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Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World

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Listening Length: 1 hour and 53 minutes

If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.

On May 17, 2014, Admiral William H. McRaven addressed the graduating class of the University of Texas at Austin on their Commencement day. Taking inspiration from the university's slogan, "What starts here changes the world," he shared the ten principles he learned during Navy Seal training that helped him overcome challenges not only in his training and long Naval career, but also throughout his life; and he explained how anyone can use these basic lessons to change themselves-and the world-for the better.

Admiral McRaven's original speech went viral with over 10 million views. Building on the core tenets laid out in his speech, McRaven now recounts tales from his own life and from those of people he encountered during his military service who dealt with hardship and made tough decisions with determination, compassion, honor, and courage. Told with great humility and optimism, this timeless book provides simple wisdom, practical advice, and words of encouragement that will inspire readers to achieve more, even in life's darkest moments.

2 pages, Audiobook

First published April 4, 2017

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About the author

William H. McRaven

27 books1,168 followers
Admiral William H. McRaven (U.S. Navy Retired) served with great distinction in the Navy. In his thirty-seven years as a Navy SEAL, he commanded at every level. As a Four-Star Admiral, his final assignment was as Commander of all U.S. Special Operations Forces. He is now Chancellor of the University of Texas System.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 9,691 reviews
Profile Image for Tharindu Dissanayake.
300 reviews807 followers
August 16, 2021
This is NOT a book on how to make your beds.

"Start Your Day with a Task Complete"

MAKE YOUR BED is one of those strange titles that makes one quickly become curious about what's inside. At least that's what happened with me. Upon noticing this book, I remembered coming across the importance of 'making the bed' in Duhigg's Power of Habit, where he explains how a such a simple task, when complemented with a set of other similarly simple yet consistent tasks, could alter one's behavior through the day. However, the author of this book does not explore such a complex phenomenon. On the contrary, McRaven uses the example of making the bed, to begin an interesting series of events a soldier is expected to master during his field training.

"Making my bed correctly was not going to be an opportunity for praise. It was expected of me. It was my first task of the say, and doing it right was important. It demonstrated my discipline. It showed my attention to detail, and at the end of the day it would be a reminder that I had done something well, something to be proud of, no matter how small the task."

This is a very quick read, which wouldn't take most readers more than a couple of hours. The author has divided the contents to a series of chapters according to various training elements related to a Navy SEAL, from entry to graduation, though not in a single continuous timeline. I did find most of the field experiences interesting since I had very little background the aforementioned program. However, whether this books is for you or not, is completely dependent on two things in my opinion. If you're a hardcore non-fiction reader, already familiar with a lot of self-improvement books, there's very little new to be found here. Secondly, if you're a connoisseur in aspects of military training already, again this might not be the book for you. However, if you're neither of these, this quick read could provide a good, and simple, framework to organize your life. Rounding up what felt like a 3.5-stars to 4.

"The common people and the great men and women are all defined by how they deal with life's unfairness: Helen Keller, Nelson Mandela, Stephen Hawking, Malala Yousafzai, and-Moki Martin."
"I sometimes fell short of being the best, but I never fell short of giving it my best."
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,286 reviews145 followers
February 19, 2021
Fast, fun and motivational read filled with life lessons. Written in a friendly conversational style, the practical advice can be applied by anyone. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Kenny.
546 reviews1,368 followers
July 26, 2024
“It is easy to blame your lot in life on some outside force, to stop trying because you believe fate is against you. It is easy to think that where you were raised, how your parents treated you, or what school you went to is all that determines your future. Nothing could be further from the truth. The common people and the great men and women are all defined by how they deal with life’s unfairness: Helen Keller, Nelson Mandela, Stephen Hawking, Malala Yousafzai, and—Moki Martin. Sometimes no matter how hard you try, no matter how good you are, you still end up as a sugar cookie. Don’t complain. Don’t blame it on your misfortune. Stand tall, look to the future, and drive on!”
Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World ~~ William H. McRaven


This is a gem of a book. Packed full of wisdom and big lessons in 130 pages. I read it slowly and took a different lesson in daily. This is a book I will return over and over again. Rather than go on and on about it, I will share McRaven's lessons with you, but trust me, you will want to read this book to get the full impact of the lessons.

Profile Image for Dr. Appu Sasidharan (Dasfill).
1,358 reviews3,446 followers
March 3, 2024
Can a simple act of making your bed change your life? How can something so simple alter your life? Those who are familiar with the Japanese concept of Kaizen can easily understand this concept.

William H. McRaven tells us some simple, practical methods to solve life's complex problems.

"Making my bed correctly was not going to be an opportunity for praise. It was expected of me. It was my first task of the day, and doing it right was important. It demonstrated my discipline. It showed my attention to detail, and at the end of the day it would be a reminder that I had done something well, something to be proud of, no matter how small the task."

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Profile Image for Bianca.
1,213 reviews1,066 followers
July 16, 2019
I don't know why I requested this book, I thought maybe it'll inspire me to make my bed or inspire me to accomplish stuff.

I should have checked the blurb and the author. Thank goodness it was a very short book. The author is an admiral, former SEAL, etc - I would like to say that these accolades impress me, but that would be a lie. After reading the preface, I remembered seeing his commencement speech given at some American university. While it makes sense to make your bed if anything to start your day accomplishing something - it is simplistic, and depending on your personality, it may not mean much to you anyway.

The rest of the book has some SEAL training examples and personal snippets, but nothing groundbreaking or enlighting, it's the usual trite - don't give up, you'll have difficulties, you need a team etc - most of them go in the "duh/you think so?" category.
To save yourself 20 mins or so, watch the youtube video.

If you're after great (according to me) inspirational speeches - here's one of my favourites, given by the very talented and very intelligent Tim Minchin - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoEez... Enjoy!
Profile Image for The Lion's Share.
530 reviews94 followers
November 2, 2017
This is very Team America in parts with some mixed blessings.

He means well, but saying at the start "God bless all the american citizens who died in 9/11", but erm what about all the other people who died who weren't american citizens ay?

Make your bed dammit!
Profile Image for Starjustin.
91 reviews273 followers
July 3, 2018
5 well earned stars for this motivational story of Admiral William H. McRavens journey to becoming a navy seal. This book was written and narrated in 2017 by the Admiral himself. The book also includes his famous commencement speech, which took place on May 21st, 2014, for the graduating class of the University of Texas at Austin.
Admiral McRaven speaks of 10 steps to follow "if you want to change your life or maybe the world."
I won't list the steps here however, I will say that I was very 'taken' by this book and the Admirals experiences, as well as those who served with him, to make the USA and the world a safer place.
The book is only 12 short chapters but is loaded with life-changing information that can lead 'any' individual to find purpose and self-worth in improving their life and the lives of others.
I recommend this book to all my GR friends and to all others as well.
Profile Image for Chadi Raheb.
457 reviews411 followers
March 13, 2023
نویسنده یک دریاسالاره که از تجربه‌های شغلیش به عنوان فرمول‌هایی که میشه در زندگی روزمره هم به کار برد حرف میزنه. من تیتروار می‌نویسمشون که مرور کنم گاهی و یادم نره، اما خوندن فقط فرمول هاش بدون دونستن داستانی که بعد از هرکدوم روایت میکنه, خالی از لطف و مثل فرمول‌های زرد و عامیانه "چگونه در سه سوت موفق شویم" خواهد بود.
داستان‌هاش باعث میشن که هر کدوم از تیترها رو به شکل تجربه ولو از طریق فرد دیگر بهتر درک کنیم. مخصوصا اونجایی که داستانی مشترک با نویسنده پیدا می‌کنیم و سرمونو تند تند به نشونه تایید تکون و به خوندن ادامه می‌دیم :)

روزتان را با به انجام رساندن یک کار شروع کنید

که مثال مرتب کردن تخت رو میزنه با این نتیجه‌گیری که حتی بعد از داشتن یک روز سخت, وقتی به خونه برمی‌گردین و با تخت مرتب مواجه میشین به یاد میارید که تمام چیزی که احتیاج دارین ایجاد و پیگیری همین دیسیپلین حتی در ابعاد کوچیکه

نمی‌توانید به تنهایی از پس کارهایتان برآیید

مثال قایقی رو میزنه که چندین نفر باید با هم و هماهنگ پارو بزنن اگر میخوان به ساحل برسند. و میگه گاهی قوی‌ها جور ضعیف‌ها رو میکشن چون در غیر این صورت مهم نیست که تقسیم کارها یکسان نیست: به هر حال قایق به ساحل نخواهد رسید اگه کسی که میتونه ضعف هم‌تیمی‌شو جبران کنه اینکارو نکنه. یه نکته اینکه به نظرم این موضوع مطلق نیست. الان در روانکاوی بهای خوشبختانه منصفانه‌ای به افراد درون‌گرا داده میشه و سعی در شناخت و درک بیشترشون و شناسوندنشون به دیگران هم هست. افراد درون���گرا خیلی جاها به تنهایی عملکرد قوی‌تر و سریع‌تری دارن که لزوم حتمی و قطعی تیم‌ورک رو میشه به این شکل تعدیل کرد. با این همه باز هم به عنوان یه درون‌گرا, همیشه به نظرم با هم پارو زدن ��یز قشنگی اومده

فقط بزرگی دلتان مهم است

که خب نیازی به توضیح نداره. اینکه مهم نیست ظاهر, تحصیلات, وضعیت مالی آدما در چه حالیه. اگه دلشون به اندازه کافی بزرگه اونا رو دست کم نگیرید و گیو دم عه شات :)

زندگی عادلانه نیست - ادامه دهید

داستان این فصل رو دوست داشتم. گاهی فرمانده‌هاشون بیخودی بهشون گیر میدن و مجازات هم اینه که با یونیفرم کامل باید برن توی آب و بعد روی ساحل بغلتن تا سر تا پاشون ماسه‌ای بشه و تا آخر روز همونجور خیس و ماسه‌ای باید بمونن. اسم مجازات رو گذاشتن "بیسکوییت شکری" :)) میخواسته بگه گاهی تو از هر نظر تلاشت رو کردی که پرفکت باشی و حتی هستی ولی اوضاع جوری که میخوای پیش نمیره که خب زندگی همینه و هرچی زودتر اینو یاد بگیری به نفعته

شکست, انسان را قوی‌تر‌ میکند

شخصا اگه در همون لحظه شکست کسی اینو بهم بگه, میتونه بلافاصله دندوناشو در یک پکیج از من تحویل بگیره. به نظرم بهتر بود میگفت نحوه‌ی گذار از شکست به ثبات بعدش هست که انسان رو قوی‌تر میکنه. یکی میتونه شکست بخوره و بعد خودشو بکشه. مسلما قوی‌تر نشده که این تصمیم رو گرفته. ضمن اینکه در کنار اون گذار, همیشه حضور یک منتور/حامی مناسب نقش بی‌اندازه مهمی داره

باید جسارت زیادی داشته باشید

توضیح نمیخواد دیگه, هوم؟ چون واسه خودم صرف زنده بودن و زندگی کردن و در دل تاریکی‌ها همچنان به امید داشتن ادامه دادن, همه اینا خودش جسارت میخواد. ماها آدمای جسوری هستیم که در هر شرایطی بلند میشیم و ادامه میدیم :)

جلوی زورگوها بایستید

خب بستگی داره به نظرم. ایستادگی باید همراه با هوشمندی باشه, نه به هر قیمتی. داستانش بهم نچسبید واسه همین. هوشمندی رو که حذف کنیم، اون ایستادگی یجورایی رنگ حماقت میگیره گاهی

در شرایط سخت, بیشتر تلاش کنید

خیلی سخته. خیلی خیلی سخته. اما ممکنه. تمام کاری که در کنار این تلاش کردن باید انجام بدیم اینه که از یاد نبریم که هیچ راهی نیست کان را نیست پایان
و البته یادم به حرفای یه استاد برنامه‌نویسی میشیگان افتاد که میگفت دونت ورک هارد! ورک اسمارت!

به دیگران امید بدهید

کیف کردم از این فصل. اونجایی که تا گردن در گل سرد فرو رفته بودن و فرمانده از قصد تشویق به تسلیم شدن و جا زدن میکرد و زمانی که یکی شون نزدیک بود جا بزنه و بره بیرون, یک نفر شروع میکنه آواز خوندن و بقیه باهاش همراه میشن و روحیه می‌گیرن و ادامه میدن. اینکه حتی در بدترین شرایط چقد یک نفر میتونه روی یک گروه اثر خوبی بذاره و نیرو بده بهشون. و این آدم لزوما کسی نیست که در وضعیت خوبی به سر میبره; لزوما کسی نیست که حتی اون تجربه رو پشت سر گذاشته; میتونه یکی باشه دقیقا در شرایط مشابه, که هنوز امید داره, هنوز آواز می‌خونه. فکر می‌کنم آخرین کاری که در زندگی باید ازش دست بکشیم, آواز خوندنه :)

هرگز تسلیم نشوید

حرف جدیدی ندارم :)) بریم آواز بخونیم یه کم


چهار سال بعد نوشت
...من هنوز هم دارم آواز می‌خونم
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
21 reviews5 followers
April 5, 2017
Straight talk from a former Navy SEAL

There are many "self-help" books on the market that contain solid information. However, General McRaven's Make Your Bed comes across as refreshingly different from those books by well known self-help gurus like Dr. Phil or Tony Robbins mainly because the anecdotes he uses to illustrate his ten key points are gleaned from his experiences as a Navy SEAL. I read this little book in one sitting and plan to buy copies for my children. In a nutshell, McRaven says that life is tough, but meeting challenges with discipline, determination, a positive attitude and the support of others will most often lead an individual to a meaningful life that will inspire others.
Profile Image for Gypsy.
428 reviews621 followers
April 7, 2019

اولاً ممنون از شادی عزیز (اگه اسمشونو درست نوشته باشم، چون انگلیسی نوشتن و فکر نمی‌کنم چادی خونده شه) که سرفصل‌هاشو توی ریویوشون آوردن که دم دست‌مون باشه کتاب دربارۀ چیه.

عنوان کتاب منو جذب نمی‌کرد و خیلی در برابر خوندنش جنگیدم. پرفروش شدنش هم مازاد بر علت شد. هم می‌تونی یه کتاب زرد ببینیش همم یه کتابِ صرفاً کمک‌کننده. تازگی می‌خوام دیگه خیلی راحت عنوان زرد بودن به کتاب‌ها ندم، به‌خصوص این‌طور کتاب‌ها که ممکنه برا هرکس فرق کنه و عمیقاً روی یه نفر تأثیر بذاره و زندگیش رو تغییر بده. بعد من کی باشم بگم کتاب پیش‌پاافتاده‌ایه.

بعضی از چیزهایی که گفت واقعاً خوب بودن. مثل همین مرتب کردن تخت‌خواب. من از وقتی خوندمش سعی می‌کنم هرروز انجام بدم. یا چندتا مورد آخر. باز ارجاع می‌دم به ریویوی این دوست خوب‌مون که گفت با دونستن داستان پشت گزینه‌هایی که مطرح می‌کنه، برامون می‌تونه با کتاب‌های زرد فرق کنه. درکل یه کتاب سبک و کوچیک برا وقتی می‌خوای زود حالتو خوب کنی!
Profile Image for Pardis.
83 reviews124 followers
May 24, 2018
وظایف هر روز را کامل کنید. فردی را بیابید که در زندگی به شما کمک کند. به همه احترام بگذارید. بدانید که زندگی عادل نیست و اغلب با شکست مواجه می شوید ولی اگر ریسک کنید، در سختترین لحظات بایستید، با زورگوها مقابله کنید، دست شکست خورده ها را بگیرید و هرگز و هرگز دست از تلاش نکشید...
اگر این کارها را انجام دهید، در این صورت نسل بعدی و نسل های بعد از آن در دنیایی بسیار بهتر از دنیای امروز زندگی خواهند کرد. کاری که در اینجا آغاز شود، در حقیقت دنیا را به جایی بهتر تغییر خواهد داد.
Profile Image for Victoria.
412 reviews400 followers
March 30, 2019
Simple things change a life.

While the rules are simple, the more critical among us say too simple, listening to the captivating stories Admiral McRaven shares, anecdotes from his Navy SEAL training, should leave you in awe. He shares the fundamental life lessons he acquired through harrowing circumstances that are simple truths which anyone can apply to face the challenges of life. And don’t we all make life way more complicated than it already is?

McRaven spent 37 years as a Navy SEAL, became Commander of all U.S. Special Forces and led the operation that vanquished Osama Bin Laden. This book, an expansion of a 2014 commencement speech at the University of Texas, is inspiring with its succinct, yet powerful messages. I recommend listening to this reserved, accomplished man reveal the values that have shaped his life and that can be guiding principles in yours.
Profile Image for Liong.
246 reviews383 followers
October 3, 2022
"If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed." the author said.

I agree with what he mentioned above. I was told to make my bed when I was young by my mom.

Sometimes, I did and sometimes I did not but now I practice making my bed every day.

Of course, this book is not telling you about making beds but a lot of important life lessons to share.

A little book but meaningful lessons to learn.
Profile Image for #AskMissPatience.
202 reviews29 followers
January 1, 2024
Every year on January 1st beginning in 2019 Admiral McRaven’s Make Your Bed: little things that can change your life and maybe the world is my go to kick in the veteran start of the year. Below you can see other reviews for each read.

This year wish to share a different piece to purpose and passion. Basics on how I apply what the admiral encourages in a relatable way.

Less ‘sugar cookie’ (see reviews below and read book for term translation) and more civilian application. Maybe this will support your focus. Or, not. Pass this on to someone who might benefit.

What I’ve learned over the years of goal setting and New Year’s resolutions, I’m a nerdy geek of my calendar and effort. One of THOSE people some wanna hate because only about 8% of us annually tackle these commitments.

Do you consider the year or yourself a failure when a resolution is lost to happenstances year after year?

Welcome to the majority of people. Discover life is in seasons. Not 365 day blocks.

Even a fastidious resolution nut like myself finds solace in knowing you are not alone and shifting toward different outcomes is never too late. EVER.

The year might not end as planned in the beginning. Along the way tracking the why helps with the what’s next goals. The best way I’ve found is writing this with mindful reflection.

Through researched learned the science of handwriting. Triggering activating parts of the brain that support problem solving. Plus, by visiting the journey and evaluating the happenstances along the way make room for adjustments.

Rather than feel annual resolutions were failed by year’s end. Retarget when needed and building new pathways is the ticket to the finish line. Each and every year.

Like, for me, should have had at least two books published that were written already. Requirements for me to book tour are in person events. Guitar playing while touring because one book is a sing along song and children enjoy this besides just signing a book.

If ya didn’t know, I’m a children’s author in the making. On target for a book launch fall of 2020. By the end of that year didn’t think there could ever be a room filled with children and their families again. EVER.

Without in person events how would I ever fulfill the goal of book touring with song and signing?

Just when I think 2022 is gonna be the launch year this fall … injury in January 2022. Partial rotator cup tear of my right arm.

I couldn’t write. Type. Drive my Jeep six speed stick shift. Couldn’t lift my arm. Couldn’t paint, draw, help with the art for publications.

Almost two years until recouped enough with three appointments a week at the VA doctors that I felt confident in a tour. Not quite there yet for lots of guitar. But, a few songs might not be so difficult as I get back into practice.

2024 is a year I’ll never forget. Though, just beginning. This is the year I’m believing to check off this one big dream. Step into reality. By years end book signing with the illustrator in NY. And, touring every year here and there for life.

There’s more TBA. Though this is the one big goal that I didn’t feel was failed. Things happen. Either within or outside our control.

Had I not been tracking goals and staying the course may have felt a failure.

Instead, capitalizing on the shifts. Acquired new skills. Sought more ways to expand. Prayed into purpose. Found the long term focus. While meeting these annual steps. One by one.

Earlier today, when waking at 4am turned on Wild at Heart podcast on YouTube with John Eldridge. An author I’d met over a decade ago. Brilliant faithful led human.

If interested,👇🏼

The big take away from this New Year message is not to believe January 1st is the launch cut off.

This can be a season that flows into the new year.

Frankly, the previous three years feel this way. Between COVID closures, Derecho 140 mph winds taking out my creative arts studio, major injury, and a few out of my control happenstances that were devastating requiring a pause I believe now is the time.

Why share this gobbledygook?

Vulnerable to the moment of the first task of the year. Beginning with sharing this annual Make Your Bed Review.

Maybe my experience can support yours or help some person down the road who stumbles upon it.

Sharing how this book actually kicks me in the pants might bless you, too. With new ideas.

How I’ve done this differs from year to year. Maybe it will for you, as well.

In print, have done a block of years in a binder. Typed a cover page. Added my word of the year, mission, vision, and ways I’ll accomplish this statement. Quarterly evaluated. Monthly, too. Am a diligent big rock minder meaning first make room for primary goals. Then, ensured a balance of areas like friends, fun, fitness, finance, etc fill the remainder of the calendar. While maintaining enough white space for spontaneity and creative flow. And, Dolche Far Niente or the sweet art of doing nothing. Recommend this for everyone’s peace of mind and health.

I tried living without a paper option for a couple of years. This sucked. I thrive and enjoy journaling. Find this is helping me learn to grow into being an author. Management of time and resources, relationships, service to others, and more is a challenge if I’m not diligent to what truly matters.

For me, this began decades ago. Over the years the method of goal setting has morphed. Matured as new standards are met. Ideas challenge adjustments to better fit the level of arrival.

For fun, to help me track progress try different log and lifestyle outlines. Sometimes these are a boost to the beginning. At times help me frame the year in bites. Days, weeks, months.

This year at my annual December 31st celebration with my faith family was gifted a free PDF called Good Soil 2024.

Reflecting last year’s guide am revisiting the one created for myself. Rather than edit it any further uploaded here to give away now.

My hope is if someone finds these useful toward their focus and encouragement sharing is a win.

Step one, download to your favorite file style. Step two, either print and fill out or use via ebook on Kindle and looseleaf. On ISO iPhone use the Books App provided and Kindle or for Android which ever works.

Looks easy to read on an iPad. For the phone can expand the page as the font is small. Then, write answers on looseleaf. No printing required.

Me: printed two sided download. Insert into my binder to use throughout the year. Plus, easy review via iPad and iPhone.

Supplies used:
1- one to two inch binder with clear sleeves for paper inserts
2- pencil with eraser to make changes when needed

Good Soil 2024 guide 👇🏼

Simple One Step Success Focus Guide 2024 (good for any year)👇🏼

This style may not be for everyone. For me, trial and error to find what works helps.

If you feel stagnant craving change try this once. Could be the trigger to Simple One Step Success. Your value expands your personal brand as I enjoy thinking about my journey.

See below for my previous Admiral McRaven’s book reviews since 2019.

How Make Your Bed: little things that can change your life and maybe the world could be a part of your ritual for happiness, too.

See the speech that launched this book. Millions of views. Changing the world along the way 👇🏼

Jump start at any point of the year with this read. Move forward determined within. Manifesting by empowering happiness through literacy. Knowledge to understand for wisdom of insight in choices.

Hope this review is helpful to one person someday. Like a seed before the forest.

Happy New Year Goodreads family ❤️🏆

/\ 2024 update with a few downloads Goodreads family

This year I’ve decided not to reinvent the wheel of reviews. The first I posted in 2020 includes the list of ten from the Admiral. Other than adding a piece that I’ve noted below for this year the original is worth revisiting for myself. And, since that time many more have joined team Patience. It’s new to you 😁

My hope is you have a delightful new year even if it’s crappy. Find a rainbow, sunbeam, and or sparkle within anything of gratitude. For me, it’s this book. A reminder to carry on regardless of how many ‘sugar cookies’ the last couple of years had dealt. Read book for reference meaning.

One book down, at least 51 to go. Imma shoot for 100 like 2020 or just 52 with more reviews. We shall see where the walk takes me and I’m so looking forward to reading yours and hopefully we discover new literary triumphs together once again 🎉

Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World, by Admiral William H. McRaven is a tradition every year on January 1st.

Short and to the point, this easily consumed book based on a commencement speech and hero’s life takes me back to my days in the military. Or, as a teacher and parent passing on wisdom to encourage success to my son and or students. Plus, as a human being moving through day to day life toward my best.

This book can fit any of our lives when applied as a lesson. The admiral’s life reflects a hero’s design. We’re all hero’s of our own lives if we want to be. With practice we are.

For me, appreciate the reminders, ten in total to refresh my memory for the year ahead. Especially, what making my bed can mean to myself.

At the end of the day, it always begins with me doing what I can to make myself have a better day, more happiness, a bigger impact in the world.

Ten reminders + why = being change ...

1- Start your day with a task completed
2- You can’t go at it alone
3- Only the size of your heart matters
4- Life’s not fair—drive on!
5- Failure can make you stronger
6- You must dare greatly
7- Stand up to the bullies
8- Rise to the occasion
9- Give people hope
10- Never, ever quit!

If you want to change the world, your own world in the very least, practicing these qualities builds character. Creates a sense of well being matched by faith practices, company mission statements, and even simple family dynamics.

In 2023 I’d like to add that the author notes and it’s a mindset of mind similarly, if we endeavor to change the world as he said for 10 people or in my case 1,000 people who then empower a 1,000 and do this ad Infinitum, meaning for infinity, we in fact within a little over a hundred years from his figures or mine sooner as I’ve already hit my quota and am not stopping to continue, just the two of us can change the world in a few generations.

Imagine, with many more on board how amazing this can be. Especially in regard yo kindness, temperance, and generosity.

We can’t escape life. Why not make it happier and more rewarding? From one man’s experience these ten tributes can apply to anyone’s. Take a title, insert how you use the phrase, and your own story is written by example for those you lead. Especially oneself.

In the very least, give making your bed a try. With sincere effort you’ll witness a difference within the heart for a well made bed after a long hard day.

Highly recommend the audible version. Read by the Admiral, this book can be consumed to and from work on an average commute. Finished by the end of a work out or walk with the dog. Hear it as a family. Then, everyone make a list of ways they’ll use the ten traits. A teacher can use it as a lesson in greatness. Children can add traits and how they’ll practice their biggest weakness into a strength.

This book has potential for the innovative practice of those whom desire a better brighter day as a beacon to self and through everyday lives.


Annual ritual read and added a couple of new pieces to a previous review above. Happy New Year 🥳

What starts here changes the world - Admiral McRaven

Every year for the past four this is the book I begin with. I’m still drawn to the reminders within the context.

The encouragement is remembered daily while making my own bed.

What I noticed since beginning my year here at this book launch point, I enjoy this ritual more than I ever have.

I’ve even made it fun by purchasing a variety of duvets to switch out when sheets are changed.

Year after year when it’s time to revisit Admiral McRaven’s encouragement in Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World my focus grows. My enthusiasm for being more enlarges. My purpose via altruism renews.

A fun fact that’s true for me as well as Admiral McRaven … I too went down the wall face first.

Though I was a lot more scared going down the wall the first time backwards. Basic training accentuated my enthusiasm and badassery when challenged.

To counteract razing for my meek nature about the first decent boldly climbed the tower again then repelling face first. One of only a few soldiers attempted this.

The admiral is right. Face first is faster 🤣

I'm not someone who needs to engage my amygdala. Not a drop of need for raising my serotonin via physiological adventures. But it's pretty cool I tried.

This book is one of my favorite rituals that makes my life better resulting in making other lives better.

Happy New Years ya’all ❤️



Reread update review 2021. January 1st begins my year with Admiral William H. McRaven’s Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World. The first read was in 2019.

In 2020 on January 1st replicated 2019’s first read of the year’s choice for all the reasons then noted in the first Goodreads review of this book below from 2020.

These two years listened on Audible to the Admiral, who’s the author also, encourage yet another goal or ways to add to self-confidence with teamwork.

Thus began the ritual for starting the year off preparing to change the world.

Who could have imagined 2020 would be so unique for the entire globe?

For me, all new year’s for decades represent a reset focus on what I can do to be the change in my life and for others.

For this third year in the ritual add the hardcopy print edition to my physical library to share.

2021 marks the beginning of being a world changer in a new frightening way. From guest hosting a ten-part blog and podcast from January to October and children’s book blog, too, to the first release of a children’s series in New York City later this year with the Illustrator Jason Squadrito.

What I know for sure is no matter how much my life contributes to the world reminding myself where this begins creates a deeper appreciation for how far I've trekked through everything from Chapter One ”sugar cookies” to ”don’t back down from the sharks” in Chapter Seven. To where I continue to grow to be more for others through my origination story to the message of ”empowering happiness though literacy” whether in word or deed.

I'd like to encourage your first book of the year reflect who you are. Remind yourself who you are becoming. Support ”little things that can change your life... And maybe the world”.

If you need a new voice in your head to help you rise above the noise of negative nouns: people places and things try this book with Admiral McRaven narrating on audio from your local library using the Overdrive App or buy from Audible. To see the original speech click the youtube video here👇🏼



2021 update 👆🏼
2020 review 👇🏼

Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World, by Admiral William H. McRaven is a tradition every year on January 1st.

Short and to the point, this easily consumed book based on a commencement speech and hero’s life takes me back to my days in the military. Or, as a teacher and parent passing on wisdom to encourage success to my son and or students. Plus, as a human being moving through day to day life toward my best.

This book can fit any of our lives when applied as a lesson. The admiral’s life reflects a hero’s design. We’re all hero’s of our own lives if we want to be. With practice we are.

For me, appreciate the reminders, ten in total to refresh my memory for the year ahead. Especially, what making my bed can mean to myself.

At the end of the day, it always begins with me doing what I can to make myself have a better day, more happiness, a bigger impact in the world.

Ten reminders + why = being change ...

1- Start your day with a task completed
2- You can’t go at it alone
3- Only the size of your heart matters
4- Life’s not fair—drive on!
5- Failure can make you stronger
6- You must dare greatly
7- Stand up to the bullies
8- Rise to the occasion
9- Give people hope
10- Never, ever quit!

If you want to change the world, your own world in the very least, practicing these qualities builds character. Creates a sense of well being matched by faith practices, company mission statements, and even simple family dynamics.

We can’t escape life. Why not make it happier and more rewarding? From one man’s experience these ten tributes can apply to anyone’s experience. Take a title, insert how you use the phrase, and your own story is written by example for those you lead. Especially oneself.

In the very least, give making your bed a try. With sincere effort you’ll witness a difference within the heart for a well made bed after a long hard day.

Highly recommend the audible version. Read by the Admiral, this book can be consumed to and from work on an average commute. Finished by the end of a work out or walk with the dog. Hear it as a family. Then, everyone make a list of ways they’ll use the ten traits. A teacher can use it as a lesson in greatness. Children can add traits and how they’ll practice their biggest weakness into a strength.

This book has potential for the innovative practice of those whom desire a better brighter day as a beacon to self and through everyday lives.

Profile Image for Kaveh.
101 reviews14 followers
December 31, 2023
The title of this book is all that was useful to me; the rest is cliche and macho crap.
Profile Image for Mehrsa.
2,245 reviews3,616 followers
February 1, 2018
Sure. It's good advice if you want to be SEAL or if you're just graduating college. But there isn't really nuance. Make your bed. Saddam Hussein didn't. Never quit. Really?
Profile Image for Pouri.
37 reviews42 followers
December 19, 2021
The book doesn’t contain any tip that would improve your life quality. I would only recommend this to the ones who are currently in a rut and are seeking motivation...

On second thought, the YouTube video does a better job as a motivation. So I guess I don’t recommend this book to anyone at all. Just watch the YouTube video instead!
Video title: University of texas at austin 2014 commencement address - admiral william h. Mcraven
Profile Image for Maziyar Yf.
683 reviews450 followers
February 21, 2019
چرا نکاتی که این کتاب یا کتابهای مشابه روش زوم میکنن اصلا به درد ایران و زندگی در ایران نمی خوره ؟
چرا جنس چالشها تو ایران با همه جا متفاوته ؟
Profile Image for Samira Fadaei.
76 reviews8 followers
January 20, 2019
از نويسنده بسيار ممنونم كه سعى نكرده نگاهى تجارى به كتابش داشته باشه
و خيلى مختصر و مفيد در مورد اين نكاتى كه حالا از نظر خودش ميتونه زندگى رو تغيير بده ، نوشته
اگه اين نويسنده هاى انگيزشى نويس ميخواستن اين كتاب رو بنويسن احتمالا از هر نكته اى كه جناب مك ريون در ٣،٤ صفحه بيان كرده ، يك كتاب ٥٠٠ صفحه اى بيرون ميدادن .
نكاتى كه درياسالار مك ريون اينجا نوشته به نظر من ديگه خدايى خيلى كليشه اى شده
من خودم علاقه اى به كتاب هاى انگيزشى ندارم
و اين كتاب رو فقط بخاطر نويسنده اش خريدم
چون هميشه نظامى ها و زندگيشون رو خيلى دوست دارم
و انتظار داشتم يه نكات بهتر و مفيدتر و يا حداقل جالب ترى اينجا گفته مى شد
ولى خب انتظاراتم رو برآورده نكرد 😥
فقط خوبيش اين بود كه خيلى كوتاه بود و نويسنده سريع رفته بود سر اصل مطلب و حاشيه نرفته بود
البته اينم بگم نكاتى رو كه ميگه خب واقعا درسته
يعنى در هر كارى ادم بايد اين نكات رو رعايت كنه
نكاتى مثل جسور و منظم باش ، به ديگر افراد گروه كمك كن و از شكست خوردن نترس و ...
در كل از نظر من يه كتاب ِ معمولى بود و من اصلا نپسنديدم
Profile Image for SaRa Hajj.
17 reviews59 followers
January 30, 2021
To be clear this is not a book, this is kind of a guideline written by a U.S. navy retired , so it is unfair to rate it the same way you rate a book. McRaven wrote this book after his commencement speech in the university of Texas in 2014. He listed the 10 lessons he learned from the Navy SEAL training. I give it 5 stars. Many people may know those 10 lessons he listed, but few really take them into consideration. This book is kind of a reminder for those. University and college students should also read it to be inspired. And in my opinion, if every person can implement those 10 lessons his/her life will be better and by teaching it to their kids the world would be definitely a better place. I recommend at least to listen to his speech on YouTube it summarizes everything in the book.
Profile Image for Sleepless Dreamer.
881 reviews344 followers
April 14, 2022
I picked up this book because I'm trying to get into the habit of making my bed so I was intrigued to see what other advice would be here.

However, I hadn't realized that this book would be an army book full of what I fondly refer to as army BS. Army BS is all the things soldiers are told in order to do their job. “Never give up”, “sometimes life is terrible and that’s it”, “don’t back down from challenges”, etc.

It’s not that this is necessarily bad advice, it’s just that it is manipulative and simplistic. You tell this to soldiers because you want to create obedient and brave soldiers, you are trying to create people who will run into danger, who will be good teammates, who will fight to achieve the state’s goals.

This is incredibly damaging. The individual is constantly brushed aside. There is never any room to ask, to challenge the system itself. You are fighting against human nature. I truly believe the concept of an army goes against the truest forms of personhood- curiosity, doubt, thoughtfulness. Above all, I have pity towards any person serving in any military.

I do believe there's a conversation to be had about whether such an education is necessary for soldiers. However, it is most definitely not necessary for civilians, thank you very much.

So this book wasn’t my cup of tea. I rolled my eyes a lot. I've learned a valuable lesson about looking at the cover more carefully. I don’t have much else to say about this book, other than my lack of recommendation. I'm really not sure why so many people like this book.

What I’m Taking With Me
- I will say this- my army friends are all amazing, like the army system put you through so much nonsense that you end up with people who just love you for you. My army friends (who would despise being referred to as such) make me feel seen as myself and are all the most genuine and kindest people around.
- And he shows remarkably little sympathy for Iraqis??
- He also implies Saddam Hussein lost because he didn’t make his bed???
- Seriously, this book did not contribute much to my life, I even didn’t make my bed today. Clearly I'm a lost cause. Next thing you know, I'll become Saddam Hussein.


I would have never predicted that I'm basically writing my bachelor thesis on why we should defund the police. The fact that this could easily be seen as a criminology paper is jolting. And it's quantitative research.

what happened to me??? who have I become???

Also, this book is obnoxious and I only read it because I started already and it was short. Review to come!
Profile Image for Matt Lillywhite.
197 reviews74 followers
April 9, 2024
“Making my bed correctly was not going to be an opportunity for praise. It was expected of me. It was my first task of the day, and doing it right was important. It demonstrated my discipline. It showed my attention to detail, and at the end of the day it would be a reminder that I had done something well, something to be proud of, no matter how small the task.”

Wow. I loved this book. I went into it with fairly mild expectations since it's short and appeared to be centered around one topic. But WOAH. The writing style was awesome. And don't even get me started on the quality of each story that Admiral William McRaven featured in each chapter.

The book is about Navy SEALs. But a lot of the advice can be applied to work, relationships, and many other aspects of life.

Read this book as soon as possible!
Profile Image for Braeden Udy.
783 reviews2 followers
March 6, 2018
If you like unoriginal advice from a privileged white dude, then this book is for you.
Profile Image for Sergiu Floroaia.
Author 6 books120 followers
June 28, 2020
Making your bed first thing in the morning traps in this moisture, allowing your bed to be a home for up to 1.5 million dust mites. And those little things can indeed change your life! Because mites can produce allergens that are problematic for people with asthma or allergies. But if you leave your bed messy, however, the mites are exposed to air and sunlight, which causes them to become dehydrated and die out. This is a conspiracy by the military to get us all killed by mites! Don't make your bed! Dehydrate the mites! Don't make your bed great again! #fightthemite
Profile Image for Brina.
1,140 reviews4 followers
January 15, 2023
My husband is not a big reader. He has a job where he’s on his feet from eight to ten hours a day, and once he gets home, it’s supper, maybe a quick errand with the kids, and family movie night. Yes, he participates, and, as I’ve mentioned a few times, it de-stresses all of us and has been deemed necessary. After that it’s YouTube clips until bed. My husband loves military history so once a short came up on his recommended list about a retired navy admiral encouraging everyone to start their day by making their bed. He showed me, and I was hooked. Granted, I do make my bed most days if the cats haven’t captured it, but this video motivated me to make my bed every time. Fast forward, Admiral McRaven wrote a recommendation on the back of James Patterson’s memoir that I just completed. I told my husband that by the way, Make Your Bed is now a book, and would he want to read it over our winter break trip. Answering in the affirmative, I picked it up from the library and couldn’t resist pre-reading it myself.

Admiral William McRaven served in the navy for thirty seven years and has picked up much life knowledge along the way. Make Your Bed was originally a commencement speech that he gave to his Alma mater the University of Texas in 2014. When he saw that his speech about making your bed went viral on YouTube, he was encourage to craft the twelve lessons he gave at the speech into a book. All of the lessons focus on his service in the navy and what he learned along the way. Civilians from all walks of life can learn from these lessons even if they are not fit or otherwise want to join the navy. The navy seals are among the most physically fit people in the world. They go through hell week as part of their basic training and many in the platoon quit. The average person, myself included, is not fit to join the navy seals, much less swim with sharks and walk up to their shoulders in mud. Not quitting when a task seems to be too much because the reward is that much greater is a universal lesson that can be taken to heart. I know it makes me pause when I complain about mundane tasks like balancing work and errands. I think I can withstand it.

Many of these lessons do include vignettes about the navy seals. Having been drawn into being obsessed with the navy thanks to Top Gun (story for another time, see family movie night reference), I found most of these stories to be engaging and eye opening. I can sleep safely at night due to the sacrifices that these brave men and women make every day. Yet, that is not the message that McRaven makes here. He says that if you make your bed in the morning, you can feel like you accomplished something that day. And even if your day turned out not so good, you can come home at night and lie down on a clean, well made bed that you made on your own. That was the gist of the viral YouTube video, commencement speech, and book. I gleaned much and left encouraged from it. Even though it is short, the message is large, and I have a feeling my husband will enjoy it as well.

3.5 stars
Profile Image for Cody.
321 reviews73 followers
January 16, 2019
"Remember...start each day with a task completed. Find someone to help you through life. Respect everyone. Know that life is fair and you will fail often. But if you take some risks, step up when times are toughest, face down bullies, lift up the downtrodden, and never, ever, give up - if you do these things, then you can change your life for the better...and maybe the world!" (103-104)

It was in an op-ed written in the Washington Post that introduced a man to the forefront of attention, who, through service, dedication, and sacrifice had protected and defended the United States for close to four decades mostly behind the scenes. That man, Admiral William McRaven, would go on to offer much in the way of comfort and clear-headed thinking the country may have lost over the past few years with regards to U.S. leadership by stating such things as: "I am a fan of President Obama and President George W. Bush, both of whom I worked for. I admire all presidents, regardless of their political party, who uphold the dignity of the office and who use that office to bring the nation together in challenging times." McRaven went on to write, "Trump has "embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation." The full article to those statements can be found here: https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/18/politi...

Arguably, Admiral McRaven represents the cream of the crop when it comes to understanding leadership in accordance with American values, much like recently ousted Secretary of Defense James Mattis. In this short-but-sweet book entitled Make Your Own Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World, McRaven recounts his triumphs and tribulations through the intense training he undertook to become a Navy Seal, and how these universally applied ideas can be translated in accordance with anyone one wants to achieve something higher in life. Admittedly gems like "never give up" sound comically generic to any self-help book, but the way McRaven presents himself allows for this fact to be overlooked. It's generally heart-felt and sympathetic, and interestingly McRaven is able to realise the lessons learned here aren't exclusive to the more demanding of military professions. He is someone who through openness and realisation can see the forest through the trees, which sadly is quite refreshing in the current culture of tribalism and hotly contested ideas. The book also has little tidbits of interesting information, regarding the culture of SEAL training and membership, alongside his interactions and observations with Saddam Hussain, who was guarded directly after capture under McRaven's leadership. Although not a ground-breaking book in the art of self-help, it was a pleasant and soothing reminder of the benefits of hard-work overcoming all the struggles we face in life, and how sweet that can really be.
Profile Image for Truman32.
362 reviews119 followers
July 21, 2017
Admiral William H. McRaven’s book, Make Your Bed- Little Things That Can Change Your Life… And Maybe The World is another one of those really small self-help books that you can stack on a really small shelf, maybe in your really small tiny-house right between Maria Shriver’s Just Who Will You Be? And Randy Pausch’s The Last Lecture.

The retired Admiral’s book of levelheaded insights was originally a commencement speech to the graduating class of the University of Texas in 2014. These common sense perceptions are the kind of things most folks have been taught by their parents, but seeing as this is in Texas, their parents were probably too busy marching with the NRA for expanding gun rights or working to impugn the value of women’s reproductive rights to be bothered with advice.

Start the day with a task completed. You can’t go it alone. Failure can make you stronger. The lessons should not be new to anyone, yet like most of these things, what we know and what we actually do are often completely different things.

For instance, chapter three speaks to it’s only the size of your heart that matters. Though to a large section of people there would be the caveat that the size of your heart matters just a little less then your sexual orientation or how brown your skin is.

Chapter seven states we must: stand up to the bullies yet last I checked, the White House is home to possibly one of the bulliest bullies to ever make you do his homework and still get your brown-bagged lunch stepped on while Congress is working hard to take away the health insurance from millions of people.


I do like books like these—even thought there is nothing really new to be learned, I find them centering. They focus me on what is important and remind me that we all go through periods of tough times and failure.

McRaven writes well and the book is a strong compass, pointing to what should be important in our lives. Plus, I now know what the Navy Seals mean by becoming a: sugar cookie, something I have experienced without knowing the definition for many years.
Profile Image for Haniyeh.
130 reviews52 followers
January 3, 2024
"تختخوابت را مرتب کن" نوشته ویلیام هری مک‌ریون، بازنشسته نیروی دریایی و رئیس سامانه دانشگاه تگزاس هست. این کتاب در دسته کتابهای موفقیت و خودیاری قرار میگیره که از ۱۰ بخش تشکیل شده. در اون با مفاهیمی مانند کمک گرفتن از دیگران، امید به زندگی، تسلیم نشدن دربرابر سختی ها و... آشنا میشیم که در قالب خاطراتی از دوران کاراموزی و فرماندهی این فرد در نیروی دریایی بیان میشن.
⇦ نقاط قوت:
↜ کوتاه بودن کتاب: شما در زمان کوتاهی میتونید کتابو تموم کنید.
↜ متن روان: علاوه بر روان بودن متن اصلی، ترجمه خوبی هم توسط نشر کوله‌پشتی ارائه شده.
↜ جذابیت خاطرات: اگر به گوش کردن به خاطرات دیگران، مخصوصا خاطرات جنگ و سربازی یا دیدن فیلمها و خواندن کتابهایی با محوریت جنگ علاقه دارید، از این کتاب خوشتون میاد. چون از تمرینات، مشقت ها و روش انجام عملیات‌های دریایی صحبت میشه.
⇦ نقاط ضعف:
↜ عنوان فصلها گاهی ربط زیادی به محتوای اون بخش نداره!
درواقع در چند قسمت احساس میکردم بعد از تموم شدن اون بخش، به چیزی که عنوانش میخواست بهم یاد بده نرسیدم. مثل بخش "در موقعیت درست قرار بگیرید".
↜ ظلم ستیزی دروغین
دیگه اینو همه میدونن که نیروهای نظامی آمریکا به دنبال ایجاد صلح نیستن بلکه بیشتر جنگ افروزی کردن. با اینحال، در اینجا یک فرمانده نیروی دریایی کتابی نوشته تا به همه بگه که ما فقط برای برقراری صلح همه جای دنیا نیروهای مسلح میفرستیم!

خوب بود ولی عالی نبود. سریع خونده میشه و بخش تمرینات جالبه اما اگر نخونیدش هم چیزی از دست ندادید.

لینک کتاب در طاقچه:
Profile Image for Nima.
73 reviews61 followers
June 5, 2019
این کتابو با هدیه‌ی یک هفته‌ای کتابخانه‌ی همگانی طاقچه گرفتم. جزو محبوبای اونجا بود. ولی وقتی میخوندمش کاملا حس میکردم که این مدل نتیجه گیری و نصیحت کردن از پایه اشتباهه. تو این اوضاع عجیب غریب کاغذ، خیلی باید حواسمون به کتابایی که ترجمه می‌شه باشه. من چند وقته که یه وسواسی گرفتم که ببینم آیا کتابی که چاپ شده ارزش کاغذی که براش مصرف شده رو داره و خب نظر من راجع به این کتاب اینه که جواب یه نه‌ی بزرگه.
خیلی هم ناراحتم که این کتاب باید جزو قفسه‌ی محبوب باشه. خیلی ناامید میشم از آدما اینجور موقع‌ها.
Profile Image for Lisa.
726 reviews264 followers
February 18, 2018
MAKE YOUR BED is a thoughtful meditation of an American hero’s collective experiences.

On May 17, 2014, Admiral William H. McRaven addressed the graduating class of the University of Texas at Austin on their commencement day taking inspiration from the University slogan “what starts here changes the world,” He shared ten principles he learned during his Navy seal training that helped him overcome challenges not only in his training and long naval career but also throughout his life.

“If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished your first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and will encourage you to do another task and another and another. By the end of the day that one task completed will turn into many tasks completed. Making your bed will reinforce the fact that little things in life matter.”

McRaven recounts many poignant tales from his naval training and military experiences that served as the impetus for his ten principles. It was very interesting having a small window into SEAL training. The principle are sage advice of heart, perseverance, courage, and risk. The book seems redundant at times but the message was good. Loved learning about the SEAL unique recipe for sugar cookies. MAKE YOUR BED would be a good gift for new high school and college graduates who may potentially facing challenges and workplace adversity for the first time. Overall, the book is a short, quick and entertaining read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 9,691 reviews

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