geschichte richtig gut gefallen, sodass ich das Buch in einem Rutsch gelesen habe. Ich kann sie jedem empfehlen, der auf Krimi-Elemente in Liebesgeschichten steht.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
2,861 reviews156 followers
June 19, 2019
After being introduced to Denise ‘Denny’ Walker in Quincy and Eliza’s book, I was so ready for her story; I loved her grit, her snark, and her ability to get the job done by any means necessary. But all of her training and intelligence couldn’t prepare her for her next mission because, this time, it’s personal and her future as well as the future of her marriage depend on her ability to hide her overwhelming emotions and help Mason remember the information that’s locked in his head that he spent the last two years of his life retrieving, and until the objective is achieved, Denny’s left in limbo, hoping that her husband remembers her and that those who do not want the details unlocked from Mason’s head don’t get their revenge before his memory returns.

Because J. Kenner provides readers with both Denny and Mason’s perspectives, we’re able to see firsthand how they’re dealing with the complications of Mason’s amnesia, and Denny’s fears as well as the pain and frustration that they both feel as Denny works with Mason to figure out who he is and what he knows while also being forced to not reveal what they mean to each other, and with so much at stake, both personally and professionally, it’s quite a taxing journey for the characters as well as the story’s readers because the fallout could keep Denny and Mason broken and apart while still dealing with the threat to Mason’s life due to what he can’t seem to remember.

The way that Kenner crafts and builds Denny and Mason’s story allows readers to become emotionally invested in the characters’ lives, feeling every single emotion as they feel them and questioning whether these two will be able to move forward together or dwell too much on the parts of their lives Mason can’t remember. Denny definitely shows just how mentally strong she is as she watches her husband struggle to find the missing/broken details of his life while also working to uncover the pertinent information that could quite possibly get both of them killed.

It doesn’t matter where J. Kenner takes me in her Stark World; I will gladly follow her and her characters anywhere. And I am loving her Stark Security series. I love romantic suspense and Kenner definitely knows how to utilize all of the genre’s components in a way that heightens the tension, maximizes the uneasiness, and unravels the various plot lines of the conflict in a way that keeps readers guessing on what will happen up until the moment when everything reaches its climax and the fallout must be dealt with in a way that puts all the broken pieces back together, even if they’re a bit bent and/or incomplete.

4.5 Poison Apples Review (The Fairest of All Book Reviews)
Profile Image for Ruthie Taylor.
3,720 reviews40 followers
June 22, 2019
~~I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads ~~

This is the second book in the series, and I think that you would understand some of the intricacies of the story far better if you had read the first in the series (and ideally all the Stark goodness, if you haven't already!)

Denise is waiting on her deep undercover husband to return to her. Other than one very non-sanctioned meet up on their anniversary, it has been two long years. We can only imagine how that must feel, to know your husband is in danger constantly and out of touch. So when he is found, but with no memory of who he is, and with clear evidence of being tortured, she is not sure how they will get through it, but has to remain strong, and believe.

I thought she was really well written, although I did get a little confused with the timelines at the beginning. That was soon resolved and explained though, so it was only a minor hiccup, and then we were thrust into a world which was incredibly complex and all about the mind. Whilst the reason for his undercover mission was huge - and led to some real urgency in the story - it was, for me, mostly the mental gymnastics that they both suffered, as they try to move forward. I can't say more without possibly spoiling the experience for you.

As there are still single members of SS, I am sure that there will be more goodness (and badness) to come and I am really looking forward to seeing how our couples move forward too.

Wicked Reads Review Team
Profile Image for Sofia Lazaridou.
2,805 reviews137 followers
June 19, 2019
I am in the happy place to say that I liked book two more than I liked book 1! In my previous review, I mentioned that I hoping for a better continuation in the series and I got it which is great. The book can be read as stand-alone, but I think you should read the series in order. The prequel of the series (Shadows of you, which is/was free) features Mason and Denise and the night he got her pregnant. Many people from the Stark universe appear in this story but their time was short and they were your average secondary character. I liked catching up with them.

I didn't read the blurb of the book since this is J.Kenner and I just read her books without question and I was surprised by what we got from the first few chapters. I wasn't aware that Mason was tortured or that the result would be him losing his memory. What I would have liked to see in this book is Denny and Mason making steps in their relationship without the knowledge that they were married. I mean more than they already are. I wanted him not to remember almost as much as I wanted him to become the person he was before.

I felt like the tone of the book was different from what we are used to and that is not either a good or a bad thing. I liked the main character and I liked the journey of how they found their way back to each other. A big part of the book might seem a little slow and like nothing is happening, but the rest of it makes up for that. As I mentioned I liked the book a lot more than I liked book 1 and I would recommend it.
Profile Image for Pennie Morgan.
2,151 reviews8 followers
June 15, 2019
Oh my goodness, if I could have kept life from creeping in and making me put my kindle down I would have read this in one sitting it was SO BLEEPING GOOD! Denise is frantic because her husband has been gone too long with no one hearing from him until she gets a call, the call she knew meant either he was back or gone forever. Turns out he is back, though not, because Mason doesn't remember he is Mason Walker, he has amnesia. He woke up in a motel in the middle of the desert having been beaten and trying to piece his life back together. He remembers enough to put together a phone number and when he calls it turns out his first clues to his life are he is an agent, and they are bring him back into the fold. Now he has to figure out who he is and why he snapped but there are other players who want something from him but he doesn't know who, what, or where that something is and just as he is starting to put something of his life back together those forces are trying to take it apart. There is a prequel to this one I suggest you pick up for free, well worth it! You could read this one then as a standalone without the rest of the series or any of the other Stark books but really, why would you want to! I highly recommend them all. Give me more!

**Received this book for review**
Profile Image for Avid Reader.
1,752 reviews
June 19, 2019
Broken With You (Stark Security #2) by J. Kenner
5 stars
M/F Romance
Triggers: Torture, Kidnapping, Stalking, Murder
I was given this book for an honest review by Wicked Reads

This is really a second chance romance. It sucked me right in. Mason is not who he thinks he is... or rather, Jack isn't who he thinks he is...

This was a suspenseful story that had me cheering for the couple, their friends and the overall good guys.

Denise is trying so hard to make sure that she is living her life. However, with her soul mate gone deep undercover and her friends all happily coupled up, Denise can't help but see what should be her life. But, when Mason returns, but returns as someone else, Denise has no choice but to let their hearts speak when the words just won't do.

Jack is a man who wants answers. He's impatient, but understands what his training has taught him. But, when he continues to have dreams about Denise, he can't help that he's missing something key. Despite the lack of connection right away, Jack knows he needs to fight for what he feels.

I really enjoyed this story, and despite the fact that I thought the bad guy was somewhat obvious, it didn't detract from my ability to relate to the characters. You're taken on a journey where mystery and intrigue dominate. It's a race against the clock and you aren't even really sure who or what they are fighting against.

But, with their future on hold and their occupations in question, Denise and Mason/Jack will have to hope that they get the future they had been planning and the happy ending that everyone around them has.
Profile Image for Babel.
2,245 reviews187 followers
June 16, 2019
Believable and intense.

One of the themes I find gripping in romantic novels is amnesia. And here it is at the epicentre of a plot of suspense, espionage and a love story laced with longing and drama.

Mason is an operative whose undercover mission has gone awfully wrong, but the first thing we know about it is when he's suffering delirium and then pops up out of nowhere. His mind, twisted and half-empty.

The contrast with the heroine of the story is stark as she's also an agent who's been waiting for her husband to come back from his too-long mission. Now, her dream turns into a devastatingly unexpected nightmare.

I loved the authenticity and intensity of their first encounter face to face. Though the process of Mason wandering through his muddled memories is frustrating, it is also rewarding as he and Denise slowly circle closer together. The suspense part deals with secret codes and life-threatening dangers that reach a boiling point full of smart thinking, bloody action and a villain as evil as Captain Jack Randall (from TV show Outlander).

Phenomenal all throughout. From James Bond style espionage to emotional romance, this is one read with a 100% satisfaction rate.
Profile Image for Erin Lewis.
5,379 reviews189 followers
June 7, 2019
5 Star Review Broken With You (Stark Security #2) by J Kenner

Having read other books in the Stark world I could not wait to dive in and read Broken With You, which is the second book in the Stark Security series.

This is Denise and Mason’s story. Mason is a man who has no past; his memories lost. Will he get them back and in the process remember Denise, his wife who was his world? Or are his memories lost forever?

I really loved the characters of Denise and Mason; both have been through so much and yet they have come through it, not unscathed but they have survived.

This may well be their greatest challenge; will their relationship survive the test or are they destined to part?

As things spice up and danger rears it’s head, neither of them can deny the sizzling chemistry that remains between them. Well written this was a fast paced, suspenseful and sizzling story that had me engaged from start to the finish.

I was really cheering for Denise and Mason to re connect and get the happily ever after that they both so richly deserved.
Profile Image for Sissy's Romance Book Review .
8,910 reviews16 followers
June 17, 2019
BROKEN WITH YOU by J. Kenner is book One in the Stark Security Series. This is the story of Denise 'Denny' Walker and Mason Walker. There is a Prequel book 'Shadows of You: A Stark Security' that introduces these characters but I feel this can be a standalone book.
Mason and Denise are married but due to Mason job it takes him away from her. This time he has been gone for two years and she doesn't know if he is alive or dead. Mason wakes up in a hotel room not knowing who or what he is but he does remember enough to get him help from his supervisor. This brings him home to Denise but he doesn't know her or anything else. Denise has her work cut out for her to bring him back to her but their spark is still there for them both. But of course they can only let him know things slowly about his former life but then danger isn't to far away for them.
Really enjoyed their story!
Profile Image for Dirty Dayna.
1,904 reviews108 followers
June 17, 2019
4 Remember me Stars
I once again enjoyed the stark security spin off. This was an unusable book for me a story of amnesia and a chance to fall in love all over again. This one starts a bit slower and a tad more confusing than book one and you get a case of wait who said that ? did I miss something? What is going on? And then you finally understand what is actually going on and the story just jets from there. You get the girly giggles as you hope and pray Mason falls in love with Denny again. Its fun, its sweet, it’s a mystery and it’s a super fun game of clue you get to play. Who had the candlestick was it Col Mustard? It’s always Col Mustard right! I cant wait for the next installment. They are each individually so good and different.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 246 reviews

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